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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2826760 No.2826760 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to decide which one I should major in, Computer Science or Engineering but I can't decide so I have to ask which one is better, Computer Science or Computer Engineering?
Pic somewhat related

>> No.2826773

Comp Sci majors are a dime a dozen. Do CompE.

My brother graduated in '09 and now has a cush job with Microsoft and lives in a BALLER apartment in downtown Seattle.

From what I hear it's harder, but well worth it.

>> No.2826784

Are you smart?
Then do engineering.
Are you an obnoxious moron?
Then do computer science.

>> No.2826785
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Computer science : nerd
Computer engineer : god

Do not displease alakazam with your faggotry any further....

>> No.2826790

Alright CompE is the way to go thanks

>> No.2826793
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>this entire thread

>> No.2826801


>> No.2826811

I'm a computer engineer. Definitely recommend it over computer science. You'll know both electricity and computers/programming, which means you can invent/understand most types of technology. The only thing you miss by not doing computer science is some of the advanced details of operating systems and stuff like that, but you can pick that up later if you ever need to.

>> No.2826815

>Are you a homosexual?
>Then do engineering
>Are you not a homosexual?
>Then do CS

>> No.2826823

>CS & Math god tier reporting in
I'd recommend you do what I'm doing, but obviously you may have other interests. Plus, the CompE program tends to differ greatly by the uni, i've noticed. Do your research.

>> No.2826826

If you like math, com sci.
If you like making shit, com eng.

>> No.2826829


No. You miss the theoretical math algorithms used for things like AI.

>> No.2826832


Yeah, I kind of wish that I did compE now. Dammit.

>> No.2826861

I would have missed the AI stuff, but I just took an elective class in AI while doing computer engineering.

>> No.2826880

Depends on your program, I suppose. My CS program has a mix of stuff from the more theoretical to the more practical. We make a lot of stuff, program a lot, and do our share of theoretical stuff. It really does just depend on where you go.

>> No.2826909

Computer Sciences = more money unless your bill gates or steve jobbs or you invent something new and amazingly awesome. Parts cost money.

>> No.2826912
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>> No.2826927

I know a Computer Sciences major who only has their BA and Microsoft practically begged the person to join them. The person worked on Kinect btw and is now swimming in money. Name people that haven't invented anything amazing that are in the computer engineering field and are making the big bucks.

>> No.2826946

So you are saying that Computer Engineering is basically just chance, like I could I build the best whatever and my earnings depend on whether it sells or not while Computer Science is more of skill right?

>> No.2826960

I guess you could say that. They are both intriguing to me, but I went with CS + Math. It is a lot easier IMO to start out because you only need a computer, which you already have, and you can start creating whatever you want. You could invent something of your own or get hired to work for a company, but either way, it seems there are many more opportunities.

>> No.2826966


Salaries, gentlemen. Let's look at some cold, hard numbers.

>> No.2826982

Well, if you want to make a lot of money, study petroleum engineering.

>> No.2826987

Ahh ok so CS is more for a person who doesn't want to dive into the hard stuff, I'm just looking for a career where I don't have to be so stressed out in and can relax somewhat in

>> No.2826995


>> No.2826998

That too, I can work at home laying in my bed naked all day.
Here are the statistics.



Clear difference.

>> No.2827004



>> No.2827005

sign me up that sounds good ha ha, but I guess I'll do some research just to make sure thanks

>> No.2827011


why? Teaching isnt a very difficult job, and the pay is good plus they get vacation time...

>> No.2827020

Think about it this way. Windows sells an operating system to the computer companies and makes bank on ONE operating system they make. A computer company has to manufacture each product, so essentially there is less of a profit gain.

>> No.2827024


Don't listen to that wanker. He compared a MASTERS of CS to a BA systems engineer. Obviously jelly; engineers make more money hands down.

Engineering is also a fuckton and a half harder.

Go CS if you are interested in the theory behind computer architecture. Go CE if you are interested in physics and learning about physical devices/programming.

>> No.2827025

>isn't a very difficult job
> pay is good

Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.2827034

Where does it say it is a BA in CE?

>> No.2827045

Oh sorry. Here is the masters in CE. Still lower and less opportunities.


>> No.2827057

yeah make senses

>> No.2827078


Butthurt dumbass. Took me 10 seconds.



Straight comparison.

>> No.2827085

If you want my honest opinion, I would say: go with whatever you like the most.

