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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2805688 No.2805688 [Reply] [Original]

Time for a good ol' rage thread, /sci/.


If you get to 10 without raging you are eighter high as a kite, a zen master or a flaming retard.

>> No.2805717



>Mass extinction


>Placebo effect


>Creation of the Universe

10/10 perfect troll

would rage again

>> No.2805724

I lost

>> No.2805726

>Exoplanets, short for extra-solar planets, are planets beyond the solar system. There are 277 recorded exoplanets to date. However, there is no confirmation that there is life on any of them, or in the universe, for that matter. However, it is still a mystery. This is different from UFOs as UFO are unidentified flying objects, meaning something unidentified that has been seen on earth.

what the fuck is this I dont even...

>> No.2805731

Was already losing it at 9 because a lack of the chemical soup hypothesis.

>> No.2805743

>Something else that has gotten scientists curious is that there are some major astronomical things happening in 2012. Apart from the occasional eclipse and comet, the entire solar system is supposed to pass through the center of our galaxy, something that happens only once every 26,000 years. And, there’s a risk of our planet’s poles switching. Sounds crazy, but scientists say this has already happened. Also, the Indian calendar, the Kali Yuga, ends at about the same time. Coincidence? I think not.

I lost on literally every single one of the ten.

Its impossible not to rage,

>> No.2805746


This is a better thread. The rage is leaving my body.

>> No.2805764
File: 468 KB, 602x474, MegaIrked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zombies in Haiti
>Megalithic structures
Fuck off.

>> No.2805771

how about TEN MORE?!

Something else that has gotten scientists curious is that there are some major astronomical things happening in 2012. Apart from the occasional eclipse and comet, the entire solar system is supposed to pass through the center of our galaxy, something that happens only once every 26,000 years. And, there’s a risk of our planet’s poles switching. Sounds crazy, but scientists say this has already happened. Also, the Indian calendar, the Kali Yuga, ends at about the same time. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.2805782

>And, there’s a risk of our planet’s poles switching.
Are they implying that this isn't a normal occurrence for our planet? Did a fucking highschooler write this shit?

>> No.2805811

>scientists predict that in the next 100 years, 50% of all living species will become extinct

10/10. Cracked my monitor, but it was fucking worth it. Would definitely rage again.

>> No.2805812

>10 Placebo Effect

Legitimately unsolved.

>9 Panspermia


>8 Mass Extinctions


>7 Zombies in Haiti

Exists, but it's not paranormal or anything. Most likely no in-depth studies due to it being fucking Haiti.

>6 Intuition

You mean instinct?

>5 2012

Go away

>4 Life on Exoplanets

We won't know for a while. It's likely there is life of some kind on many worlds.

>3 Nazca Lines


>2 Megalithic Structures

Just because we don't know exactly how they were made doesn't mean they were made by visitors. Ancient Aliens, fuck off.

>1 Creation of the Universe


Overall kind of a shitty list.

>> No.2805817



fucked up copying link, I was pretty mad

I swear this must be a troll site or something, like The Onion

>> No.2805841

>Listverse serves over 10 million pages a month to more than 2 million readers. We are focused on lists that intrigue and educate, specializing in the bizarre or lesser- known trivia. Every day we present a new unique list in any one of our fifteen categories, from art & literature to science & nature.

>Listverse has been featured on BBC Radio, Radio Scotland, Alabama Radio, BBC Television World News International, and in the New York Times. We regularly feature on the front pages of social networking sites Fark and Reddit.

Quality journalism there, yo.

Typical nineties murrican site tbh. Popups, fucked redirects, banners and ads everywhere.

>> No.2805846

My real time reaction

Placebo Effect: Fair enough. The placebo effect is a genuinely interesting phenomenon.

Panspermia: I don't think an alternative hypothesis really counts as a mystery. But it's a plausible enough hypothesis. "Microscopic organisms popping out" is flagrantly misrepresenting the standard theory, but so it goes. Wait, Erich von Daniken? The fucking Chariots of the Gods guy? I don't like where this is going.

Mass extinctions: Sure. That 50% of all living species dying in the next century sounds bullshit, but all in all that's not an entirely terrible paragraph.

Zombies in Haiti: lolwut? They're not even presenting it as a mystery. They're saying point blank that there's zombie powder (which is questionable).

Intuition: The fact that people get hunches, some of which are correct, is not a mystery. You can maybe point at specific kinds of hunches and try to argue that something weird is happening, but this is just pure fucking woo.


Life on expolanets: Well that's a nice change of pace. That's a very real and very interesting hypothesis.

Nazca Lines: Just shut up.

Megalithic Structures: Seriously, shut up.

Creation of the universe: Nice job going all relativistic on us, bro.

>> No.2805849

The Nasca lines are easy to explain.
Any dude who drinks some dank-ass ayahuasca can have a sufficiently altered consciousness to perceive what it might be like to be high above the earth where the "gods" reside and want to make a big picture for them

>> No.2805855

That's more pseudohistory than pseudoscience.

>> No.2805857

Yeah, it's kinda fun though, Cracked.com is better.

>> No.2805892

>>Also, the Indian calendar, the Kali Yuga, ends at about the same time.

No it doesn't. The Kali Yuga has essentially just begun, and will go on for another 400,000 years.

>> No.2805889


except cracked is actually funny and the site isnt crammed full with ads and popups also, if you click on a link there it takes to the fucking link where you wanted to go not some "HAI U WAN SEE DIS LINK? U MAY B WANNA C DESE LINX TOO!!" site where you have to reaffirm where do you wanted to go again and the entire slow ass page reloads. also, you cant open sites in new tabs because they fucked up it with java

>> No.2805896

slow internets?
It always seems to go fine for me

>> No.2805905
File: 554 KB, 295x221, 1295030227258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Mayans were also good at math and astrology(they accurately predicted an eclipse that occurred hundred of years later). So people are guessing that they were right about the end of the world thing, too.

The other stuff up to that point I could stand, BUT THIS?

>> No.2805910


Cracked.com had that article about the most badass men in history, and one of them was the British officer during World War II that went into battle armed with a Claymore sword and some bagpipes.

Cracked.com is clearly superior.

>> No.2805915


loads everything in instantly except fucked up sites like that

>> No.2805927
File: 1.25 MB, 312x176, 1276080716197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was looking for that gif to post in this thread

>> No.2805944

Why is everyone raging over number one?
>But the creation of the universe is something too big to happen so simply
That's the only part I sort of disagree with in number one.

>> No.2805956
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>nazca lines

>> No.2805960
File: 84 KB, 1291x985, 1156865610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best quote from the list:
From the death of the dinosaurs, to the disappearance of the creatures in the Permian Era, mass extinctions are occurring even now. Sometimes, the cause is clear. We are destroying the biosphere and the atmosphere, and scientists predict that in the next 100 years, 50% of all living species will become extinct.

>> No.2805964


Explain why couldn't it have been simple?

>> No.2806086


Jesus fuck, read the comments too. I'm clenching my fists right now.

>> No.2806233
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>> No.2806244

>And maybe, the universe is just something made up in our minds.

I made it to the last sentence and lost.

>> No.2806253


>> No.2806378

>implying you can think at all

>> No.2808275


7/10 would rage again but then again, its just a pop science site

>> No.2808293

Placebo Effect is literally the only valid unsolved problem on there, maybe Haitian zombies, too (even though it pretty much explained how they are created).

>> No.2808344
File: 182 KB, 600x603, ahe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the theory that someone jizzed all over the universe