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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 7 KB, 400x320, intp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2766096 No.2766096 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/,
I'm fascinated by Science and Math but not the practical use of it.
What career should I pursue?
(High salary necessary)

General Myers-Briggs thread

>> No.2766111

you can't have it both ways, mr anderson

>> No.2766116

High end prostitution.

>> No.2766136

ENFP here.

That's right. I can actually get laid, and I'm good at science -and- language. What now?

>> No.2766143

Does ENFP mean you're bi-winning?

ENFP also, btw.

>> No.2766149

Actually you can,
Have you heard of Professors?

>> No.2766153


ENFP means you're a huge flaming faggot.

>> No.2766159

Professor, string theorist, mathematician, theoretical physicist.

>> No.2766161

You're grumpy.

>> No.2766165

OP's questions were hypothetical. This is a Myers-Briggs thread.

>> No.2766178

How does one earn money from theories?

>> No.2766196

> get INTJ
> read about in wikipedia
> born to lead, great at science, most independent of all
>alpha as fuck.edu

>> No.2766209


>> No.2766213



>> No.2766253

I think the only difference between INTJ's and INTP's is that INTJ's aren't as existential as INTP's

>> No.2766301
File: 151 KB, 750x574, intp dr manhattan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that's kind of true, but that's a pretty big difference. INTJ has a much bigger need for things to make sense and be quantifiable, and so would often rather be wrong than uncertain. INTP might never decide what's actually right, but in the process of figuring it out will end up learning a lot more.

I'm a fairly stereotypical INTP, in case that isn't clear.

>> No.2766302

fuck yeah bro. masterminds for life

>> No.2766323

INTJs are autistic INTPs are not

>> No.2766344

I always either get INTP or INFP on these things and I can never tell which I tend to gravitate more towards. But I assume the details between the two aren't that massive.

>> No.2766348


INTJ here.

Not autistic.

>> No.2766353

enfp here

would love to be entp

>> No.2766390

INTJ/P, here.



>> No.2766400

Not all INTJs are autistic, but all autistics are INTJ.

>> No.2766415

actually, the difference between thinking and feeling is great.

>> No.2766425


Kinda me, I'm going for philosophy of science

And you're all retarded for taking Myer-Briggs seriously. Only scammers use em.

>> No.2766432

You obviously have not taken the test.
It is incredibly accurate and developed by multiple psychologists.

>> No.2766433

I'm surprised at how accurate these personality types can be. I got INTP on a test and looking it up on wikipedia I fit all of the descriptions.

>> No.2766439
File: 53 KB, 750x600, intp science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic releated, perfectly describes me

>> No.2766440

>Get INTJ all the time
>Take it a few minutes ago

I have become so weak

>> No.2766454

inb4 this turns into an INTJ/INTP circlejerk.

>> No.2766464
File: 44 KB, 768x627, intp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me in social situations.

>> No.2766471


I haven't only taken them, several of my courses has been on personal psychology.

It's build upon Jung and his psychoanalytic theories, meaning there's no empirical evidence for them; people studying modern personal psychology has abandoner them since a long time ago. There's just so many flaws there's hard to know where to start. Fucking vague for one.

But imagine we're making fairytale psychology, and for some reason those things would be accurate, a good example what's wrong, imagine someone who's just slightly INTP, and one who's slightly EFSJ. They're pretty close to each other in real life. But according to the test so does the INTP have more in common with all INTP's, than the EFSJ's.

If there's one that's even remotely good, it's the big five theory, google it.

>> No.2766469

INTP's or "Arcitects" are said to be only 1% of the popuatlion.

But I'm positive a lot more than 1% on 4chan are INTP

>> No.2766470

all the descriptions are worded in a way that will make people think they're talking about them.

also confirmation bias.

>> No.2766478

Question: What's the big deal with ENTJ? Why is Stephen Colbert the one used to represent it in the meme picture?

