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2779758 No.2779758 [Reply] [Original]

What's the smartest game? Is it Chess?

>> No.2779769


>> No.2779776


>> No.2779785

You mean which game requires you to be the smartest?

Probably Chess. Or Uno.

>> No.2779801

Civilization V.

>> No.2779807


>> No.2779810

not uno.
in my second year project i wrote a program that plays the perfect strategy for uno. the game takes no skill, it is easy as piss.

>> No.2779814

The one you just lost

>> No.2779816

Go or othello

>> No.2779806

>Implying chess takes skill

>> No.2779819


>> No.2779828


>> No.2779831

>the smartest game?

>I LOLst.

>> No.2779835

Yeeaahhh I wasn't completely serious about Uno.

>> No.2779837

Paper rock scissors

>> No.2779838

2nd Starcraft
Last, any fps

>> No.2779867
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It's not a fucking pair-matching game.

>> No.2779874

Definitely Go.

>> No.2779875
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Starcraft: Broodwar
Followed by Starcraft 2 until the metagame evolves further, particularly in the late game.
chess until you have a qaurter second to make each move

>> No.2779880

Fps smart? No.

>> No.2779883

I was going to search the thread for that.

I have zero idea how to play, but I hear there's tough

>> No.2779887

Rock, paper, scissors

>> No.2779900

woah trainwreck grammer sorry.

I kept revising what I was saying, so you got a mix of a few sentences.

>> No.2779902

Go, Chess, Total Annihilation.

Starcraft doesn't count just because a good 40% of the game is having a high enough APM, not actual strategy.

>> No.2779913

You can take your videogames and quietly leave this thread. Shit is simplistic as fuck. Maybe you just need to broaden your horizons and stop making fools of yourselves.

>> No.2779916
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>> No.2779923

3/10, I liked the "broaden horizons" bit.

>> No.2779938

Butthurt. Enjoy your children's toys.

>> No.2779970

hmm this is a good question... dicks?

>> No.2780035


>> No.2780051

It's called universe. God and Satan are playing it.

>> No.2780065
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The most complex board game, pound-for-pound, is actually Shogi. On a standard 9x9 board it ranks above Chess and below Go - but the game has been adapted to much, much larger sizes. At 19x19 the game is many millions of times more complex than Go. The largest variant is 36x36 -- do the math. You'll need it.

>> No.2780082
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Magic the Gathering

>> No.2780089

Chess doesn't require skill

>> No.2780092

Such an arbitrary statement must be true!

Also it's wrong.

>> No.2780097


I'm sure you could make checkers look complicated if you painted everything with moonrunes then turned the lights out.

>> No.2780110

it seems kinda cheap to just expand the board size and call it a more complex game. Surely there's other games that gain more complexity per size increase than Shogi.

>> No.2780112


Nope. Chess doesn't require skill. There is nothing about chess that requires skill. You win in chess because your opponent made a mistake not because you made a genius move.

>> No.2780122
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This shit is fun. We used to play it at work on lunch breaks.

Gets political too because if you checkmate someone, it doesn't actually put them out of the game until their next turn, so someone can intervene, or you can team up, backstab, etc.

>> No.2780126

the skill is in the art of "not making any mistakes".

>> No.2780129

Only if you play like a beginner.

Proper Chess is forcing your opponent to do things they don't want to do, or not letting them do things they do want to do. Pinning pieces against other pieces, threatening two or more pieces at once, etc.

Play someone who knows what they're doing. You won't be able to do shit because they'll be in charge.

>> No.2780131

actually there isn't

>> No.2780133

Have you guys seen the thread about graphwar that is going on here? I think that's a strong competitor...


>> No.2780136

Actually there is. Most of them, in fact.

Stop being a weeaboo.

>> No.2780142

That's not complex from a gameplay perspective. You just need to be able to know what graph your equation will form. Nothing special.

>> No.2780146


>> No.2780147

Omg I've thought before why that had never been done
No more monopoly for me

>> No.2780148

Why is everyone still talking about chess even though we know go is superior?

>> No.2780159

I've never played it before
Seems like I could make one with graph paper and m&ms

>> No.2780161

You can like two different things equally you filthy communist.

