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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2807282 No.2807282 [Reply] [Original]

Can I come here for psychology threads?

>> No.2807299

Yes, OP. Psychology is science. Welcome and enjoy your stay.

>> No.2807312

You can come here for whatever you want.
Homework, religion, magnets, heck, even child pornography.

Since /sci/ has no mods it's not like we can do anything about it.

If you're asking whether or not psychology is ontopic here, then the answer is: no.

Psychology doesn't make falsifiable claims and thus not related to a science/math board.

>> No.2807316


yes falsifiable you are the perfect person. What does everyone think of frueds psychoanalysis, especially people from a scientific background. i'm doing a paper on him and i want evaluations from both sides of the board

>> No.2807318

> Psychology is the science of mind and behavior

Learn to respect other fields, dumbass.

>> No.2807322

Okay chillax, psychology can be a touchy subject for some. I am trying my best to be rational about it. yes, there are few topics which are biologically proven, but that is what is so fantastic about it. it's all uncertain, anything is possible

>> No.2807330


>> No.2807339

-9 / <span class="math">10^{10^{1843873 !}} ![/spoiler]

>> No.2807355

>Psychology doesn't make falsifiable claims

Prove it

>> No.2807359

you're doing it wrong.

its like this:


>> No.2807361


lol psychology humour is the best :)

>> No.2807363

This board is for SCIENCES and mathematics. Social sciences such as sociology are encouraged as well as Psychology. To name a few fields.

>> No.2807384

Freud is one of the reasons that /sci/ doesn't know a damn thing about the field. Freud is probably the only known psychologist to the masses. Because of that, everyone thinks that the field is still stuck in the psychodynamic perspective, which is not really falsifiable as it has to so with the unconscious. Tests like the Rorscach and TAT claim to measure aspects of the unconscious, but studies on them are inconclusive. We have more evidence-based perspectives now.

>> No.2807544


>Freud is probably the only known psychologist to the masses

What about Carl Jung?

>> No.2807549

>he thinks it's a science

>> No.2807554

>he thinks it's not

>> No.2807558

>/sci/ - Science & Math
>not a science or math


>> No.2807559

I dunno what is up everyone's ass about psychology. The first thing I learned in Psychology 2 (took it for general education credit) was what science is: making falsifiable claims. Then the teacher said we would not be discussing Freud and the class would focus on actual modern psychology, mostly experiment-based. You're a bunch of faggots who have no idea what psychology is.

>> No.2807561 [DELETED] 

sure is samefag in here

>> No.2807569 [DELETED] 

itt butthurt psychology major(s)

>> No.2807579


>the class would focus on actual modern psychology, mostly experiment-based.

ie. psychiatry (psychology with Thorazine)

>> No.2807600


As far as I know psychiatrists don't know shit about psychology, because they don't have the same quality education for the work as a psychology.

A professor thought us about the frustration (I've only takens two courses) over the fact that people think that just because you've a medical education, that you're qualified for saying things about the brain. Even worse is that most psychiatrists are of the Freudian schools, which means that their patients will talk about their moms and then get pills for it. And it's even worse in legal cases, I've seen some cruel things that psychiatric have written since we've been given out examples to study, on how some so-called psychologists work.

It's a fucking horror experience when you read about someone who separated a five-years old from their parents just because their Freudian theories justifies them into believing the kid is abused.

They wouldn't be able to do proper case studies for shit. You know the people making sure everyone has ADHD and are aspies these days? That ain't the psychs.

>> No.2807606

/sci/ are a bunch of not only hypocrites, but fucking stupid ones. Somehow psychology isn't a science, but everyone is taking their INTJ webbased test result like it's the shit.

>> No.2807607

Psychology is a social/soft science. /sci/ tends to like the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, &c) and math.

>> No.2807609


Psychiatry used to perform horrible things like electroshock therapy (which drove Ernest Hemingway to suicide)

>> No.2807610


That's because they believe only girls attend soft sciences. And /sci/ have a hatred for girls.

>> No.2807617

Just for the record, psychology has been officially classified as a science... by scientists

>> No.2807618

Psychology is just an anachronism.

Psychology departments should just be swallowed up by neuroscience and biology departments. It's those fields that will make progress in understanding brains. A psychology background is useless for that goal.

