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File: 30 KB, 555x377, RebeccaBlack_BusStop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2825395 No.2825395 [Reply] [Original]

>80 million views

Scientifically speaking, how can this be explained?

>> No.2825412

viral cultural information

>> No.2825414

Well you see YouTube is designed to have a page view counter.

>> No.2825892


>> No.2825897

Because people heard about how bad it is and want to see it for themselves.
No one actually likes this.

>> No.2825898
File: 9 KB, 220x220, dealwithit..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2825901

The entire world is now populated with hipsters who listen to shit ironically.

>> No.2825906

40 million men want to have sex with her, 40 million women actually like the song

>> No.2825913

People need someone to look down at.

>> No.2827627


>poincare labsita

poincare is a lab sitter

>> No.2827681

>201,560 likes, 1,599,896 dislikes

i view this song like that asian dude from Idol all those years ago. He couldnt sing for shit but still some how got popular.

its so bad its good?

>> No.2827701

its called a meme bro

>> No.2827738

i actually kinda like the song in a weird sort of way.
it's like the corn syrup of music

>> No.2827770

april fools?

>> No.2827835

>1,600,710 dislikes
My faith in humanity.
It has been restored.

>> No.2827848

Most people hate the song, a view just means someone (like that faggot OP) linked them to it.

Justify THIS SHIT:


>> No.2827887

Because idiots from /b/ made it famous (or rather infamous). Negative publicity is better than none.