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2827694 No.2827694 [Reply] [Original]

What's /sci/ opinion about economics as a major?

>> No.2827705



>> No.2827714
File: 76 KB, 510x510, economicstroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part poly sci
>part algebra (ooh look at my indifference graphs)
>part psychology
>100% bullshit

>> No.2827724

OP, it's an alright degree. What kind of career aspirations do you have?

>> No.2827731

Lots and lots and lots of fucking money.

>> No.2827733

As you can see, /sci/ has never read a published economic journal and will make vague complaints of what they can remember from looking through a textbook once.

That's what /sci/ thinks of economics as a major.

>> No.2827740


money is a lie

>> No.2827746

Not really, no. /sci/ views all arts degrees with disdain.

>> No.2827769

Im an economics major.

It totally involves calculus. I promise

>> No.2827775
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>implying i wasn't doing that at age 15

>> No.2827794

Money is simply a tool of exchange, used to somewhat objectify material worth for ease of trade. You might as well saya hammer is a lie.

>> No.2827798


Liberal arts>economics

Economics has never helped anyone, ever.

>> No.2827800

Economics involves "calculus" in the same way that porn involves "love."

>> No.2827809


Tell that to any company who has ever had to make a decision.

>> No.2827820

Economics has helped many people become very rich at the expense of others.

>> No.2827811


You mean, those people arent in love...?

;_; what have i been waching

>> No.2827818

I have a masters in economics. I make about 160k as an economist for an oil company.
Life's good.

>> No.2827832


Nice work bro.


For some reason, I just imagine an accountant working in a budget sheet that includes an humanity expense.

>Well Ill just credit the rich dude account and debit the humanity account. Seems about right.

>back pat

>> No.2827846
File: 904 KB, 4096x4096, 1295144306540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i put $20 in a box
>you put $20 in a box
>i sell the box to you for $30
>we both make $10 profit

>> No.2827882

i fucking hate that economists switch the x and y axes in terms of which is the independent variable. its really frustrating

>> No.2827886


That's pseudo help, that's like helping a deranged person kill himself instead of talking them out of it.

I guess you could claim economics helped fuck up the world though.

>> No.2827956

what you did there, i see it.

>> No.2827984


I feel dumb. I actually had to work out on paper why this isnt true. And Im an economics major.

1. Guy 1 and guy 2 both lose $20 to the box. There is $40 in the box. And Guy 1 and 2 are both at -$20

2. Guy 1 sells box to guy 2 for $30. Guy 1 is at positive $10 (-20+30) and guy 2 is at negative $10 (-20-30+40)

>> No.2828017
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BUMP because I'm considering switching too.

>> No.2828034


I feel like the resident /sci/ economics major. Ill answer any questions if you have any.

>> No.2828063

I'm seriously considering deciding that I believe this statement is true "Economists know a lot, they just don't know anything useful." (falkenblog)

>> No.2828097

> This is why America is in debt, because scientists are too fucking beta and ignorant to consider debunking Keynsian fag economics.

>> No.2828110


I think it has some truth to it, but, economics isnt any different from any other major in this regard. Some economists just become researchers and get a life of academia and no real world expierence. Some of them just go work for companies and only know practical applications for their knowledge.

Ive heard the quote "Economists are very good at explaining why they were wrong" I think its kind of funny and a bit true.

>> No.2828143

Practical application being what, though? What sort of business problem can an economist shed light on that a guy with accounting and finance can't?

>> No.2828151
File: 80 KB, 500x500, kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, good job there, pal

>> No.2828206


Okay, I have taken finance classes and accounting classes so Ill put this in context.

A finance or accountant's role in a company is something more like Get money from the bank/investors and spend that money on the most profitable opportunities the company faces. And economist is the person who measures what is profitable.

The maths in economics tell you what to set the price of a good at, to yield the most profits, or, what ratio of raw materials to buy that will yield the most output.

I dont know if that helps...

>> No.2828259

It does, thank you. I guess at some scale where the company actually has pricing power I could see that (big oil for eg). The businesses I've been involved in though had to take their prices from the market, and fin/acct was quite sufficient to make informed decisions.