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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 251x168, 1295755629064s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2779433 No.2779433 [Reply] [Original]

>Ph.D in Mathematics
>Any job I want
>300k starting

>> No.2779439

lol, sure OP.

have fun teaching algebra to middle school kids.

>> No.2779446

I call bullshit. PhD in Math earns respectable living but not 300K (at least not post doc).

>> No.2779455

6/10 - schooled some newfags.

>> No.2779468

hey OP solve this differential equation
(1 + x^2)*dy - a*dx = x*y*dx

>> No.2779469

it can earn that much on wall street but not every math PhD can get that kind of position

>> No.2779471

>BA in Biology
>Any job I want
>20k starting

>> No.2779480

>PhD in Trolling
>Any board I want
>Two newfags starting

>> No.2779489

>B.S. physics
>$65K starting salary

>> No.2779492

>BS Biology
>17k/ starting
>Any studio apartment in the ghetto I want

>> No.2779496



>> No.2779507

>bachelor's degree
>lol more like $20 like biology

>> No.2779509

> PhD in English
> I can work at any Starbucks I want
> 15k starting

>> No.2779510

nope. look up engineer starting salaries.

>> No.2779516

>drop out of highschool
>any fastfood chain I want
>15K maximum

>> No.2779520


Physics =/= Engineering.

My mailman has a Master's degree in Physics.

>> No.2779525


In the long run, still more than biology

>> No.2779527

yea, but only if you go to grad school for engineering with your physics degree

>> No.2779528

>Autism spectrum disorder
>Huge salary
>So ronery

>> No.2779531

Anyone with a B.S. in math/physics/engineering can work as an engineer.

>> No.2779532

>B.S in Chemistry
>31k maximum
>Any temp agency I want

>> No.2779535


No they can't.

>> No.2779538
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>Ph.D in Women's Studies
>"thrust-to-weight ratio" has unacceptable sexual overtones
>acclaim of all my peers starting

>> No.2779542

lol ok if you say so. I ain't even mad right now tho.

>> No.2779543

Software Engineering
$85K Starting

>> No.2779551


>> No.2779553

>B.S Library Science
>40k starting, state pension and benefits
>Any public library I want

>> No.2779555

>Psychology, easiest degree known to man
>Any job I want, early retirement and work from home
>$40-120 p/hr

>> No.2779563

>degree in philosophy'
>manager of starbucks

>> No.2779564


wtf is library science?

>> No.2779567

what would your patients think about you spending Saturday nights on 4chan?

>> No.2779572

How the fuck do you start at 40,000 with a library science degree? I definately don't think thats a good use of tax payer money to pay you that much.

Maybe you should get 35,000 TOPS.

>> No.2779577

Haha keep dreaming. Many engineers can fill the shoes of other specialization of engineering (chemE working as ME, etc), but BS physicists aren't gonna be getting any engineering jobs.

>> No.2779580

>guaranteed employment
>£36,000 starting, can be over £100,000 in two years, £4000 a year from guberment to study.

/sci/ is legit jelly

>> No.2779581


>Implying all psychologists are clinicians
> Implying one's Saturday night activities affects his/her competency.

>> No.2779584

>B.S. In chemistry
>Almost no Job available
>35k starting


>> No.2779588

>BSc in Computer Science and Math
>60k starting

>> No.2779592

When did I imply that? I'm get a master's in Psychology and i'm going to be a clinical psychologist. What the fuck are you talking about you nigger?

>> No.2779601



>> No.2779606

>B.S. In chemistry
>40k max starting

Guess i'm off to grad school.

>> No.2779613
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>Be a free spirit
>Not tied down to soul crushing job my whole life
>Get part time work from parents bakery whenever *I* feel like it
>Spend all day playing vidya

>> No.2779617


Only clinical psychologists have patients. The person did not state in his post he was a clinician. There are multiple career paths in Psychology.

Stupid fuck.

