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2780610 No.2780610 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't the worlds billionaires invest a chunk of their money into researching life extension and things of that nature? Ignoring the old ones who will die before anything could manifest.

>> No.2780617

Because they're too busy using that money to make more money.
Or spending it all on hookers and blow.

>> No.2780622
File: 24 KB, 900x906, william_shatner[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite a billionare. I would expect because most wouldn't expect such things to become available.

However it seems as if this subject is edging more into the public eye. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.2780631

they are

>> No.2780633

its futile. thats why.

>> No.2780637

seriously if i was zuckerberg i would literally throw at least 5 billion into life extention

>> No.2780667


Yeah you don't understand though money is like crack you can't get enough and you don't just give it away for nothing

>> No.2780701

ITT: idiots who think money can beat billions of years of evolution and the second law of thermodynamics.

>> No.2780705

These people literally can have anything money can buy except things that science hasn't invented yet

>> No.2780712

>implying we don't "beat" evolution every single day with modern medicine and technology

>implying the 2nd law is an impetus to humans except over billions of years until the stars begin to die

>> No.2780746


Second law only applies to a closed system. Last I checked, we've got the goddamn motherfucking sun bathing our planet's cross section with over a thousand watts per square meter. It's why we can grow plants and make food and use the energy in it to make goddamn new human beings.

>> No.2780769


Oh sorry, your right. We will live to be 1,000 years old. psych, your idiot.

>> No.2780777

There's no reason we can't, just a number of things that need to be accomplished

>> No.2780781

At minimum, there are two major aging problems we have to conquer. These are musclo-skeletal weaknesses and dementias. Everything else doesn't really matter as much.

>> No.2780807

O RLY? what else are we gonna accomplish in our life times? are we gonna make wormholes and go back in time and have sex with our parents before we were born? I mean there is "no reason we can't, just a number of things that need to be accomplished."
LOL, scifags.

>> No.2780817

no physical laws prevent the halting of biological aging

the laws of physics prohibit going back in time except in extremely improbable situations which may or may not require matter that doesn't exist (negative energy pressure or w/e)

>> No.2780818

I did that last night. The time paradox is eating away at all the matter of the Universe as we speak. I'm my father.

>> No.2780834

FACT: 50+ billion dollars A YEAR of NIH&private money given to the worlds best scientists for research and huge financial intrests in this = and still no fountain of youth.

Oh, but we scifags are smratter than them right?

>> No.2780841

A lot of rich people get cryogenically frozen. I know the only reason I want to be rich is so I have a shot at all the neatest biotechnologies when they come out. Seriously, immortality should be the number one goal of the human race right now.

>> No.2780859

That is split between all sciences, what % goes towards biotech? Only a very small portion.

>> No.2780860


Pointy-haired boss: Gentlemen, I've decided to have my body cryogenically frozen when I die. I will then be revived 100 years hence. That way, future generations will have the benefit of knowing me.

Wally: Sounds great. Be sure to dress warm.

Boss: Why?

Wally: Are you kidding? It's freezing in there. And don't let them tell you otherwise. Remember: The customer is always right!

Boss: Maybe I'll take a space heater too.

Dilbert: That wasn't very nice.

Wally: I did it for future generations.

>> No.2780866

yeah cryonics is basically the second best thing to actually getting it in your normal lifespan

>> No.2780869

We cannot do things the fast way, because of "ethics" against experimenting on human DNA.

>> No.2780875

there must be some countries that dont have these stupid restrictions on human progress

>> No.2780876

Until there's a power failure or the company runs out of money to store your head.

>> No.2780881


Immortality is impossible, not to mention undesirable. But to at least curb much of the aging process...

See >>2780781

>> No.2780886

like i said, second best.

>> No.2780890

I'm thinking the reason why is because the functional relationship between woof and bark bark render it an economically unsound decision for the billionaires involved.

>> No.2780899

All the big countries are not doing human cloning or any other direct human DNA research and the smaller ones don't have the resources.

Strangely enough, there is this general ban of these things worldwide.

>> No.2780920
File: 42 KB, 460x377, holocaust4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And that includes countries that are much more secular than the United States. It's not so much religion that causes people to oppose eugenics and human experimentation, it's really more because of this...

