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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2797393 No.2797393 [Reply] [Original]

>your age

>your major

>your political stance

>your gpa

>your goal in life

>> No.2797415

>microbiology and biochemistry
>fiscal conservative, social liberal, non-interventionist
>2.8, I fucked off when I was 18. Sucks. Got into a grad program though, woo!

>> No.2797428

Ah shit, forgot my goal

>to be cited. to be a part of the conversation.

>> No.2797429

>your age
>your major
>your political stance
i don't vote, both sides are have been full retard since i turned 18
>your gpa
>your goal in life
to find a goal

>> No.2797442

chemical engineering
>political stance
don't vote or give a shit, but tend to be more liberal
3.8 suckas
>goal in life
money, pussy, solve interesting physics problems in my spare time

>> No.2797443

> lefty lib
> in the low 3s
> 2 girls at once

>> No.2797452


-Comp Sci

-Moderate, it varies on topic. Generally socially liberal, but fiscally conservative. I prefer ideas grounded in reality that help the human race.

-3.6, 2 years in college

-Don't have one as of yet, right now just working on getting my feet in the ground. I guess like any scientist, I'd like to eventually contribute to some huge breakthrough that revolutionizes everything.

>> No.2797458

>Film production, specifically film editing
>Edit blockbuster movies or work for a video game company editing trailers

>> No.2797465


>> No.2797466
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>> No.2797468

>teenage anarchist
>dunno 3.6, 3.7 somewhere around there
>make obscene amounts of money

>> No.2797474
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Suck it.


>> No.2797475

> 20
> Math
> Everyone is greedy, the world is fucked
> 3.1
> achieve a maintainable lifestyle where i can grow pot and mushrooms and fuck

>> No.2797478

>your age
>your major
Civil Engineering
>your political stance
>your gpa
Shit (2.8)
>your goal in life
lose my virginity

>> No.2797481


>Double - Comp. Engr. and Piano/Organ

>Somewhat conservative, and still finding out


>Wife & kids, happy family

>> No.2797487

chemical engineering
don't care at all
start consulting company

>> No.2797502

>your age

>your major
electical engineering/computer science

>your political stance
moderate/mild conservative

>your gpa

>your goal in life
just live comfortably

>> No.2797508 [DELETED] 

>shit gpa

what a surprise.

>> No.2797510 [DELETED] 

Aerospace Engi
3.933 weighted (HSfag)
Liberal, mind-our-own-fucking-businessical
To get a good-paying job that I enjoy.

>> No.2797544

i bet he's a christian too

>> No.2797548

>underageb& high schooler
>calls himself an aerospace engineer
AHAHAHA oh wow...

>> No.2797552

oh man...reported

>> No.2797570
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>> No.2797606

blockbuster is gonna go out of business bro

>> No.2797625

>Bio/Geo double major
>Moderate liberal
>3.226 (but at a school famous for being obscenely difficult)
>Vertebrate paleontology as a career, well enough off to live comfortably and take lessons in all the shit I want to learn.

>> No.2797631



>> No.2797633




Probably like 2.9

Get a respectable Career, become physically self-sufficient, have kids, part-take in music as much as possible

>> No.2797635

18, not in collage yet, stop involving myself in politics, 3.0, and I don't yet have one. If I could just get a girl to love and a job then I'll be fine. I don't need anything else.

>> No.2797644

[future] Aerospace Engi :D

>> No.2797647

>center left? I like Kucinich a lot.
>to be a guido with a chemistry degree

>> No.2797662
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>your age

>your major
computer science/electrical engineering

>your political stance
meh, both sides have strong points, but I guess more democratic than anything

>your gpa
3.2 or somin

>your goal in life
Financially stable

>> No.2797663


I wish I had goals and a drive to do work.

>> No.2797740 [DELETED] 

to become a leader in some field

>> No.2797753



>> No.2797766

>Information Assurance & Cyber Warfare
>Make enough money to do what i want and not worry about bills like my parents. Family, kids eventually. Also, get a PhD

>> No.2797773

>both sides
You need to learn more about politics

>> No.2797779


>Conservative in the old sense (smaller, leaner, more efficient government, less infringement on rights give me my speech, guns AND my fourth amendment)
>3.0 Ate a big collegiate dick in Junior year, have since unfucked myself
>Join the Military, dream is officer candidate school right out of college, will settle for enlisted for a year or two and working my way into OCS if I have to

>> No.2797782

>your age

>your major

>your political stance
Centre/Rightish on a few issues
>your gpa
>your goal in life
become american citizen, work for nasa

>> No.2797792

Don't really think about it anymore. Bullshit everywhere.
3.0, maybe a little bit lower now. Hard to put so much effort when I don't know what I want as an end result
Don't really know

>> No.2797796

i hurd the military really needs someone to construct a phylogeny of turtles living in the east side of the ohio river

>> No.2797803
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>your age
>your major
Behavioral Neuroscience
>your political stance
>your gpa
>your goal in life
find true love / become a successful scientist. inb4 psychobio isn't a science.

