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2810276 No.2810276 [Reply] [Original]

I started smoking when I was 18. Now I am 25 and I am diagnosed with COPD:


Other people smoke much longer and don't have any problem. Life is not fair.

Everybody says that there is no way to heal it and can only be slowed down from getting worse.

My question is: I am still very young so I hope that in 10-20 years there might be a cure. Maybe I can get a new lung by then?

What do you think my chances are?

>> No.2810297


>> No.2810300

I am not gonna read that long article. What are your problems? Exactly?

>> No.2810307

Having your lungs removed and replaced does not sound very feasible. Maybe, OP, in a pessimistic scenario: 30 or 40 years until a moderately wealthy person can have, say, a liver grown from stems.

>> No.2810326


Constant coughing (when I exhaust myself it gets so bad that I puke), can't breathe freely, always slime in my throat and I will probably die 8 years before I normally would have.

>> No.2810352

>Other people smoke much longer and don't have any problem. Life is not fair.

>Life is not fair

Fuck you, you knew the risk. You see the people in Japan, the ones who's friends and families were killed, their homes washed away, they have the right to say "Life is not fair", not you.

>> No.2810375

>Other people smoke much longer and don't have any problem.

My aunt smoked for more than 50 years and died from from the narcosis while having surgery because of a broken leg...

My uncle is well in his eighties, chainsmoking for many more years than my aunt and he drinks half a bottle of whiskey every day...

I feel I have a good setup to make it as long as they did. It's in my genes. I will still smoke when I turn 200.

>> No.2810387

>Other people smoke much longer and don't have any problem. Life is not fair.
anybody born since 1945 has no excuse for bitching about the negative effects of smoking. You knew these things were bad for you when you started, and now you get to deal with it.
Hope it was worth it.

>> No.2810388
File: 29 KB, 240x320, thats pretty funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he smoked

>> No.2810397

how much did you smoke OP?

>> No.2810402

not necessarily. I was just at a talk on stem cells last night, and they're already growing organs from scaffolds of animal organs. Scientists can grow new organs in jars already, and they've replaced a mouse's lungs with newly grown ones from another mouse, using the original mouse's stem cells

gentlemen, as long as you're rich like me, we're going to live forever (once we solve that pesky cancer problem)

>> No.2810417

Idk, artificial lung estimates sound about right, but what's your prognosis? Doesn't matter how long it takes if you're dying in 5 years...

Also OP, switch to Swedish snus if you still want to smoke, it's a nicotine replacement with no heart/lung effects, though there's still risk of pancreatic cancer.

You can get some from northerner.com, I like the Thunder Extreme Strong, most of the others I've tried have shit flavor.

>> No.2810439

Sadly the lessons that can be derived from your experiences will go unheard as hoards of uneducated teenagers begin/continue smoking.

What does it feel like knowing that your death is literally a business? The deaths of millions? The suffering and pain of further millions?

The business of addiction. The business of suffering. The business of death. Sorry.

>> No.2810449


In the first years 1 pack a week and the last two years or so 2 packs a week.

>> No.2810460
File: 14 KB, 508x395, Fuck Yea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, u fail at lung power. I smoked 2 packs a day for 15 years and could hardly breathe in the end.

2 weeks after quitting smoking can breathe like a child, permanent cough gone forever. Lungs fine.

>> No.2810470

Only got one choice.

Keep smoking cigarettes. I enjoy cigarettes, and I smoke them every day. You're going to die so you might aswell. Quitting won't get you anything.

>> No.2810484


I smoked since I was 14 and still managed to do a series of physical jobs. I ran a 5.40 mile when I was in the Army. Smoked 30 cigarettes a day.

OP is simply unfortunate.

>> No.2810489

serves you right for STARTING to smoke in 2003-2004

>> No.2810517

>Keep smoking cigarettes. I enjoy cigarettes, and I smoke them every day. You're going to die so you might aswell. Quitting won't get you anything.

holy fucking shit this is /sci/, please gtfo

>> No.2810523

If only there were drugs without consequences.

>> No.2810526


I thought you all enjoyed doing what you like, forming your own opinions and making your own decisions.

OP obviously likes cigarettes. He's also going to die, regardless of medicines. He might aswell keep smoking.

>> No.2810531


what the hell thats barely anything

>> No.2810550

There's some, we call em medicines.

2C-D is a smart drug limited to very few designer drug sites and labs.

Ampakines are being sold over the net from China, they're new smart drugs that ramp up memory from glutamate-based receptors, instead of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and choline like the majority of other stimulants do.

>> No.2810555

That's really too bad, OP. You played Russian roulette with tobacco and lost.

We don't cure anything anymore, so even if you gave it decades you're not getting your problem fixed.

You might consider electronic cigarettes if you want to keep smoking (or are unable to quit) but want to reduce the amount of damage you're doing to yourself.

>> No.2810570


I am not going to die (well not soon). I will just not life as long as I normally would have (most likely because my heart will fail much earlier) and will always have to deal with my lung being shit.

I won't keep smoking because then my condition will only get worse.

It is hard though (one week without cigs so far). Seeing other people smoke makes me want to do it so bad. I can still remember that it was always the most satisfying thing of the day.

