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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 350x290, Jacob-Barnett.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2809975 No.2809975 [Reply] [Original]

Jacob Barnett thread

have you guys heard of this kid yet? holy fucking shit.


>> No.2809983

I'm just saging because you can't prove a theory.

Theoretically speaking of course.

>> No.2810001

yeah we know. it's just a shirt. Read the article and you'll see this guy is legit

>> No.2810007
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>> No.2810017

He didn't disprove relativity, he didn't add to relativity, he didn't disprove the big bang, he didn't do anything but derive integrals on his window. Why do we care again?

>> No.2810038

stop posting this every day

>> No.2810050

wow /sci/. jelly much?

I fucking love this kid. I'm a sophomore in college physics major and his video tutorials/lectures actually help me out. He has a good one on Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors.

why should you care though? He's 12! He's nearly done with college, and about to enter into a research position at his university. This guy could accomplish so much. When was the last time someone like this came along?

this guy is like the next Gauss

>> No.2810076
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>> No.2810087

rofl. you guys are so jelly. why so much hate?

>> No.2810113

link to eigenvalues video?

the kid is clearly very intelligent, still gotta wait for him to do something of major worth to be lauded the way the media seem to want to

>> No.2810131
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>> No.2810146


>> No.2810222

lol@/sci/'s jelly

>> No.2810251

You're taking math advice from this guy opposed to an actual P.H.D? Why, because he's 12? Because of the novelty of it? Dude, he hasn't done anything yet, he doesn't deserve any praise. When he does all the stuff the media says he's going to do, then we can praise him. Why don't you finish sucking his cock and finish your homework, kiddo.

>> No.2810259

He is mentally fucking retarded.

I am not even kidding, just listen to ANY SINGLE SENTENCE that comes out of his mouth. He might as well be saying "jesus did it"

>> No.2810281

hurr durr. understanding relativity at 12 years old isn't an accomplishment?

>> No.2810283

The only thing I've heard him say is his argument against the big bang, which is pretty much just a scrambled mess of words barely forming sentences. I didn't pay any attention after that. He's 12. Give him time to grow up.

>> No.2810295

No, it's not. It's contributing absolutely nothing. When he applies that knowledge to something worthwhile, then you can praise him. Being smart isn't an accomplishment.

>> No.2810356

so so mad

>> No.2810372


AHWAHAH, you're joking, right? Bwahahwaha. OP you're so stupid. wahwhahahaaaah

>> No.2810483

if you don't like daily mail just google Jacob Barnett and look at any of the other dozens of news articles. or just wikipedia it

>> No.2810512

whats the diff between jam/jelly

sci not jam

>> No.2810515


Being smart is just the first step to some accomplishments.

Let's see him fight a war by himself.

>> No.2810564

>Mfw a guy with a 195 IQ is a bouncer

I jelly and mad

>> No.2810565
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Jelly and Jam are completely different, just amerifags are stoopid

>> No.2810573

Why be mad about an underachiever?

>> No.2810667

His Calculus ability has nothing to do with disproving the Bing Bang Theory.

If you read the article, you can tell that he actually has no idea of how the Big Bang Theory works.

Besides, if he he is the smartest human being in the world: it isn't like he will ever live a full and happy life. He will spend his life in a lab or in front of a desk until he is late 20s/ early 30s and probably kill himself.

>> No.2810679

there is so much jelly oozing out of this post.

he seems to be very well adjusted and living a happy and social life. He seems like a really great kid

>> No.2810709

Yes, with college kids.
You have no idea how terrible it is to not be able to get along with people your own age. Trust me.

>> No.2810726

Someone who doesn't get along with people his own age here.
I enjoy solitude and will probably live a long and happy life

>> No.2810731

An autistic kid who misunderstands what science is?

Yea, I'm jelly.

>> No.2810737
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>Disprove the bing bang theory

>> No.2810744

I am 12 and what is relativity?

