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2792337 No.2792337 [Reply] [Original]

UCSC vs Cal Poly Pomona

I have been accepted to University of California Santa Cruz and California State University Pomona.

Which should I go to? I applied as an Electrical Engineer.

>> No.2792352

What is better known for Electrical Engineering?

I live in LA so Pomona would be close, but I would like the "going off to college experience"

>> No.2792361
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ucsc is viewed as a joke by most and especially amongst some engineers i know

go to pomona

>> No.2792391


so would you suggest going to Cal Poly Pomona and transferring..?

>I want the college experience
>But I'm also rational.
>So if Cal Poly Pomona is better in terms of engineering as well as price I would go to there
>But UCSC is a UC so is it ranked higher?
>As I said I live in LA

Also I have been waitlisted on UC Santa Barbara. If I get off the waitlist I will be going to UCSB. Is that a good choice for someone majoring in EE

EE majors please post here! Help a future EE anon out.

>> No.2792412
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The one that doesn't leave you in a shit-ton of debt.

>> No.2792413

well sc has a damn nice campus, ridiculous amounts of chronic, and no sports teams to speak of. that's about the extent of my knowledge.

don't know shit about pomona but in general uc > csu as i'm sure you know.

>> No.2792420

yeah i know i've been in thinking for days and can not make up my mind...

>> No.2792431

how about you watch giants/dodgers season opener and let that decide.

>> No.2792436



>> No.2792443

i don't think either is really a 'name' in EE, not that that's a big deal.

i would decide by means other than their ranking.

>> No.2792445

the whole UC system is in debt for at least the next 20 years. they're fucking broke. because of this, the class sizes are absurdly huge and they over-enroll to get more cash. basically every class is a shitstorm and you cant get into the classes you need because they're all full. if you're doing an undergrad for EE, its going to take you a minimum of 6 years to graduate. just stay away from any UC schools (not to be confused with the private ones, like USC or USD. those are fine financially)

>> No.2792448

Definitely come to UCSB. It's a great school.

However, comparing UCSC and CPP, if it's not important for you to go to a UC, then go to CPP. UCSC is regarded lowly. Not as lowly as UCR, but down there. CPP will save you a lot of money if the UC diploma isn't important to you.

However, CPP might be a crapshoot. A lot of my friends go there and budget cuts have hit CSU system HARD. None of them are graduating in 4 years. Most of them need 5 years while some are needing more than that.

>> No.2792449

hey dude i might end up and SC too! but I am going to be astrophysics master race

>> No.2792451

Isn't it the same for Cal Poly Pomona as well?

I have heard that it is difficult to get classes in the Cal State System as well

>> No.2792454

BS. UC systems are fine in regards to graduating on time. The only classes that are too full here are lower division classes for freshmen to satisfy GEs. Any major classes are still within ~30-70 students.

And no, it will not take you 6 years to graduate from a UC in any major. You can go for a 5 year masters program in engineering.

>> No.2792456

cal poly is under a different system then the UC schools. they've still suffered, but its not bad at all.

>> No.2792458

Cal Poly is a CSU and those have been hit much harder than the UCs have.

>> No.2792459

Hmm so would you suggest going directly to UCSC for my GE courses and graduate

or start at Cal Poly Pomona and then consider transferring?

What would you do?

>> No.2792463

Yeah aren't CSUs worse off then the UCs

>> No.2792466

I wouldn't recommend trying to transfer from a 4yr to another 4yr university. Not that it can't be done, but the limited transfers are given priority to community colleges.

>> No.2792471

isn't Cal Poly Pomona a CC?

>> No.2792473

went to ucla where they have more undergrads than.... pretty much everyone. graduating on time is not an issue and getting into classes is only a problem if your grades are low.

my sister went to ucsc for accounting and she's got a great job with a well regarded company.

honestly unless you're going to a school that's a big name for your field it's gonna be your performance and initiative that determine your success and those are going to depend on if you are actually HAPPY with the school that you've chosen so i'd make that your top priority in choosing.

>> No.2792476

Cal Poly Pomona is part of the CSU system and not a bad engineering school at all. But right now, budget cuts are hitting the whole system particularly hard, making it almost impossible to graduate in 4 years or less

>> No.2792474

UC Davis for physics, or UC Santa Cruz for astrophysics? Assuming near 4.0 gpa from either one plus good test grades and research experience, would I have a shot at the top tier graduate schools?

>> No.2792485

Getting a 4.0 and recommendations will get you into any top tier university, almost no matter what school you went to undergrad for.

>> No.2792486

OP here

ARGH this is so confusing.

