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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2783066 No.2783066 [Reply] [Original]

You Atheists and Theists are like little children.

>> No.2783069

you look like a bum

>> No.2783072

You agnostics apparently have issues with capitalizing words that aren't proper nouns.

>> No.2783075
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no u.

>> No.2783079

Used car salesman detected.

>> No.2783087
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>> No.2783530


Fuck off EK.

>> No.2783562
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<==see this

>> No.2783579

actually I posted that. i got it from this board tho, so maybe i stole it off EK.
i thought it was funny.

>> No.2783586


Fair enough. I know it's hers though.

>> No.2783591

does EK still post?

>> No.2783598

she has stopped using her tripcode apparently.
you can only tell if she is here when she starts posting that fucking ukranian gypsy bitch in all of her responses.

>> No.2783603


She's posting anonymously. She uses the same reaction faces though, and admits to it when you call her out.

>> No.2783606

Why did she stop?

>> No.2783607


Yeah I got into a big bitchfest at her yesterday. Indexer was apparently calling in a mod from /v/ to get her a 10 day ban, but I've seen her posting today.

>> No.2783610


She finally realised everyone hates her.

>> No.2783614

how did you know it was her?
she posting the gypsy bitch again?

>> No.2783617 [DELETED] 


That's how I called her out. Then she used her classic "u mad?" response. Then she got mad when she realised it was me. 'Twas funny to see.

>> No.2783615

so she isn't banned yet?

for fucks sake, these mods are useless.

>> No.2783620


That's how I called her out. Then she used her classic "u mad?" response and got mad when she realised it was me. 'Twas funny to see.

>> No.2783626


Took "her" long enough. I'm absolutely convinced she has assburgers. She's one of the most obvious cases I've ever seen.

>> No.2783634


lol, dumb bitch, its just 'umad'
no question mark.

realised it was you?
do you know her?

>> No.2783645

I think she always knew we hated her, fuck, I said it often enough.

And yeah, she is definitely a fucking aspie.
I don't think she's ever not posted in a maths homework thread.

>> No.2783649

Lol, apparently she has fucked some guy who posts on /sci/
As irritaing as she is, I jelly.

>> No.2783656


I make it my aim to call her out and piss her off whenever I see her. She usually goes "OH FUCK IT'S YOU" when she realises. I'll stay anonymous, though.

>> No.2783660

LOL so do I.
She is pretty easy to wind up, dumb feminist bitch.

>> No.2783663


She often gets them wrong, too. As far as I can tell she's a Britfag. My guess is a middling first year A-Level student, by her level of ability and knowledge. I'd guess she's going double maths and physics, too.

>> No.2783666


*doing, not going

>> No.2783672

nah i think she is an ausfag.
She said something like "herp derp, this morning" and it was evening here (and I am a britfag)

>> No.2783674

She does zoology

>> No.2783678


Hmm, good point. That would explain why I was having an argument with her at 9am, too (Britfag here).

>> No.2783688

fuck, I jelly too.

>> No.2783692
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>> No.2783695

So then why did she drop the name?
She should just stop posting all together.

>> No.2783696


You actually believe her?


>> No.2783704

I don't think she said it. some anon admitted it back while she still used a trip.

It is probably true, apparently she is a massive slag.

>> No.2783722


Once again that's what she said herself.

Of course anon is going to claim he fucked her. It'd make you a god among /sci/entists.

>> No.2783729

No, it'd make you a moron amongst /sci/entists.
And probably infected with several STD's

>> No.2783750


Still, it would still gain you some respect. I mean, look at the jelly people in this thread.

>> No.2785061

To be fair, i did'nt know he was a /sci/tard when i fucked him.

>> No.2785182

fuck you
i clean