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2805399 No.2805399 [Reply] [Original]

SO I tried killing myself last night with a combination of toxic levels of magnesium and a calcium channel blocker.

For some reason I puked it all up before it could be absorbed.

From everything I know my body shouldn't have been able to detect toxic levels of said substances and vomit until it had absorbed enough to kill me, right?

What did I do wrong?

>> No.2805407

>What did I do wrong?

Attempting such a pretentious form of suicide. There's plenty of less obscure way of offing yourself.

>> No.2805414

god saved you

deal with it

>> No.2805415



>> No.2805432

you knew what you were doing. We are wired to preserve ourselves. Basically your survival instinct kicked in and you backed out... pussy.

>> No.2805438

your brain knew, apparently that was enough for your self preservation instincts/reflexes to kick in

>> No.2805444

You're not allowed to kill yourself until you are better at chemistry. Deal with it.

>> No.2805447

Try a slow, degenerative demise. Keep flooding your liver and kidneys with EtOH... it will activate CPY450... you will be hypersusceptible to most organic toxins that have highly reactive metabolites.

>> No.2805448

shame on the soul to falter on the road of life while the body still perseveres

>> No.2805450

There is only one way and that way is Prayopavesa

>> No.2805452

use a gun. Save us from your retardation.

>> No.2805458

dude... you best be talking about radical metabolies

>> No.2805460

Interesting what our unconscious mind can do...

>> No.2805462

bitch, you know it...

>> No.2805474

don't do it, bro!

>> No.2805509

the body can detect toxic levels of every normal nutrient.

you don't know shit about physiology.

>> No.2805515


It's poison. How is poison obscure?


Noted. I'll get better at bio-chem before next time.


Best something you say BEFORE a suicide attempt, instead of after.

>> No.2805520

Join the military. You are exposed to chemicals and radiation levels that most civilians can't even imagine. You think Japan is bad? Try being surrounded by the stench of 9 different chemicals in narrow hallways while being sleep deprived.

>> No.2805530

So you mean taking basic O-chem?

>> No.2805560
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>what did I do wrong?

You failed to use one of these because you are a giant weeping vagina.

>> No.2805828


My family has open casket funerals. Wouldn't work out.

>> No.2805860

So you are okay with killing yourself because you don't care about anyone else, but you still care about shooting yourself because your family does open caket funerals?

Also don't kill yourself. Just keep trying to find something meaningful in your life.


>> No.2805873

If you're gonna kill yourself, at least take out a few niggers while you're at it

>> No.2805913


Rofl, i lol´d

>> No.2805948

Can't you do something that is worth merit? Try killing Justin Bieber before you go. You'll be a historic icon.

>> No.2806018


That's stupid. Of course I care about people. And if they cared about me they would want me to be at peace


Wow, I could kill somebody most people forgot about because of Jessica Black, anyway. I could be like, some sort of IRL slowpoke.

>> No.2806035

Seeing as you are concerned about the manner in which you commit suicide, as well as what happens to others after you commit suicide, it is clear that you are not completely convinced that suicide is the best course of action.

>> No.2806053

>That's stupid. Of course I care about people. And if they cared about me they would want me to be at peace

So by your logic since you care about how you are killed because there are people that care about you and want you to be at peace. Why would you kill yourself to begin with since there are people who care about you?

>> No.2806061


Because I don't care about the people who care about me.

I've done everything I could for them and they walked all over me.

Why can't I be selfish in this one act?

>> No.2806067

Why do you want to kill yourself?

>> No.2806099
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SO you don't care about the people that care about you BUT you care about how your reputation will be after your dead.

Are you implying that you believe in afterlife?

>> No.2806122



I think it's *rebecca* black btw

>> No.2806133


No, I just have a moral awareness of my actions.

>> No.2806157

1. Buy 6 packs of Coricidin Cough & Cold
2. Swallow every single pill.
3. Be very very very fuckin high.
4. ???????? (You die)
5. Everyone thinks you OD'd.

>> No.2806163


You can't do anything to change your life? If I was going to commit suicide, I would buy some of the stuff that they use to euthanize pets by visiting Mexico. During my trip, I might bring a few friends and visit cancun or some other beach area. I would then take a train/plane/car to somewhere nice like California, Florida, or Hawaii and get a job to pay the rent along with an apartment.

If I didn't find peace and solace in one of those places, I would take the drug that I bought in Mexico.

>> No.2806173


Lol. No. I read about people who fail at suicide because of stupid stuff like that. They end up in the hospital with organ damage but no death. Plus, you would have to take a butt load of it. You would probably vomit from taking so much.

Dumb idea.

>> No.2806199

Well depending on how much you weighed just the CPM from that much could kill you. Add the DXM and you're as good as gone.
In any case, I don't see why OP can't just shoot himself. That usually kills people pretty fast.

>> No.2806235
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>mfw op could just of bought a canister of nitrogen
and inhaled it

>painless, no choking, no gasping for air, just fainting.

if your gonna kill yourself might as do it painlessly, AND FUCKING DOING SOME RESEARCH FIRST

>> No.2806247

What happened to just offing yourself with a pistol?

In my day, suicide MEANT something.

>> No.2806257

>my body shouldn't have been able to detect toxic levels of said substances and vomit until it had absorbed enough to kill me, right?

