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2805997 No.2805997 [Reply] [Original]

what does /sci/ thinks about 2012?
do you think the mayan civilization was full of wisdom like other people often say?
and why do you think the civilization did disappeared all of sudden?
share your theories /sci/

>> No.2806003
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great flood's coming. head for india.

>> No.2806024

They Mayans didn't have the wheel.

>> No.2806040

Let me put it this way.

The mayans couldn't have written an infinitely-long calendar, correct? There would be no point. In fact one can say there was no point in extending to 2012 because their civ didn't last nearly that long.

So therefore, their calendar would have ended at some point, year x.

Whatever year x would have been (unless its in the past, which it'll be by 2013), idiots would have designated it as the end of the world.

Go to a physical calendar that hangs on someone's wall. Does the world end at the end of that calendar?

>> No.2806050
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>mfw historians and media exaderate everything

>care 1 piece of stone = MY GOD THEY ARE GALATIC GENIUSES

>> No.2806055

The calendar appears to be partitioned arbitrarily, much like our weeks and months.

>> No.2806057

Important Fact: The Mayan Long Count Calendar DOES NOT STATE: “On December 21, 2012 – The World Will End”. Do not allow doomsdayers to convince you that the calendar is some mystical cog wheel that is designed for the sole purpose of counting down the days until the world explodes… It isn’t!

>> No.2806066
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>go to my calendar
>ends Dec 2011
>my face when world ends right on first moment of 2012

>> No.2806071

Well, it’s actually not an “end date” at all.

Just as December 31st on your modern day calendar marks the end of one year and the beginning of another, December 21st 2012 on the Mayan Calendar marks the end of what they called a Baktun, and the beginning of another. Do you see the similarity? Look at our calendar -time doesn’t END on December 31st, it simply cycles forward to the next year. Same thing with the Mayan Calendar! At the end of the 13th Baktun (which happens to fall on December 21st 2012) the calendar will cycle forward to the 14th Baktun. Doomsday theorists neglect to mention the cycling-forward part!

The Maya often made predictions for future events, and some predictions were for dates BEYOND 2012! This proves that they DID NOT imagine the world ending in 2012. Otherwise why predict those events? Take that Doomsdayers!

“We [the archaeological community] have no record or knowledge that [the Maya] would think the world would come to an end in 2012.” – Susan Milbrath, curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History

>> No.2806074
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>mfw people believe in mysticism in 2011.
It's like the Enlightenment never happened.

>> No.2806080
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>mfw we reached this conclusion simultaneously yet independently

>> No.2806102

mayans actually not said "2012 THE END OF THE WORLD" but the end of an era, according with the most reliable translation out of there. but the translation is very literal too.