>> No.2797807

Ron Paul

>> No.2797813

>engineering & management
>used to be republican, then libertarian, now slightly democrat
>3.2 graduating this semester. got into masters degree for mechanical engineering
>to be a damned good mechanical engineer, and a family man

>> No.2797817

History and Education

>> No.2797826

lol nice graphic

>> No.2797828

I heard it a little differently - In High School, pick two. In college, pick one.

>> No.2797829

Im in ROTC right now and I'm commissioning next year. Officer is definitely a good way to go, esp. if you get to perform your major within the military. Just remember this: DoD & Military take GPA very seriously. 3.0 is _bare minimum_ they'll accept. If you can get it to 3.5 you are VERY competitive

>> No.2797836


>Pharm. D.



>Open a biotech company/genetic cancer cure (lol)

>> No.2797859
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>Chemical Engineering
>Enjoy my prospective job.

>> No.2797861

>your age
>your major
Women's Studies
>your political stance
>your gpa
>your goal in life
Meet a beautiful woman, get married..all that jazz..and to live a long, healthy life.

>> No.2797872

>idealistically speaking: probably anarcho-socialist or some shit, pragmatically speaking: moderate leftist libertarian
>keep going to school, learn other trades, write books, fiction and non-fiction alike, produce art and music, if I ever acquire a substantial amount of wealth(unlikely), use it to support various scientific, political, and social causes, etc.

>> No.2797879


>computer science

>socially liberal, economically conservative, some mix. pro constitution (including 2nd amendment), anti big government


>learn and love as much as possible

>> No.2797881

Criminal Justice
Don't give a fuck
Low 3s
Be Happy

>> No.2797884


not true. I get more than enough sleep and I do well in school (got 4.0 two consecutive quarters this year.)

>> No.2797900

>your age
>your major
Computer Engineering
>your political stance
Democratic Socialist
>your gpa
It's pretty shitty because I stopped going to both History and Geography (University required courses) so I got those two F's.
A's & B's in all of the courses related to my major.
>your goal in life
To accumulate as little wealth, and as much scientific/mathematical knowledge, as possible.

>> No.2797918

itt fags aiming low in life
my goal is to singlehandedly discover the real answer to the quantum-relativity discontinuity (read: it's not string theory), win a Nobel Prize, fuck countless women, and become super billionaire

>> No.2797921
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I want to kill you all with the mighty fist of capitalism

>> No.2797931






>> No.2797934

Why does everyone who browses /sci/ claim to have a science related major? That can't be true...

>> No.2797939

Independent, not balanced for lean
3.3 and rising by end of semester
Create something great so we can all be lazy shits, not have to worry about living/retiring

>> No.2797976


Art major lurking here. I wasn't gonna post, just because every damn time there's always some "lol art wutafag" response shitstorm, and people pointing out that I won't make any money, which I'm already aware of.

>> No.2797983

things ive learned ITT:

-never argue w/anyone on here for too long, chances are theyre in high school

-everyone is mostly conservative

-lots of people not even in school.

thus is /sci/

>> No.2797984
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There's a reason for that.
Intelligence correlates directly with how left wing you are.

>> No.2797986

That and you're an idiot.

>> No.2798003

>Mechanical Engineering
>A little bit of both so I don't vote.
2.2 (was stupid 1st 2 years of college)
>Pretty girl, family, contribute something to society instead of being useless leech.

>> No.2798011

>Medical Laboratory
Political Stance
>Liberal..,but its complicated. I shouldn't go on. I guess that's why /new/ isn't around anymore
>To do two chicks at the same time. If I was rich, I think I'd be able to hook that up.

>> No.2798013


That one sentence gave it away, huh?

>> No.2798014

Machine rule
about 85%
money, power, and being written in to the history books

>> No.2798023

>your age
>your major
Computer Science
>your political stance
>your gpa
>your goal in life
I dunno, be happy, have a fun job, with a nice house and car and be able to not give a fuck about the rest of the world.

>> No.2798025

It's nothing personal. All art majors are

>> No.2798026


Stop posting

>> No.2798027


You = Jerk

>> No.2798030

It's funny seeing what people jot down as their political stance. I refuse to believe a lot of these people are taking classes as they claim they are, or rather they haven't taken a decent government class at all.

>> No.2798033

You = too easily offended.
I take it you're new here

>> No.2798037

>Conservative (Not necessarily Republican)

>> No.2798039

Politics stink
All A's = 4.0 in college I think

>> No.2798049


>>Double, Communications (advertising) & Art (interactive multimedia)

>>Young and ignorant


>>Get a goddamned job

>your goal in life

>> No.2798053
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>Machine Rule

> mfw I realize how awesome it would be to have some kind of non-corrupt, intelligent AI who doesn't make shit decisions or has cronies to influence it.

>> No.2798062


Cool dissertation, brah, would you like to back up those claims and explain your credibility, or are you just here to blow smoke up your own ass?

>> No.2798063 [DELETED] 

Business (Hopefully) if not a computer networking degree, on my way to CCNA
>political stance
4.3 (inb4 impossible, we have weighted here, 3 college courses help)
to either make the most or least impact on society, not quite sure yet.

>> No.2798066
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>Fuck bitches, get money

Feels good, man.

