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2777874 No.2777874 [Reply] [Original]

I have friends that argue that childbirth/pregnancy is "ugly and disgusting".

Personally, I believe it's one of the most natural things humans do, and the whole process itself is quite beautiful what does /sci/ think?

>> No.2777881

ugly, disgusting, and beautiful are not objective measures.

>> No.2777888

Childbirth is disgusting, it would be much more beautiful to grow children in vitro. Artificial > natural.

>> No.2777889

Something coming that large tumbling out of a vagina is just gross. I hate kids anyway.

>> No.2777893

"objective measures" does not have any objective sense. as such, your argument is invalid

>> No.2777898

So many ugly neckbeards in this thread..speak for yourselves you undesirable, basement dwellers.

>> No.2777904


What did I just type?

>remove "coming"

>> No.2777912

OP is a romantic faggot.

>> No.2777915

Childbirth is disgusting, and children are parasites.

sage for irrelevancy.

>> No.2777942

I like kids, but I don't find child birth all that attractive... I'd hate to have a baby fall out my ass hole...

>> No.2777961

Thank fuck you misanthropic, depressing pieces of shit will probably never have kids.

You're doing the world a great service.

>> No.2777968

I find it funny how people say kids are annoying parasites, like they themselves were never kids.

Its probably best if you losers never reproduce.

>> No.2777974

Too bad the rest will continue to reproduce and, ironically, decrease their own value.

>> No.2777982

Pregnant women turn me on

>> No.2778051

People have no value, we can always make more some time. if we need them.

>> No.2778164

The act of having children isn't disgusting by itself, but having children in an overpopulated world where there are so many orphans. People who have multiple children are a scourge upon society.

>> No.2778185

It's natural, but it's raw and filthy and disgusting
The IDEA of childbirth is beautiful, but the actual thing is far from that

>> No.2778190

raising and educating them is costly

>> No.2778198

I was a parasite, but I plan to pay my parents back in full for the financial cost of raising me
Why they spent that much time on me, I'll never understand

My lack of compliance as a child has convinced me to never have children of my own.

>> No.2778205



>> No.2778214


yeah good luck making another einstein

>> No.2778255

It's one thing to hate kids, but its another thing to hate the idea of raising kids and think they are nothing but parasites and that people shouldn't have them.

Because taking a position like that essentially means you support the suicide of the human race.

How the fuck did you manage to grow up then? Did you materialize into an adult form out of the blue? Did you excise that part of your brain that remembers the first two decades of your life?

>> No.2778254

have friends that argue that pissing, shitting and puking are "ugly and disgusting".

Personally, I believe it's one of the most natural things humans do, and the whole process itself is quite beautiful what does /sci/ think?

>> No.2778262

Childbirth is quite disgusting, but it can be technically impressive. Video related.

>> No.2778275

I just realized what a rotten fucking kid I was

I ran the whole gamut of fetishes starting at 13 when I first learned to download porn on my 56k modem and beastiality was one of the first.

Can't quite place preggos on that timeline but it was a very significant part of my porn interests

Oddly enough, the rare porn videos I watch nowadays are almost exclusively homemade clips of people just fucking

>> No.2778278


Overpopulation is a myth. Earth could support up to 28 trillion humans if we manage land correctly.

>> No.2778281

>if we manage land correctly

Not gonna happen

>> No.2778282

I like children but
>Because taking a position like that essentially means you support the suicide of the human race.
That's a valid proposition.
>How the fuck did you manage to grow up then?
Irrelevant. Our lives are not meant to be indefinitely reproduced.

>> No.2778296

What are you doing here, Schopenhauer? You're supposed to have been dead for over a century.

>> No.2778374

I can't let that nietzsche guy get all the hype on this board.

>> No.2778847

The wife was a labor and delivery nurse. Her solution to teenage pregnancy was to haul all middle school girls into a delivery room and let them watch.

I believe that the phrase that she used to describe deliveries was "ugly and disgusting". However, the job did pay well, and she could find work anywhere.

>> No.2778853

Childbirth is a necessary function of humanity.

That is the only objective statement possible.

>> No.2778871

I'm female and see it as the epitome of body horror. Even thinking about it makes me shudder. I've had recurring nightmares about it for yeara. Adoption/surrogacy/bioreactor(eventually) are all good alternatives.

Also, Malthusian reasoning is bunk. The Earth's carrying capacity is at least 20 billion...just look at a population density chart. Certain locations on the planet are overpopulated, sure, but the planet itself is far from it.

>> No.2778908


Until we have the ability to sprout out genetically perfected humans from artifical wombs. Axolotl tanks ftw!
With technology, we can improve the proces of reproduction to the point that childbearing and genders become obsolete. When we can desing our descendants to be anything we want, there is no room for natural evolution anymore.
Soon, we will finally have the ability to shape ourselves to our own vision, and forge a new path of artifical evolution for our species.
A glorious dawn awaits, a future where our children have the freedom to shape their very biology to their liking.

Or we can just go and merge with technology and be done with it. Both are pretty good plans for the future, in my opinion.

>> No.2778913

The wife mentioned that men could also discover what the childbirth experience was like. To do this, they need one or two strong friends, and a small, greased watermelon.

>> No.2778940

The aftermath to a woman's body is not worth it.

>> No.2778943


it is also extremely primitive in this day and age. in vitro.

>> No.2778948

I find almost all bodily functions to be utterly repulsive. Every time I start thinking about human body in general, and matters regarding reproduction in particular, I am filled with disgust.
Even more uncomfortable is the fact that I have constantly fight against all kinds of revolting urges that are demanding to be fulfilled. Some people say that I am fucked up in my head, because I refuse to submit to the slavery of my genes, maybe they are correct, but I am too stubborn to chainge my ways.
The slowly dying shell that harbors my mind, displeases me because of it's own imperfections.

>> No.2779001

Processing food into shit is natural.

Maggots are natural.

Something being natural doesn't make it beautiful.

Pregnancy is beautiful but birth is fucking disgusting.

>> No.2779391

{Citation direly needed]

>> No.2779423


That gives every living person on earth 5 square meters of land to live on And that also includes shoving them into rainforests, deserts, and swamps. Good luck with that.

>> No.2779513


>> No.2779562

>I find it funny how people say kids are annoying parasites, like they themselves were never kids.

I don't see anyone denying that they themselves were annoying parasites-- just that they don't see the point in spawning one. No one asked to be born, fuckface.

>> No.2779656

Land isn't the problem, it's sustainability. We have problems with finding an energy source with 6-7 billion people, we have food shortages, and as far as resources go we would need to take a drastic drop in quality of life to support to 28 billion which I assume you mean. Some book claimed that we were currently at twice the sustainable population on earth over 2 years ago.