>> No.2779620
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>Ph.D in Nuclear Engineering
>Any Job I want
>500k starting
>Thyroid Cancer

>> No.2779622

>ph.d. in genetics
>any lab job i want
>easy work that i enjoy
>$100k starting

>> No.2779628


LOL keep dreaming

>> No.2779631

Nor did anyone here specify what exact job they intended to get with their degree.

A Ph.D in maths could just land you teaching a high school.

>> No.2779632

>Ph.D in Astrophysics
>No chances of employment.
>Fuck this shit.
>NO asphyxiation.

>> No.2779634

>medical degree
>neurosurgery specialization
>$2 million dollars a year, more than all you niggers combined

>> No.2779635

>Ph.D in Jesus
>Any sin I want
>Repent whenever
>Heaven starting

>> No.2779651

Yeah, because neurosurgerons are definately gonna spend time on 4chan. Gtfo newfag.

>> No.2779652


Let's post some worthless degrees so I feel better about my BA in Maths

>> No.2779658

>Born with enormous penis
>$2000 a fuck scene
>Do over 200 scenes a year
>Most of it untaxed

Good job nerds.

>> No.2779660

I think you meant to say BS in biology sir

>> No.2779662

i'm in med school fag
>lol u mad

>> No.2779666

>Ph.D. in Theology
>Any church I want
>15 little boys starting

>> No.2779669


> Implying a 50k salary for librarians is too much
> Launching a single missile costs almost 10x-15x as much

Fuck people like you.
Schools and Libraries are way more necessary than bombing the shit out of some country thousands of miles away.

>> No.2779673

>on 4chan
makes perfect sense

>> No.2779675

Ok, you got me, Yes i'm quite mad.

I plan on trying to push through legislature that cuts into your salary so your just as butt-hurt as I am.

>> No.2779682

idealist detected

>> No.2779684

>Son of a wealthy investor
>Grandson of an oil tycoon
>School is for drugs and fucking
>I do whatever I want and don't have to work for anything
>I am a partner in 24 buisnesses and still made $19 million last year

>> No.2779690

>Shitty song
>Parents paid for it
>200k starting

Rebecca Black.jpg

>> No.2779693

>Good at football
>Just signed a signed a 100 million dollar contract

Grats on PhD's guyz.

>> No.2779704
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>socialized medicine

>> No.2779710
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Self educated online, smarter than any of you assholes, no piece of paper to prove it, sweep floors at Harvard for minimum wage.

>> No.2779712

>Never went to college
>Patented a taco shell holder and sold the patent
>Collected $8 million up front and still make money of royalties
>Make over $800k a year in safe investments.

Collge grads, good job.

>> No.2779719

oh, op, that's one thing u could do if you "self learn" engineering
u could make a patent and cash out
>but a very unlikely scenario

>> No.2779721
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come at me bro

>> No.2779722

>Grandfather won the lottery for $389 million
>I'm 14 and he's giving me $25 million

>> No.2779729

fuck all this shit.

get into trading. minimum skill, big bucks

>> No.2779733

enjoy 4 years of undergrad again, followed by a ten year residence xD

>> No.2779735

I call bullshit

>> No.2779742
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It's not your fault.It's not your fault.It's not your fault.It's not your fault.It's not your fault.It's not your fault.It's not your fault.It's not your fault.It's not your fault.

>> No.2779744


Having a degree in Engineering doesn't make you an Engineer.


>> No.2779746 [DELETED] 

>BS in physics
>go to grad school in astronomy
>20k starting
>not mad at all because it's not about money
>it's about science
>also, I live in butthole USA so living is cheap

>> No.2779748

>Ph.D Cognitive Neuro
>Any teaching job, post doc, psychologist related job I want.
>50k-150k starting

Not much, but w.e, I'm not in for the money.

>> No.2779762
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hipster detected

>> No.2779770
File: 55 KB, 1591x171, What sci actually thinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some shitty, low ranking science job
>Minimum wage starting
>Try to justify my low wages, standard of living and crappy retirement support by blabbing on about how it's not about the money

>> No.2779773

I am a construction worker and make 80k a year your jobs are my hobby faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaags

>> No.2779774

>BA in History
>Join the military
>Die in some desert
Well...at least I'm honest about my situation.

