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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2790501 No.2790501 [Reply] [Original]

How is the world only 6000 years old?

>> No.2790510

It isn't.

>> No.2790516

That pic is actually a very good argument, but not convincing enough.

>> No.2790537



>> No.2790539

Why propose higher decay levels in the past? That would require a very strange shift in the physical laws which is way more of a stretch than to assume that the rates are static and have in fact been going on a lot longer than 6,000 years.

>> No.2790545
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>> No.2790548

what am i reading

>> No.2790553

Because it supports their belief.

Do these geologists just make shit up, or are they just failed geologists who don't understand that they are wrong?

>> No.2790564
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>If radioactive decay rates were higher in the past


>> No.2790575
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Yet you fail to present a proper scientific argument against it.

>> No.2790582

Creationist science.

A.k.a bullfuck

>> No.2790584

>make up batshit insane theory
>make up evidence to support the theory
Yup sounds like the creation museum to me.
The same place the suggests people and dinosaurs lived together.

>> No.2790585


Because their statements aren't bases on any scientific facts.

>> No.2790587

It's not his duty to contradict the argument. It's the creator of the diagram's duty to defend his own argument.

>> No.2790594

why must decay rates be constant? ive never heard an argument for it. if spontaneous emition of photons by atoms are not really spontaneous but stimulated cant something similar cause radioactive decay?

>> No.2790596
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Your belief that the world was made "billions" of years ago is a blind assumption. Open your eyes and see the science for yourself.

>> No.2790600


For a start, what you posted is a direct contradiction of what they said in >>2790545

>> No.2790611

That picture. Wow. Do people really believe this shit?

>> No.2790613

The first one is explainable as a composite rock. Some parts of the rock are older than others. Such things do exist.

Second, there is absolutely no explanation
as to how radioactivity rates could possibly have been faster in the past.

>> No.2790615

Because new carbon-14 is never produced right?

>> No.2790617

>Different results depending on their starting assumptions

Well sure, if you start assuming that a deity put them here 6,000 years ago then where else can you go from there?

>> No.2790619

Okay, now read what it says on the sign.
Creationist basically gave themselves a blank cheque to make up what ever the fuck they want there.

>> No.2790620

because we have a geneological record from Adam to Abraham to David to Jesus to the present, and some bishop hundreds of years ago cranked out the math and came up with the approx. 6000 year old date.

so if you take God at His word, the earth is about 6,000 years old. there is an interesting spiritual maxim that a day to the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day. so the six days of creation could mirror the 6,000 years of recorded history, making the seventh day, the day of rest, the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth.

>> No.2790621

Rock Cycle?

>> No.2790634

Faster/Slower decay rates would mean that strong or weak nuclear forces were different right? Mountains of bullshit.

>> No.2790635


Rocks can fold like that.
Learn to Wiki

>> No.2790636

>Starting assumption


>> No.2790640
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Go ahead. Make up things to discredit the word of God.


>> No.2790646

Creationist evidence for the age of the universe: The bible

Scientist's evidence for the age of the universe: ????

>> No.2790648

think about this:

if the world is only 6,000 years old, then the first C14 was built up in the atmosphere only 6,000 years ago, and took some time to be ingested by plants and animals, etc. in other words, those plants and animals did not start out with what we consider the equilibrium point of C14; in fact, on day 6, they had zero.

so zoom forward; pretend the earth is billions of years old, and ask yourself this: with a half life of, what, 5730 years, how is it that anything over 100,000 years old can possibly have any measurable C14 in it?

and yet, all organic material that has ever been tested has C14 in it, including dinosaur bones.

kind of makes the earth look, you know, young.

>> No.2790649

None of those things contradict the things they think they contradict.

>> No.2790653

This guys a decent troll.
Isn't hard to get /sci/ though.