>> No.2807622

scientologist detected

>> No.2807623

Biology will never EVER learn about the unconscious. or why we think. how we think. some things cannot be seen, doesn't mean they arent there

>> No.2807626

>biology will never learn about the unconscious
>implying the unconscious is not physical (metaphysical)
>implying the metaphysical exists
>this is why we don't like psychology
gtfo my /sci/, mystic fuck

>> No.2807638


Psychology is just to broad. What about the cultural aspects, and social psychology? And neuroscience is part of psychology anyway, so whatever.

That aside, the idea of reducing psychology to just biology of the brain, didn't that die out like 40 years ago? I believed everyone was functionalists by now. And if you accept a functionalist theory of the mind, biology isn't really needed to explain the mind. That's why we have computer scientists trying to make minds.

>> No.2807643


> I've not read real case studies or legal papers about the subject

Sure is lacking justified opinion in here.

>> No.2807644

op detected

>> No.2807645

Neuroscience may have some validity, but it's largely used as an excuse by pharmaceutical companies to peddle drugs. It basically teaches that we're just molecules with no soul and that all our emotions are chemical reactions that should be suppressed with a drug.

>> No.2807647


>implying the metaphysical exists
Stop using words you don't understand.

>> No.2807650

Welcome, Troll OP.

>> No.2807651
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>he thinks there's such a thing as a soul
do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

>> No.2807652

You're not also saging a science related thread, you're wrong. :/

>> No.2807654


Not trying to turn this into a religion debate, and I never mentioned the G-word. Unless I did, your argument has no validity.

>> No.2807659
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>ITT Aspies giving undergraduate and highschool level opinions of subjects they're not even in.

>Also known as : [citation needed]

>> No.2807662

Direct quote:
>>[Neuroscience] basically teaches that we're just molecules with no soul and that all our emotions are chemical reactions that should be suppressed with a drug.
...and the problem is?
>you don't have a soul

>> No.2807663


Never believed in the TF. Why do you ask?

>> No.2807667


then why do you believe in a soul?

>> No.2807674


Well, I think some people don't have souls. Like Hitler and whatnot. Partial credit.

>> No.2807680

>never mentioned G-word
We don't believe in a soul either. It's religious bullshit.

>> No.2807682


A couple reasons, one of them being to troll the James Randi brigade, of which I can see that we have a few in this thread.

>> No.2807684


and by some you mean all of them right?

>> No.2807694

See >>2807645

If you believe we're just molecules with no soul, then various unscrupulous people can abuse drugs and/or psychiatry as an instrument of control, as they did in the Soviet Union where dissidents were put in mental hospitals.

>> No.2807697


Who is this "we" you speak of? You and James Randi?

>> No.2807699
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>you ACTUALLY believe in a soul
>mfw anyone can be this dumb

>> No.2807704


what someone believes does not affect what the reality of a situation is. I'm not seeing your point.

>> No.2807709

Psychology is a science. You would be surprised how easily you fall into definable categories.


I defy you to deny all of these biases

>> No.2807713


Again not to turn this into a religion debate since those never end well, but I've observed that atheism is the only major religion that teaches that there isn't a soul. Which strikes me as kind of weird, since it's ostensibly only about non-belief in a god.

>> No.2807719
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>> No.2807723

Atheism is a religion as much as not collecting stamps is a hobby

>> No.2807727


Believing in a soul is making the same logical leap as believing in a god.

>> No.2807728

sould could = mind

>> No.2807731

Ok so, if the biological explanation of the 'abnormality' depression is reduced levels of serotonin, surely increasing serotonin will help the symptoms, correct? But, that does not get rid of the psychological problem causing the depression in the first place. and what if depression itself causes reduced levels of serotonin, surely that suggests that it is a purely psychological illness, thus telling the biological theory to fuck off

>> No.2807734


I'm just saying that whenever you hear someone argue that there isn't a soul, they're invariably always atheists.

>> No.2807735


Not true. Atheists also don't believe in unicorns, the tooth fairy, santa clause, or flying spaghetti monsters.

>> No.2807741

I would put atheism and christianity in the same category, when looking from a eastern point of view. One belives there is no god, the other believes there is a god. You are all believers here faggots.

>> No.2807743


Incorrect. Usually deities are assumed to have the power to create the universe, perform miracles, judge you, and whatnot. That would not apply here.

Note that I never once stated my religious beliefs in this thread.

>> No.2807745


That just means we don't fully understand the physical phenomena taking place, not that your mind is controlled by magic.

>> No.2807750

but that's an entirely diffeent definition than the implicit one for "soul." basically what you're doing is redefining a metaphysical concept to mean a physical one, just so you could reconcile scientific thought with religious thought which you seem to find comfortable

>> No.2807757

This thread is why I hate human beings. Not just dumb people; human beings as a whole.

