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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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2790263 No.2790263 [Reply] [Original]

Think about what you could accomplish if you didn't spend all day on 4Chan.

>> No.2790267

OP is a faggot

>> No.2790273

Spending all day on 4chan already is the maximum of my potential.

>> No.2790278
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i'd rather not

>> No.2790279

some people can do more than 1 thing at the same time. and I spend most of my time on sci hiding all religion and troll threads, so I only have to refresh about every 10 minutes while I work.

>> No.2790281


>> No.2790290

>4Chan goes down
>Time to do something with my life
>Spend 10 minutes cleaning my fridge out, then the rest of the day refreshing /sci/

>> No.2790298

I should write the next harry potter..its so easy to make money these days with all these idiotic people..i should really take advantage of that

>> No.2790299

All the fucking time.

>> No.2790303
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Imagine what you could achieve by spending all day on 4chan.

>> No.2790328

For my next trick, I'll think about what I could have accomplished if I hadn't spent a year of play-time on WoW.

>> No.2790520

12 hours a day?

>> No.2790532

A year of accumulated trolling on 4chan.

>> No.2790761

dat chick <3

>> No.2790793

uninspired angst corporate drone #76725109

>> No.2790811

Nothing seriously.
It's all dependant on your motivators. I had a 4chan and animu break for a year recently. What did i do while at it?
I was fucking lurking news sites. the ENTIRE fucking day. I have them in a huge bookmark folder that i open when i start my browser, then as i've read what i find interesting i shut the tabs down. When coming to the last tab? Oh, the only obvious choice, I OPEN ALL THE FUCKING TABS AGAIN!

The worst part is that i do it automatically, by reflex. I sit thinking wat to do and suddenly i have 20 tabs of news open again.

>> No.2790835

Think of what you could accomplish..... then forget about because the universe will.

>> No.2792857 [DELETED] 


>> No.2792864

Damn! You are 100% right.

I finally have some free time and instead I'm addicted to 4chan. Curses!

>> No.2792887

Wouldn't accomplish much. My job entails constant aggravation and potential epic rage, coupled with learning about some things about people they'd rather not be known by others.

So 4ch is a good place to spend my rage in and get used to seeing cp and bestiality.

>> No.2792896

I only spend about 3-4 hours here then do some real stuff that might be productive. I can't 4chan all day.

>> No.2792897

Your right, I'm wasting my life on here.

Fuck this, I'm leaving and never coming back.

Bye losers.