>> No.2790657

they are all consistent with a young earth created by God as detailed in the bible

so no, they don't contradict reality

>> No.2790664

oh, boy, i can hardly wait for your dissertation disproving everything on that board

i'll wait 9 minutes

>> No.2790668


No biologist ever said a rhino evolved from a bird, go fuck yourself

>> No.2790678

nothing has ever evolved from anything else, ever. kind begets kind. kind of defeats the whold macro-evolutionary theory when there is no record at all of one type of animal turning into another type of animal

>> No.2790690

you know what else folds like that? mud and silt left over from a global flood

you and your silly bendable rocks. lol

>> No.2790691
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>> No.2790693


>Call everything 19th century.
>Think this discredits it.


>> No.2790694


>He thinks no new C14 is ever produced.

Jesus fucking christ, 10/10, would rage again.


Bitches don´t know ´bout my Microwave Background Radiation.

>> No.2790700


If it is exposed to modern-day air, of course it will have so level of C-14 in it.

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.2790701

Damn that's funny.

Anyone else reckon there was a lawyer present while this was written?

>"The Bible CLAIMS"
>"The Bible >IMPLIES"

>> No.2790707




>> No.2790710

micro-evolution is true; therefore macro-evolution MUST be true!!!


>> No.2790713

This is great, but it should illustrate the fact that everyone is a 'microevolutionary' offspring of their parents. I remember crocoduck guy was extremely shocked when he heard this, so perhaps other creationists do not realise that every child is an evolutionary 'step'

>> No.2790718

you tell me; how do dead things get C14 in them?

i'll wait
about 2 seconds lol

christfag out

>> No.2790721


>Implying folding rocks are evidence of a global flood and not a localised one.
>Implying that even if they were found all over the world this would be evidence of a global flood.

How would you measure their age to check they all happened at the same time? Radioactive dating? OH WAIT THAT DOESN'T WORK APPARENTLY.

>> No.2790724
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>> No.2790726
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I like how after I disproved you in geology, you instantly switched to biology.

>> No.2790727


I don't even...

>> No.2790734

not as much as you, apparently, who thinks C14 seeps into dead things


>> No.2790738


Yes, it is the product of a lot of microevolution.

>> No.2790739

i would check the river deltas in the entire world and find out they were...wait for it... no more than 4,500 years worth of silt

but you keep believing the bible is a "storybook"


>> No.2790741

Dead implies the were alive at some point. That means they somehow ingested or integrated something with c-14 in it.

0/10 not evenmad

>> No.2790742

Scientifically proving things in the bible is self defeating :/

>> No.2790744


Exposure to air, you idiot.

>> No.2790746

If micro evolution is true, then macro evolution must be true by definition.

>> No.2790753


I think you're retarded.

>> No.2790754

>Implying you can ever truly die

By proving God I have proved an after life. Deal with it.

>> No.2790756


So you're implying rock can't have C14 in it at all because it has never been alive?

I don't think you understand physics at all.

>> No.2790762


How would you age it? Silt is not something that easily builds up and stays there, being on the floorbed and all.

>> No.2790763

If microevolution is true, Macro must be true. Any change will be accumulated, and you can expediate the process by the common sense idea of natural selection.

>> No.2790767


Contradicting yourself.

See >>2790734

>> No.2790772 [DELETED] 

Micro =/= Macro
It seems that you don't understand the difference between natural selection and evolution.

>> No.2790774

Contradictions can exist if they are influenced by a loving God.

>> No.2790779


> creation biologists
> HAHAHAohwow.jpg

>> No.2790782
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Micro =/= Macro
It seems that you don't understand the difference between natural selection and evolution.

>> No.2790784



>> No.2790790


It seems you don't understand how evolution works at all. If micro is true, then macro is if given time.

Macroevolution is the cumulative effect of microevolution happening through many successive generations.

>> No.2790791


>> No.2790794

>Natural Selection and evolution are different concepts
Yeah, ok. They don't contradict each other, however.