>> No.2798067
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The fuck did you say?

>> No.2798075
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>> No.2798084

>Math 55
>Become God

>> No.2798088

i see the contradiction, the good thing about being a socialist its like throwing away your vote, but you still get to piss quite a few people off in the process

>> No.2798090


Yeah what the fuck? You major is "business"

I go to a business school where we have a ton of different majors all labeled as "business"

Also how do you feel about reconcilling your socialist views with your business major?

>> No.2798091

Fine Art
National Socialism
1.0, failing
Don't know. Maybe something big in the future.

>> No.2798096


>Implying anyone gives a shit about weighted GPAs.

The only good it'll ever do you is class rank. Zero unis and zero scholarships care about your fucking weighted.

>> No.2798105

>your age

>your major
Petroleum engineering

>your political stance
Agree with some left, and some right, think both are equally retarded in general.

>your gpa
3.85 and dropping

>your goal in life
Be happy

>> No.2798106

Chemical Engineering
To invent a drug for biological immortality

>> No.2798114


Modern day Conservatives would consider him a socialist for supporting a negative income tax meant to redistribute wealth.

>> No.2798121


Where are you from? Even at most of the universities around here, "Business" is a pretty common general major.

>> No.2798125

social liberal, capitalist, support stimulus and regulation.
To be happy.

>> No.2798126

If that doesn't work, can you make me some acid?

Also so far only one retarded political ideology is said. Objectivist or some cultish shit.

Sci I am proud.

>> No.2798142


Im from Arizona.

But okay, I have heard of "business" being a major. I just dont understand how that could be a major, just because Ive been exposed to the tremendous depth in each part of business.

Its like majoring in "Science"

>> No.2798143


I have some bad news for you...

>> No.2798156

>nothing specific

>> No.2798154 [DELETED] 

>your age
>your major
audio engineering (i hope)
>your political stance
>your gpa
>your goal in life
make good music, be someone

>> No.2798159
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>can you make me some acid?
>make me some acid?

>> No.2798165


>Econ w/ math minor

Political Stance


Goal in life
>Get Ph.D, publish works, and debate ideas

>> No.2798170
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>your age
>your major
>your political stance
>your gpa
>your goal in life
Have a steady job that I love, raise a strong family.

>> No.2798171

Be a legit math professor

>> No.2798186
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Electrical Engineering
Smoke Weed Every Day
Enjoy it

>> No.2798192
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He means this.

>> No.2798194

>make a programmable quantum computer, then program it

>> No.2798202

>energy engineering
>dont affiliate with any political party but I guess I would classify myself as a Libertarian
>To change the world

>> No.2798207


The nice thing about chemistry and chemical engineering is that if you ever lose your job, illicit drugs are always an option. I always though it would be kinda cool to revolutionize the illegal drug industry, some of their ideas are so outdated.

>> No.2798208

Everybody's against my ideology somehow
3.5 in High School, probably less in college

I want to be one of those esteemed writers who makes plots for television/videogames/cartoons/comics that guys like /co/ and /v/ drool over. I want people to go "OMGSODEEP" and revere me for fucking ever for my writing.

>> No.2798210


>energy engineering
what is this?

>> No.2798215
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How would I get in to that racket though?

>> No.2798220


Damn. I seriously thought he meant acid as is a proton donor. I thought he would run some wicked experiments.

Damn chemistry.

>> No.2798226

3.46 cum gpa
to look back on life at the end and say its just how i wanted it to be

>> No.2798232
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>> No.2798239


>> No.2798243
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Become friends with a dumb drug dealer, and get close to the head honcho by producing pure quality drugs?

>> No.2798251
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I HIGHLY recommend you don't get into the large scale manufacture of illicit substances. If it was personal use and your ideas happened to spread across the internet, well there's nothing we can do now can we?

>> No.2798254

>your age: 22

>your major: russian/security&intell

>your political stance: moderate conservative

>your gpa: 3.9

>your goal in life: have a happy family, be joyful

>> No.2798347

Too apathetic to care
85/100 expected to get worse
I just wanna get the hell out of my parents' place.

>> No.2798396

philosophy/cognitive science

>> No.2798570



Radical Centrist


Do as well as my brother (22 and already an actuary)

>> No.2798576

to win an naacp image award

>> No.2798700

hurt people at concerts well into old age

>> No.2798715

and get dubs like a boss

>> No.2798725

>International Business/Chinese
>Continue writing music, travel the world, learn something new every day, rip skirts & fill guts

>> No.2798726


Electrical Engineering



Create a phased array antenna system to fry seagulls at 1000m.

>> No.2798766

No one reads this shit unless you have an odd major or insult someone's political stance, so:
Circumcision Studies
Hard Right (Fucking cumguzzling liberals and their nanny-state need to fuck off and let evolution take its course!)
Implement massive eugenics program designed to eliminate LIBERALS.

>> No.2798771


>Chem eng.


>Manufacture my own cocaine and lsd

>> No.2798783

>English (I know, shut up)
>Reluctant conservative
>3.2, I think? Would be higher but I had a fucking horrible sophomore year
>Write a novel or own a bookstore

>> No.2798803
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Veterinary Medicine/Animal Husbandry
Just to be happy.