>> No.2810586

Smoke cannabis. It will loosen that shit right up, seriously.

>> No.2810597


And why the hell can't we just have them if there truly are no side effects?

I would buy tons of those and be happy all day, every day.

>> No.2810617


Nobody Cares: The TL;DR

OP, I started smoking when I was 20 (had never started under the age of 18). I loved smoking.

Now I'm 27, and dyshidrosis, which is a shitty, horrible rash that I've had on my feet for years, just started showing up on my hands out of nowhere. That, plus a persistent dull ache in my side, which I'm going to have checked out, finally prompted me to quit. What helped me to stay quit was that although the shit on my hands hasn't vanished, it was clearly doing far better, and healing more efficiently on its own, once I stopped smoking. So I had instant, visible gratification. I sure hope I don't have anything horribly wrong (I feel fine), but we'll see.

>> No.2810621

There's no such thing as enjoying a cigarette. It's cultural brain-washing and addiction.

Seriously don't condone smoking fucking death sticks on a board dedicated to science you fucking fucker fuck.

>> No.2810635


There are always side-effects.

If someone tells you otherwise it's because they want to sell you something or reassure themselves about their own use of the drug.

>> No.2810636

>I loved smoking.


>> No.2810637

Well, 2C-D causes hallucinations and probably addictions at high doses.

Ampakines that have been found reasonably safe to ingest are found to have a short half-life, and the ones that last longer have increased a risk factor for heart failure, so that's a no-no from the FDA.


>> No.2810645

Another question: When I really badly want to smoke is when I get angry at something or have to do some work I despise.

Anybody know a good method or substance or something besides smoking that can make me calm and relaxed?

>> No.2810655


Oh I think you know the answer to that question. You just want someone to say it.

>> No.2810669



Work out.

Punch the shit out of a smoker (punching yourself counts I guess)

>> No.2810675


Oh no. Just realized. Well I can not constantly masturbate (especially not at work).

Also it is hard getting in the mood when you are raging about something.

>> No.2810698

I mentioned a product called snus earlier. It has lots of nicotine, but not much of the MAOIs which make you addicted. (cigarettes burn 90% of nicotine but none of the MAOIs, which makes not-burned tobacco replacements much less addictive)

>> No.2810702


I did, which was why I persisted with it. In addition to, and on top of the physical addiction, I enjoyed the activity. It's a way to kill time-literally.

>> No.2810717


>hurpa durpa i maek duh jokes abouts a serious issue that ruins lives and wreaks havoc on humanity, all in the name of money

l;kajsfj;aklsj;ad tjkdafljk dgeargtaew rtkadhjrgeirula eiue woihu ouirh trdthaupwert eru htgausdia rgelut haeljthLUJTH LAIDU FIAUETGAFETHJALIGH IOA T GADUIFRHG ERIOUGHADRIGUH IURGOHSRUI FIHLG ADKLFAFLKDJ LDFKHG AIORGAKSRJHG DFKHGAKLDFGH IDULSFGKLUAD JLAKJFG FKALDHLADKFJH ALDFUI DOhlhf aldfgakjldf adjkfh alkdjf akljdfgklajsd aljdsf

>> No.2810723

Sorry to hear about your problem, OP. I know how it feels to have an incurable disease. The worst thing is if it's at a very "active"/"used" area of your body. That way you can't forget and ignore it as well. It keeps reminding you. Shit sucks.

>> No.2810730


You sound like you either have the same as OP or penis sickness.

>> No.2810735


>implying that these factors rob "enjoyment" of its authenticity

>> No.2810775

Family shistory. Post it.

>> No.2810795

>wrecking havoc on humanity

Yea, no. People have been smoking and dying from smoking for thousands of years, we're all still around and doing fine. Maybe if lung cancer was an incurable communicable virus you'd have a point but otherwise, no.

>> No.2810807


Hey, at least you're not fat.

>> No.2810831


The really efficacious ampakines aren't harmless. There -are- harmless ampakines, notably the 'racetams, which the FDA initially refused to certify because they literally could not find an LD50 and the FDA concluded that it was completely inert. Piracetam and the other 'mild' racetams' effects on memory and cognition have been demonstrated through double-blind testing, but they're marginal. They're much more effective for preventing and recovering from hypoxic brain insults (i.e. concussion/strokes/HAPE) than augmentation of normal functioning. The high speed low drag ampakines are the wild west, and Chinese suppliers are extremely skeezy. Saying "buyer beware" doesn't even apply, because you can't meaningfully develop a risk profile yet.

>> No.2810835

>30 or 40 years
you're being a bit optimistic
more like 100-200 if it's really possible to recreate organs

>> No.2810897


>has never suffered in their life

shit pissing cum dumping mother fucker.

>> No.2810921

Post. Family. History.

>> No.2810923

I'm not in favor of giving new lungs to someone who will pollute them by smoking.

>> No.2810926


>> No.2810961
File: 19 KB, 300x309, Rage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just a stupid troll giving false hope to OP when he's in a desperate position

it's not that easy to recreate the processes during development without recreating the whole thing

>> No.2810989

Awww, what's sa maddah? It's not cool to be cool anymore now that highschool's over?

..HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! (because typical retard trying to fit in gets just what he deserves)

Now die a slow, painful, young death for me..