>> No.2780165

chutes and ladders

>> No.2780172

Liking those two games equally wouldn't be very intellectually honest, would it?
>Filthy communist
>Find one obviously better

Yeah you could. Keep in mind you can find boards in literally all price ranges; With cheap vinyl or magnetic ones, etc.

Here's a tutorial I always show anyone who wants to play :

>> No.2780181

>Yeah you could. Keep in mind you can find boards in literally all price ranges; With cheap vinyl or magnetic ones, etc.
Yeah but eating my enemy seems more satisfying dohohoho

>> No.2780180
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>> No.2780189

chess anyone?


>> No.2780188

Anybody with decent macro and mechanics in SC can hit C- on ICCUP. Fuck, there are Korean pros with just good execution and the adaptability of a brick (lol BackHo).
FPSes don't require as much intelligence as they do hand-eye coordination, timing, and mindgaming. A lot of the top players are smart, to be sure, but it's not a prerequisite.

>> No.2780210

Oh hey, this actually looks pretty fun. It seems like the optimum equations to use in each situation wouldn't take too long to figure out though.

>> No.2780274


Yeah, if being a giant elitist douche is your definition of "smart", then I'll bet it fucking is..
Otherwise, I'd think the "smartest" game is the one that is the most fun, that being the main point of games. Chess doesn't take into account the human mental limitations that leave anyone with a clue of how chess plays out a painful sense of how this game is really designed more for computers than weak-minded humans that can barely process what move they should do next without making several mistakes.
So yeah, if that's what you consider a "smart game", then by all means, keep on believing that and letting other people know that's what you think is "smart" game design, faggot.
But the truly smart people out there will know you're just a dumbfuck for it. You and everyone else in this thread that agreed as much.

>> No.2780300


Actually there's more improv in fps's than in most other genres. Let go of the simplistic fps = hur dur mentality and realize it's a completely different game at the top. First of all, are you watching your map? See that guy that just died? Look for his name. John Wayne died to GodZilla by the awp. Who just died on the map? The guy at B tunnels? There's an awper there. Now, can you make this assessment quick enough that you don't get killed in the meantime or waste time? There's so many little details like this in an fps that indicate where an opponent is, and there are so many minute details that you must calculate in the midst of it all. Sure sure there's more finesse and less strategy sometimes than other genres but there's also artifice and a sort of shrewd way of figuring things out unique to the genre. Most people that deplore fps's are scrubs that straight up suck at it.

>> No.2780338

What is the most fun game?

>> No.2780721
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>> No.2780827

Kid, I've been playing FPSes competitively for years. Most decisions made are second nature; they don't sit there and hash everything out, they just know what to do. Game sense comes with experience, not smarts.

>> No.2780828

i think fighting games like Street fighter require the highest intelligence

>> No.2780840


>> No.2780842

There is no smartest game

For a game to the smartest, it would have to have no known strategies, no known counter moves, and the rules must dynamically change as the game progresses based on the actions of both players, and, to my knowledge, no such game yet exists, and probably wont exist for some time

All other games have known strategies, moves, etc, all the player needs to do is chose the appropriate one to counter his/her opponent


>> No.2780845

What the hell? I don't think you've thought through your proposal very well. You don't even know what you want.

>> No.2780867

Replace "FPS" with "fighting game" and you actually sound intelligent.

>> No.2780868
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I don't think anyone has clearly defined what it is we're comparing in this thread.

If it is "how smart do you need to be to play this game" then things like starcraft are actually kind of low, since they are easy to learn.

However, if you look at it in terms of "what game has the highest skill cap" (i.e. how good can you get at it based on human capabilities vs. the limitations of the game) then starcraft or maybe total annihilation is indeed very very high, I would argue as high or probably higher than chess since there are more variables to consider by a 'grandmaster' at the highest level of play.

Also the skills needed for starcraft are different from those in chess, but who is to say that one takes less brain power than the other. Chess is a different kind of thinking, as is starcraft, or fps games for that matter.

TLDR; In terms of skillcap I think RTS games have the highest, specifically starcraft: brood war.

>> No.2780880

first, what do you consider to be smart? thinking fast, thinking correctly, or thinking uniquely?

