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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 95x93, 1299535241301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2808891 No.2808891 [Reply] [Original]

Why are English people so fucking retarded when it comes to mathematics? Frenchfag here, and I've seen how they teach mathematics over there, it's all fucked up in the ass, you don't understand shit about how stuff works.

For example, I've seen English people write faggotry like this: <span class="math">\sqrt{4}=\pm 2[/spoiler]. Seriously go hang yourself brits.

>> No.2808898

Root 4 is plus or minus 2...

Ignorant surrender monkey.

>> No.2808922


>> No.2808928

How else can it be written then?

>> No.2808933
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>> No.2808939

wolframalpha disagrees with you

>> No.2808944
File: 54 KB, 300x321, lookslikeatroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2808946

Oh God, let me think... <span class="math">\sqrt{4}=2[/spoiler]?

>> No.2808955


Wolfram Alpha isn't entirely accurate in this case then.

(-2)(-2)=4, 2*2=4

Where is the problem?

>> No.2808961

but <span class="math">(-2)^2=4[/spoiler] too. How can you so quickly throw a way a corr... oh god, why am I even posting in this thread

>> No.2808967

This is what Frenchfags actually believe.

>> No.2808989




Samefaggin' like a madman.

>> No.2808993


>> No.2809000

I dunno mang.
But if they weren't retarded they'd win the Fields Medal obviously.

>> No.2809005


Really? You've seen this from English professional mathematicians? Or are you judging the abilities of a country by its students? In which case, I have some bad news about France...

>> No.2809006

Oh, the amount of times I had to explain this:

4 has one square root: 2.
x²-4=0 has two solutions: sqrt(4)=2 and -sqrt(4)=-2.

>> No.2809015
File: 5 KB, 479x462, y_x_5E2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a troll thread, right, guys? I mean, come on.

Pic fucking related.

>> No.2809016

You people are honestly retarded. The square root symbol is DEFINED as being THE POSITIVE ROOT ONLY.

That's why you have to write <span class="math">x=\pm \sqrt{2}[/spoiler] as the solution to the equation <span class="math">x^2=2[/spoiler]. Otherwise you wouldn't have to bother with the plus/minus.

>> No.2809021

They teach it terribly here in Canada.
German guy came here in highschool and had already done our advanced math course's content a year before in standard level.

>> No.2809068

how can sqrt(4) be -2 if the square root is defined from R+ to R+?

>> No.2809086

<span class="math">-2 \in \mathrm{R}[/spoiler]

>> No.2809114

but sqrt(x) is NOT defined on R, but on positive numbers

>> No.2809119

I applaud you for your mathematical prowess good Frenchman.

>> No.2809154

Oh fuck, seems you guys are right.

Thanks a lot, SCHOOL

>> No.2809156

OP here. Seems like I've overestimated /sci/. Seriously, how old are you? Or is it only because you're American? I can't believe people can be that mentally disadvantaged, have you even finished high school or done some basic mathematics courses?

>> No.2809187


I can't speak for others, but I've always assumed that the square root sign denoted the square root, and not just the principle square root.

Since the Wikipedia crash just now, I've learned that -2 is a square root of 4, but that sqrt(4) is 2.

No wonder people get it wrong.

>> No.2809275

I don't get why sqrt(x) is defined to be only positive, wouldn't it make more sense if it did return both positive and negative?

>> No.2809304


Then sqrt(x) wouldn't be a function.

>> No.2809452

If sqrt(2) = 2 (only), why isn't x^2 - 4 = 2 (only), and not +-2? Why the arbitrary definitions that aren't even uniform?

>> No.2809536


1) Find some concept where any definition has certain setbacks.

2) Ask 4chan to answer some problem, which is essentially asking "what's the definition of _____?"

3) Watch everyone argue because (as in 1), either side can make arguments to say why the other answer is unsatisfactory.

4) Zero profit

Definition of decimal expansions
Definition of square roots
Definition of 0^0, 0!, or any empty product
Definition of log on the complex plane

>> No.2809578

>definition of log on the complex plane

>> No.2809598

You mean to tell me that not all mathematical operations yield functions?!


>> No.2809616
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poor OP. But he's right.
sqrt(4) is 2, whereas
x^2=4 has two solutions namely
+sqrt(4) and -sqrt(4)

If sqrt(4) could also be -2 then
"+sqrt(4) and -sqrt(4)"
would be pretty unneccesary.

A function from some field (like R) to another field (like R) always has only one value. Otherwhise is would map to some module space (or vector field)



Of coursel

>> No.2809631
File: 1.01 MB, 1231x1650, cutey_EmmaRed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) Find some concept where any definition has certain setbacks.
>Definition of decimal expansions
>Definition of square roots
>Definition of 0^0, 0!, or any empty product
>Definition of log on the complex plane


>> No.2809632
File: 1.11 MB, 1212x1615, 20100523100657!Andrew_wiles1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2809644

Better to have \sqrt{x} be a function. If you want the operation "return all real numbers which when squared yield the argument," you can use \pm sqrt{x}.

>> No.2809647


0! is easily defined.

n! = n(n-1)!

(n-1)! = n!/n

n=1: (1-1)! = 1!/1

0! = 1


protip: it's the same way they first defined negative powers.

>> No.2809654
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>> No.2809662

there is absolute ZERO downside to making the square root symbol into an automorphism of the multiplicative group of positive reals.

It's the high school fucktards who have yet to learn what a function is that make these threads appear like troll threads.

>> No.2809667
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>> No.2809673

To confuse things a bit more :
-2 and 2 are the second roots of 4
2 is the square root of 4.

>> No.2809683
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>> No.2809684

To confuse things a bit more :
-2 and 2 are the second roots of 4
2 is the square root of 4.

But I disagree with OP statement : I believe many Frenchmen would do the same.

>> No.2809694
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>> No.2809701
File: 39 KB, 700x535, 1280801196630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number of times France has beaten Britain in the IMO since hte year 2000: 1
Number of times France has beaten Britain in the IMO since the year 2000: 10

Average rank for French teams in the IMO since the year 2000: 31.9
Average rank for British teams in the IMO since the year 2000: 21.5

Why don't you and your countrymen stick to painting and growing vegetables, eh froggy?

