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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 460x288, briancox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2793618 No.2793618 [Reply] [Original]

So is Brian Cox the Carl Sagan for the next generation?

>> No.2793619
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It seems so.

>> No.2793623

Brian Cox is so dreamy.
I put on Wonders of the Solar System and Wonders of the Universe when I am sleepy, as his voice is soothing and helps me get to sleep.

>> No.2793626


>> No.2793635

Yep definitely the new Carl Sagan

>> No.2793639

>Annoying voice
>Oversimplifies things
>Smilies like a faggot

Seems so

>> No.2793652

Anyone got a link to the new episode of WOTU?

>> No.2793979

Brian Cox cracked his head open in a tragic bike related accident when he was younger. it was so sever that they could see inside his Skull.

For that breif moment, existance halted at what they could see...

>> No.2793986
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Oh no she didn't!

>> No.2793990

>brian cocks
>compared to sagan

>> No.2794299
File: 78 KB, 500x375, weather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sci likes Cox..
I knew it

>> No.2794312

No, he sounds like an effeminate faggot and somehow manages to work "beautiful" into every sentence. Carl Sagan had the rounded deep voice of a purring lion, taut and svelt, slick like oiled leather and he was always straight to the point, no fagnegroy

>> No.2794342

>slick like oiled leather
>not a fag

Whatever helps you sleep.

>> No.2794352

I almost replied with a rage post because I thought you were talking about Sagan. Wtf.


>> No.2794368

>be bisexual
>get excited when I hear this science guy is femmy since those are the boys I go for
>check him out on youtube
>am disappoint in /sci/'s dysfunctional gaydar.

>> No.2794371

I was referring to both of them

>> No.2794372

He sucks cox

>> No.2794380

>implying you're not gay for sagan

>> No.2794390

I've streamed hit BBC show he does before... makes you think about the world and global warming how much it fucking sucks...


You say Taylor Swift, I say Korn
You say Lady Gaga,I say Paramore
You say Miley Cyrus,I say $lipknot
You say T-Paine,I say Red Hot Chili Peppers
You say Emanem,I say Linkin Park
You say Justin Beiber, I say System of a Down

98% of teens have turned to main stream music.If you are part of the 4% that still listens to real music, copy and paste this message to your sig. DONT LET ROCK "N" ROLL DIE !

>> No.2794396


>speaks like an unemployed chav with a filthy Northern accent

No. At least Sagan's voice had some grandeur and did justice to the subject matter. Cox sounds like he's about to mug someone.

>> No.2794399

>popularise science

>> No.2794404

He's boring
I prefer mikio kaku

>> No.2794411

>Talk in a bizarre way and slur words due to brain damage caused by being a drug addict


>> No.2794415

link to one of his documentaries?

>> No.2794421

There's nothing wrong with either voice. You guys might as well be arguing ' LOLOOLO AMERCA > ENGLAND' or vice versa

>> No.2794425

just watch the science channel
They always show him

>> No.2794430

Too many people trying to claim that title today. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Brian Cox, Michio Kaku. None will rival Sagan though. Don't even think they can truly ever fill his shoes. Sagan's still the reigning champ of science popularization.

>> No.2794439

Their voices are the sole reason I can't stand to watch their programmes

>> No.2794459

>the science channel
what is that? the discovery channel? or something different. I probably don't get because sky tv is, for the most part, shit. I'll have a look online for uploaded versions.


You're missing out. I get high to these programs alone.

>> No.2794471

I should qualify this though...
Brian Cox = Neil DeGrasse Tyson > Michio Kaku.
Cox and Tyson are both decent. Cox might be a bit better in terms of explaining things somewhat scientifically. And Tyson tries to be goofy too often. They both put too much emphasis on "oh wow thats so neat WONDER". Not that Sagan never did, but he explained science shit a lot more and then brought the wonder in at the end.
Michio Kaku just says wrong stuff a lot. Tries to inject a bit too much scifi into things (not that I don't like scifi).
Also forgot to add Stephen Hawking to some degree. Not as vocal (lol) as Cox or Tyson in terms of air time. I'd put him above Kaku though at the very least.

