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2799517 No.2799517 [Reply] [Original]

Finally! We have witnessed evolution IN ACTION! This is should hopefully end the stupid evolution fact/fiction discussions.


>> No.2799526

I have got some bad news, ben.

>> No.2799527

>black parents
>Blonde hair blue eyed baby

Does the media really expect people to believe this?

Either the wife cheated (Very unlikely anyway), the hospital gave them the wrong baby (lol), or the whole story is just fake multicultural everyone is the same feel good bullshit

>> No.2799546

lrn 2 recessive gene

>> No.2799551

I'm not convinced it isn't just an albino

>> No.2799563


Oxford Professor of Genetics confirmed it was extraordinary.

>> No.2799564

if blacks are reccessive does taht mean that in a million years there will only be wheite people?

>> No.2799565


didja know, that the genes for skin and eye color are only 7 and are the same in all humans? what changes is how those genes express themselves, so it's possible that in some rare cases some of those genes get flipped the other way around.

or it could be a recessive trait from some old ancestor.

or it's an albino girl.

>> No.2799567

Is it possible to tell if somenoe is black or white based on DNA? What would it say for this (exveptional) kid?

>> No.2799571
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Yep, IQ tests

>> No.2799580

will the baby still have an ugly face?

>> No.2799591

black wife cheated with a white man. slap a name on it and BAM. news for the stupid.

>> No.2799595

my face when you can IQ test DNA

my face when a black woman breeding with a white man produces a baby that isn't brown

>> No.2799603


lrn to actual genetics

So you're going to believe that two black parents, whose ancestry has no history of race mixing somehow managed to show a "recessive" gene that it never had to begin with, or that the genetic code somehow flawlessly mutated itself to show phenotypes never expressed before?

Why is it so hard to admit that this story is fake?

>> No.2799607

but not impossible

you just need both parents to be heterozygous in every one of the half dozen or so genes

and then the baby to get the recessive gene in every one of the genes, and from both parents

>> No.2799611

>no known history of race mixing


>> No.2799612

This would mean that each parent would have to be heterozygous for each of the 6-7 or so skin-color genes.
And then each of those recessive genes must be transferred into the child.
But this is fucking impossible because skin color is a polygenic trait and they wouldn't be that dark.

>> No.2799616

>whose ancestry has no history of race mixing

there are very few places on earth this happens

lrn2 colonialism/slave trade/etc

>> No.2799621

>But this is fucking impossible because skin color is a polygenic trait and they wouldn't be that dark.
>doesn't understand polygenic traits

of course it is possible if you had EVERY gene with 1 dominant black, 1 recessive white in parents.

just very very very unlikely

>> No.2799629

so is it possible for parent of Caucasian and Asian give birth to a black kid?

>> No.2799632

Well the liberal rainbow defense force has shown up.

Funny thing though, if this were reversed and the white parents had a black baby, everyone would automatically assume the wife cheated, but in this case everyone is falling over trying to prove this true.

Some of you probably think it was just as likely for the black parents to have an asian baby with a flat face and yellow skin

>> No.2799635

but skin color is incompletely dominant.

>> No.2799640

you should learn to genetics.

we all have all the genes to code for all the possible skin colors.
It's just the expression that varies.

>> No.2799648

Evolution? LOL

>> No.2799655

because it has 6 or 7 genes

each individual gene is completely dom/recessive

but taken together these 6 or 7 seem to produce a continuum, the incomplete dominance you mention

basically the binomial curve applies. looks continuous but is actually discrete

>> No.2799660


>> No.2799665

inb4 dude finds out she cheated with some white chocolate.

>> No.2799682

inb4 /sci/ is fucking racist and always will be


>> No.2799706

>Funny thing though, if this were reversed and the white parents had a black baby, everyone would automatically assume the wife cheated, but in this case everyone is falling over trying to prove this true.

this has happened. and no one is falling over themselves to prove it is *true*. people are showing the science of how it is *possible*.

>Some of you probably think it was just as likely for the black parents to have an asian baby with a flat face and yellow skin

lrn2 dominant/recessive genes

>Well the liberal rainbow defense force has shown up.

your post is more politically biased and un/sci/ than any other in this thread.

>> No.2799734

The baby will be Black 90% of the time all the time.

>> No.2799741

>Finally! We have witnessed evolution IN ACTION!
Uh, this is not the first time we would have directly witnessd evolution in action. It's been seen many many times in the lab and in nature.

>> No.2799763

black genes are dominant, which means if they're there they get expressed

>> No.2799779

Ok, this is an old story, the girl is now at least 6 month old and the father has already asked for a DNA test, wich the girl passed.
So for a thing that happen every 10^7 birth in black population every body gets mad on /sci/?
Damn most of the "the woman cheated with a white guy" sounds like /b/tard mixed with /new/fags...

>> No.2799793

This is far from the first time it's happened

>> No.2799817
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the only question is: can she call black people niggers without being considered racist?

>> No.2799822
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10/10 I lold.

>> No.2799827

Fuck I wondered the exact same thing...

>> No.2799838
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>> No.2799846


>> No.2799859

Didn't this happen last year?

>> No.2799860

> wants to be a man.
> gets pregnant anyway.

>> No.2799866


It pissed me off when the first man gave birth the other year. He was a transsexual, who still had a womb, he was still a woman

>> No.2799871

so, so they all have the potential to be like us?

>> No.2799877

thought this might be relevant

though she obviously isn't albino, as her hair is blonde.