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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2772291 No.2772291 [Reply] [Original]

>calc I test
>simple related rates question
>"at what rate is r decreasing?"
>r is decreasing
>fuuuuuuuuuck do I put my answer with a negative sign or not
>agonize over it for 20 minutes
>finally put down my answer with no negative sign
>get marked wrong, no partial credit
>argue it with the professor
>he goes through the problem and says "no see, there should be a negative sign because the math works out like this, blah blah blah"
>respond "I know, but that only works if you ask how r is changing or increasing, a negative decrease is an increase?"
>he replies "what lol? no the math works out like blah blah blah"
>"well can I at least get partial credit?"
>"no anon you shouldn't have missed something so simple. A lot of students made the same mistake, and that scares me, frankly. this is calculus and you're making basic algebra mistakes."
>all my hate
>his face

>> No.2772309
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Didn't you post this yesterday in that trolling teachers thread?

>> No.2772312

Bhahaha oh OP.
I see youre going to grow from this, so its ok to laugh at you.

>> No.2772315

Yes he did. And I thought it was one of the most interesting greentext stories in the whole thread.

Certainly not worth turning it into a thread of its own.

>> No.2772321


yes. It happened last week and every day since then I've thought about it and it still makes me rage.

>> No.2772326

>And I thought it was one of the most interesting greentext stories in the whole thread.
WAT? I meant to write the exact opposite, zomg.

*And I thought it was one of the least interesting greentext stories in the whole thread


>> No.2772327


the most interesting thing about that thread was finding out that /sci/ can't tell fact from opinion.

>> No.2772342


Ah Ok, carry on then.
Maybe we can get some more stories up in this bitch?

>> No.2772353
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>> No.2772375

Go argue with his boss or someone higher up in the department. Find another math professor who agrees with you and has more clout then your professor.

>> No.2772390


my professor is the head of the first-year math department. I'd have to go to the actual department head to get to anyone higher than him, and that is a little scary for a number of reasons.

>> No.2772416

Personal opinion time from another student.

I believe that saying decreasing in the problem just gives you a hint. You should still say that it is changing at a negative rate in your answer. That is how I have always done it, but then again every time I have been asked that (Calc III test on Thurs and had a related rates question using partial derivatives) I have been asked to find the rate of change.

On the other hand, not giving partial credit in a math course is the bullshittiest bullshit ever. Are you in like a class of 300 students without any TAs?

>> No.2772444

don't be such a dumb ass op, solve the problem, get something like dr/dt = -.10
and state "r is decreasing by 10%"

>> No.2772464


And absolutely this.

When you are unsure, get verbal bitch.

>> No.2772529

>still starving for attention over this story

>> No.2772827

Your teacher was right. The question obviously asks for a negative number as the rate of decrease. "Isn't a positive decrease the same as a negative increase." Jesus fucking christ, you're worse than the godfags around here.