>> No.2827098



>> No.2827100


Remember, how many OS manufacturers are there? How many computer manufacturers are there?

Also, both would employ CS and CE.

>> No.2827113


Bullocks. Masters of CS+CE making less than bachelors of CE? Obviously lack of data, or incorrect major.

>> No.2827115

Or maybe the Bachelors is messed up? Ha. It doesn't really matter, but from personal experiences, CS makes more money.

>> No.2827193

Your experience is bullshit. My brother is an entry level CE and he's a program manager at Microsoft making bank.

CS majors, unless they're exceptional, end up as cubicled code monkeys.

>> No.2827206

lol make bank working at a corporation that has single-handedly raped the technology industry. be proud of your brah, brah.

>> No.2827227

Sorry, he can't hear you over the six figs hes pulling in at age 24.

You mad

>> No.2827266

Sadly computer scientists don't make as much money as computer engineers without a graduate-level degree. But that's to be expected... if you're going to call yourself a scientist, you'd better have some original research published.

>> No.2827275

well, the school I gone to offer both. As far as I can tell, a lot of the programming classes overlapped, but in Computer Engineering, you are required to take engineering core classes and some hardware and electrical engineering classes. While in Computer Science, you won't be taking them, you can take some more advance programming classes.

I think the pay is fairly similar in both major, engineering might be a little more, but not enough to keep you from doing something you would like more.

>> No.2827299

>While in Computer Science, you won't be taking them, you can take some more advance programming classes.
Dude, CS majors stop studying how to program before their second year. After that it's about algorithms, data structures, computer organization, etc.

>> No.2827312

I don't wanna hijack, but what do you guys feel about MIS?

>> No.2827320

sounds boring

>> No.2827350

Computer Engineering.

Faggots in /sci/ tell you the opposite, because they hate everyone.

>> No.2827415

ok, I consider those programming classes. Those classes are also required for computer engineering major.

I should say more advance as in you can take "OS programming II" or programming in multimedia. Obviously, the theory comes with it.

>> No.2827411

CS fags are like, lol dude let's write some Java code, fuck knowing how the PC works, I just want to write my sweet OOP shit.

CE fags are like, dog let's write some hardcore optimized assembly/C code, do some soldering and fuck some bitches, we know how shit works and without us CS fags would have nothing.

>> No.2827414

Don't waste your tuition money on computer science. You can learn all that shit on your own. Go electrical engineering (you can work as RF,Systems,Software,Computer engineers just for starters)

>> No.2827423
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Joint Major...fucktard

>> No.2827429

>I just want to write my sweet OOP shit.
Ugh. I know a lot of CS majors are like this, but I hate that shit. I'd rather crank out solutions to Project Euler in Scheme.

>> No.2827452

A lot of computer DUDES are like that. No-nothing kids. You just don't get 20 years of experience from school.

>> No.2827453

scheme? dog stick to asm/c/c++/java/python/c#

scheme, haskell, etc are all just bullshit

>> No.2827460

Don't like functional programming?

What's the matter? 2deep4u?

>> No.2827473

>mfw I stick with CS through to doctorate level
>even before graduating, get offer to become associate professor
>making at least $125 000 right out of school with no real world experience
>all are mad

>> No.2827535
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Which do you prefer?
Bubble short written in c++ that takes 5sec with O(n²)
Quick short written in java running in JVM in a interpretor in a VM inside a sandbox with a hypervisior that takes 5 months but has a O(n*log n)

Former CE
Latter CS

>> No.2827565

Or you could not be a retard and just use whichever sorting algorithm is appropriate for the situation (usually quicksort, insertion sort for mostly-sorted data). But I understand that a computer engineer doesn't exactly have a lot of theoretical tools available from his learning.

>> No.2827622


Still smaller, but at least the right Computer Engineering pay average

>> No.2827652

why not use one of the built in sorting functions available in either language?

>> No.2827662

I think most people in the thread are talking about this job:


not some IT shit

>> No.2828441

You can learn all of EE on your own as well.

just gotta get the right books and be smart
>not /sci/ smart, i mean acutally fucking smart

>> No.2828535

I prefer people who speak english and/or computer science

>> No.2828826

Major in both CS, EE, and math.

you can do this

>> No.2829330

Dont know how things are for you guys, but here, to practise engineering, you HAVE to have studied it. No rules like that for cs though.