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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2814644 No.2814644 [Reply] [Original]

>age you realized you wouldn't be famous/scientist/rich/happy
>how it happened

>> No.2814651

>last year
>read a lot of philosophy, literature, politics, generally educated myself by searching for the media I won't find on TV.
>discovered the world is shit
>discovered humans are a source of this problem
>realised shit ain't changing.
>gave up.

>> No.2814656

Well, I still think I'll be somewhat rich and (am) happy. But not famous or a scientist.

I realized as a 3rd year math undergrad that I'd never make it as a mathematician (not saying others can't--just me). So I applied to med school and got in.
>2nd year med student reporting in
Being a scientist or mathematician isn't the only way to benefit society, but I can definitely understand how you could think that.

>> No.2814657
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let you know as soon as it happens, friend.

>> No.2814658

mmm yes the jaded butthurt teenager tears in this thread nourish me.

>> No.2814661
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>depression breakdown in class 9/10
>hasn't really gotten better despite continuous attempts

>> No.2814665

>so many things i like to do and i couldnt find a strong suite. Im enjoying life though.

>> No.2814678

>Last week, 26 years old biochemist.
>analyzing blood and shit samples in my lab.
I mean, I've a pretty good standard of living and all but back then I dreamed about revolutionizing my field.

If such thing exist, maybe in other life.

>> No.2814692
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I might be famous (writer/journalist as my profession), I'm an amateur scientist (read: I do it as a hobby but have no direct professional training), I might just be rich but don't care too much if I'm not, as long as I enjoy my life.

If I get to live my life doing what I love, in relative health and comfort, I will consider it a life worth living. Money comes and goes, fame's worth nothing, science doesn't need to be a career nor do you need to be certified to do it.

Life has its shit moments, but, hey, fuck it; you only get one go (unless the Hindus/Buddhists/Drewze are right, but it's not like you'll remember). The more time you spend bitching about it and sad is more time not spent living it the fuck up.

>> No.2814697
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>junior year college counselor
>"let me break the suspense, no one here is getting into harvard"

>> No.2814701

>Study something related to nanomachines
>Wait a few decades
>Be rich and famous

Sure, I won't do that, I will just be another engineer or scientist.

>> No.2817120
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Never believed in getting famous,neither a scientist. I simply don't see why I would want all that fucking attention, neither why I would dedicated all my worktime to researching, I would rather build things

I'm pretty convinced that I'm gonna be happy, my dream right now is just getting a house with a room where I can do some electronics. Other than that, buyng my own island, getting a motorbike.

I don't believe I'm gonna get insanely rich, but because I've been saving as much as I have been able to, I believe I will never lack anything.

I have however lost faith in humanity, I lost this faith when I started reading newspapers when I was 10.

This is also a reason for why I want my own island, so I can get as far away as I can

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