So would EE be better in UCSC or Pomona? I want college to be a fun time for me LOL

>> No.2792492

Calpolyfag here again. Again, let me reiterate:

1) You won't get anyone saying "Oooh! What a prestigious college!" at your degree
2) If you don't have a girlfriend already, be prepared to attend a Psych or Music class just to score an available chick. Otherwise it's fatties for you.
3) Cafeteria selection is fucking terrible. Panda Express is the only thing approaching edible, and even then it's like $8 for a non-full box. Fucking slanty-eyed jews.
4) It's a commuter college. Don't expect to make any friends.
5) I hope you took all your Calculus and Physics at a junior college. There are over two kids per one open seat every semester trying to get into those classes. If your pre-registration date is set for 12:00 AM, your ass better be refreshing like the fist of the north star at 11:55 PM. Professors are now calloused toward giving out any permission numbers. All of them.

1) It's not the most terrible college, either. It's about mid-tier, especially for your major.
2) Cheap. My dad makes around $40K/year, I make $10k/year, and the FAFSA by itself pays for my tuition plus an extra $1,700/quarter cash for whatever I want.
3) The on-site food may be retarded, but just a mile over the hill has a fuckton of deliciousness. In-N-Out, Chik-Fil-A, Chipotles, and McDonalds. I hope you have a car, and don't take your lunch at noon (university hour). Everyone leaves to get lunch and then comes back, so parking is a fucking madhouse.

>> No.2792501

>I want college to be a fun time for me LOL
>4) It's a commuter college. Don't expect to make any friends

There is no such thing as parties at the college or dorms. At least not anything pre-arranged by shitty greek clubs.
If you can figure out where the fuck everyone goes down there, give me a heads up.

>> No.2792503

OP here

omg sounds horrible the cons outweigh the pros.

and please no fatties oh god no,

>> No.2792507

From stories I've heard from my CPP friends, you've hit it spot on.

OP, if you're looking for the "university experience" you won't get it from CPP.

>> No.2792514

look into undergrad research availability. if there is one thing that gets people into good grad schools it's having already done research.

>> No.2792520

but is UCSC really that bad of a school?

my parents make 70K a year

so im not super rich

and i UCSC costs 30K
i got a letter saying my expeceted contribution is 15K while financial aid is 16K

>> No.2792528


If you dont want fatties, there are always thin girls.
They just happen to be FOB asians with extreme overbites. And yeah, shit is bad enough that you're gonna have to compete with the jockish greekfags over them.

If you want some general ed, parties, and pussy, attend CSU San Bernardino. A terrible fucking college, but that's why there are literally 2 girls for every boy there (67% female afaik). CPP is also a CSU, so all your general ed units should transfer over with no problem.

>> No.2792530


UCSC is not that bad of a school. It's not in the higher tier of UC, but it's still better than most of the crap unis all over the country.

>> No.2792527

at least it's not riverside, irvine, or - god forbid - merced

>> No.2792536

in that case i rather go to UCSC then CPP

I want the college experience and a good education.

I want to look back and remember the good times i had in college. not some shitty fatty nightmares :(


>> No.2792540
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UC Irvine has a ton of cute asians. They're all stuck-up tryhards who won't give you the time of day, but they're there.

>> No.2792562

i didn't get into UCI unfortunately

so its UCSC or Pomona for me. :(

>> No.2792571

>Didn't get into UCI

Shit son, how bad were your grades? Weren't you in any advanced programs?

Besides, just go to the Diamond Plaza in Diamond Bar. I've always wanted to pick up the hot, dumb, underaged asians that hang out there. And no security guards to throw you out!

>> No.2792579

Get the fuck out of my hometown


>> No.2792587

OP here

GPA: 3.57
SAT: 1910

Waitlisted at UCSB

Cal Poly Pomona

>> No.2792596


You have no excuse for not having a hot asian girlfriend.

>> No.2792600


I think right now, your best bet would be UCSC

If you can get into UCSB go there. Kinda strange UCSB would accept you but UCI wouldn't. UCI < UCSB but UCs are a crapshoot nowadays it seems.

UCR and CPP are both commuter schools. UCR much less so.

>> No.2792609


>Kinda strange UCSB would accept you but UCI wouldn't.

UCSB didn't accept me yet.. :(
im on the waitlist (twilight zone) ugh

i can't appeal either cuz I have no new info to add
i have a feeling i would be rejected

so you think i should go to UCSC?
im asian and not a big partier (no drugs) but im not antisocial either. and i want to actually meet new people and apparently CPP isn't a good place to meet friends

>> No.2792606

I was pretty much in OP's shoes deciding whether to go to UCR or SLO. Thank god I decided to go to the small private school. No one's probably heard of it but I can guarantee you it's better than your shitty government run city.

Granted, I'm not an engineer but still something to think about if you can afford it.