>> No.2809709

>Number of times France has beaten Britain in the IMO since hte >year 2000: 1
>Number of times France has beaten Britain in the IMO since the >year 2000: 10

Englishfags : so good at math they count is Z/9Z

>> No.2809719
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>> No.2809720
File: 106 KB, 450x360, Face_cool_Molly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are English people so fucking retarded when it comes to mathematics? Frenchfag here, and I've seen how they teach mathematics over there, it's all fucked up in the ass, you don't understand shit about how stuff works. For example, I've seen English people write faggotry like this: \sqrt{4}=\pm 2. Seriously go hang yourself brits.

>But I disagree with OP statement : I believe many Frenchmen would do the same.

>implying OP was implying a statement about Frenchmen.

>> No.2809721

OP, t'es ingé ?

En tant que normalien je peux te dire que les seuls matheux qui savent ce qu'ils font, ce sont les asiatiques ou les russes.

>> No.2809723


>> No.2809726

>Number of times Britain has beaten France in the IMO since the year 2000: 10


>> No.2809742


>> No.2809749



would like words with you.

>> No.2809752

France has the most Fields medalists.

>> No.2809753

not OP
Normalien en socio ? en anglais ?
A quel niveau ce sont les seuls ?

>> No.2809765


En économie, à Ulm.
Bah l'innovation et la créativité. Sont infoutus de réfléchir hors du carcan les anglo-saxons.

On leur roule dessus en maths, pauvres rosbifs.

>> No.2809793

De l'éco à Ulm !?
Ca s'intègre sur quoi, B/L ?

Je vois vraiment d'example de ce que tu donnes (menfin, merci la prepa, les seuls étrangers qui aient jamais fait des maths un peu intenses avec moi étaient marocains)

>> No.2809795


I don't think you've read this thread, have you.

>> No.2809810

Mastermath languages only.
Since typing in cyrilic or asiatic alphabets is a pain in the ass, you've got to speak french.

>> No.2809815
File: 28 KB, 301x356, Hardy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck YOU frenchies

>> No.2809816

>les anglo-saxons

translator fail much?

>> No.2809823


En effet, l'horrible BL.

J'ai rencontré un mathématicien issu de l'institut Stekhov à Ulm d'ailleurs. Les mathématiciens soviétiques, putain ça en jette. Multiplications de matrices 8x8 de tête. Itérations d'algorithmes et de la géométrie riemmanienne en discutant foot...

>> No.2809828
File: 342 KB, 356x500, Cauchy0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2809834


Going to teach me French now are you ?

>> No.2809842


I think the posts in this thread proved the English far superior to the French. Newton alone beats all French mathematicians hands down.

>> No.2809844
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>> No.2809855
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>> No.2809858

Après ça vient sans doute de l'habitude : je sais (crois savoir) qu'en Russie, dès qu'on étudie un truc vaguement scientifique on doit se taper des monceaux de maths. France->prepa, idem. Asie S/E, je sais pas.

Sur ce, j'ai un exam de microEco demain; ingé FTW.

>> No.2809863



>> No.2809866


No, im going to teach you to read the right hand pane of google translate properly and think "oh wait, that cant be right" before you paste it into the comment box...

...oh wait, I just did.

>> No.2809868



Newton is nothing compared to them. Only Gauss is mightier.

>> No.2809870
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>> No.2809877


Microéconomie ? Infâme pseudoscience. Du gros n'importe quoi quand même.

Heureusement la neuro-économie va enterrer cette branche pour de bon.

>> No.2809879
File: 215 KB, 793x1024, galois1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2809884
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>> No.2809887


nigga you just went full retard

>> No.2809892


"Anglo-saxons" is the word used to describe Commonwealth + USA. Whether you like it or not, I don't give a shit. I'm French, you're not.

>> No.2809898

"Cauchy's theorem" 59600 answers
"Newton's theorem" 4910
("Gauss's theorem" 25700).

Newton is far more known as a physicist.

>> No.2809899



>> No.2809900


Go cry some more. Newton is the poor man's Leibniz.

>> No.2809910


Really? Inferiority complex because you only know English? How sad.

>> No.2809912


>Implying physics doesn't consist of a shitload of maths.

>> No.2809924
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>> No.2809928


At that time, no. It's radically different today.

Newton ==> F = M x A

Wow, that's hard.

>> No.2809929


Bah c'est sûr que c'est un peu "je fais des hypothèses idéeales" mais dans la mesure où c'est plus une ontro à la vraie économie qu'autre chose c'est sympa.
Et perso c'est surtout les maths derrière (enfin, le fait de construire une théroie) que je trouves kiffantes, un peu de théorie des jeux par dessus et ce serait le top.

>> No.2809940


>Implying Newton wasn't a professor of mathematics.

>> No.2809943
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>> No.2809945

Implying Newton's physics has math in it.

Laplacian mechanics, on the other hand....

>> No.2809947


Already been done.

The load posted above trash your shit.

>> No.2809954




>> No.2809967


So what ?
Dirac was a mathematician, so far I've only hear of him in engineering/physics.

>> No.2809972


C'est de la masturbation intellectuelle. Tant que tu prétends pas que ça ait une quelconque utilité, pas de problèmes.

>> No.2809988


>Implying he wasn't a great mathematician.

>> No.2809989


So what ? He wasn't a great mathematician. He was a physicist.

Adam Smith was a professor of moral philosophy, but he invented classical economics.

>> No.2809999


Cela dit ça a vraiment été utilisé historiquement(CPP et monopole) ou il y a eu des correctifs un peu plus réaliste qui on tout de suite été appliqué ?

Neuro-eco c'est quoi, l'étude des choix de cons ?

>> No.2810003

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:French_mathematicians gives 348

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:English_mathematicians gives 281

and this is on the english language version of wikipedia!

>> No.2810006

Cons=consommateurs, obviously

>> No.2810012


Even if I concede that, >>2809632 solved what's considered the hardest maths problem ever posed.

>> No.2810013

Why are French people so fucking cowardly when it comes to war? Scotlandfag here, and I've seen how they teach warfare over there, it's all fucked up in the ass, you don't understand shit about how war works.

For example, I've seen French people write faggotry like this: "Holy shit our neighbours have crossed the border, better retreat incompetently now and surrender so that Britain can fight the rest of our rear guard action for us" . Seriously go hang yourself France.

Fixed it for you op.

