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File: 109 KB, 1024x1024, magnetsss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2804775 No.2804775 [Reply] [Original]

did anyone else realise their compass was acting up about half an hour ago???
(~5am GMT)

>> No.2804799

also pic not entirely related... pic was several hours ago...

>> No.2804801

>implying anyone owns a magnetic compass anymore
but what do you mean by "acting up"?

>> No.2804819

Where do you live?
Also, I believe a very minor CME earth a few hours ago. Check The Heliophysics center news that NASA has

>> No.2804853

Is it apocalypse time, loss of magnetosphere style?

>> No.2804870

Midlands, England

by acting up, i mean...

1. i noticed as i was about to go to bed that my compass seemed to be pointing away from due north (about half 4am)
2.i was like WTF, so i watched it for a bit, and as i watched, it went futher and futher westwards until it was pointing pretty much directly west, at this point i was like... holy shit... wheres my camera

3.get out mobile and start taking pictures, at this point it was hovering south west.

4.attempt to video, but it didnt focus (not very well anyway, i DID get some footage but you cant see the NESW very well..

5.my compass then havered around south east-east for a while... and in this ttime i went scientific minded and tried to remove as many variables as possible

6. i took it away from any electrical appliances, still read the same.... i took it outside, the same... and i gave it a good shake incase it was getting stuck or something, and it was the same.

6.so i puit it back down and started taking pictures again as it moved all the way round towards south, then past south to east, then back towards north...

right now it is about 20 degrees or so off north and im in the rpocess of getting the images onto my computer

>> No.2804873

>implying I just sit here staring at a compass all day

>> No.2804877
File: 6 KB, 493x402, =3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i put 2 sixes

>> No.2804889

if you want to know why i had my compass out, its because there have been people saying their compasses have been messing up over the past several days.

so i decided to leave it out and see if anything happens... and up to now.... absolutely nothing.

until it fucking spun 360 degrees about an hour ago...

>> No.2804897

at the moment it keeps varying between 25 and 15 degrees off

>> No.2804903

so yeah, any fellow britfags want to check their compasses (as long as you know how to read compasses properly) and check if my compass is just retard

>> No.2804915


>> No.2804943

I'll go snag mine from the car.

>> No.2804955

off by about 30 degrees right now, keeps twitching between 20 and 30, but i think its slowly moving back

time will tell.... fags get your compases out

>> No.2804966

guys, I live in Colorado and I can see the fucking aurora borealis.

>> No.2804983

South Pole here. I can see the northern lights. holy shit.

>> No.2804985

quit trolling fag

>> No.2805008

what kind of periodicity are you seeing? seconds, minutes, etc.

>> No.2805027

its a pretty solid offset around 20 degrees to the east.
the compass keeps jittering (seconds) and then it will continue to jitter one way, then the next. Its pretty stable atm

>> No.2805045

I'm in southern indiana and my hasn't budged from where it was 5 minutes ago.

Probably a local distortion.

>> No.2805046


it literally swing and is now pointing south west
and is varying from west to south

taking pics hang on

>> No.2805069

Charlotte, NC here. Compass isn't doing anything odd, have been watching for about 5 minutes now.

>> No.2805079

Which I should mention, doesn't mean it isn't neat and potentially bad.

If we start seeing it in lower and lower latitudes, we could be seeing the start of a reversal.

Woot for epic coolness and qq for epic shittiness.

>> No.2805099

>Evidence of magnetic disturbances = photos of a compass exhibiting behavior that can be accomplished by... turning it


>> No.2805109
File: 90 KB, 449x561, 1297470847580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You assumed that the fault lies with your compass or the earth's magnetic field.

Have you even considered the possibility that the isle of Britain might be rotating?

>> No.2805116

Sure, but the cost of getting trolled is slight.

Plus if he takes the photos in a good way, we should be able to see if he changes the orientation of the compass or w/e it's sitting on.

>> No.2805118

not when an entire wall is perspective

>> No.2805121

I'll admit it. I laughed.

>> No.2805130

>implying op couldn't move his whole building


>> No.2805150

damn you guys figured me out... i am turning my entire house instead of my compas, a huge feat that costs me tens of thousands of pounds...
all to troll a couple of 15 year olds in a thread in sci

yep... you got me....

>> No.2805161

Seriously though, let's see pics and timestamps or the sages start flying.

>> No.2805167

Just posts pics and ask /b/ for britfags, /sci/ is an intelligent board so they don't hang out here.

>> No.2805180

Create a thread on /int/ linking to this thread.

I stand by my rotational hypothesis until it can be ruled out.

>> No.2805181

tryin find my USB thing for my mobile

>> No.2805200
File: 135 KB, 1024x1024, test_6.20110331052924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers wtf is going on?