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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2768433 No.2768433 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/entists
I'm a senior in highschool, hoping to major in neuroscience next year in college. I'm strong in science and math usually but I am a little worried because my how my schedule worked out, I haven't taken a chemistry class in about 3 years and I know chemistry is a huge part of what I intend to study. So I was wondering if there are any reliable sources to brush up on chemistry knowledge, maybe teach myself the basics, practice stoichiometry and other such necessary skills?
Thank you!

In return, the tradigrade, nature's tiniest badass.

>> No.2768468


>> No.2768478


He does well on the basics of general chemistry. When it comes to Organic Chem however, while he does try hard at it, you can tell he's a bit of a fish out of water.

>> No.2768480

1) Check your college website to see what book you will need. Buy it early and study from it.
2) Check the chemistry department website for your college. Often times you can find old notes from the last semester chemistry class.
3) Don't worry. They reteach you chemistry from scratch. It will be very boring the first few weeks.

>> No.2768487

If you're interested in brushing up on chemistry because you want to, get a textbook (Download it via torrent) or even a SAT II- Chem practice book. The book I used in undergraduate was Chemistry: The Central Science, and wasn't too bad.

But your uni won't expect you to know all of chemistry already. That's why they have gen chem classes. You'll be fine if you don't brush -up-- as long as you still remember algebra, anyway.

>> No.2768511


Mate, that's pretty retarded of you if you knew you wanted to do neuro. But just take the entry chem courses in your first year. There won't be much if any crossover between courses in your first one or two semester at least so it won't matter if you're learning all your chem for the first time for a semester or two.

>> No.2768522

Don't worry too much. You will have to do a lot of BS work before actually getting into hard chemistry. My friend is a chem major and he has taken more bio classes then chem; he's pissed.

>> No.2769972

Thanks guys! I already use Khanacademy for AP Calc, but I didn't even think of using it for chem

I know its dumb, but it was just how my schedule worked out, I had a bunch of required credits to work out and it didn't leave any room for chem. I did manage to get AP BIo and accelerated physics, so chem was the only class I really felt like I was lacking in.

>> No.2770033

Google MIT courseware, they have tons of videos from MIT professors.

It got me an A in Physics I and II.