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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2808801 No.2808801 [Reply] [Original]

>Last semester in uni
>Last class is OChem II, failed it 4 times in a row
>Highest grade in class on 1st exam
>Average grade on 2nd exam
>Lowest grade on 3rd exam
>Fail for the 5th time, pass below C- limit, dropped from major on last required class during my last semester
>3.6 GPA

I'm so mad right now.

Seriously, fuck this class. Why is OChem even required for Biology?

>> No.2808823

study harder bro

>> No.2808822

premed detected

>> No.2808833

if you fail anything 4 times in a row, you should go get a trade.

>> No.2808839

I do, I just freeze up and forget days of studying the instant I'm handed the test and turn into a drooling retard who can't remember even the simplest of reactions like hydrogenation or mechanisms like enolization.

>> No.2808853
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Cheer up!

>> No.2808858
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>Why is OChem even required for Biology?

>> No.2808900

What the fuck dude, everyday retards pass that class year after year.

>> No.2808907

>failed it 4 times in a row

what? How is that even possible? Even if you did absolutely horrible the first time around, by the second attempt you should get at least a C. And if not, you should be able to ace the class by the third time.

Failing 5 times in a row? Are you retarded or something?

>> No.2808925

try adderall

>> No.2808926


there's this thing called 'studying' that usually helps in these kind of situations

>> No.2808937

I want to know how you majored in biology, maintained a reasonably high gpa, yet cannot pass a class that is involved in all biology material studied at a molecular level. Did you take the easiest classes required for your major or is you department just shit? I seriously cannot comprehend this.

Seriously, you need to explain.

>> No.2808938

what the hell. OC is just memorization, and after 4 years you still dont remember more than a C- worth of the material?

>> No.2808958

Jesus fuuuucccck I hope not

>> No.2808996

Fuck OP I feel you. Failed an analytical chem class twice. Not sure if I'm going to make it this time. Christ I hope so, I'm already delayed a year.

>> No.2809057

pleb detected

>> No.2809102

>I just freeze up and forget days of studying the instant I'm handed the test

OP, do you want to know how molecular biology works? Do you WANT to be a scientist?

The reason you are failing is very simple: you are studying to take a test. That's all there is to it.

The key to really understanding material like this, is to WANT to know it, and to have an interest in it. Talk to your prof, ask questions he can answer about your curiosities on the subject (you won't have these if you aren't interested, that's a real problem).

If you don't have interest in it, O-chem is never going to come to you unless you're god-mode memorizer (which you clearly aren't). This class is at too high of a level to just studystudystudy and hope to pass. You've been weeded out.

>> No.2809115

you are mentally limited OP
apply for social security

>> No.2809134

To be honest, don't you need to study to well in virtually any course you take in university? (well, other than dumb first year classes, where you can just regurgitate stuff you learned in high school)

>> No.2809235

Yeah totally. But chemistry at this level is something you have to WANT to know, on top of studying. It won't just come to you if you try to memorize everything like you can in most bio classes.

>> No.2809244

>>Fail for the 5th time,

how is that possible

>> No.2809286

Too bad you didn't come earlier. I would've told you to look up SRS and the program Anki. You could've memorized all that o-chem shit easily.

>> No.2809298

SRS? I am in O-chem now. What is this SRS?

>> No.2809300

>Why is OChem even required for Biology?

maybe because OChem is the scientific foundation for biology

maybe because your body is made from OChem

>> No.2809315

Dude...organic chemistry is the easiest part of chemistry, it's so pathetically easy that I had a 2.5-2.7 GPA in high school and passed it, and I slept 90% of the time.

>> No.2809319

Spaced repetition system

Lets you put a lot of shit in your long-term memory using efficiently-spaced time intervals. Google 'Anki', it's a free program that lets you do this.

>> No.2809327

>I was in a shit program and didn't learn shit

>> No.2809343

No, I learned organic chemistry just fine. Just because you're too stupid to learn basic shit doesn't mean I was in a bad program.

>> No.2809348

cant get an B in ochem 2.... for shame

do you evern try?

>> No.2809350
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>organic chem for bio major

>> No.2809355

ITT: we insult the OP's intelligence because /sci/ is superior

>> No.2809358
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>implying organic chemistry isn't easier than art class

>> No.2809370
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It's everything I would want in a flashcard program :) ty, anon

>> No.2809371

>ITT: OP is just stupid so /sci/ is allowed to make fun of him

>> No.2809388

Got an A+ in OChem II, you jelly?

>> No.2809387

>mfw I'm a chem major and got A's in OChem 1 and 2 without even trying

>> No.2809384


Nah the original is correct, /sci/ is frequented who post the most condescending shit on the internet that I know of. I still like /sci/, but it is very much this way.

>> No.2809391

>mfw I'm not a chem major and passed OChem 1 and 2 without even trying

>> No.2809413
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btw not even a chem major\

biochemist are master race scientist.

>mfw when I found out Hons. Biochem doesnt require the taking of a GMAT for grad school

>> No.2809435
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>biophysics are master race scientists

fix'd. I'll go ahead and solve your problems with math and physics while you draw up all of your pathways.

>> No.2809456



>> No.2809574

B+ and an A- in both orgos. If you study them, you should be fine. I shudder to think what will happen to you in P-chem.

>> No.2809585

if you fail anything more than twice you are a fucking worthless idiot

seriously, are you so retarded you are unable to learn or something?

you need to cut your own throat you dismal piece of shit failure

>> No.2809597


>if you fail anything more than twice you are a fucking worthless idiot

So why don't you have a girlfriend then?

>> No.2809608
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Says the kid who can't even capitalize or punctuate.

>> No.2809625

casual sex > girlfriend

not that any of you would know

>> No.2809637
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>never failed a class
>3.2 gpa
>mfw i would have a higher gpa if i had failed some courses and retaken them

>> No.2809680

>Why is OChem even required for Biology?

Because if it wasn't already apparent all life is based on reactions which fall under the spectrum of organic chemistry.

If you're finding it difficult you're doing it wrong. Organic chemistry is very intuitive and the majority can be derived with a little knowledge.