>> No.2810016

You're not French, are you

>> No.2810030


Ouais. Une prof de l'INSEAD a fait un cours au collège de France sur la neuro-éco en utilisant une barre de chocolat.

Bernard Guerrien, prof de micro-éco à Paris I a un site internet très marrant sur l'inutilité de la micro-éco.

Et oui la CPP a été utilisée par Walras & co. Seulement, la lourdeur des axiomes diminue la force du truc forcément.

Aujourd'hui, à part de la masturbation sur des délires tangents aux équilibres de Nash, y a rien quoi en micro-éco.

>> No.2810031
File: 11 KB, 273x326, Lebesgue_2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810035


>Implying the English consider mediocre mathematicians worthy of that list. Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cambridge_mathematicians alone to get a good idea of how many English mathematicians there really are.

>> No.2810042


>implying Newton didn't invent fucking Calculus to describe elliptical orbits.

>> No.2810049


Perelman is more hardcore IMHO.
But Fermat was a nice thing yes.

>> No.2810055


No, that was Leibniz and Euler.

>> No.2810068
File: 251 KB, 1169x1371, napoleon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

world's greatest general

>> No.2810071


>Implying he didn't invent it first, whereas Leibniz merely had a better notation.

>> No.2810080

"Why won't we die while the english escape"

>> No.2810083



>> No.2810096

the photos here i think show that many many of the names you come across while learning maths are french

basically the english had a dreadful period between newton and hardy, that's 200 years wasted.

though they've caught up since

britfag, btw

>> No.2810109

>Implying Lebesgue didn't create ultimate integral.

But I must admit, I've always been very impressed by Taylor's work.

>> No.2810111
File: 1.05 MB, 1117x1466, Sir_Arthur_Wellesley_Duke_of_Wellington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2810120




>> No.2810127


No, seriously, don't even try.
Napoleon belongs with Hannibal, Alexander the Great and Gengis Khan.

Your best shot is William Wallace.

>> No.2810133


> English wikipedia
> Objective

>> No.2810140

best shot is duke of marlborough

>> No.2810142


The British invent stuff and foreigners improve it.

This is nothing new for the British.

>> No.2810144
File: 19 KB, 460x288, alan-partridge460_795711c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw napoleon was italian

>> No.2810151


If Napoleon is Italian, Wellington is French, England being a French colony.

>> No.2810152


>Implying Wellington didn't walk over Napoleon.

>Implying Wellington wouldn't have walked over Europe if he'd tried.

>> No.2810161
File: 55 KB, 474x764, britannia_yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's funny because under his leadership the french were fucking raped by the english on land and sea. we simultaneously defeated the world's 2 greatest powers in 1 go because we are bad ass motherfuckers.

>> No.2810163



Don't make me laugh.

You do realise that most of that is written by Americans anyway?

>> No.2810174

Millitary educated in France.

>> No.2810177


He was a mediocre tactican. Quit being so deluded. The only general up to Napoleon's level in the same era was Suvorov, but he died in 1799.

captcha : Poincaré nice

>> No.2810182


oh i see, you think franks and normans are the same thing. ok, carry on being retarded as long as you stay your side of the channel.

on a more serious note can you please nuke all the immigrants hanging around calais waiting to hitch a ride out of your shithole to the land of opportunity? thanks bro.

>> No.2810183

he beat a last gasp post-exile napolean with a huge alliance.

i'm british, but know it is retarded to call wellington the better general

>> No.2810184


Nah, the reason Napoleon was Italian is because he was born on an island which spoke Italian, and was born into an Italian noble family. Nothing to do with who ruled what. By the way, the Normans spoke French and lived in what is now Northern France, but were actually Scandinavians.

>> No.2810185


Norman, in fact. At the time of the Norman invasion Normandy was not part of France.


>> No.2810193


>> No.2810199


Napoleon never set foot on a warship. He knew he had shitty admirals and asked his own man to step down and let the Spanish do the planning. Vice-admiral Shithead refused and got everyone killed.

That's Trafalgar. You never beat Napoleon, never will. France just had limits : shitty admirals.

>> No.2810204

when the objective of war is to win, is the better general the man who wins or the man who accumulates the most objective "style points"?

if you go for the person who wins then obviously napolean is only 2nd best. calling him the better general is like saying arsenal are the best team in the world because although they don't win everything people enjoy watching them play. meanwhile manchester united continue to accumulate trophies.

>> No.2810206


But it was afterwards. And the Normans spoke French.

Evidence of that ?

Meat, aka food for the rich are all French words in English.

Pork = Porc
Beef = Boeuf

I was just replying to a strawman by a strawman.


>> No.2810208

>never beat napolean

ahem, waterloo, cough cough

>> No.2810210


Just because someone speaks French it doesn't make them French. The Normans were Scandinavian. Deal with it bro.

>> No.2810214


What the fuck man ?
Napoleon won shitloads of battles. You don't get recognized as a living legend with flashy tactics.

>> No.2810219

All I have to say is this, Einstein!

>> No.2810220

BTW : did you know that their has been a contreversy between Descates and Fermat to know who invented the derivative ? 50 years before Newotn.

>> No.2810221




Even the Germans were fucking impressed.


>> No.2810227

not really

the better general may be beaten by sheer weight of numbers

germany in WW2 had dozens of amazing generals, the allies had maybe two in the european theatre who were as good. but the germans lost.

>> No.2810230


>Napoleon never set foot on a warship

Yeah he went to Egypt by Turkey.

>> No.2810231

Napoleon got his butt kicked by russia!

>> No.2810232


in that case he knew he was ultimately doomed to failure and everything he did was for self-glorification. if france never had a reasonable chance of defeating the royal navy even combined with the might of spain then they would never have been able to achieve anything in any case. oh and then he marched in russia in winter. great general? idontthinkso.

>> No.2810234


Coalition of 6 countries, and casualties were the same on both sides.

It just wasn't a victory. A draw was all it took to defeat Napoleon since he didn't have anything left at this point.

Waterloo is a pathetic stalemate you have to herald as a victory because the English suck at war.

The Germans don't even recall participating in Waterloo, they have actual battles to draw from.

>> No.2810239


>Implying the Allies outnumbered the Germans on the Western Front before 1944.