>> No.2790798
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>> No.2790799



>> No.2790800

Do these biologists just make shit up, or are they just failed biologists who don't understand that they are wrong?

>> No.2790806
File: 608 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expanding upon that.

>> No.2790814

>based on man's opinion
>based on the Bible
Bahahahaha, this shit is hilarious

>> No.2790824

>Man says ___
>The bible says ___

I guess we know which one is true than. A living, thinking organism or some gay book written by some stone age dunderheads?

>> No.2790825

Go back to /b/.

Uncouth, uneducated moron.

>> No.2790833


The first of those three comparisons assumes things that just do not happen, such as animals never moving out of their environment, or their environment remaining constant. It also assumes natural selection removes bad traits completely, as opposed to diminishing them enough for it to stop being a hindrance. It often turns out that these things then develop again to be advantageous in some other way.

The second is wrong about natural selection being non-directional, for the reasons given above.

The third is not really relevant. Both can be consistent with creation or evolution, it's just that one presumes one seed, whereas the other presumes several.

>> No.2790828
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I love how none of you have come up with any proper scientific arguments against the things that I have proposed and have instead merely resorted to ad hominem attacks and instantly writing me off as wrong.

>> No.2790837




>> No.2790840
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>> No.2790847


... have you read anything in this thread? Not once have we used ad hominem attacks.

If I insult you, that is an insult. It is only an ad hominem attack if I have tried to use that to discredit your arguments.

ie. I think you're retarded, but I never implied you being retarded changes the validity of your arguments (none).

>> No.2790851


It's amazing how you havent noticed how the tree of life applies to the orchard principle.
Just try drawing a tree under those 6 organisms

>> No.2790852
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>> No.2790860


>Implying those writers wrote independent of each other, without knowledge of each other's teachings.

>Archaeology has contradicted many things in the Bible. For example, the temple that Jesus threw the traders out of appears to have never existed.

>The prophecies are incredibly vague. Often they're worse than tabloid horoscopes in this respect, and can be interpreted in many ways so as to be "true".

>> No.2790861


Shit. Try and have a little bit of class. I know its the internet, but I can already tell that you are low-class trash.

>> No.2790866

I love how you have not bothered reading anything we've said.

>> No.2790868
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Insulting the scientists that did the research is tantamount to ad hominem attacks against my arguments.

>> No.2790873
File: 20 KB, 600x446, Hores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying I always type in the same way.
>Implying I am not finding baiting you hilarious.

>> No.2790882

>Implying that I'm not baiting you
>Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls?

>> No.2790883



You are flat-out wrong. Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem#Common_misconceptions

>> No.2790888

>many historians believed writing had not been invented in the time of Moses
Uh, what? Which historians, exactly?

>> No.2790889


>Implying you are.

You know nothing about me. Don't presume to think you can judge me.

>> No.2790894



I don't think you know what science is about, bro.

>> No.2790895


hundreds of bible prophecies had been engineered so they may apply in vague circumstances. Kinda like modern day astrology.

>> No.2790900

Hundreds of shut ups have been engineered so they your gay in dicks citcumstances. Kinda like modern your a retard.

>> No.2790901

Im not sure if I dissagree with this. People have made assumptions in the past which have been proven wrong, but its not exclusive to the bible.

>> No.2790902


I think we're winning.

>> No.2790903

>Yet you know nothing about me as well.

>> No.2790918

>Implying you know anything about me Anon.

>> No.2790922


Double post, my bad.

>> No.2790923


I didn't say I did. That is the difference.

>> No.2790927 [DELETED] 

Jalibait!!! CPP!!! CCPP!!! 10-17Yrs Old!!! Only Pretty Girls! New VIdeos!!! No pass No SMS! Free for ALL!


save all links before 404'S!.....!sdfgsdds

>> No.2790928
File: 477 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must now bid you all adieu.
I have events planned that I must now engage in.
I will leave with but one thing I must tell you:
Do not accept things as true without first questioning them.
Not everything you learned in school was correct.