>> No.2794472

>be in a band
>have a number 1 hit
>become professor
>get tv deal

he is one of those guys who seems to be able to make the most out of his situation. i respect that.

>> No.2794477

Science channel is its own channel (though owned by the Discovery Channel company or whatever).

They have decent programming when they aren't showing shows about factories, or idiot abroad travel shows (??seriously, fucking why???). And as much as I like Firefly... it's science fiction, not science.

>> No.2794480

the discovery channel is garbage
The history channel is garbage too but at least they show history once in a while

>> No.2794493

I call that type of guy a lucky fucker

Yes I am jelly and it makes me mad

>> No.2794501

At least you're not the /sci/duck that got his girlfriend stolen by him.

>> No.2794507

oh god I remember that thread. That shit made my day

>> No.2794510
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>You say Emanem,I say Linkin Park
>You say Justin Beiber, I say System of a Down

>> No.2794515
File: 36 KB, 180x200, 1273936979907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot even begin to imagine how he must of felt when he found out. Holy fuck

>> No.2794528

I like Brian. He's a proper nerd, it seems. Really funny guy with obvious human sides. He's not just "another professor", but I actually think he'd be hilarious to travel around with, for example. He also seems to properly love physics and the world we live in. It isn't all TV.

Although it's difficult to compare him to Sagan. Sagan was.. special.

>> No.2794534
File: 61 KB, 462x511, 1299134040367special.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was special. What specifically was special about him? I can't put it into words...

>> No.2794541
File: 228 KB, 472x354, cannabis_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh he was special all right.

>> No.2794550

did sagan really use drugs or is that just a myth to make seem cooler? (because he doesn't need it)

>> No.2794556


He used marijuana regularly.

>> No.2794557

>I find that most of the insights I achieve when high are into social issues, an area of creative scholarship very different from the one I am generally known for. I can remember one occasion, taking a shower with my wife while high, in which I had an idea on the origins and invalidities of racism in terms of gaussian distribution curves.


>> No.2794560


I could sit here for a week and not be able to summarise my feelings better than this post.

Plus Sagan sounds like fucking Agent Smith


>> No.2794562

cox is awesome. he doesnt age at all. does he look 43 years old to you?

>> No.2794565

He kissed mary J, along with bruce lee and the governator.

>> No.2794568

Sagan was a badass science communicator, weed smoker and promoter of critical thinking, especially when it came to authority figures. He was the closest thing to a god we ever had!

Cox is awesome also, but not on the same level as sagan.

>> No.2794578

I love weed moments. I used to jog whilst stoned, it's fucking incredible. Used sparingly and to enhance activities never usually associated with it, weed is even better than people make it out to be. Goddamn wasters give the wizard cabbage a bad name yo. All left - right brain synthesisin' and shit, daymn.

>> No.2794662


>> No.2794693
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>> No.2794769


>> No.2794800

I wonder if I punch him in the face, will he keep his retarded smile?

>> No.2794817

Jim Al Khalili for content
Cox for eye candy (nothing against Khalili's looks but he ain't no Brian Cox)

>> No.2794827


Glad you mentioned him, been watching alot of his stuff recently, great presenter, except for his overuse of the phrase 'one of the most remarkable discoveries in science'

>> No.2794830

yeah or 'revolutionary' or any short-hand for 'deep important shit'; been watching everything and nothing?

>> No.2794834


Nope, didn't know it had been on yet, when is it on?

>> No.2794847

been on the past 2 weeks, both on iplayer, you're in for a treat

>> No.2794862


Sweet, cheers for the heads up

>> No.2795110

This sounds awesome. Happen to screencap it?

>> No.2795325

Sorry you can't replace the Sagan.
My gripe is the simplification and just not enough content.
Maybe Wonders Of the Universe would have satisfied me but it comes after a long line of shows and specials.

into the universe this,
solar system that,
wonders of this,
marvels of that,

I think we can move past the 30 minute crash course on black holes now please.