>> No.2798805

nuclear engineer
compete in a fitness competition

>> No.2798817


Electrical engineering

no stance


build quantum computers

>> No.2798819

>your age
>your major
>your political stance
>your gpa
>your goal in life
Be happy, raise a family, enjoy my time on earth.

>> No.2798828 [DELETED] 
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Computer Science

Democratic Socialist

I don't understand foreign grade systems

goal in life is to be happy and fulfilled through sufficiently awesome entertainment, experiences and through pursuing epic projects.

>> No.2798861

>Just to be happy
>By shoving my arm up a cow's vagina

>> No.2798871 [DELETED] 

None (Probably going into Biology)
3.8 (highschool not that impressive or even noteworty i should be getting a 4.0 but whatever)
Not killing myself

>> No.2798881

>Hard right... Evolution
>Right... Evolution

He trolled so hard he trolled himself.

>> No.2798890

Social Progressive
To live authentically

>> No.2798891

>your age

>your major

>your political stance
don't have one brah

>your gpa
ausfag here, i don't know how i can relate

>your goal in life
build an estate out in the forest and create psychedelic drugs errday

>> No.2798892



>political stance


>goal in life
don't know man. I just want to finish my bachelors and live a simple life. i just want to be alone and study math, read classics, or watch tv shows.

>> No.2798896

My age: 18
My major: None, but I have studied the natural sciences and philosophy from the moment I could read.
My political stance: Ideally the political system should be as Plato describes in his Republic, overseen by a benevolent and incorruptible supercomputer-king.
GPA: 4.0
My goal in life: A happy universe.

>> No.2798902



White Nationalist


A crusading lawyer who lives like Dick Proenneke at times.

>> No.2798912

>Three years into a dual major between international security and intelligence and history.
>fiscal conservative, socially liberal Isolationist
>Do what a love for a living, build a pyramid shaped Romanesque/Sumerian style home out on some family land in Illinois, and build my library larger.

>> No.2798913

i 100% agree with your political ideas. Full communism (Marxism i think is what its called?) or benevelant leader is the best.

>> No.2798929


reported for being a dumbshit and also for underage.

>> No.2798954

>chemical engineering
>get a high paying job that i enjoy, doing something that will positively impact the world

>> No.2798989

>Conservative (Canadian "small c")
>PhD in Bioorganics

>> No.2799004

>MSc, EE
>free market emergence
>graduated with a 3.9, don't really have a GPA right now
>models and bottles

>> No.2799021


>Music Composition (what the hell am I doing on /sci/ ?)

>I lean Anarcho-Capitalist, but I don't know enough about Politics.

>Don't know, don't care.


>> No.2799026

>your age
>your major
bio major, working on a PhD in Marine Bio
>your political stance
dont give a shit
>your goal in life
somehow support myself, be that through getting a shit paying job at NOAA or being sucked up into academia forever. either way working in my field

>> No.2799067

good luck with that one

>> No.2799078

>your age
>your major
>your political stance
Fuck politics
>your gpa
>your goal in life
be happy, appreciate the universe we live in.

>> No.2799098
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> Physics
> Libertarian
> 3.7
> Ph.D, owning multiple tech oriented businesses and inventing tons of useful stuff.

>> No.2799101

>Make bank, have sweet vacations, and raise a cool family

>> No.2799107
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>your age

>your major
>your political stance

>your gpa
>your goal in life
Become a researcher in the theory of computation. Be well published, maybe teach Theoretical Computer Science/Mathematical Logic

>> No.2799111

>your age
>your major
didnt go to college.. yet.. if at all
>your political stance
a mix of both
>your gpa
graduated high school with a 3.5
>your goal in life
be happy, help others

>> No.2799132

To calculate a gpa is something like ([%grade]-53)/10 and it goes from 93% up being a 4.0 so if you had an 83% average you would have a 3.0 gpa. This was directed toward the Australians and whoever else doesn't use this system.

>> No.2799133

Sorry about the sage I'm on a phone and it autosaves

>> No.2799142

>your age
>your major
electrical engineering
>your political stance
>your gpa
>your goal in life
be happy

>> No.2799143



>So far to the left I fell off the edge.

>didn't go to school

>to change the world with my books.

>> No.2799160 [DELETED] 

>your age
>your major
>your political stance
I dunno much about politics but I've just read George Orwell's 1984. Right wing politics might not be so bad.
>your gpa
I don't know much about foreign grading system either. But it's 1.5 or something (1.00 highest).
>your goal in life
learn more stuff and die.

>> No.2799162

>your age
>your major
Mechanical Engineering
>your political stance
Extremely Socially Liberal; Fiscal Realist/Center-Left
>your gpa
3.9 or some shit. College is easy
>your goal in life
Travel the world on foot with no more than a backpack of supplies and a friend. Spend years travelling across Europe and Asia, talking to spiritual leaders and humanists and cultural leaders along the way. Learn. Love. Live. Appreciate the world for what it is. Smoke wonderful substances. Climb tall mountains. Swim across big lakes. Come home to Amurikkka. Become famous motorcycle/car/spacecraft designer. Make money. Fuck bitches. Write a book. Live the good life. Write another book. Be nice. Love people. Make others happy. Fuck moar bitches. Die in an amazing, inspirational and breathtaking way. Have body launched into space, towards the Alpha Centauri system. Obtain decaying orbit. Fall into star. Become atoms. Join the immortal and never-ending process of cosmic regrowth. Atoms become parts of other planets, other stars, other life forms. Do my part to help the Universe continue with its grand operation.

