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File: 31 KB, 430x287, whaling_wideweb__430x287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2771517 No.2771517 [Reply] [Original]


>Japanese Antarctic whale research mother ship was being subjected to attack by the provisionally Australian-registered trimaran Gojira
>The Institute of Cetacean Research strongly condemns the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) and its continued dangerous and violent actions against Japan’s whale research vessels in the Antarctic.

Why are environmentalist groups so militant?
If their cause is so good, why can't they obey laws and why do they need to use violence to accomplish their goals?

>> No.2771526

you just wait for Green War, then those ships will be sunk and all those whale murderers fed to the sea.

>> No.2771529

I really hope somebody fires a torpedo straight up that Whale Wars guy's ass.

>> No.2771530


What do you propose they do differently? You can bet the whaling companies do not give a fuck about laws.

>> No.2771537

>Japan’s whale research vessels
>research vessels
It's funny because it's bullshit.

>> No.2771538

because they feel like the government is not doing enough.
Then they try to protect the animals, which can only be accmoplished by force SOME of them think apparently.


>> No.2771556
File: 56 KB, 285x298, draper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting your news from ICR's website

>> No.2771579

Why bother negotiating with the enemy while they continue their slaughter.....

When it makes SO much more sense to just blow their murderous arses out of the water

>> No.2771584

The radical environmentalists believe their cause is so urgent that they must disregard laws to effect change faster. I don't agree with everything they do but I have more sympathy for them than for the whalers.

>> No.2771660

it's ultimately self-defeating in the long run, unless the laws are changed too. in fact the laws being changed is the only way for their cause to succeed.

if it worked brilliantly and whaling was stopped in its tracks right now because of their actions, what would happen? well, the cause (anti-whaling) would cease to exist. they would no longer get donations, they would no longer have members, ships, etc. so then they would cease to exist and what would there be to stop whalers from whaling? of course they could start up again and it would be cyclical i would imagine, but you can see the only way to achieve their objectives in the long term is by legal means.

>> No.2771669


those faggots on whale wars are NOT militant

theyre fucking idiots, all they do is throw stuff at them that smell bad

its nothing for japan to complain about

>> No.2771670


They give a fuck about laws enough to know they need to abuse legal loopholes. The "research" is just an excuse to catch, kill, sell, and consume whales, and everyone knows it.

>> No.2771679

sure, just like how whaling keeps becoming legal again in the US and Europe.

>> No.2771920

Guys, whale grilled & a little bit of mustard... it's to die for.

I'm Icelandic and whale meat is just amazing. I bbq whales sometimes. Dolphins aren't that great but I've had it only once so I can't really judge

>> No.2771953

Pretty much this. I watched the first season on netflix and was blown away by how shitty they are at what they do. I agree with the cause entirely, and the Japanese are NOT down there for research, but holy shit those fucktards are incompetent.

>> No.2771978

If our definite human characteristic is intelligence, and dolphins, whales, chimps, etc. are near our level of intelligence, is it not murder to kill them?

>> No.2771999

well they are given a quota to capture and kill x amount of a specific species of whales for research purposes. they are allowed to do this. it doesnt violate the whaling moratorium. furthermore, the species isnt endangered so there is no harm in what they're doing. however, lets assume its all a front to kill and eat whales. its japan. they dont have lots of farmland. more importantly, they dont have cows. they dont have god damn cows. if you look at the meat you eat, the vast majority comes from cows. so what are the japanese going to do to fill this lack of meat? they could buy from other countries and be largely dependent on them, or they could get some whale and dolphin meat, which happens to be rather plentiful.

>> No.2772001

>thinks laws exist beyond coastal waters

there are treaties, not really laws, and no one really to police them

japanese "scientific" whaling has nothing to do with science, and is just fishing basically. japan is hypocritical, unlike say norway, which just says, yeah, delicious whale meat.

>> No.2772003

Actually they managed to bother the Japanese so much that they actually stopped hunting earlier this year I think.

I don't really like those militant activists either, but in this case I can support their cause. It's not like the people responsible for whale hunting are reasonable people either.

>> No.2772031


What do you think about octopuses? They're pretty smart, yet we're allowed to eat them alive.

>> No.2772032

It isn't "environmentalist groups" in general who are militant, just the fucktarded ones. It's like people who kill abortion doctors to "save babies". They're doing more harm than good, obviously.

>> No.2772052

Octopi are very intelligent as well. Thank you for pointing out that I did not include the choice members of the Phylum Mollusca. Cuttlefish are also very intelligent.

So, to answer your question, we should not be allowed to eat octopi alive.

>> No.2772065


If they're so fucking smart then they wouldn't let themselves be eaten by us in the first place.
If we can catch we have the right to eat it.

>> No.2772077

>if i can catch her i have the right to rape her


>> No.2772086


you seem to have misunderstood the post you quoted. try again.

>> No.2772091

goddamn hippies

>> No.2772104

Well whaling is immoral, the Japanese are lying hypocritical bastards and there is no effective enforcement. So they are doing the only thing they can to stop something which should be stopped.

>> No.2772134

If you can eat cows, why can't you eat whales? What is the difference?

>> No.2772172

The way we breed cattle has essentially turned them into r-Selected life forms. Whales are K-selected life forms, meaning it takes MUCH longer for a calf to reach full adulthood and pass it's genes on. Meaning over hunting whales will lead to extinction, as apposed to cattle where we have a strong infrastructure to keep them in massive numbers.

>> No.2772185

>Whale Wars
>The same type of camera is being used on both ships involved in a conflict
>they expect me to believe this is real