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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2809375 No.2809375 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question. If the moon landing is real, who was camera? How did they have a camera already on the moon before Neil even got out there? And how did they have video footage of them leaving the moon? And if your answer is just: "We can put stuff on the moon without having to have a guy on the moon with it" then the whole argument for the laser-reflecting mirror is bogus because we could've put that on the moon without actually going there.

>> No.2809386

Tripod was camera.

>> No.2809393
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>> No.2809397

Seriously, you have to try harder than that.

>> No.2809400

How did it get there?

>> No.2809401


>> No.2809407
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>> No.2809408

I'm serious. People always give me an answer of "we put a fucking lazer on the moon stupid lolol" but if we can put stuff on the moon unmanned, how does a mirror on the moon prove we went there??

>> No.2809417

>we can put stuff on the moon
>humans are made of stuff

>> No.2809419

It says so in the Bible.

>> No.2809430

Cameras on the moon, cameras off the moon
Can't explain that.

>> No.2809432

So the impression I'm getting is none of you know, so you just call me a troll. Jesus Christ, I'd have an easier time talking to /b/.

>> No.2809437
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Just GTFO!

>> No.2809443

You do know that there were SEVERAL trips to the moon and that one can leave a camera on the moon that can be picked up the next time a team goes to the moon and back?

>> No.2809454

OP think we only went to the Moon once.

>> No.2809463

There were no moon missions before Apollo 11. How was the camera already set up before the astronauts got there?

>> No.2809466

Cool ad hominem, just like every other poster here. You're a smart bunch.

>> No.2809468

tide goes in, tide goes out
never a miscommunication

OP is only one not sageing thread

>> No.2809480

did they show it live or not?

>> No.2809479
File: 27 KB, 300x300, failed_troll1-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2809496

Seriously, OP.
Watch the actual moon landing and then come back.

>> No.2809499

Yes, it was live

>> No.2809502

here, just googled it.
Turns out that they had the camera mounted on the shuttle, in such an angle that the landing could be seen. here's where I found the answer:
"http://blogs.howstuffworks.. com /2010/02/24/30207/"
remove the spaces aroung the "com" when posting in the URL bar.

>> No.2809504

this is what cracks me up about the "Prove there is a God" threads.

we went to the moon, and not everybody "believes" that we did, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and some very strongly disbelieve it, and no evidence proving we did is acceptable to them.

there are also people who think the earth is flat, when it is actually shaped like a burrito.

>> No.2809514


because science is a cool guy, everyone knows that

>> No.2809517

I... what?

>> No.2809529

I've seen the moon landing, you dumb faggot. Seriously, what part of my question don't you understand? There COULDN'T have been anyone there to film Neil climbing down the ladder, so how the hell did they film it? How did the camera get there?? What does your point of "was it live or not" have to do with anything?? Now I'm the one getting trolled. /sci/ is beyond retarded, can't even answer a simple question. lol, no wonder there are so many conspiracy theorists who don't believe this shit, because you guys just keep dodging the question. We ask a perfectly legit question very seriously, and you laugh and call us trolls. Stay classy, /sci/, I bet it feels nice inside that bubble. Call me when you start to think for yourself for a change.

>> No.2809538
File: 526 KB, 453x614, paledot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who was camera?

>> No.2809553
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>> No.2809551




>> No.2809556


>> No.2809564

But who was camera, /sci/? BUT WHO WAS CAMERA!!!

>> No.2809611

well they probably put the camera up and then rewalked out side

>> No.2809633

If tey lied to us about the first step on the moon, then how do we know thei arnt leiing about the whole moon going there thing?

>> No.2809671


How did the tripod get there? Hmm? Who put the tripod on the moon to watch Neil Armstrong take his first steps on the moon?

>> No.2809690

If i were them i would set up the tripod, press record, and then walk out...there are many ways to set up a shot

>> No.2809767


>> No.2809772

They realized it was going to be a big deal and figured out they should film it so they put a camera on the side.

Back to physics, if a tripod with height 1.2m has a camera with force 20N due to g, and legs 1.5, 1.4, and 1.4m long, what are the forces felt by the legs?

>> No.2809822

Camera on the leg of the moon lander. Deeeeeeeerrrrrrrrp