>> No.2799168

Aerospace Engineering (inb4 hurr durr faggot)
Moderate Liberal
No idea

>> No.2799170

>but I've just read George Orwell's 1984. Right wing politics might not be so bad.

I don't think you understood the meaning in 1984.
Or you're a fascist.
Or a troll.

>> No.2799178

Communism / No Politics
To become a great knight!

>> No.2799184

Urban and Regional Planning
Center left
nothing really.

>> No.2799205
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Socially liberal, New Keynesian economics

8.56 in NZ, which is in between an A and A+ average

>PhD. in economics
>300k starting

>> No.2799214

I said it before, I don't really know much about politics. Anyway, as I see it George Orwell condemns communism, and social inequalities. The book has portrayed it very well that I'm thinking it's very competitive and challenging to be living in a place with that kind of government as opposed to what the book seems to imply on me.

>> No.2799225

4.0 (5.0 being highest over here)
Lead a meaningful, comfortable existence

>> No.2799234

underage b&. looking at colleges.
aptitude for bio and chem, 5s on both AP exams (because APs are srs bzns right?). wat major in. preferably something i can get a job in that involves field work. completely expecting to go through at least grad school

>> No.2799237

I'm not sure what youre saying. You need to focus on your sentence structure.

Orwell is renowned for fearing and hating government power. He warns his readers of the lives they will have under tyranny and despotism. Orwell outlines the foundations of his tyrannical governments very clearly: huge admiration for the military, huge admiration for leaders and officials (an admiration that turns respect into worship and idolatry), power consolidation in the hands of the few, severe wealth and education inequality, and religious oppression, among other things.
Unfortunately, this is highly correlated with modern right wing American politics.

>> No.2799242 [DELETED] 

not yet
varies depending on issue
I wanna be the very best, that no one ever was

>> No.2799268

Yeah sorry, english isn't my first language either. The book just made me think more competitive. I lived in a democratic country so I never had a first hand experience in a rightist kind of governance. With that being said, my country is governed with what can I say incompetent corrupt officials, so I thought a nationalist leader might not be so bad.

>> No.2799283
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>your age
>your major
>your political stance
Conservative/Liberal fluctuating
>your gpa
European here- and a much too lazy one to re-calculate
>your goal in life
Construct a cyberbody that makes me thougher than JC Denton. Maybe I can add some life-extension augments. I'm obsessed with life-extension. Totally obsessed with cybernetically enhanced bodies and life-extension that is...


>> No.2799292

To be independent, educated, and happy.

>> No.2799299

The entire point of 1984 is denouncing nationalism. The Party, its adherents, the two minutes hate, Hate week, all of it. It's all nationalistic propaganda and institutions designed to keep the people under control. Right wing politics are typically nationalistic (with extreme/exaggerated "patriotism", intense fascination with the flag and the military, surrendering of rights to leaders because the leaders deem them unnecessary and the leaders are always right, etc.), with the farther right you go becoming more and more nationalistic.

Even moderate nationalism can be easily carried away by fundamentalism and dogma. It is good to be proud of the country in which you live, or of a group you belong to, but nationalism is when that pride becomes overbearing, and you start to fail to take into account objective failures of the group you're associated with. This leads to denial of the existence of problems and issues, which in turn leads to the perpetuation and unending existence of said problems. Basically, if no one recognizes that faults exist, these faults will never be fixed. Nationalism is one of the blinding forces that keep people from accepting reality and focusing on fixing that which is not perfect. This happens because to them, to the man consumed by nationalism, everything already is perfect. His leaders tell him so, and to him, this makes it so. No further thinking is required, expected or encouraged.

In this regard, nationalism is directly opposite of the fundamentals of science and pure democracy. May I ask where you live that you dislike? Corrupt government officials are a sad reality of the world we live in, and you will not find a single country without their fair share.

>> No.2799320

>left of center
>BL3 at the CDC

>> No.2799322

I don't want to disclose much information but I live in a third-world Asian country. While democracy might be the most ideal form of government for scientific and technological advancements, my country is still lagging behind in these terms.

It's pretty obvious for me too, that what the book is trying to say is that pure nationalism will make a bleak future. But a leader who has an iron hand to lead efficiently might not be so bad.

>> No.2799354

If a leader is powerful, strong willed, and benevolent, then yes, he will be able to accomplish an amazing amount. It is something known as a benevolent tyrant, or something similar to that. Theres a technical term that I can't really remember right now, but its pretty close to that...benevolent dictator, benevolent king, something like that. Anyways, its pretty much outlining a ruler with absolute power who doesn't abuse his power, but instead rules peacefully and fairly. Without a doubt, that would be an ideal government for virtually anything, because the thick swamps of beuacracy can be ignored.