>> No.2810240


>suck at war
>rule the world

>> No.2810254


Military academies around the world have 90% of their curriculum about Napoleon's battles, but yeah it's just shitty tactics.

Napoleon went for broke since he knew England was the key to winning all of it. He took his chance. Lost due to shitty vice-admiral. Shit happens.

What happened during the Russian campaign is not clear. Some say he lost his mind.

>> No.2810255

hey remember montgomerey, from wwII,

what a fucking ass hat.

>> No.2810257


>> No.2810262


What is this German empire you speak of?

>> No.2810272


Yeah. It's called being a trade empire, like the Dutch (united provinces), but better.

France is not a trade empire, our geography wasn't made for this. We aren't protected by the sea.

Why are you so stupid?

>> No.2810273

there was no western from from 1940 -1944

so idk what this post even means

it is indisputable that germany had better generals than anyone else and lost the war

>> No.2810278


i don't think you can be serious in your claim that the british suck at war considering that we are demonstrably the greatest conquerers in the whole of human history.

i'm not belittling france, you guys had a good run, but nothing can compare to the greatness of the british empire.

>> No.2810284


Zhukov was the brighest general alive during WW2.

>> No.2810291


since when did having a trade empire make it not an empire?

>> No.2810292



>> No.2810293

monty was a pretty shit general

i'm british, but it is true

william slim was best WW" british general

>> No.2810304


You legitimately suck at war. You're not a nation of warriors, but a nation of merchants.

To each their own. Just don't pretend to be better than us at our game. French people make shitty businessmen, we never denied it.

You're alone on a fucking Island and you never managed a good foothold in Europe. Speaks volume about how much you suck.

>> No.2810308


Of course not. It was totally impossible for you to colonise. You have no coastline, so you definitely would not be able to maintain a trade empire.

>> No.2810312


Never said that. A trade empire is just a type of empire that does not rely on warfare. Therefore, don't go bragging about warfare.

>> No.2810314

he was the only one who was as good as the german generals, maybe chiukov, patten too

macarthur was obviously, but different theatre

>> No.2810316


Never managed a good foothold in Europe.


>> No.2810329


Borders, do you know what they are ?

Spain, Germany, Holland, Italy, Switzerland.

5 countries ready to claw away at your territory if we devote our resources towards a navy rather than a ground force.

Are you really that stupid?

>> No.2810330


And that's why the Royal Navy was the largest and most powerful navy in the world for 200 years.

>> No.2810332

you forget the hundred years war

>> No.2810333

Samefag here. F5ed after 10 mins.

Successful troll has successfully managed to derail the fuck out of this troll thread. Marks out of 10 for the scale of this shitstorm?

Conclusions: the English and the French are insecure about the tactical performance of a few guys who have been dead for centuries.

>> No.2810334


Yeah... it's called Hannover

Also it does require warfare, India didn't just get traded to death. By the way, controlling India was much more impressive than taking some of mainland Europe.

>> No.2810341


Yeah, they stopped trying eventually. Never were good at it to begin with.

>> No.2810346

Americans are demonstrably the greatest conquerors in the whole of human history

>> No.2810348


>Implying you need a large navy to colonise.
>Implying that is why Britain had a large navy.

>> No.2810354


Totally irrelevant.

It's just a way to secure trade routes for the British.

>> No.2810357


we are anglo-saxon conquerers, we are viking conquerors, we are norman conquerors, we are the fearsome warriors of north, the untameable picts, the wild scots, we are the scourge of the world. you think we aren't warriors? you have your head in the sand.

>> No.2810360

>never managed a good foothold in Europe.

still have one


>> No.2810362


At least we didn't massacre them (much), unlike the French in French Indochina.

>> No.2810368


Yeah, we need a large navy to destroy the English navy and re-colonize England.

It's been the main problem in French politics for the last 800 years. Ever heard of "Perfidious Albion" ?

>> No.2810371

>totally irrelevant

lol. nope.

u mad?

>> No.2810378

>mfw I enter this thread and see someone trying to brag about French "victories"
>mfw Napoleon was Italian, therefore Italian victories.

>> No.2810379



If America and Britain were both at their heights and an equivalent technological level, America would get destroyed.

>> No.2810384


The English navy is a dissuasion force used to secure trade routes. Not a war machine.

If you don't know what your own country is about, I have no hope for you.

>> No.2810394

well, when america was just a few settlers, who won?

>> No.2810395


No, it was to defend itself from European threats.

The large navy just happened to come in useful in colonising, but was not entirely necessary.

>> No.2810396


Independance war. Britain got raped.

>> No.2810398


France. I think we've come full circle with this.

>> No.2810407


>Implying Britain was at its height.
>Implying America wasn't helped by the French.
>Implying Britain wasn't already distracted.
>Implying Britain didn't just happen to take retarded strategies in that one instance.

>> No.2810411

>getting mad over semantics in mathematics
Square roots are always positive but you almost always have to put +/- in front of it. Otherwise

(4-5/2)^2 = (5-5/2)^2
sqrt both sides
4 - 5/2 = 5 - 5/2
4 = 5

>> No.2810412


Occam's razor. Simplest explanation is this : you suck.

>> No.2810413


jutland never happened

quiberon bat never happened

spanish armada never happened

taranto never happened

battle of the nile never happened

i guess you imagine the royal navy sucures trade routes by looking pretty

battle of atlantic never happened

sluys never happened

>> No.2810415
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>mfw france is so shitty it's on its third or fourth republic due to its shittiness

>> No.2810426


Fifth Republic.
England is still a monarchy with a State religion.

Guess who is more advanced?

>> No.2810429


>Implying that was a legitimate answer to me blowing you out of the water.

>> No.2810430

>implying britain didn't also lose the war of 1812

haha fucker, uk is shit tier war

>> No.2810434


Literally nothing over such a large period of time.
You just needed a few skirmishes for dissuasion to work.

>> No.2810441

i guess the dreadnought class battleship didn't actally render every other battleship obsolete

really, you are being fucking stupid

uk sucks at land warfare, but was perhaps the greatest naval nation ever historically.

>> No.2810444


I didn't even bring up the independance war myself. Regardless, the English got raped.

>> No.2810448

those two numbers weren't even equivalent in the first place. derp

>> No.2810450
File: 126 KB, 450x373, nujwfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


even shittier than i expected, and not even surprised

>> No.2810456


>Implying it did lose.

