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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 154 KB, 1090x743, 1000suns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2787082 No.2787082 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2787086

>implying faster than light

>> No.2787101

Well done professor killjoy. Now my hentai is factually incorrect I'm going to kill myself.

Also, semen cannot be travel at super-luminal speeds as it has mass.

>> No.2787116

Silly newtonians, they didn't even convert it into a percentage of the speed of light.

>> No.2787182


This, seman travelling this fast would be infinitely dense, and being that your working only factors in a constant weight of 1.1g for 1ml your whole equation is off.

What would probably happen is that he would ejaculate at 99.9....% the speed of light, and the excess energy would rip the planet in half.

Which would be fucking awesome.

>> No.2787188



>> No.2787192


Just rip the planet apart? That shit would destroy the solar system easily, probably even knock the whole galaxy out of it's orbit.

>> No.2787201


>knock the whole galaxy out of it's orbit

You know the super-massive black hole in the centre of the galaxy is said to be 4000 times as dense as our sun and in a space smaller than our solar system. I doubt the force of 1000 suns would knock that out of wack.

>> No.2787212


At once.

An event that released 309000000000000000000000000000 joules of energy at once would fuck shit up as soon as it's gravitational wave hit it, black hole or not.

>> No.2787219

Could someone who knows how to do relativity maths fix this?

>> No.2787446

ITT: for once, /sci/ isn't completely dumb. gg guys.
As a reward, sauce of the image:

Taking Shelter from the Storm, by Boku.

>> No.2787468

>gravitational wave
What the fuck?

Also, you do not understand the inverse cube law, or the scale of space

>> No.2787472

1000 suns = 3.08x10^29 J
starquake SGR 1806-20 = 1.3x10^39 J > 1 billions times of 1000 suns force
and the Milky Way didn't shake a little

>> No.2787478

This is such a classic. Wish it had a sequel

>> No.2787584

Agreed. Artist should be more prolific as well.

>> No.2787614

>or once, /sci/ isn't completely dumb. gg guys
OPs pic has been around since forever

>> No.2787618

Didn't take into account relativity bro.

>> No.2787854

Well done /sci/, this thread has proven you're not all retards.

>> No.2788016

>something with mass
>7.49 billion trillion times the speed of light