However, this is similar to the theories of pure socialism, pure communism, and as we have found out in the most recent century, pure capitalism. On paper and in theory, they work fantastically. But when applied to the real world, where the human element takes a pivotal role, these ideal theories break apart. There can be a benevolent leader, but the chances of a benevolent leader getting power, and then staying benevolent while keeping power, is highly unlikely. This is similar to communism, socialism and capitalism, where human greed, human pride, and human egos corrupt and stain and eventually ruin the perfect theories. It really does suck, but its the world we live in. History has shown us that this happens time and time again, without fail, and I think that it's only recently that people are beginning to realize this.

>> No.2799388

You really know your stuff sir, I forgot to tell though that I'm only speaking out of idealism and I have an idea of a messed up nationalist and totalitarian or authoritarian ideology and governance. Also, we're getting off topic here lol.

>> No.2799426

haha yes, yes we are. I only know my stuff because I find fascist and totalitarian governments, social revolutions, societal progress, and oppression extremely interesting subjects.

On a personal note, my ideal form of government is a techno-democratic-socialist meritocracy utilizing the delphi method for all matters not already automated by machines. Basically, you can only get nominated to run for government positions if you have documented qualifications, and computers and automated machines run the bean-counting and paperwork. People still vote on who they want, but I think that there needs to be some kind of threshold or criteria a person must meet before they can vote. It is wasteful and pointless to let the uneducated and ignorant influence political and social factors that affect everyone else. Besides this, I strongly favor personal freedoms; legalization and regulation of all drugs, all substances, and virtually all behavior, besides the basics like rape, murder, kidnapping, etc. Essentially, you can have all the freedoms and liberties to do whatever you wish, as long as you don't infringe on other peoples freedom and liberties.

but thats just my dream world, and I would never be arrogant enough to claim that the human imperfection i already described wouldn't fuck it up.

>> No.2799442
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yo, i'm >>2798891 and what you're describing sounds fucking wonderful and i agree. i've often though about this exact construction.

>> No.2799451
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my bad

>> No.2799493




>no idea what that is (i'm an ausfag, enter score was 85.2)

>no idea

>> No.2799495


All was well up until he drug part....because we totally need to legalize Crystal Meth and PCP...

>> No.2799500
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>BA in Pol Sci lol i know
>Majoring in Organic Chemistry, going to do my MA in Applied Finance next year
>GPA is A minus to A, think that means a 3 point something, or do i have it reversed?
>Basically aiming to become an independent director on the board of companies primarily in the industrial chemicals sectors, my fallback plan is to get 6 years work experience and then start working for the ministry of foreign affairs in the embassies

>mfw when even my lofty ambitions are overshadowed by the achievements of other 4chan denizens.

>> No.2799522

I'm going to assume that being 18 this is your 1st semester at uni? Because Australia universities use GPA, it is your Grade Point Average of all your completed units and will be between 0 and 7 in aus. (7 is next to impossible to get, I don't know anyway above 6.8). Tecncally you don't have a GPA until you actually finish some classes.

PS, it has nothing to do with your uni entrance score, which is different across Australia.

>> No.2799523

> 41.
> Cold Plasma Physicist.
> It's all shit anyways.
> Power level in my field : over 9000 (I'm an authority).
> Build a FTL space ship, a crysis nanosuit, or achieve immortality. Space ship is doable. Prepare your anuses, in 2030 I'll have a miniature prototype.

>> No.2799534


>> No.2799538

>your age
>your major
Don't have one. Though if I did, it'd probably be Chemistry.
>your political stance
None. Most political parties are completely stupid. Though in theory Imperialism and Communism are good, though in real life they never work.
>your gpa
2.7 or so. I never really listened or cared in High School. I tend to only pay attention to things I care about or enjoy learning about.
>your goal in life
Not sure honestly. It's a toss up between Archaeology, Military, or Chemistry. I know really random assortment.

>> No.2799548

your age


your major

>comp sci and software dev

your political stance

>a fair and equal government

your gpa

>fucked if i know

your goal in life

>live my life happy and achieving whatever i set my mind to

>> No.2799585
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>computer engineering
>Be happy and live life to its fullest

>> No.2799588


>legalise and regulate

>> No.2799676

>anti-imperialistic,in favor of new or reformed economic system, need less world population
>hard to say, since Eurofag, but it should be round 3.7 or 3.8 out of 4
>content life, no worries about personal health, finally move the fuck out of parents apartment

>> No.2799689

>need less world population

agreed, or at least less dense.

>> No.2799695

>your age

>your major
Social politics, will get double majors (law being the other one).

>your political stance
I don't believe in democracy. That's my stance.

>your gpa
No such thing in my country. On a scale of 0 to 5, my average is 4,3.

>your goal in life
Have an effect on society and get my name in history books. A husband and one kid sounds pretty nice as well. Maybe breed some god-tier dogs at some point.

>> No.2799699


19, actually.