>> No.2792614


Nigger, I had a 4.0 and didn't get in anywhere good. It's all about your EC's these days. Almost more important than your grades.

>> No.2792621


Lie? I don't exactly want to recommend it, but I know friends that got into colleges by lying about EC's and shit that can't really be verified.

When they have 30k people to accept and 100k apps to look through, they're not going to waste time making phone calls. Just sayin.

>> No.2792619

so /sci/

all in favor for UCSC for EE

say AY!

all in favor for CPP for EE

say AYE!

>> No.2792625

Talking about grad school. If you got a 4.0 as an undergrad, did at least some research and had recommendations and you STILL didn't get to a decent grad school, you went to a shit-tier undergrad

>> No.2792628

no i have my personal morals

>> No.2792630

Current UCSC electrical engineer here. Unfortunately the whole engineering department is in a bad place right now. A lot of your classes (including upper divisions) will feel like a waste of time, and the labs are half-assed at best. There's only a small handful of good professors/lecturers, and chances are they'll be fired in the next year or so. That leaves research professors who prioritize their research far above the well being and education of the students.

>> No.2792636

oh man isn't it the same in CPP as well?!?

shit i feel like im stuck in a shitstorm between the two worst colleges.

>> No.2792653

do you know anything about astrophysics there? is the undergrad program strong?

>> No.2792674


>> No.2792681

cant tell if sarcasm...

>> No.2792697


He's being serious. Just excited. The astro department is way better off right now, and a good deal more reputable. Go for it.

>> No.2792699

Can any more ucsc ee majors post your comments on the school

>> No.2792705


I am 4th year Astrophysics Major at UCSC and the professors/department are awesome.

>> No.2792710

thats damned encouraging. any advice for an incoming freshman astrophysics major? which college should i choose?

>> No.2792713


>> No.2792718

>Mascot is a slug reading a book

Dude, go to that one!

>> No.2792722

no love for electrical engineering :(

>> No.2792726


9/10 seems to have the most Physics/Astrophysics students.
(if thats what you care about)

I went to Porter, and would say go to Porter.

>> No.2792727

study the cosmos with me, bro

>> No.2792739

porter you say? any specific reason? how much do the dank marijuana nuggets go for in santa cruz?

>> No.2792750


If you are asking this then go to Porter.

>> No.2792741

Porter is awesome! A lot of engineers end up at Crown. Don't go to Oakes.

>> No.2792753

nah seriously I'm doing EE so is UCSC really a shithole for the other engineering majors besides Astros

>> No.2792757



>> No.2792764

i would, but my primary concern would be the lack of serious academic minds. some artsy fartsy types are okay, but i want some science bros around too for when it is time for grownup talk.

>> No.2792775

still more glorious dawn general?


>> No.2792777

I have no interest in Astro
I'm doing EE building iPhones computer

Electronics engineering ftw!!!

>> No.2792781


Yeah, then go to 9/10 and just wander down to Porter to relax your mind.

>> No.2792785

plus 9/10 has the best Dining Hall IMO

>> No.2792791


I wouldn't call it a shithole. You'll learn your stuff, and if you take the design courses you'll come out fine. It's just with the current money situation, it's getting harder there. If you like theory you'll enjoy it more than I did.

In terms of which college, I'm the EE that posted earlier, and I went to Porter. Granted the number of engineers there was limited, you'll spend most of your time in the engineering building anyways. Also after your first or second year, you likely won't be living at the college anymore and it won't even be an issue.

>> No.2792796

im the incoming astro dude, does this still apply

>> No.2792798



Yeah, in the sense that you shouldn't be too concerned with finding people to hang out with from your classes/dept.

>> No.2792805

one of my UCSC teachers used to have tea with Carl Sagan!

>> No.2792812


Yeah man! What year?

Porter is also next to the quad which is perfect for all your stargazing needs

>> No.2792816


im going to bed

>> No.2792819
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>> No.2792820


You're no fun :(

>> No.2792822

damn, porter is seeming pretty damn good, astrophysics is seeming pretty damn good, and ucsc, is seeming pretty damn good. I was bummed about getting rejected from berkeley and ucla, but now i feel much better.

>> No.2792827

Asian chicks at UCSC any good
What about EE

>> No.2792854

well you finally did it; you killed the thread

>> No.2792859
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i'm not smart enough to give advice on where to go, but I think wherever you choose will be good if you want it to be.

also, i just signed my statement of intent to register at a CA state school, so I'm glad to see some love for the best public schools in the country, even when we're poor as fuck.

big hug to all the UC and CSU bros on /sci/

>> No.2792867

I'm an EE at UCI and I love it even if it isn't top-tier.

I don't even have a preference for asian chicks but I'm not complainin'

>> No.2792876

hell yeah, we have the best universities and the best marijuana