>> No.2807759


However, those are assumed to be physical entities and not metaphysical.

>> No.2807760


ofc the mind isnt controlled by magic thats rediculous, but do you not think that on some level, there is a completely unconscious force at work in our minds? making us think certain things and what not?

>> No.2807761

But the reduced levels of secretion would be caused by another biological occurring.

Saying psychology can occur without biology is like saying chemistry can happen independent of physics.

>> No.2807763

Ergonomist/cognitivist reporting !

>> No.2807766


why do you hate humans?

>> No.2807769

I was hoping to come across one. What's the proper way to use a keyboard for extended periods of time?

>> No.2807771


But what proof do you have for a soul? Believing in a soul because you don't understand human existence is pretty similar to believing in a god of the gaps.

>> No.2807776


yes. Its called physics and chemistry.

>> No.2807779


yes that's fantastic! I just wish others could see that. There is no certain biological explanation, nor is there certain psychological explanation. Can I just say, you guys are gonna get me some great marks on my paper

>> No.2807780

Recent studies show conscious thought AKA decision making happens seconds after the brain has decided a course of action.

Thought seems to only exists as a post action analysis of events to refine and categorise them.

Basically you are just thinking about things the subconscious has already done.

>> No.2807786


Basically because chemical reactions appear to only account for things like memory and cognitive ability (hence they can be affected by drugs and/or brain damaged). One's personality and subconscious are not affected by those.

>> No.2807795


Again, why does that lead you to just imagine an explanation? Just because we haven't found all the answers yet doesn't entitle you to just make stuff up.

>> No.2807796

They are affected by millions of connections of neurons in the brain.

Sorry if we cant explain how that (personality and subconcious) happens exactly happens yet,

>> No.2807809

/sci/ is as close minded as it comes, as soon as someone mentions something that cannot be measured or weighted whole place goes apeshit

>> No.2807817


Maybe not, but as I said, one's personality remains the same regardless of damage to the brain. Remember that your ideas are just as much subjective theories with no evidence as mine, so you do not have the moral high ground here.

>> No.2807823


actually no, damage to the frontal part of the brain causes MASSIVE personality changes

>> No.2807825

Hello /sci/, today I would like to present to you some interesting information that I have gathered regarding ATHEISTS and THE AFTERLIFE. (I put them in caps to attract attention.)

For a few months now I have been studying many Near Death Experiences (NDE's for short). These experiences take place when an individual is dead (the heart stops beating, the brain ceases to receive oxygenated blood, biological functions stop). This state can only last for about 5 minutes before brain cells start to die and the individual becomes unsalvageable.

There are many things I have learned, but to keep thing short I will reduce it down to the most important thing thats on everyones minds: who goes to heaven and who goes to hell?

A basic trend found in all experiences is that God does not care what religion a person is in, an atheist can go to heaven and a christian can go to hell. It's a matter of the vibrational frequency of your soul (see quantum physics). theres a lot to explain here but I must move on as to keep this from not turning into a wall of text.

In addition, no one is condemned to any kind of hell, we choose a heaven or hell based on the emotional frequencies we entertain while alive. We also are not condemned to any heaven or hell for eternity; we can change our frequencies in the afterlife just like can change them here on earth. All one requires to enter a certain heaven is a change of heart, and the will power to WANT to change.

>> No.2807829

>Maybe not, but as I said, one's personality remains the same regardless of damage to the brain
Bullshit. My friends dad was in a car crash and was never the same since. He was constantly abrasive and depressed even 2 years after the accident until he killed himself.

This is just personal experience but I can say that one common symptom of brain damage is personality change.

Stop pretending you have studied psycology

>> No.2807842
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>psychology student
>believes in souls

>> No.2807843


The concepts of the afterlife is not a matter of magic, but a matter of extended science that is beyond our grasp (as of now). The big bang still did occur, but there is a plethora of other aspects about the big bang that we have yet to discover. There is much more to the origin of the universe that meets the eye, that all ties in with our consciousness.

There are many other things that I have learned here, but I figure this is the aspect that most people are interested in. The greatest thing that I love about all these discoveries is that I no longer have to worry about atheists. You can believe, or not believe, whatever you please. Atheism is a victimless crime that warrants no punishment, so you can go on in your life with the comforting knowledge that even if you are wrong about your non-belief in a God, it doesn't matter anyway because it won't affect you in the long run. So go ahead take a dump on everything I have said and call me retarded, I don't have to care any more because of these findings, I only wish to share this with people so that those who do believe can let their hearts rest easy knowing that there aren't billions of people burning in some kind of horrible hell because they didn't believe the right religion... No one has, and ever will, have a monopoly on God...

tl;dr Atheism =/= hell forever

Thank you for reading.