America lost twice as many men with a smaller initial force.

>Once again implying Britain wasn't concerned with France for the vast majority.

>> No.2810462


So a monarch who derives his/her powers from an imaginary invisible friend is somewhat better?

>> No.2810466

>clutching at straws

battle of the atlantic was dissuasion?

jutland wasn't part of a four year blockade made possible by crushing superiority at arms?

herpity derpity

>> No.2810479


For reasons I already explained.



>> No.2810480

I herped derped
(4-9/2)^2 = (5-9/2)^2

>> No.2810481


You do know you lost at Jutland right?

>> No.2810488


>Implying they don't show it could get its shit together if needed.

>> No.2810492


Not American. Not even close.

Thou furious?

>> No.2810496


I'm not disputing this. I was just refuting whatever that retarded frog said/

>> No.2810497

>not a war machine


i'm american, and uk had the best navy in the world from maybe 1600s up until 1930s

that sure is a long time

>> No.2810500



>> No.2810502


>Implying that rebuts my point.

>> No.2810507

no other country on earth has EVER wielded the power America has, not to mention we have NEVER lost a war, unlike the UK who got their ass kicked by America.

>> No.2810508


Having the best navy doesn't mean it's a war machine.

It's used to secure business interests. Nothing else.

>> No.2810510

hey remember that time in the last 50 years when uk did anything noteworthy, military, science, economic, anything?

yep, me neither.

oh wait, house and gordon ramsey.

>> No.2810511


Hello EK. I guess this confirms you are British then.

>> No.2810514


You didn't have a point to begin with. Therefore it's self-rebutted.

>> No.2810516

>lost at jutland


it was indecisive tactically. a draw.

but germany never ventured out of port again.

so strategically it was a result

and the blockade eventually won the war as germany collapsed in 1918

can't tell if troll or stupid

>> No.2810519
File: 204 KB, 383x352, not this thread again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread arguing about petty differences in notation of mathematical concepts
>198 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2810522


Not EK. I wish I had boobs to play though however.

>> No.2810524


>NEVER lost a war.


>> No.2810529


>USA gets anally raped by some villagers using AK-47s

>> No.2810534

well, now you are just being silly

it secured business interests by being the best war machine.

>> No.2810535


Given how many more resources you dedicated to it than Germany, I'd say you lost.

Plus Germany isn't a naval nation like you, so it's even more humiliating.

The German navy was just a secondary element for them, and it raped you.

No excuse, sorry.

>> No.2810536


>Implying one of the best mathematicians and the best theoretical physicist around at the moment aren't both British.

>> No.2810542

You got your arses kicked by canada in1812

>> No.2810543


>Implying how much effort you put into something is relevant.

>> No.2810545


Fear machine, not war machine. A war machine doesn't intimidate. It kills to conquer.

The English are not conquerors, they are businessmen.

It's not bad you know, just accept your differences. It obviously worked out well.

>> No.2810548

NO other country has ever wielded the power the United states has, not to mention we have never ever lost a war and have saved MANY countries from starving and from speaking German twice! England got their ass kicked by a bunch of American farm hands too!

>> No.2810551


If Germany won then why did the blockade of German ports continue?

>> No.2810558



That's what he thought. Turns out he was wrong.

>> No.2810563


Why fight a war when you don't have to? It sounds like Britain were the more intelligent faction in the past if what you say is correct.

>> No.2810575


Stop repeating yourself. You're talking shit and you know it.

>> No.2810576

war of 1812 was a stale mate, canada just likes to THINK they won!

>> No.2810577

troll or tard

you choose

>> No.2810579


Because Germany fights on the ground.
They're not a naval empire. They don't give a fuck.

Inflicting heavy losses with few resources is a victory in and of itself.

The main opponent was France. England is just a cameo in WW1.

>> No.2810585

Well, this is true.
One of the best mathematician at the moment is not British.

>> No.2810588


See >>2810558

>> No.2810594


Please look at forces pledged. Look who is in second place behind Russia.


>> No.2810596


According to the laws of reality, brilliant physicists are German. Sorry.

>> No.2810598


A victory which got them absolutely nowhere? If they won then why was there absolutely no change? Why did the blockade continue if Germany won?

>> No.2810603

>secondary element


build up to 1914 was the one time when germany decided to be a major naval power

the naval arms race was intense

germany blooded britain's nose, but then fled

if that is raping, well, i guess you are just trollling

>> No.2810609

Don't even bother, more than half of America's population genuinely believe they won that war.

>> No.2810610


A has 50 dollars.
B has 100 dollars.

A loses 40 dollars, B loses 90 dollars.

Both have 10 dollars; but A won.

>> No.2810612

german uboats were one of the most feared in the seas, they were very naval!

>> No.2810622

germany was kicking British ASS badly!

>> No.2810624

Russia clearly had the best military. Kicked Germany's ass in WWII, and held a huge amount of land. The puny Europeans couldn't hold a candle to glorious mother Russia.

>> No.2810626


> Pledge your entire able-bodied population.
> Send 50 guys to France.


>> No.2810627

the blockade was what caused germany's collapse and defeat

and you are wrong about germany not giving a fuck about the navy

they had better ships, though fewer, and were empire building in africa. they were an emerging major player naval wise, until jutland

>> No.2810629


>Implying the British were the stronger force.
>Implying the British lost more than the Germans.
>Implying the British weren't the rulers of the seas after the German loss.

>> No.2810633


Yeah, Napoleon recognized Suvorov has a role model. Russians are very tough.

>> No.2810643


What the shit are you on about?

>> No.2810644


No. Both have 10 dollars, so it is a draw with a wider tactical advantage for A. In reality Britain didn't lose, because the German blockade continued.

A has 100 dollars
B has 90 dollars
A loses 50 dollars, B loses 40 dollars. B continues to lose 2 dollars a day.

A wins.

>> No.2810647


Germany isn't on a island. It was never a naval power, and it never reallistically tried to.

It just wanted to conquer England.

Funny how you think a side pet project by Germany destroyed most of England's might, and yet the latter call it a victory. It's like a random dude matching Usain Bolt and Bolt saying he's proud of himself.

