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2819139 No.2819139 [Reply] [Original]

>Finish chemistry degree with honors
>Spend 6 months looking for job
>offered $19.8k/yr starting

Feels bad man

>> No.2819148
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I was almost in the same boat as you. 4th year, almost finished with my chem degree, I realized there'd be very few prospects. So I added on a chem-e major and am wrapping that shit up right now.

>> No.2819151

Should've taken a real science like physics

>> No.2819154

I'm surprised chemistry isn't in demand. at least 20k > 15k :/

>> No.2819159

chem engineers are in demand. in this economy, chemists not so much unless they have a Masters or Ph.D. in a specific subfield. Even then, they'd probably make more money teaching.

>> No.2819160


>chemistry honors
>doesn't apply to grad school
>dumb as fuck

grad schools will pay you to get a masters, at my uni you get at least $21bucks an hour doing TA/RA stuff work while getting your Masters and they pay your tuition, books, etc...

>> No.2819168


apply to a chem or petroleum engineering grad program

or some sort of engineering masters..
make even more money

>> No.2819169

>Get labor job for nonprofit organization
>22k starting
>Free ride to any accredited institute that will accept me, for any degree I want
>Tons of industry experience

Fuck yeah, healthcare!

>> No.2819171

>mfw janitors make $100k+ per year

>> No.2819175


Bio major?

>> No.2819177

good advice

>> No.2819184

If I had a degree in chemistry I wouldn't even think about a legit job. I'd make drugs. 20k/year vs how much you feel like making.

>> No.2819185
File: 60 KB, 500x314, Carl-Sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Thanks for warning me, would've studied chemistry.

Guess i'm gonna go with something better

>> No.2819187

then you can apply your clandestine chemistry as experience to get a job at pfizer

>> No.2819192

mfw i don't have my grade 12 and i make 60,000 a year. and my common law makes 40,000 a year.

>> No.2819191
File: 130 KB, 1280x960, jail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good idea bro

>> No.2819209

Damn, you're worse off than me.
>Double major in physics and structural engineering.
>Unemployed for a year
>Take 32k job

I should have listened to my parents and became a doctor.

>> No.2819220

>structural engineering and physics
can't tell if you're just stupid or shit is really that bad

>> No.2819238

Sorry I assumed someone with a science major could figure out how not to get caught. The major difficulties in clandestine lab operations are getting precursors and distribution. Since you're a chem major you can make the precursors. Distribution is a matter of meeting the right person. That or get in to the research chemical side of recreational drugs. Make drugs that haven't been scheduled yet.

>> No.2819269


>That or get in to the research chemical side of recreational drugs. Make drugs that haven't been scheduled yet.

ya i know a guy who runs a research chem website, basically selling growth hormone derivatives and other exotic bodybuilding stuff, apparently it isn't regulated so it isn't illegal as long as its for "research purposes"

he doesn't make the stuff, but he has a few chemists who do, makes 20k a month, in canada

>> No.2819271

>he thinks he can outsmart world governments
good luck bro

good point about unscheduled drugs, but most of the "non-scheduled drugz" really are scheduled by the Analog Act

>> No.2819282
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>mfw my grade 12 math teacher was a Chemical engineer who couldn't find a job in his field.

>> No.2819300

guise, guise, there's no guarantee of a job in any field other than medicine or if you have a Ph.D. in a hard science. basically, if you're doing anything else, you have to really try to get a job.

>> No.2819317


Well he's a chem major so he can tell what is an analog or not. The JWH's aren't covered as an analog. There are plenty left unregulated. Benzos aren't a schedule 1 or 2s so they're not covered under the analog act. If you found something that worked on the opiate receptors like jwh works on the cannibinoid receptors without being a cannibinoid you'd be a millionaire as soon as you could get a website up.

>> No.2819334


If you like chem chem engineering is probably a good way to go about it.

Though, after your first year your classes will be 98% men.

>> No.2819389

don't understand where all this is coming from
final year chem myself got 2 job offers without even asking for them 50k starting (yeah i know could be better, but still more then most others) and got 2 phd offers
and this is coming from an average student, live in the EU btw, everyone in my class has a job or phd in hand even before graduating

so which region of the world are you from OP
and ps: don't bother going for a hard-science degree lower than masters unless you wanna teach high school

>> No.2819402

those guise are in jail


>> No.2819425

Luuulllz!!! Good thing I'm majoring in comp sci.

>Ph.D. in Computer Science
>Any job I want, Google or Microsoft
>$400k starting

>> No.2819489

if you can get after hours acces to any lab you are working for, making drugs is a triviality
howevr you are mostly fucked trying to sell them, either way you go you end up with trusting criminals, hardcore or petty, both have pro's and cons, yet you still have to trust criminals

some analogues do have succes, appearently marketing them as plantfertilizer results in you being legal

meow meow made a couple of people rich in britain (Mephedrone if you were wondering), selling them right of the internet

>> No.2819527

I think you should pick CEO

>> No.2819981

ITT people who don't know to go to grad school after getting a pure science degree

>> No.2820014

ITT: Idiots who don't know that chemistry knowledge is only relevant financially if you specialize in a subfield for at least a masters.

If you don't plan on going to graduate school go Chem-E and take it up the ass.

>> No.2822048

>world governments

Look at the world today.

Now do you still think the world governments are smart?