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2768248 No.2768248 [Reply] [Original]

Ok I'm going to be up until the end of the Wisconsin game

So until then.

Ask someone who does research on/with stem cells anything.

>> No.2768259

why are you murdering babies

>> No.2768264

It's fun and there's an overpopulation problem. but really I've never murdered any babies. The stem cells I use were derived long ago probably back when I was still in high school.

>> No.2768275

Currently what can stem cells be adapted to make?

>> No.2768279


I plan on going in that field what is your degree in? Genetic engineering or biological engineering?>>2768248

>> No.2768281

>but really I've never murdered many babies.
You monster!

>> No.2768283

What's your field of research here?
Also, your opinion on Henriette Lacks.

>> No.2768288

Lol, love that game.

>> No.2768316

They can be made lots of things from all of the germ layers. I work on glial tissues. Something that's really cool is recently they differentiated beating cardiomyocytes from ES cells

My degree is in Molecular Genetics

>What's your field of research here?
I work on directed differentiation of Human ES cells to glial cell types, specifically oligodendrocytes.
>Henriette Lacks
what about her specifically? that she was the source of HeLa cells? Idk what you're really asking or want to know.

>> No.2768332


Have you heard much talk in the science field about cloning humans?

>> No.2768341

Well, about how cells that are used for vital research were cultured from her without her knowledge or consent.
I'm not saying we should stop using HeLa cells, I'm just saying it makes me think a bit. (Mostly about the different giants upon whose shoulders we stand.)

>> No.2768367

I thought this shit was illegal. Why are you a criminal, OP? What drove you to such a low life. Have you no morals?!

>> No.2768382

nope. That will probably never happen in the US, at least for a very long time. Maybe in some country like

Well it's kind of shitty, but ethics and standard practices were different back then so I don't really fault them too much. But without them lots of advances would never have come to be. And for those that say her family should get some money for the commercialization of the cells that's debatable as they didn't have the expertise or equipment to commercialize them so they would have just died and gone to waste.

>> No.2768394


Are y'all growing them or something? What's the purpose?

>> No.2768397

i assume you go to wisconsin and are doing a PhD?

Where did you do your undergrad and in what?

How hard is the program to get into?

>> No.2768404

How fucked is scientific research due to religious retards who block the use of embryonic stem cells?

Have you guys found a resonable workaround those retards?

>> No.2768431

we want to be able to generate them in the lab. well really first we'd like to be able to generate the progenitor cells cause you can culture and expand those, and hopefully we'll be able to inject them into brains and have them functionally myelinate. Then hopefully we could transfer that tech to iPS cells.

I don't go to Wisc, but I know the lab you are talking about (Zhang). We are one of their main competitors. There are a few labs around the country working on this and we're one of them, but going about it in a few different ways.
I went to Ohio State and my major was Molecular Genetics
I got accepted into an umbrella program and then went to the lab I'm in now

It's not really that fucked. Our lab has both public and private funding. Believe it or not the US spends more money on scientific research than any other country. It would be better though if there wasn't so much religious objection to the use of human ES cells. The court case that's trying to stop funding to human es work is actually being brought by a researcher who works on adult stem cells. I actually really hate her.