>> No.2799720

>your age
>your major
>your political stance
dont fucking care
>your gpa
3.75 (will drop to like 3.4-3.6 at end of year first year student)
>your goal in life
invent a drug that significantly increases learning ability, imagine a world were 14 years is the standard age of enrolling in university and 18 is the standard age of starting to work.

we have streamlined our production with crops to produce maximum yield in smallest amount of time, why not do it to human minds.

this would also increase the rate of technological advancement significantly.

don't know if it can be done yet but it is what i plan on researching.

>> No.2799722

>your age
>your major
>your political stance
Liberal (Original-Europe-mode, not american "liberal")
>your gpa
We dont measure like this, but its ok (top 10-5%)
>your goal in life
Graduate and work with science.

>> No.2799724

>we have streamlined our production with crops to produce maximum yield in smallest amount of time, why not do it to human minds.
>comparing crops to the human brain
I and just lost the little respect I had left for that bullshit.

>> No.2799728


>Don't have one. Want to major in Biology.



>SCIENCE! and Immortality

>> No.2799735

new types of propulsion (i.e. warp)

>> No.2799753

>neuroscience (graduated already)
>socially liberal, economically low-key socialist

>> No.2799758

>your age
>your major
>your political stance
independent, somewhat liberal
>your gpa
2.something meh
>your goal in life
to learn how the universe works

>> No.2799766

math transferring to aeronautics
to graduate

>> No.2799770

>No degree

>> No.2799772

half the communists I know are in economics, the rest have no higher education

>> No.2799781

Who the fuck cares. One vote doesn't count and don't you even try to say it does.
To live for at least a thousand years, become a citizen of galaxies.

>> No.2799787

>your age
>your major
computer science
>your political stance
support people the same as me
>your gpa
>your goal in life
beat friend to owning 100m+ superyacht
>probable outcome
working in supermarket as a supervisor

>> No.2799789


>50% + 1 vote = majority.

For a statistic's student, you sure cannot math.

>> No.2799798

>Implying any statistic's student can into math

Why do you think they study statistcs?

>> No.2799795 [DELETED] 

>Centrist I guess
>be the cause of the end of the world (no seriously, I'm insane)

>> No.2799803


>Industrial Engineering (most general available to me)

>Too different for today's SCI? Resource Based Economy. http://www.thevenusproject.com/en/a-new-social-design/resource-based-economy

>4.0 (irrelevant number)

>Utilize my resources and acquired knowledge to ultimately create new technical and sociological solutions for the problems we have in humanity today, And thus for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

I'm satisfied.

>> No.2799807
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tell me, what do you see in this inkblot

>> No.2799808

>Computer Science
>Scientific Anarcho-Liberal Democratic Socialist
>Live to my fullest, sorry i'm not a tool or satisfied with having "a job".

>> No.2799811

>social democrat
I dunno how you americuns compute gpa, so I say 1.15 with 1 being best, 5 being worst
>rape OP's parents and siblings and then sage his thread

>> No.2799819
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>he mad because statistics students will actually have job opportunities upon graduation
>inb4 300k starting, etc

>> No.2799826

>Medicinal Chemistry
>democrat when poor (now), republican when rich
>3.0 undergrad, 3.8 grad studen, wut up
>Discover a drug, sell it to pfizer, live large

>> No.2799845

>implying you wouldn't want to buy a drug that would help you memorize everything you read instantaneously, thus being able to complete a degree in 1 year by just readin 20 textbooks and having perfect recall rather than having to painstakingly learn and memorize every detail

this might not be as important for maths and physcis but biology, medecine and chemistry is 80% memorizing and 20% understanding.

>> No.2799851

> 19
> Software Engineering
> Never found political stances to be appealing - I just believe what I believe, and that's that.
> No idea, a mediocre 80% whatever that translates into. Only reason it's so lame is because I'm lazy and not very easily encouraged to study.
> I had one, but it's impossible.

>> No.2799854

Britfag here, don't know what a major is, or what a gpa is

>not Murkan, but I'm studying pharmacology
>they're all cunts
>not Murkan
>get a PhD, to be part of a team that discovers a cure for some disease (we can all hope eh?)

>> No.2799865

>age,major,political stance,gpa



to not live on this planet anymore

>> No.2799868
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>> No.2799869
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Well you know... there's a fast way out...

>> No.2799870
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or, alternatively

>> No.2799898

I looked at this thread last night, and I'm looking at it again this morning. Sci, how do many of you manage to do so well in majors that are generally perceived as incredibly difficult? I really need some good study tips here. I do the usual (spend time with problems, read over lecture notes, etc).

>> No.2799904

just do what you love. if you aren't interested in what you're doing, it's incredibly difficult to have drive.

>> No.2799921

>Physics Ph.D. candidate
>~3.5, I think. It is good enough to not be in risk of getting kicked out.