>> No.2810747


>> No.2810765
File: 11 KB, 313x228, 1214714221179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Indiana
>hear about this kid on different news channels every day
>go on /sci/
>threads about this kid every day

>> No.2810788

This kid is good at math. That's it. And he's autistic. Wow, how many times have I seen that before?

Until he contributes something to human knowledge other than youtube tutorials on how to do calculus, he absolutely does not deserve to be called a "genius" or whatever OP is jizzing about.

In his "theory" he simply misunderstands the big bang to be something equivalent to a super nova. This is entirely wrong, as the two events have very little in common.

>> No.2810789
File: 26 KB, 300x432, u jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810797


>> No.2810800
File: 66 KB, 388x288, hopf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread officially ended with this post.

>> No.2810803

I have a feeling all the posts praising this kid is samefaggotry. Probably by the kid's dad. Or uncle.

It's impressive to know calculus at age 12, I'll give him that. But he has such a gross misunderstanding of the big bang and what science is in general. He sounds like a pretentious cocky douchebag.

>> No.2810817

I read this as "me so mad" and I concurred... the jackass you're responding to is a pussy who was sucking his cousin's cock at 12... doing this shit didn't occur until his mid 30's

>> No.2810852

I don't see what's so special about an autistic kid who loves maths, it's not that rare and not that unheard of. When he discovers something, cool. Until then I don't care.

>> No.2810856

those of you saying he doesn't know shit about the big bang......have you read his theory? NO you haven't. Because he hasn't gone public with it yet. He's in the process of working on it, he hasn't said anything about it yet.

also I think someone that has taken upper level undergraduate physics courses knows what the big bang is, regardless of what age they are

>> No.2810857
File: 11 KB, 280x270, slowpoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you guys heard of this pokemon yet? holy fucking shit.

>> No.2810863

The media is probably going to spoil the poor guy. Even the greatest geniuses had to bust ass to get good results, and years of everyone telling this kid he's so damn smart is going to go to his head. It's a possibility that he just gives up when magic doesn't fly from his fingers and brilliance appear on the page.

>> No.2810882
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>> No.2810884

Jelly = The lack of jam, to be more precise.

>> No.2810940

I'm not autistic, and I'm by no means as smart as this kid, but when I was his age my friends and I would always sit at the back of the classroom and make up bullshit theories of the universe like his. I think a lot of smart and conceited kids do this. I don't know why the media decided to pick up this kid.

>> No.2810954


I remember doing this. Aaaah, it was awesome to be so naïve!

>> No.2810974

that boy is cute

any nudes of him?

>> No.2810988

Why is everyone so fascinated with Jacob? Is it because they think there aren't any other kid geniuses like him? Is it because they think he has actually done something besides dreaming up bullshit theories?

>> No.2810995

so mad

>> No.2811017

he look like a bitch

>> No.2811030
File: 17 KB, 311x248, 1295823098727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because he comes to 4chan and makes threads about himself because he's a narcissistic child who think's he's special.

Kids like this have their 15 minutes and then fade away into obscurity. It's just how it is.

>> No.2811065

>Go through college at age 12
>Never have any of the fun that you would have when you're old enough to enjoy it

I feel sorry for him

>> No.2811074
File: 937 KB, 200x138, U cryan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is so mad. This kid is a lot smarter than you, deal with it.

>> No.2811084

Honestly, why hasn't anyone tried to contact Jacob and lead him to /sci/ to discuss his theory with us?

Either get his ass over here or just STFU ABOUT HIM ALREADY FAGGOTS.

>> No.2811091
File: 92 KB, 497x595, 1298553580520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these are all samefag and they are all the 12 year old kid himself posting here because he thinks he's the shit.

Just fyi, this kid is ITT right now.

>> No.2811130
File: 50 KB, 400x300, 1299355686797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey kid, I have a message for you.

If you're smart, you'll read this wikipedia article and know about the implications it has on your life. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tall_poppy_syndrome))

Then, if you're really smart, you'll read at least some of this next wikipedia article and realize what you need to do.


>> No.2811529


He's 12 and doesn't understand the big bang.