>> No.2779778

But it doesn't. Likewise, having a degree in a science related field does not make you a scientist.

You have to actually employ the scientifc method to be a scientist, and have to engineer to be an engineer.

>> No.2779783
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What 87% of you ACTUALLY do for a living

>> No.2779790

>Son of the president of the United States of America
>Given complimentary doctorates from all Ivy League schools
>I have infinite money

>> No.2779800
File: 166 KB, 454x569, 1301077807554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, Finning (CAT) Engineer who spends countless fun hours trying to get the ICL grads who descend on our company with their little bits of paper in their tiny hands not to kill themselves on the equipment.

I get free university in a year, they get trusted with a mid end office job if they manage not to kill a bunch of people because "OH I TOOK THIS THERMODYNAMICS CLASS AGES AGO, MOVE OVER YOU"

I bloody hate them and I hate the fact even more that I'm being forced into becoming one of those middle management "engineers". They're engineers in name only.

>> No.2779813


History is actually quite a good degree to have. You can go into Law, finance, journalism, teaching and all sorts with it.

It's also quite difficult, so having a degree in it tends to mean you aren't a retard.

>> No.2779823
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>PhD in women
>any woman I want
>u mad

>> No.2779825

That's practically minimum wage
That's messed up

>> No.2779833

>B.A. Chemistry
>Sales job
>40k a year

Its not shitty, but its not great either.

Chemistry degree is Meh, you earn more than lib-art fags, but hardly enough to have a decent living out of college.

Gotta go to grad school before you actually make money

>> No.2779841


>B.A Chemistry
>claim to earn more than liberal art grads
>obviously full of shit because you somehow managed to get an art degree in chemistry.

Fuck off to the homework threads.

>> No.2779842
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>spend years studying
>graduate summa cum laude
>no friends
>forever alone

>> No.2779844

Law-It won't really help you pass the lsat
Teaching-if you have a masters

>> No.2779855

I'm being serious when I say the military is my only option at this point. Look:
>Law, finance, journalism, teaching, etc
Law is completely oversaturated, finance is far too complex for history students (and, like law, crowded), journalism is a crap-shoot, and teaching, well, I would likely need an advanced degree, proper teaching credentials, and clear other hurdles on my way to a job that could barely cover my student loans.

In short, I really fucked up. I picked a subject you could study online, dammit.

>> No.2779859


In Euroland History is popular amongst people going into all of those fields.

My best friend is a high level corporate lawyer and he got his B.A in History before doing anything else. It's useful, that's all there is to it. It's like anything - it's what you do with it that counts.

Obviously if you do African History or something stupid it's of no massive use unless you directly into that but the opportunities to learn languages and all that is cool too.

>> No.2779860

That would be a valid argument, but companies asked for my class list and noticed I ended up with the same skills as the B.S. people had, and then some (I went to a liberal arts school, so no B.S. degree available).

>> No.2779876
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bros bros come on. If you want a real job you gotta major in something with a heavy math focus (physics, math, engineering)

>> No.2779881


>finance is far too complex for history students

Finance is piss. Good luck with the military though, the pay is very good and I loved it.

>I picked a subject you could study online, dammit.

Ah, so you're an American. In my country History at reputable universities requries top grades to study (like the equiv of 4.0 GPA)

>> No.2779882

If you're an officer you can make a decent living at least
If you're not you're a double nigger

>> No.2779888

Do I need to remind you that Physics and Math are pretty much useless at the bachelors level.

If your gonna stay at the bachelors level, major in a business field or engineering.

>> No.2779889


yeah, if you settle for a "job"

If you want a career then science is the wrong way.

>> No.2779895

>Go to Africa
>Steal black people
>Have them work my fields in America
>Pay them nothing
>Save up my monies
>Give money to grandchildren
>They invest in Ford and Exxon
>4 generations from my slave ways the family is one of the wealthiest in the world.

>> No.2779899

What's a double nigger?
One is bad enough....