>> No.2810650

more like B loses 60 dollars

and A runs away never to come back

but the argument was about whether the royal navy is a real fighting force, or just some weird, can't fight but still somehow secures sea lanes force

>> No.2810656


Britain barely participated on the ground in WW1.

>> No.2810662

How can a navy secure trade lanes and yet not be able to fight? Not sure where I read that retard argument in this thread. But it made no sense, and you should kill yourself whoever you are.

>> No.2810665


Destroyed England's might? They lost the arms race, lost the Battle of the Atlantic and lost the war.

>> No.2810668

keep saying it, maybe it becomes true for you

germany wanted a world empire and the navy to support it

>> No.2810670


Of course it can fight, never said it couldn't. I just said it wasn't its purpose. It's a trade empire for a reason. It wants trade.

How do you trade with corpses ?

>> No.2810671
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>mfw Britain contributed more men to the war than every other nation except Russia

>> No.2810674


I think you're getting confused as to who is A and who is B. I think I'm right in saying you both think Britain won.

>> No.2810678


Of course it was to fight. If a navy cannot fight then it hasn't got a purpose. A navy which cannot fight won't be able to secure trade lanes. You're retarded.

>> No.2810680


Yep, an amateur not quite surpassing an established naval empire in a few years.

The fact that England was threatened is a loss in and of itself.

>> No.2810683


You think Germany is a land-locked country.

What kind of retardation were you diagnosed with?

>> No.2810684


and Germany.

>> No.2810685


No, I think it was a draw, but a tactical loss for Germany as the blockade continued. Quite simple really.

>> No.2810687


No they didn't.

>> No.2810690

>destroyed most of England's might

both forces lost a fraction of their might, then germany ran away.

srsly, a few cruisers and battle cruisers where lost on either side

when there were like 40+ battleships in the fight

so i guess you've proved yourself to know nothing


>> No.2810699


I was born with eyesight. On maps, I can read words like "Poland", "France", "Austria".

Germany is landlocked, unless it manages to kill off all of Europe.

>> No.2810700

>never said it couldn't

perhaps you should read the thread back

>> No.2810705
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>> No.2810707


They contributed the 3rd most amount of men. They still contributed more than France, which was what the argument was about. Some idiot said that France was the main opponent, with Britain being only a side problem.

>> No.2810708


Lost quite many ships and thousands of deaths.
It's a tactical draw, but a strategic loss.

It's like emptying 100 magazines to kill a rabbit. It's dead, but you lost.

>> No.2810714


why u so mad?

>> No.2810715


I don't think landlocked means what you think it means.

>> No.2810719


Perhaps you should read my replies.

>> No.2810720


They pledged a lot of men. They sent little. France lost far more men than all the Commonwealth combined + the US

>> No.2810728


It means what I decide it means.

In warfare, Germany is landlocked. It has far too many borders to even consider discarding the ground threats. It shouldn't even consider naval warfare.

>> No.2810729

>thinks continuing the blockade is a strategic loss
>thinks german navy of 1916 was a rabbit
>thinks less than 10% loss is many ships

planet retarded

>> No.2810738


I don't think you're interpreting the word "pledged" correctly in this context. I mean that more British took part in the military conflict than did French.

>> No.2810742

>doesn't know what landlocked means

>> No.2810745


>It means what I decide it means.

I decide I win. amidoinitrite?

>> No.2810748


Does your retardation not allow you to see bodies of water like North Sea and Baltic sea? Or does your retardation not allow you to see the words on the map. Or does your retardation allow you to see the words and not understand them? Or does your retardation not allow you to nuderstand that the North Sea is adjacent to the Alantic ocean?

Your retardation is more interesting than any of the retarded things you say.

>> No.2810750


The continued the blockade because they couldn't invade. Which is a victory. Preventing land invasion was the sole purpose or Jutland.

That's what the Schlieffen manoeuver is all about : reinforcing the eastern flank. Not attacking by the eastern flank.

>> No.2810756

>It means what I decide it means.

yes, i think this is your problem

history is what you decide it is

i'm thinking probably aspergers

>> No.2810767


> No arguments left.
> Uses 280948904 times the word retarded in a shitty tl;dr paragraph to make up for it.

Thank god you're not a general. You don't understand anything about geostrategy.

>> No.2810769

>Preventing land invasion was the sole purpose of Jutland.

you are just soooo stupid

>> No.2810772


I thought you English were big on interpretation, you know, Common Law and all.

Schizophrenia then ?

>> No.2810773


>Implying they were unable to invade.

>> No.2810778


> No arguments left.
> Let's throw around insults.

>> No.2810780

not that guy

but you have pretty much proved you are dumb by that jutland wasn't about the blockade claim

>> No.2810782


Several people have already brought this point up. Singling out one for an irrelevant point, ironically, means you're falling prey to your own derision.

>> No.2810784

>this thread
gotta love /sci/

>> No.2810785


I don't think you understand the English language.

>> No.2810786


Obviously were unable to do so : the Kaiserliche Marine held them at bay.

>> No.2810794


I have a far better grasp on this language than you ever will.

>> No.2810801


Is that your only argument left? You have been repeatedly shown to be wrong. I think people now have the right to insult you because you refuse to change your tune.

>> No.2810802

it's true, there are no arguments against someone such as yourself. someone who is wrong, and remains wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence.

>> No.2810806


Confirmed for troll. I'm guessing you're German, right?

>> No.2810809


All the arguments I've had so far against me were the grumpy reassertion that German is in fact a naval country and that WW1 is a naval war.

Also, Germany is an island.

>> No.2810810


You have shown yourself to misinterpret words for your own abuse. I think I'm in the stronger position here.

>> No.2810814


> I do not need arguments because you are wrong.

God exists because I say so!

You know we're on /sci/ right?


Polyglot. Not quite the same.

>> No.2810816

red herring

invasion was not the issue

it was enforcing blockade, and preventing high sea raisers from escaping, returning to germany

>> No.2810821


England is a Common Law system. I can interpret words like I see fit.

Landlocked = locked by land.

Germany is tied to Europe due to borders. It's landlocked enough in geostrategical terms.

Going to cry now?

>> No.2810822


>Implying we said Germany was an island.

Here is irrefutable proof:


>> No.2810823


Proving once again that Russia was superior.

>> No.2810825


Invasion was the issue.

What generals say =/= what generals think.

>> No.2810832


We have shown you to be wrong. You are now going in circles.