>> No.2780887

the smartest game is life.

>> No.2780893

i would have to go with any of the MIST games. for pc

>> No.2780897

love this stuff
txt me boys or girls im not picky :)

>> No.2780901

tribes 1 football mod
shifter and renegades been suckin dick since 2005

>> No.2780914


Honestly, I don't see why or how any one of those 3 kinds of thinking should be considered 'smarter' than the other.

However, I think that a game that requires thinking fast, correctly, and creatively is a 'smarter' game than one that only requires one or two of these kinds of thinking.

Smart = using your brain.

Smarter games use more of your brain.

>> No.2780939
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thread over.

>> No.2780944

I agree that smart should mean high skill cap.
I don't have any nominations, but from my understanding, Starcraft and Go are pretty high up there.

>> No.2780960

Playing Starcraft and WOW makes you smart. It improves IQ a lot.

>> No.2780977
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nyo mai gad

>> No.2780982

I LOVE Khet, great game!!
It requires some thought too, which is nice.

>> No.2780990


>> No.2780997

read the thread. lots of people say so too.

>> No.2780999
File: 51 KB, 640x480, sins-of-a-solar-empire-20070831044507480_640w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Sins of a Solar Empire?
It has those dynamic maps and whatnot...

>> No.2781009

real life war, like fucking real ppl dying and shit. yes its a game.

>> No.2781035

We need to hire Korean youth to be the battlefield commanders of our military.

>> No.2781041
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Life, at least on Harder-mode in the mid-late game.
Hardcore-mode is difficult through all the fucking game because of the handicap you get in the beginning.
And most players who try 3rdworld-mode never make it past first year or so.

Fucking NO save-function at all and getting even one extra life when you're about to die is chancy at best.

Of course, some say the mini-game Unravelling The Mysteries of The Universe is said to be harder than the rest of the game, but no one is certain it can actually be completed.

But people keep trying in the hopes of giving everyone a boost, so good luck to anyone who tries.

Oh man, looks like it's my turn to move my piece, see you next round!

>> No.2781055

>most players who try 3rdworld-mode never make it past first year or so

fuck'n lol'd

>> No.2781073


There's no evidence for that... but people with higher IQ's tend to be better at more complex things.

WOW is not complex or difficult or a 'smart' game. It's a monkey trainer.

>> No.2781087

Survivor. You know, the reality show. The format of the game is genius. The people you vote out decide who wins the game.

>> No.2781090

ooooh man. fuckin love that game.

>> No.2781154

excellent post, you should feel good about yourself.

>> No.2781175

Game of the Generals. It requires you to not only outmaneuver your opponent, but also to outthink them, you know, psych them out and shit.

It's a great game.

>> No.2781181

yeah right. usually the stupid people win. it's a popularity contest.

>> No.2781204
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Thank you.

>> No.2781257

Thats why it has this LOGH mod i guess...
and lol >>2780999 trips

>> No.2781261
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Half-Life 2

>> No.2781262
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Competitive Starcraft players are just arrogant cunts who have deluded themselves into thinking a game that's 80% repetition requires large amounts of intelligence. Skill doesn't necessarily imply intelligence.

>mfw when it's basically Stratego

>> No.2781345
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No posts seem to have asked the question, "what kind of smart?"

There are different games that require social skills, mathematical skills, general problem-solving skills, leadership skills, fast reactions, tactical and strategic thought and logistical skills.

I don't think there are any rela games that require all of those, and in fictional games only Azad comes close.

But I would hazard a guess that the 'smartest' games would be those that require the highest levels in as many skills as possible. So I would nominate certain play-by-mail games, like Austerlitz or TechnoCide, or other social networking games, like VGAPlanets or Spaceward Ho!

While they don't promote fast thinking skills or reaction speed, they do require the largest set of skills that come to my mind.

>> No.2781378

Whoa what Uno is solved?
Explain please.
I play Uno heavily. I would like to know of this.

>> No.2781407
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Even though its been said, I must say Starcraft: Broodwar, I would say SC2 but the controls are so much damn easier to use.

>> No.2781421

That's a shitty-as-hell troll.

>> No.2781428
