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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2830705 No.2830705 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy > math.

Neither have practical applications in their current state, but philosophy at least tries to answer questions meaningful to humanity as a whole.

Deal with it, autistics.

>> No.2830707

That sucked.


>> No.2830712

The second cheapest kind of research is math because to do it you only need a pencil, paper, and a waste basket.

The cheapest kind is philosophy because you don't need the wastebasket.

>> No.2830715

Let me practice my Tex atleast:


>> No.2830717

Yeah op that makes sense, there is no practical use for math. I bet you just got done explaining that to your 5th grade math teacher and got slapped so you came here to whine.

>> No.2830720

>mfw I'm a philosophy major and even I think it's bullshit
>mfw I'm doing double-majors an phil is just for fun

captcha: studing trol

>> No.2830727

>in its current state
Unless you're deluded enough to think the problems mathematicians puzzle over these days are anything but intellectual masturbation befitting a Mensa meeting.

If an engineer doesn't need it, it's pointless.

>> No.2830734
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>No practical applications

>> No.2830745

Go live in a cave and eat nuts and berries to survive. Why? Because without math, that's how you and everyone else would be living.


>> No.2830746

>Modern mathematics
>Np practical applications

thanks for proving you've never encountered anything more advanced than college calculus, though. Even mathematicians admit what they do is pointless.

>> No.2830793

>Modern math is pointless
Tell that to quantum physicists

>> No.2830812

You disagreeing with Russell?

>> No.2830810


The first thing that comes to mind is fluid dynamics, which has an insanely huge amount of application...

>> No.2830820

hahaah then how are you on the computer you retard?

>> No.2830830
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>implying engineers have any use for recent advances such as the solving of the Poincaré conjecture

>> No.2830839

Ya'll get trolled so easily.

>> No.2830876

philosophy if approached logically and not romanticized will lead to nihilism which leads to the collapse of morals and if you push it further to the collapse of care the base of what makes us "human" and drives all emotions beliefs and feelings
and that is mostly useless

math has lead to almost all science engineering and understanding
while the understanding has no practical use now down the road it might lead to something and while you say anything other than engineering is useless engineering is useless we don't need more than a hunter gather system to survive all comfort is useless go live in a cave if you only want to make use of NEEDED and USEFUL discoveries

>> No.2830897

>philosophy if approached logically and not romanticized will lead to nihilism which leads to the collapse of morals and if you push it further to the collapse of care the base of what makes us "human" and drives all emotions beliefs and feelings

>this is what edgy /sci/fags actually believe
If you were to even attempt to explain why you believe philosophy leads in that direction, you'd embarrass yourself. The only way it's possible is if you make several fundamental (and false) assumptions like the inherent rationalism of the individual and by valuing logic over sensation, which is a silly and unsupportable position.

Way to be stuck in the 19th century.

>> No.2830927

well if you read my post i said if approached logically and not romanticized so that is why logic would win out over feeling

i can support it very easily
why is feeling more valuable than logic if you want to chase a feeling go shoot heroine or fuck mad bitches maybe take up a religion so you can "feel" "god" or you can chase after "love" all of those things aren't logical they are romantic

animals chase feelings, logical beings chase understand for lack of something better to do

>> No.2830938

Feeling, innate sensibilities, can't ever be ignored.

>> No.2830957

Except you chase logic for emotional reasons, because it "feels" good to you. Exactly how it does depends on the individual; some like the feeling of superiority, others like the challenge, but it all plays to emotional reasons. Emotion has always been the guide of life, because the exact of existence itself has no logical purpose.

Cute how you retconned yourself, though, from
>philosophy = nihilism and no morals and the death of human emotion
>philosophy = only emotion, which is stupid because I'm a badass evolved superior Vulcan

I'm an existentialist, not a nihilist. There may not be a God telling us what our role in the universe is, but that doesn't mean we can't give meaning to our lives in whatever way we wish. You've apparently done that by flunking a couple introductory philosophy courses and rejecting something because you don't understand it, instead putting logic, a tool, in the role of a god.

>> No.2831052

no not for emotional reasons to a chase logical thought but because i don't want to lie to myself

and i don't think I'm "badass"
if you looked at my personality from the perspective of a regular person i'm a horrible person i have through thinking made myself develop what the DSM would call "antisocial personality disorder"

>> No.2831062

>Neither have practical applications in their current state
Hahahaha, 10/10. Would rage again.

>> No.2831064

And why don't you want to lie to yourself?

Because it would be wrong, because you feel it's self-defeating, because _____?

Desire serves the axiomatic role of motive; there is no logic in what we desire, logic only shows up in how we attempt to achieve that goal.