>> No.2779903

So many fucking people that haven't been on this board for more than a month.

Sage because this thread came out disastrously. I bet if I made a gay engineer joke, nobody would get that either.

>> No.2779904

Well, thats not completely true. You just need to get into management no later than 15 years of doing science.

>> No.2779909


>> No.2779910

coming from someone with a B.S. in physics who has job searched I can definitely say you, sir, are wrong.

>> No.2779918

What the fuck, same thread every day.

>> No.2779922

now you're a triple nigger for not knowing the meaning of double nigger

>> No.2779926
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>> No.2779927

What's the deal with all these stupidly high salaries in Murka?

My wife's brother got a M.Sc in Nucelar Engineering from ICL and he barely makes £23k a year, working 40+ hours a week. Meanwhile she works a few hours a week drawing (she's an interior designer) and makes 1.5 times that. I'm in corporate law and I make a fair bit more than both of them.

This isn't a dick waving contest, but are the salaries really that high in America or do the billionaire Web kids drag the averages up?

>> No.2779929

>BA in Neuroscience
>Grad school in Econ
>Trying to get to the biological bottom of this rational agent thing
And it's pretty damn tough. Part of me feels like I should go corporate when I'm done, but I have the teacher's itch. We'll see.

>> No.2779939


You're hilarious

>> No.2779940

I thought maybe you were Australian, but I know History is respected in Europe as well. What country?
That's the plan.

>> No.2779941

23k for a Master's in nuclear engineering?
Why did he even bother?

>> No.2779942

>Dropped out of Harvard
>Start Microsoft

You mad?

>> No.2779944
File: 100 KB, 1067x880, quant (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2779948

>Create Facebook
>Worth billions

You mad 4chan? But seriously, you know Mark Zuckerberg cruised 4chan when he was just a computer nerd.

>> No.2779950


To be fair he did it all on scholarships so he has no loans to pay off. I think that translates to about 38k USD.

It's still ridiculous though, for the work he put in. I mean it's not a wage to be sneered at but for a graduate its appalling.

>> No.2779953

>PhD in Math
>Three boring jobs
>Still suck the dick of some ambitious guy with an MBA

>> No.2779957

Fuck you Bill Gates
We all know your charity foundation sends money to 3rd world countries to increase your user base and educate them for future cheap labor

>> No.2779965


Haha, I remember him posting on /o/ asking how to fix his car and them trolling the fuck of him years ago.

>> No.2779967

Lol. I bet only 2-3 people apply for jobs in NYC. Enjoy spending $170k a year on housing and food.

>> No.2779968

Biobros, what happened?

>> No.2779980

>Going to college
What's the point? Just give up and embrace the abyss.

>> No.2779981
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>> No.2779983

>ph.d. in biology
>any job i want
>$14k starting

>> No.2779986

The field got flooded because the neurotic baby boomers parents convinced their kids that the only way to make a living nowadays is to get a healthcare related job

>> No.2779995

How did you know it was him?

>> No.2780001

Have you guys considered other fields? Maybe business or law?

>> No.2780009
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>> No.2780032

I'm doing computer science broseph

>> No.2780041

Jobs like these are one of the things that's seriously wrong with the world today. People with these sorts of qualifications fifty years ago were doing bad-ass shit like shooting people into space in rockets for the first time, and now a whole lot of the world's smartest people are writing computer code so that they can literally steal pennies in arbitrage schemes that only have relevance over the course of fractions of a second.

>> No.2780045

>Post old meme
>Leave to hang out with friend
>123 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2780054

>People with these sorts of qualifications fifty years ago were doing bad-ass shit like shooting people into space in rockets
Are you talking about Mathematicians?

>> No.2780064

Mathematicians, physicists, engineers, etc. like it says in those job postings. Wall St firms hire these sorts of people to be "quants."

>> No.2780107

No I meant is that Mathematicians were Mathematicians until this quant craze started, not rocket scientists or whatever

>> No.2780128

ah, I see, although I've met a mathematics professor who worked for nasa but I digress.