>> No.2810837


Yes, Germany wanted to keep Britain distracted. So what ? They wanted to conquer France and not get disturbed by nuisances. A sound plan.

Doesn't make them a naval country.

>> No.2810843

>made up shit

no, the arguments were a piece by piece critique of such nonsense as

>jutland destroyed fleets

when it was really a skirmish that showed a full battle wasn't in germany's interest

>jutland wasn't about the blockade

herp derp

>britain's navy wasn't a fighting navy, oh, but actually i meant it was

i'm guessing you are underaged, and also kind of autistic

>> No.2810844


Holy shit you are hilarious. Semantics are irrelevant anyway.

Germany has a northern coastline that it considered vital for its war efforts in WWI. What can you not accept about this?

>> No.2810846


> Pretend you have proof
> Disregard any argument

Sure is some Schopenhauer'in in here.

>> No.2810851

>making stuff up without any evidence except my telepathic powers

confirmed troll

>> No.2810859


It's just simply untrue.
The Northern coastline was a nuisance that needed to be left unexploited by the British.

The Schlieffen manoeuver (Germany's plan for WW1) said as much, which is why the eastern flank was spiked with defensive precautions (East being England, West being Italy).

>> No.2810860


Please, present your arguments again then. Feel free to ignore the mass of rebuttals already in this thread.

>> No.2810862
File: 96 KB, 556x640, napoleondino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet not a single Fuck was given this day.

>> No.2810868


> (Insults)^99999999 = rebuttals

>> No.2810873


You're forgetting about Germany's efforts in the Atlantic.

There were a lot of U-Boats.

>> No.2810876


>> No.2810881


You don't know your directions on a compass. There is no way England is east from Germany by any reasonable standards.

>> No.2810885


>> No.2810894


If you're a German general with your eyes set on Paris, then yes. Derp. If you don't know your way around the cardinal directions, this thread is hopeless.

Their eastern flank was open to Britain.

>> No.2810899


Thanks for your arguments.

Confirmed for troll.

>> No.2810903

i think you mean the right flank

you don't change eat/west because the observer has rotated

>> No.2810905



>> No.2810913

landlocked and compass directions


okay, you are getting kind of funny now

i guess you should redefine a battlecruiser as a battleship now

>> No.2810916


In the Imperial Germany military, yes you do. Alfred von Schlieffen wrote about East and West flanks in his papers. I have read them.

>> No.2810920


It would not suit my purposes to do so. Thus, I must decline.

>> No.2810929


You're very keen on the Schlieffen plan. I don't think you actually know what it was, because it had absolutely nothing to do with the German Navy.

>> No.2810935

so have i.

do you know what his last words were?

>> No.2810937


Guys, he's not even hiding his trollness.

>> No.2810939


Of course it had everything to do with it. All forces are intertwined. Do you think everyone had a different plan ?

I can imagine : Air force bombs target X, Navy disembarks all troops on X. All landtroops die due to friendly fire.

>> No.2810945


"Right wing" is a bad translation, indeed.

>> No.2810948


Are you really that retarded that you think that a military power that has a border on a sea that is part of an ocean wouldn't have a navy?

Well, you said a paragraph was too much for you to read so you might actuallbe retarded.

>> No.2810956

no, in german, do you know what his last words were?

>> No.2810963


The Schlieffen Plan was not the overarching German warplan. It was a part of it that specifically involved taking Paris.

I'm starting to think you don't know anything about this at all and that you're regurgitating half-chewed bits of GCSE history.

>> No.2810971


Wiki says "Macht mir den rechten Flügel stark", but it's wrong.

>> No.2810984

>everyone is wrong except me

troll or personality disorder

>> No.2810990


GCSE, that's like English high school exams right?

>> No.2810991


"Keep the right flank strong."

I'm pretty sure that's correct.

>> No.2810997


The quote I remember was about East. It doesn't matter in the end. Schlieffen wanted the Brits out of the picture.

>> No.2810999


English exams taken at 16. The main exams here are A-Levels, taken at 18.

>> No.2811006

>another climbdown

i detect a dunning kruger fucktard

>> No.2811009


That's what I remembered. Are 15 year old kids taught the Schlieffen plan and underlying tactics of WW1?

Pretty nice if it is so.

>> No.2811012

>wanted brits out of the picture

well, astounding, an adversary wanting an enemy out of the picture

>> No.2811013


It's not a climbdown. We were arguing semantincs for fun. Right = East.

The plan was to hold the Brits at bay.

>> No.2811016


And yet, you people denied this for the 150 or so last posts.

>> No.2811020

IIRC WWI is taught at 14

the herpity in this thread is, i suspect, about that age


>> No.2811026


It's what I did when I took it. We studied the build-up to and events of WW1, America and Germany between the wars and Britain during WW2. The Schlieffen plan along with British, French and Russian reactions were a pretty integral part.

>> No.2811027


Oh right, I understand why they get so angry then.

>> No.2811031


we denied your claims about what jutland was about, and what occurred there, and what east and west mean in german, and what the royal navies capabilities and function was, etc, etc,

>> No.2811034


Which side are you on? The historical one or the Germany is landlocked and Britain is to the east one?

>> No.2811047


What East means in a military context when looking at Paris, which was not even my main point to begin with, since East = Right regardless of semantic context.

I never said anything about the English navy capabilities, but its function is to secure trade routes, something that gets you angry somehow.

And you insist on calling Jutland a victory when it was a crushing strategic defeat because the English couldn't break through the German's defense wall for their land invasion.

>> No.2811054


> Are you with the good guys or the bad guys ?

/sci/ - anything but scientific rigor.

>> No.2811056


>Implying that Jutland was a defeat because it did not lead directly to an invasion.
>Implying it wasn't a tactical victory anyway.

>> No.2811058

i think exasperated is more accurate then angry.

when people claim absurd nonsense as truth, and when the error is pointed out deny it, or shift the discussion away from their errors to other, marginally related errors not yet refuted, it can be exasperating.

>> No.2811071


Absurd nonsense, as opposed to coherent nonsense ?

And I thought I was the one who couldn't write in proper English.

>> No.2811090


You are making no sense. Please refute our points if you are so right, rather than repeating your original ones (occasionally).

>> No.2811112


No general battles on two fronts simultaneously. It's a military axiom.