>> No.2799932

by not believing shitty rumours

>> No.2799934
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>pretty fucking liberal 'cept for gun rights etc (ex army/infantry)
>Obtain Ph.D in cognitive neuro, move out of us if it's still shitty, live life doing research and teaching while having some kids with my current GF

>> No.2799950

get a phd

>> No.2799969


Solve problems and shit aka Progressive



PHD in mathematics

>> No.2799998 [DELETED] 

>your age
>your major
Electrical Engineering
>your political stance
Still haven't voted but I guess labor sucks the least
>your gpa
Only a few weeks into my course so don't know
>your goal in life
To be as ingenious as Nikola Tesla and create some revolutionary piece of equipment

>> No.2800011




computer programming and music



>political stance

nuetral in all fields, I don't care for them at all

>goal in life

to create the greatest indies game of all time

>> No.2800062
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>your age

>your major
computer science

>your political stance
there is no good government

>your gpa
no gpa in my country

>your goal in life
i'm interested in science in general
i want to know what reality is and if it really is "reality"
but i also know that the things that i'm interested in and want to know are just product of my human instincts
so i'm back to having no general purpose for my existence other than satisfying my prime instincts
that makes me just like every other human or animal on the earth

>> No.2800090

>your age

>your major
Biomedical Science

>your political stance

>your gpa
Not in my country, but I am in my second year and have never had less than 70% in any exam or assignment.

>your goal in life
Not sure yet. Possibly Parkinson's Disease research

>> No.2800192

>your age
>your major
Pharmacology, medicine
>your political stance
Socialist, supporter of RBE
>your gpa
Britfag, so I have no idea. But I'm in the top quartile if that helps.
>your goal in life
Space based medicine

>> No.2800214

>your age
>your major
>your political stance
Publicly: Centrist/Moderate
Privately: Benevolent Fascist
>your gpa
>your goal in life
become a surgeon

>> No.2800270

How fascinatingly different yet similar we are...

>> No.2800272

FYI anarchistfags, I live in Sweden and we have a great government. Maybe you should try voting sometime.

>> No.2800279


>network security

>classical liberal master race

>3.7x as of last semester, taking 21 credits this semester so it's bound to fall some

>send kids to better-than-public school and socialize them for upper class

>> No.2800299
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>Mech Engineering from Bath
>MsC in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering from Loughborough.
>Jurispudence from Oxford

>Conservative. Strongly conservative.

>Never had one.

>To become a truly balanced man.

>> No.2800315
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i know nothing about politics
being awesome at everything i do

>> No.2800349

>Forced to pay taxes for a system you don't support
>Great government

Excuse me, bwuhh? I don't give a fuck about whatever beautiful things they've wasted money on.

>> No.2800417

> implying you wouldn't buy shitty burgers with that money
> implying you don't have money only because the state is doing proper things

>> No.2800430

>finish my current certificate, work 2-3 years; in interim fix my fucking GPA, and go get my B.S. in Chemistry >>> M.D. in Nuclear Chemistry

>> No.2800441

>your age

>your major

>your political stance

>your gpa

>your goal in life
Be more successful than my parents

>> No.2800686

>your age
>your major
>your political stance
Somewhat liberal
>your gpa
>your goal in life
Space medicine, flight surgeon and eventually apply to become an astronaut.

>> No.2801024

All the aspie physicists are on here checking to see if there is anyone else set on resolving quantum gravity, but they arnt posting

>> No.2801111

>your age
>your major
>your political stance
George Carlin
>your gpa
4.7 or something
>your goal in life
happiness in general

>> No.2801128

>Computer Science
>Left leaning but don't give a fuck/hate both parties
>Move to Canada (Vancouver/Calgary), make enough money to support myself plus a decent amount of extra moneys, find a loving guy to fuck and play vidya with for the rest of my life, possibly adopt/foster some children.

>> No.2801137

>your age

>your major

>your political stance
politics suck, enjoy your lying thieving jews. I'll be a hermit living in the mountains somewhere

>your gpa

>your goal in life
to get away from society and become a master vagrant

>> No.2801138

continue being content with all things

>> No.2801175


Formally, Mathematics and Physics, though I'm also involved in Computer Science and AI.
I don't believe I have enough insight on politics to have one.
I don't really have a goal, just yet.

>> No.2801203

>your age
>your major
Applied math
>your political stance
Close to libertarian (not even remotely close to that americunt party though), freegan
>your gpa
2.656565 (2+65/99)
>your goal in life
My shot-term goal; get a girlfriend, have lots of sex, get super /fit/
My mid-term goal; to develop myself in a multiple ways
My long-term goal; to find a worthy goal

>> No.2801207

>seems perfectly legit

>> No.2801223

17, inb4 underageb&

Going to be majoring in particle physics, with mathematics as a minor. May end up double majoring.

>political stance
In an ideal world, socialism works beautifully. Because humans, myself included, are greedy, a capitalist democracy will have to work. As long as I can keep throwing protons at each other, I'm good with anything.

Weighted is something like 4.5, unweighted is probably 3.8 or 3.7

Work at CERN, kinda bridge over into theoretical physics, maybe try for a professor position somewhere when I'm older.

>> No.2801249

>senior in high school (not held back, just have an early birthday), but planning on physics or mathematics
>Fiscal conservative, liberal everything else
>around 3.6
>move out of America, get a PhD, live a relatively happy life, love (or at least not hate) my job

>> No.2801276

>your age - 18

>your major - Biomed

>your political stance - Anarchist

>your gpa
>Lives in the USA

>your goal in life