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2789294 No.2789294 [Reply] [Original]

Dear "agnostics",

Even when disregarding the fact that you all are in fact agnostic atheists, and that agnosticism serves as an independent axis to theistic choice and not a morally superior middle-point, one cannot seem to be able to ignore or disregard the very nature of human belief in a higher power: it is simply beyond the human conceptual ability to verify or reach any level of certainty regarding its number and nature.

Seeing as how all odds are equal for any given form of deity or higher power of unknown nature, it is a fallacy to believe that "sitting on the fence" is in any way a stable, safe or acceptable policy when it comes to believing in any sort of deity.

Your sin is that of anthropocentrism, in believing that any transcendental being would share a human world view and will in fact show any leniency or understanding towards your desire to not take part in that which you know nothing of.

For example, it is likely that should a deity exist, it would frown upon any being in its universe that shows no interest in finding its purpose, after all hard work being put into its conception.

Furthermore, you seem to disregard the fact that any and all truths are subjective, as a direct result of being subjectively interpreted by a organic brain of highly limited capabilities.
Even the very concepts known to a human mind as belief, faith, higher power, intangible deities, cosmic and existential necessity for any of the above are just that - projections of the mind upon its environment and any connection of it to an actual one is entirely coincidental.

In conclusion, while you may not be as delusional as the rest of the bunch, you are certainly up there in caliber for not noticing the very simple truth - that there is none and can be none.

A nihilist.

>> No.2789394

oh u

>> No.2789408

there are no agnosticfags on 4chan only trolls

>> No.2789412

>There is no such thing as objective truth, therefore there's no point to trying to learn subjective truths!
This is some of the stupidest logic I've ever heard. How does the fact that our world is subjective make it any less interesting, or worthy of study?
Agnostic atheist here, btw.

>> No.2789419

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.2789429
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>> No.2789455

Stopped reading there. You're basically talking about one model of a supreme being that's based on God. A deity should not be ruled by emotions, which is what gives the christian god away as fake.

>> No.2789457

Interest and worthiness of study are projected concepts.

>> No.2789466

what's your point? we're humans, we derive enjoyment from learning about the world around us, however subjective it may be.

>> No.2789526

Which is exactly why any attempt to find meaning/purpose/higher power is thus rendered moot.

>> No.2789564

Atheism: The belief there are no gods

Agnosticism: The belief that the question of whether gods exist or not is unanswerable

Theism: The belief gods exist

>> No.2790270


>> No.2790286

It is also equally possible that there's like, this deity that sends people who eat cornflakes to heaven. So the fuck what OP? Agnostics don't believe their choice is safer, it's just what they believe.

>> No.2790749


>> No.2790758


Athiesm: Lack of belief in god(s).
Strong Athiesm: Belief in the lack of god(s).
Agnostic: Belief that you can't know whether or not god(s) exists.
Theism: Belief that god(s) exist

>> No.2790787

I agree with
> For example, it is likely that should a deity exist, it would frown upon any being in its universe that shows no interest in finding its purpose, after all hard work being put into its conception.

Why would "God" if he exists at all, want man, his divine creation, the pinnacle of his divine power, to simply ignore all that goes on around it? Why would God give free-will and reason to man if he didn't want man to utilize it?

>> No.2790788

I miss when this board was about science.


>> No.2790789


You faggots bumped this thread why, exactly?

>> No.2790819


Fucking retard.

Atheism does not scale with agnosticism (and the retards all pronounce it wrong too - it's A-gnosticism, not Ag-nosticism)


Gnostic Atheism
Agnostic Atheism
Agnostic Theism
Gnostic Theism

I can't believe how many people don't get this. I'm surrounding by idiots, even on /sci/

>> No.2790823

>lumping Agnostics with A/theists

Even in your definition of Agnostics you mention "know," which is why you're wrong: Agnosticism deals with Epistemology, not Ontology; Atheism/Theism deal with Ontology.

>> No.2790939


>> No.2790949
File: 17 KB, 319x316, kevin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to be a nihilist
>mfw nihilists don't exist

>> No.2790964


Clearly you don't understand that nothing exists except the fact that nothing exists.


>> No.2790974



From Merriam-Webster OnLine
atheist: one who believes that there is no deity

2 a : a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there is no deity

From the Cambridge Dictionary of American English

atheist: someone who believes that God does not exist

atheism: the belief that God does not exist

From the Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Ed. 1989
1. One who denies or disbelieves the existence of a God.
2. One who practically denies the existence of a God by disregard of moral obligation to Him; a godless man.
B. attrib. as adj. Atheistic, impious.

The meanings are well defined, arguing against them is like trying to argue evolution isn't real

>> No.2790987
File: 34 KB, 500x429, atheist_chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hurr durr

Clearly you didn't get the point of my post:


Look up 'Agnostic atheism' faggot.

>> No.2790991


Choose one.

>> No.2791018

>But that's wrong you fucking retard.

>> No.2791054

>All good dictionaries have the same definition
>Same hipster faggot thinks they're wrong


>> No.2791094

After reading over your post about one and a half times, I have come to the conclusion that you are either an idiot or a troll who took a relatively long amount of time thinking about his post. I believe that it is the latter, as you have some directly contradictory statements in your post.
Sage for religion thread.

>> No.2791148

I don't read anything signed by a nihilist.
An atheist