If you have any questions you would like to ask me, feel free and I will try to explain what I can. Criticism and skepticism is fine and to be expected, but please keep the questions rather modest.

>> No.2807855


Subjective. That's like saying you didn't have the same personality when you were six years old that you do know.

>> No.2807859

thats 20 years of change vs 24 hours in a coma

>> No.2807866


just lol

>> No.2807872


Same principle. Your brain wasn't fully developed as a small child. I can also say with certainty that I had the same essential personality at six that I have today.

>> No.2807875
File: 36 KB, 280x289, Thread Derailed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem people have with psychology is that it psych used to be exactly what people accuse it of.

Until the 1980's, psychology was dominated by cultural determinists who bought into anti-scientific ideologies and made prescriptive declarations of how society 'should' be, and how people 'ought to' behave. But the invention of Cognitive Science in the late 60's led to psychologists working side-by-side with neuroscientists and anthropologists for the first time, and the deficiencies in psychology as a science were made painfully obvious. From this, a whole new generation of psych graduates who got their phd's assisting in cogsci projects who naturally brought their interdisciplinary insights to bare their own field. This led to a renaissance in psych throughout the 80's, culminating in the new discipline of Evolutionary Psych in the early 90's ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adapted_Mind ). No-one familiar with modern psych could doubt that it is a science (now).

So while I understand why people generally have such a poor view of psych, I assert that it is an outdated one. But I guess this is the kind of thing that takes time to filter thru to the general memepool, and as more and more evo psych research is done, and more and more of it is popularized, I expect it will fix itself soon enough.

Also sage for shitty religitard trolling.

>> No.2807877


Exactly. See >>2807866. Guy dismissed that post without even reading it.

>> No.2807880



Seriously now, this has been known for at least a century. Troll harder.

>> No.2807884


>Also sage for shitty religitard trolling.

I've explicitly tried to avoid a religion discussion in here, but the moment the word "soul" is mentioned, the Randi kool-aid drinkers go nuts.

>> No.2807891


Well yeah, he suffered brain damage. In those cases, you're externally reduced to the mental level of a small child, but your subconscious remains the same.

>> No.2807898


That's because /x/ is that way <----------

>> No.2807905



Sorry, I simply don't believe you believe what you claim to believe.

>> No.2807917


Proving your extreme close-mindedness. If everyone thought like you, we'd still be using stone tools because anyone who claimed to have discovered metallurgy would be dismissed as a crank. "Ah, bullshit. You claim you can make a better hunting knife? Impossible. There's no evidence that that's possible or your magic 'metal' exists."

>> No.2807943


Proving that a soul is an untestable hypothesis, and therefore not science. I suggest /x/ because they often have parapsychology threads, and although many of them are retarded almost beyond imagination, /x/ does actually have a healthy population of skeptics and anti-paranormal trolls to keep discussion lively.

>> No.2807945

But you can use a metal knife.

You cant use a magic spell to cut an animals hide.

>> No.2807963 [DELETED] 

>untestable hypothesis, and therefore not science.
I'm a hardcore /sci/entist and septic and you are entirely wrong

Astronomy, geology, paleontology, epidemiology, and much of the social sciences CAN not use testable hypothesis and are still sciences.

Eat a dick you.

The soul still has no evidence though...

>> No.2807974

>untestable hypothesis, and therefore not science.
I'm a hardcore /sci/entist and skeptic and you are entirely wrong

Astronomy, geology, paleontology, epidemiology, and much of the social sciences CAN not use testable hypothesis and are still sciences.

Eat a dick you.

The soul still has no evidence though...

>> No.2808074

>The soul still has no evidence though...

There are not enough /facepalms in all the internets for you my friend.

>> No.2808101

show me evidence of the soul and I will redact my statement.

>> No.2808337
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Let's summarize, shall we? You claimed there was a soul. I pointed out a soul is not a testable hypothesis, which makes it at best parapsychology and at worst simple bullshit, in either case it belongs in /x/. You reply by pointing out that a bunch of COMPLETELY UNRELATED SHIT /is/ testable, tell me to eat a dick and simultaneously agreed with my initial point.

You, sir, are possibly the stupidest person on /sci/.