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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 500x333, Jacob-Barnett-child-genius-500x333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2816358 No.2816358 [Reply] [Original]

brand new Jacob Barnett video just went up


>> No.2816363

sage for mother viral marketing this aspie

>> No.2816362

did he do anything?

/sci/ demands results from it's celebritards.

>> No.2816364

good for you, are you his mom or something.... we dont give a shit

>> No.2816366

Is this the one where he finally admits he just regurgitates crap he found on physics crackpot websites?

>> No.2816369

call us when he actually originates something of value

>> No.2816387

at about 3:30, you can see his mom in the window, so fucking ugly

>> No.2816388

inb4 the kid cures cancer or something and /sci/ is still butthurt

>> No.2816403

The fact that he is able to understand any of it is amazing, nobody's looking at him as any sort of scientific authority, but a 12 year old that is smarter than their mom in every way it is possible to be smarter than someone else is pretty impressive, even with a mom like his (especially with a mom like his when you consider that they have to share genes)

Also, for an autist he certainly is able to communicate more effectively than more 12 year olds on youtube.

>> No.2816407

i'm from the first post, and i don't care if the kid cures cancer, i just don't want to see him again until he does SOMETHING, fucking anything man,

>> No.2816408

dream on

>> No.2816433

he is doing something. He's explaining physics. I'm a sophomore physics major and I can already tell he is way ahead of me in what he understands about the subject. that in itself is amazing.

>> No.2816441

>Also, for an autist he certainly is able to communicate more effectively than more 12 year olds on youtube.

That's to be expected with aspergers actually. In fact, it's one of the symptoms. Since the kids can't recognize or communicate with body language, tones, sarcasm, etc. they wind up over-developing their verbal skills to compensate. Kind of like how if you go blind your other senses get a lot better because you now have to rely so heavily on them.

>> No.2816448

I've been curious about this kid since i first found a link about him posted on /sci/.
I have read about him in nermous articles and seen videos, i am hopeful as much as i am cynical about all of this media attention over him. Sure he quotes, draws, and shows you all these equations, graphs, whatever but, unless he actually writes a book about his ideals and theory's for me to read I will always be undecided about his abilities. You must be aware of smoke and mirrors.
Also has anyone noticed the reflection off the window behind him? Who is that opposite of him? I assume mother since it looks female. I'm wonder has anyone else noticed that person nodding there heads as he was speaking? Maybe it's just for their own clarification, but i can't help but notice a light next to said person, like a loptop.

>> No.2816457

>cure cancer

>> No.2816472

He's better off as a child soldier serving in Somalia. That is is true calling, not doing amateur science that's way beyond is league.

>> No.2816487

there's lots of bright kids
this one appears to be just another one of them

>> No.2816488

This kid has shitty parents. They're exploiting his abilities for everything they're worth. This ridiculous media attention can't be good for him, and not good for what he's trying to do.

>> No.2816493
File: 36 KB, 484x351, Whenyouseeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a screen-shot of the video so some of you don't have to go through the agony of watching it again. I cut off all the Youtube details. I'm just curious to other's opinions.

>> No.2816514
File: 146 KB, 802x1300, pedobear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to lose my virginity to him.

>> No.2816518
File: 85 KB, 300x338, 1286547341484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2816529

The kid has no original ideas, and is just spewing forth things he read from a textbook. Anyone with a photographic memory can do that. It's hard to even tell if he has an understanding of what he is talking about, I know that in one video he integrated sin(x) as cos(x), and didn't know he made a mistake.

He is nothing compared to Einstein, Einstein actually came up with unique concepts.

tl;dr - kid's a fucking joke, and no, I ain't mad

>> No.2816547


Einstein didn't do shit until he was like 18.

>> No.2816553

Einstein didn't have his mum film dumb youtube videos of him reciting textbooks.

>> No.2816572

Never watched any of the videos, don't know physics, but do know math. Does he ever actually do any math beyond copying down equations he read in books?

>> No.2816583

No. And he makes mistakes, all the time. Mistakes that a 15 year old wouldn't be making. Like anon said before, he integrated sin(x) as cos(x) and failed to see where he went wrong.

Someone with a profound understanding of maths and science (as he claims) doesn't make errors like that. That shows a lack of understanding, and shows that he does in fact just copy stuff from books.

tldr - he isn't a genius, just good a remembering facts. We're yet to see anything remarkable beyond the fact he can remember a lot of facts.

>> No.2816586

The kid seems genuinely interested in what he is doing and I can't really bring myself to make fun of him, I mean really..he's a sci-bro. His MOM is the problem. His parents need to back the fuck off and stop dragging his ass around to every talk show, radio show, and fox news tinfoil hat circus sideshow they can book him on.

>> No.2816595
File: 60 KB, 480x480, 1301255868568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much jelly in here. you guys are trying too hard to bring someone down because you're just some basement dweller.

the kid already has a better future than all of you.

deal with it.

>> No.2816597

Makes them money. As others have said, he is nothing without something original or some actual proof.

>> No.2816604

As a social conservatibe, I commend this child's parents. By pimping out his nerdiness all over the interwebz, they have guaranteed his abstinence until marriage,

>> No.2816615
File: 54 KB, 480x317, sTEEEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a smart kid.
We've established this.
His new video gives no ground breaking or deep insights. Come back when he's done something of more value.

>> No.2816617

Wat is this bullshit? He hasnt come up with anything unique. This stuff is 2nd year physics. I havent seen him solve a single problem that a average undergrad couldnt solve.

>> No.2816642

BuUuUuUt HeEeEeEes 12!!! wen i wuz 12 al i did was play vidya gaems and look at porno siets on the internets.

>> No.2816651

To be fair, I'm sure it the college he's attending has a hand in this media frenzy as well. There's no way they didn't accept him without the intention to parade him around for publicity.

>> No.2816653


>Implying I don't still do that

>> No.2816662

this fucking useless cunt kid, he hasn't done anything I wish he would just fucking die useless scum fuck he hasn't done a single thing that is completely revolutionary to our civilization and he's already twelve what is this shit lets fucking put this fuck out of his misery how fucking sad for him I really feel fucking embarassed by this guy he is fucking useless rofl hasn't done fucking anything at twelve roflmao if he doesn't unearth something so amazing and world changing by the time he's 14 he mayaswel just fucking kill himself.

>> No.2816663
File: 239 KB, 700x400, Dont-Feed-the-Trolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2816665

All I have to say is meh. On one hand I feel kind of jelly that I'm not that smart. On the other I'm sort of glad I'm not because I know my ego would be a billion times higher than what it is right now.

The problem with labeling this kid with the title of genius and parading him around as the smartest thing ever is that now he thinks that every idea he has is pure gold and totally correct.