>> No.2780929

Eugnics != Biological immortality

Not even close


>> No.2780933

Yeah, but the Nazis were not really doing any real experimentation, just some stupid pseudo shit.

I don't see why cloning, in-utero gestation, animal-human hybrids should be banned because of what a crazy Austrian incorrectly thought about humans and biology.

>> No.2780943


They're afraid that it can unintentionally lead down that road.

>> No.2780940

The future is in neuroscience and advanced prosthesis.

>> No.2780955

Here's a life extension, it's called having kids.

What the hell is so complicated about this?

>> No.2780956

It's just weird that even unethical nations such as China are not doing anything in that direction.

>> No.2780957

Godwin's Law has been invoked.


>> No.2780959

That picture is stupid OP, i mean its pretty obvious that dog didnt draw that graph, some human must have done it for him.

>> No.2780961

50% of your DNA to create someone who has nothing in common with you?
What kind of life extension is that?

>> No.2780963

Maybe because they don't want to undergo sanctions by almost every major economy in the world?

>> No.2780964

Typically individuals are more concerned about the continuation of their own consciousness rather than their genes. I hope you're aware that that's the entire point behind transhumanism. Sure, you can have kids, but one day you'll (maybe) be dead.

>> No.2780966


The Chinese don't have the advanced scientific capabilities that the US and Europe have, and besides they're too busy trying to steal the infrastructure of every country they can.

>> No.2780976

Enforce this so called "law," motherfucker.
I dare you.
I double-dare you, motherfucker.

>> No.2780980

also, they have an overpop. problem

although it's not like the proles would have access to this

>> No.2780985


>> No.2780988

How do you know they are not? Perhaps they are and are simply keeping quiet about it to avoid the aforementioned sanctions and worldwide shitfit.

>> No.2780994

>extending my own life a few years is more important than the general welfare of society

>> No.2780996

nobody would sanction china because it would hurt them as much

also, there wouldn't be that big of an outcry dont exagerate. people don't care if it's not their country

>> No.2781023


Yeah, people expect this unethical shit from China anyway.

Selling body parts of prisoners, poisoning food for profit, etc.

But they don't do human DNA experimentation, because they would use that as a selling point to get biotech research money to China.

>> No.2781025

>But they don't do human DNA experimentation, even though they would use that as a selling point to get biotech research money to China.

It's late and I'm tired.

>> No.2783204

>implying everyone isn't always looking out for number one

>> No.2783237

Explain why I should care about anyone else without using the words right, wrong or morals.

>> No.2783247


only 50 billion? We spend over a trillion on the defense budget

>> No.2783257


>50% of you
>Nothing in common

LOL the aspies on /sci/ never fail to impress

>> No.2783460

>implying i care about my genes
i just want myself, (my consciousness) to be around for as long as possible

>> No.2783485

Pro tip: you are not your DNA.

>> No.2783506

There is already treatment for osteoporosis that actually makes bones stronger. It should expand female life span considerably, a lot of people start going downhill when they fall and break bones.

>> No.2783540

I think this will, by far, become the biggest hurdle. How do the fuck would you stop someone from going crazy after living for 1000 years? How do you stop Alzheimer's? What will become of our memories when we live that long?

>> No.2783585

If I were a billionaire I probably wouldn't invest money into life extension because
1. it's unlikely that any breakthroughs will be made in my life time
2. It's unlikely that I would be able to benefit from any breakthroughs that are made because treatments would be likely to be implemented early in a patient's life like say, pre-natal
3. longetivity treatments would likely prolong old age rather than extend the awesome part of our lifespans.

>> No.2783592

Honestly Aubrey de Grey gives some great moral arguments towards life extension. The only problem I see is that we will have people who choose to live rather than reproduce, and we run the risk of having archaic views perpetuated through a second generation (where ideally they would have died out). If we can ensure innovation will remain the same if not better under these conditions there is literally no down side to working on these treatments. If we can't, well then we'll have to wait till we can upload ourselves to a collective consciousness and live that way. Since I'm not a crazy futurist that will probably be centuries away.

>> No.2783809

>implying anyone on /sci/ has archaic views
we are 2-3 generations ahead of the rest of the world, at a bare minimum.