Therefore, WW1 was not a naval war, because Germany made France its top priority. Hence the name "trench wars" for WW1.

The Schlieffen manoeuver further reinforces my point, as it is said that flanks are weak spots to be defensed, not to be drawn upon for offensive purposes.

But you chose to go along the "ROYAL NAVY FUCK YEA 1§1&!1§1§one1!1one" path, something I cannot refute with actual arguments.

>> No.2811122



>> No.2811136


I'm not making the argument that the Royal Navy is what won the war or anything like that. I am making the argument that Britain made more than a side contribution to the war, as has been demonstrated many times. Without the blockade of Germany, Germany would have won the war without question.

>> No.2811137

>What East means in a military context when looking at Paris, which was not even my main point to begin with, since East = Right regardless of semantic context.

in the military east means east, not right. and yes the german military of 1914-1918 too

>I never said anything about the English navy capabilities, but its function is to secure trade routes, something that gets you angry somehow.

this was but one of it's functions, blockade was another. and some anon, probably you, claimed it wasn't the best fighting navy in the world, when it was

>And you insist on calling Jutland a victory when it was a crushing strategic defeat because the English couldn't break through the German's defense wall for their land invasion.

this is your most glaring error and shows you know nothing about jutland. it was an attempt by the germans to attack the british piecemeal and so break the blockade.

the blockade was maintained, though it cost more to britain materially than the germans, so a costly victory. read up on it. oh i know, whatever you read will be wrong. of course it is.

>> No.2811147

>jutland was about invasion

where on earth do you get this sillyness?

>> No.2811153


I don't read wikipedia, I read military analysis.
I never said anything about the English navy's capabilities, as I do not know whether it was the best or not, something that depends entirely on the admiral and not on the sheer numbers.

Jutland was a hit and run harassment move with defensive purposes. I know, crafty tactics are hard to comprehend for you.

Cardinal points are sometimes self-referenced, like it or not. It is an old custom though, and it went away some decades ago.

>> No.2811154

as opposed to plausible nonsense


you aren't even that

>> No.2811162

>implying i said anything about wikipedia

i think that kind of proves you do

>> No.2811164


Something cannot be both plausible and nonsense.
Nice try though.

>> No.2811168


> think that kind of proves

Nope, don't even go there.

>> No.2811174

>Jutland was a hit and run harassment move with defensive purposes

hit and run to weaken blockade

or are you now going to move to this position and claim you held it all along

>Cardinal points are sometimes self-referenced, like it or not. It is an old custom though, and it went away some decades ago.

citation needed

>> No.2811189

of course it can, unless you have perfect knowledge

oh i forgot, you do

eg. phlogiston was plausible nonsense once, as was luminiferous ether

nice try though

>> No.2811193


1. I still maintain it had defensive purposes. It makes far more sense on a strategic level. Breaking the blocade would yield nothing significant in itself.

2. I can't think of any book that treated the subject, but the original "right and left" do not come from directional aspects at all. Right having to do with morals and justice, and left being "sinistra" a satanic flaw and awkwardness. They only replaced the cardinals as self-reference points when those slipped away from language.

Look it up in a philology book.

>> No.2811196


It's called being sardonic.

>> No.2811199

so why mention it?

and where did the poor translation of the last words come from?

confirmed bullshitter

>> No.2811201


Nonsense = something that doesn't make sense
Plausible = something that MAKES sense, but isn't necessarily true.

It's a contradiction in terms. Sorry bro, better luck next time.

>> No.2811215


Poor translation is spontaneous. "Tradutore, traditore", said the Italians.

>> No.2811216

>Breaking the blocade would yield nothing significant in itself.

>irrelevant etymology
so you did just make it up then, thought so

>> No.2811219


Plausible = something that appears to make sense, but isn't necessarily true.

Fix'd. You have to be careful about that one.

>> No.2811240


The "appear" isn't needed at all. Something that makes sense = something that appears to make sense.

We're talking immediate rationality here. Hence the distinction with truth.

>> No.2811246


- lolwut
- irrelevant

Nice rebuttals.

>> No.2811251

>aspie definition

you do actually have aspergers don't you?

i recognise the signs only too well

>> No.2811258

>et toi, aussi

>> No.2811263

so you think appearances are never deceptive?


>> No.2811261


And we come back to insults. How creative.

Also, it's not signs but symptoms. Signs are objective.

>> No.2811267


I have to provide arguments against "lolwut"?

>> No.2811268

aspergers is not an insult

pedant is

so aspie y/n?

>> No.2811271

not at all.

as i don't have to provide rebuttals against the absurd

>> No.2811277


You give pet names to psychiatric syndromes now ?




All of these people have Asperger's as well ?

>> No.2811280


I'm not retarded in any way, shape or form. You're funny.

>> No.2811284

aspergers is not a psychiatric condition, it is developmental

and the abbreviation is well known

>> No.2811285


Then the "absurd" won. You may leave now.

>> No.2811294

aspergers is rarely co morbid with mental retardation

so i take that as a yes to aspergers

why are you ashamed?

>> No.2811295


Maybe if you live constantly surrounded by retards, an abbreviation is justified. I've never seen anyone with this syndrome. Nor do I care.

>> No.2811303


I see. Who is supposed to diagnose with this syndrome of yours ?

>> No.2811304

> needs to be right

>> No.2811312


Isn't that the whole point ?

History isn't a science, it's a game.

You so funny.

>> No.2811315


your grammar skills are going

>> No.2811323


You can't even punctuate or capitalize and still you accuse me of poor grammar? That's rich.

>> No.2811321

lies, you are so aspie

you can't even admit it on an anon imageboard

you must be very ashamed

>> No.2811330

it may be your point

i'd prefer a self correcting approach

>> No.2811333


Your genealogic method attacks are sorely lacking. Freud did it way better in his time. But then again, he stole it from Nietzsche who was very proficient at it.

I don't have any syndrome whatsoever. You however can't even write properly.

>> No.2811340


Self-correcting approach ?
It's a reality-driven approach. And reality is dictated by the victors, said Brasillach.

>> No.2811347

>mixes "can't" with "chooses not to"

weak attempt

you must be knew here and haven't noticed some of the conventions regarding capitalisation and punctuation

>> No.2811355


"you must be knew"