>> No.2790935


You are pathetically hypocritical.

>> No.2790936

God this guy's a n00bfag

>> No.2790937

/sci/ is by far the easiest bored on 4chan to troll. You guys are pathetic.

>> No.2790941

What's your problem douche bag?

>> No.2790947


You, you insecure fuck.

You're condescending, defensive and arrogant. Fucking hipster if I ever saw one.

>> No.2790950

You're a Fag

>> No.2790951

You're a bitch!

>> No.2790954

Creationists: The reason why we know that confirmation bias' do, in fact, exist.

Thanks for helping out Psychology though. They sure need it.

>> No.2790957


All of you can suck my dick

>> No.2790968
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>> No.2790971

ah hell, you can't have a single decent thread on /sci/ without someone bringing psuedoscience into it.

>> No.2790977


You obviously haven't seen the we didn't start the flame war video. Faggot.

>> No.2790981






>> No.2790989

> implying college humor is and obscure reference

>> No.2790997


>Implying it isn't.

>> No.2791033

if I wanted my come back I'd have wiped it off your mothers chin.

>> No.2791044

x is y because x is y
I am God, therefore I am God.
This is the basic of [creationist] arguments.

>> No.2791046

Thats about like you calling Chocolate Rain an obscure reference, it depends on who you are I guess, but since these are common things on 4chan I assume another 4chan user to know the jargon. I wouldn't assume that if you were a non-4chan user.

>Assuming that the fact that you haven't seen it means that it is obscure when it has 15million views.

>> No.2791050

I'm not a *young* earth creationist, but it amuses me how /sci/ rails on psychology for having low standards, but always cite paleontologists and taxonomists whenever creationist trolls show up.

>> No.2791098

Because you haven't made any valid scientific statement

>> No.2791205

wow, thank you sir for informing me that the world is only 6,000 years old. I feel so stupid for thinking the world is 4.5 billion years old.

I owe you eternal gratitude sir!

>> No.2791250

It's because:

t/r=6000 yrs.

Where t is all time in existence and r is human retardation.

Not that you could ever quantify human stupidity, but hell, if religion can have a schizophrenic genocidal best selling author as their go to guy, I can put a figure to mass ineptitude.

>> No.2791258

If eugenics were acceptable, I would elect to kill off every person who interprets biblical history literally. Instead, they have more children than any other demographic.

I say we stop giving churches tax exempts, so these people can fall into poverty with their dedication to building huge churches, and die off.

>> No.2791268

I like how this says Moses wrote the law, but then points out Hammurabi wrote codified law first.

>> No.2791280

>troll thread on /sci/
>any retards I want
>120 replies starting

>> No.2791286
File: 26 KB, 565x546, 1294887547476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2791338

Let's have a look at OP's pic.
Oh, how surprising. It doesn't cite its source properly, just gives a guy's name. Oh well, let's try the Google.
> He's a creationist physicist. Not a geologist.
And so he just says shit about geology.
> And every geologist in the world tells him he doesn't know anything about geology and is making shit up, and even the shit he made up is done wrong and incomplete.
> And that's how the world is 6000 years old.

>> No.2792239


Just have faith man..

>> No.2792639

>nightmare fuel.jpg

>> No.2792652


I'd pay money to have someone steal these and take pictures of them being fucked.

>> No.2792662

Strangely enough, I was just watching Paul and as I read the OP a Christian lady said "The earth is only 4000 years old"

small world

>> No.2792665

That's a given.

>> No.2792676

You're about 2,000 years off dumbass.

>> No.2793904
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>> No.2794167

Question for the creationists out there....

Can you discredit any science done with in the past 15 years? everything ive seen is what was belived in the 80s or earlier... pleaese?

oh wait you wont cuz it actually proves you guys wrong...