It seems to have destroyed a fair few of your brain cells, had you a notable level of knowledge as to the process, yet the inability to understand that if something is thought to be the case and isn't, it means that that which is thought to be the case isn't.

>> No.2806279

Join your country's military, you get to travel and do heaps of cool stuff like fly helicopters

Hell, it might even give you something to live for, seeing how good you have it being born in your country and meeting new people

>> No.2806297

True. A bit messy, but the method would likely work quickly/instantly if he knew how to use a gun.

The only thing about this method is that you need to set up a device to keep it all locally. For example, a car might work. If he went up about it in a stupid way, then he could just end up a vegetable or a retard....


Yeah. Do what this guy says if you just feel like zoning out and letting someone else tell you what to do.

Pros: money, brain is in autopilot, might learn some cool stuff, get free school/respect afterwards
Cons: the experience is hard and it sucks

>> No.2806384

God saved you.

>> No.2806391


And if he kills himself after you say that, God is absolved from responsibility?

>> No.2806405


Then he is just rejecting God's mercy.

>> No.2806407


Yeah, I know how Christard logic works >.>....

>> No.2806424

You missed out on the stage where you drink a glass of milk with the pills. It sooths your stomach by coating the walls.

>> No.2806442


Do you know how God's mind works? Do you understand the secrects of the universe?

>> No.2806457


As a sane human being, I can answer honestly. No.

How about you? Will you be able to answer the same question honestly? If you do claim to understand God's will, then that implies that you are able to evaluate God using your own morals and critical thinking skills. If that is the case, would you kill your child if God asked you to do so?

>> No.2806499

As a sane human being, I can answer honestly. No.

>> No.2806508

>implying he can kill himself

Enjoy your long life OP.

>> No.2806536


I suppose it doesn't matter, but, to me, your answer puts you way above most of the theists that I've met.

>> No.2806686


When did I claim to understand Gods will? All I know is that it is good.

Jeremiah 29:11
'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.

>> No.2807085

You should have taken something like domperidon or metoclopramide to prevent the vomiting.

>> No.2807104

>implying killing yourself with a gun isn't the pussy's way out
Seriously, real men set themselves on fire and simultaneously jump off a huge building onto a well frequented sidewalk.

Enjoy your instadeath, you fucking pussy.

>> No.2807105

dude just use heroin. it's easy to overdose on heroin and it's readily available.

>> No.2807119

OP: do several things at once to make sure to die.

Cut your wrists lengthily (fucking English, not my language, you know what I mean. Cut along the arm, not sideways like those MTV emos), ingest drugs that will surely make you pass out (this is easy. If you're out of good ideas just get a bottle of whiskey in your anus. It will be absorbed better than orally and you won't vomit) and put a plastic bag around your head.

Make sure to do this at a location where you will be alone for at least 8-10 hours.

Enjoy your successful suicide.

>> No.2807128

but if you don't die you might get euphoric (though opiates usually don't make you euphoric the first time you use them, but whatever) and feel optimistic about the future.

Then when you come down you'll start your new found life sucking deceased cocks for monis.

>> No.2807136

I'm curious: do these "anti vomit" drugs also work for deepthroating?

I.e. do they inhibit the gag reflex?

>> No.2807151

Car. Garage. Exhaust fumes into car. Fall asleep. Die. How fucking hard is that?

>> No.2807166

Heroin death feels good and all but OP seems to care about his image, and you are well aware of the fact that you're suffocating unless you get really wasted and pass out.

>> No.2807171

dont shit for like 10 days and when you go to shit you'll murdur your toilet like "ahhh SHIT im dying"

>> No.2807181

a closed garage (apart from being a not easily obtainable item if you don't possess one already) with a running car in it for longer than 5 minutes will probably arouse suspicion from neighbours of sorts.

So that's a bad idea. But generally dying from carbon monoxide poisoning is great. Very painless, as I understand it.

In fact the first gas champers in Germany were Volkwagen buses with the exhaust being rerouted to the interior.

Another painless way to die is administering an overdose of insulin. At least a med student once told me that.

>> No.2807178

When you stick something down your throat it's easy to overcome the gag reflex just by humming.

>> No.2807191

>implying you ever deepthroated a sufficiently large black cock to have any credibility on this subject

>> No.2807371
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>this thread

>> No.2807401

You're trying to kill yourself. This will devastate your family and may even drive some of them or any friends you know to suicide as well.

You have no idea of the morality of your actions.

>> No.2807536
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Dumb. Ass. Dumb-ass dumby.

>I puked it all up
>my body

Your body is not ready. Pic related.

>> No.2807573

This. Also be in a bath tub or another body of water. I've heard wounds won't heal if you're in water, so you'll just keep leaking out blood. /adv/ gives good advice on how to suicide. Seriously.

Alternatively, you could do the non-pussy thing and deal with your shitty life.

>> No.2807909

If you want to kill yourself, buy a large number of firearms (problem?) and go and take out as many of the Westboro Baptist Church members as you can before you turn the gun on yourself.

>> No.2807936


Ah, hopefully there's no soul and we're just molecules controlled by chemicals, in which case there's no morals and nothing actually matters.

>> No.2808352
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pic related
therefore god