Also, is it unusual to find an ENTJ that got his degree in a science? (I know the meyers-briggs is basically bullshit, but I'd like to hear at least some answers)

>> No.2766489

but i read several others and they clearly didn't describe me

>> No.2766490

phd in maths. Get into research in physics maybe.
Just study a pure science and do a doctorate, that way you'll be able to teach theoretical stuff and do research.
You can get a good salary if you're good enough, write books, do conferences and shit.

>> No.2766494
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INFP here and you are all autistic

>> No.2766505
File: 53 KB, 600x750, INTP3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that some tests are biased but I truly believe these are just as accurate as 16 types can be.
If you answer the questions honestly you can get a general idea of where you are.

Not all of the descriptions outline "good" personality traits. Even the weaknesses people don't like to admit are usually true with the people I have urged to take the test.
I also admit there is no scientific proof but the descriptions are so different I don't see how they could be vague "cold readings"

>> No.2766513

>high salary necessary
well, prick, you're not going to find that in a science career that's for sure.
if you want to make bank (>90k),
>chance upon a miracle

>> No.2766518
File: 27 KB, 400x320, ISTP+poster3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be because after taking your test and gaining the assignment results a person automatically attaches to the personality description remaining ignorant of the mismatches (thats basically how horoscopes work)

I propose an experiment to do a Myers-Briggs test to a person and give him the wrong results, I cant do this because i have no friends

>> No.2766526

Are implying that biology or genetics or engineering or anything besides physics are not pure science?

>> No.2766530

I understand your idea but if you read the descriptions they are all clearly different. Very different and specific.
Take some time to scan through of a few of them and you'll see what I mean.

>>2766513 oh and this guy is clearly a ESFJ fag

>> No.2766536

i don't get it, why to people give a fuck about a character test?

>> No.2766537
File: 77 KB, 600x750, intj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches ITT don't know 'bout my INTJ.

Also, the Myers-Briggs test is total horseshit.

>> No.2766545

If anyone calls the test bullshit based on some retards interpretation in motivational poster form, is an idiot

>> No.2766549


The only one here. I feel like I don't belong now!

>> No.2766576

Nah, you're cool as long as you don't act like an asshat.

There's an ESTP who works at the lab. He's not the smartest guy, but he's funny. Lab would be terribly boring without him.

>> No.2766603


Good to know. I was think that this board would be more along the lines of ISTJ, but INTP/INTJ makes more than enough sense for this board

>> No.2766626

disregard salary
aquire self respect
>ENTP master race talking

>> No.2766639

lol whatever you say scott pilgrim have fun being poor

>> No.2766643

>Implying Myers-Briggs isn't psuedoscience

>> No.2766644

>math major master race reporting in
>prove me wrong, psychology faggots

>> No.2766646

maybe INTPs like 4chan more than the other races

>> No.2766649

im also a mathematician so yeah...

>> No.2766657
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Believe whatever you want, I'm just lettin you know you're wrong

>> No.2766660

Tell us why you're so threatened by psychology

>> No.2766664

it's fucking bullshit
not based on empirical data
based on convoluted thinking by pussies who couldn't do real science or math in college

>> No.2766695
File: 64 KB, 481x314, 1291224151573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take millions of data
>Make theories based on data
>Test theories
>Make adjustments as necessary
>Implying it's not based on empirical data

>> No.2766698

>biochem major
>get a bunch of internships in college
>"fuck yea i'm going places!"
>Economy: NOPE.jpg
>desperately trying to find a job
>finally get one at a large bank
>i'm an accountant of sorts
>first day on the job, ask the guy who's training me: "how long have you worked here?"
>"Too long..."
>2 years later...
>getting yelled at by my bitch manager every day
>customers are deliberate assholes
>$500 dollar bonus and nothing else
>I'm legitimately considering suicide
>Fuck. This. Shit.
>quit my job
>get a job at a state college's library
>making ten grand less than what i was
>really doesn't affect my quality of life at all
>very chill job, people are cool, very quiet
>i can actually say i'm happy with the quality of my life now

if i can give advice to anyone considering a career, don't go into big business, especially banking. there's no corner office, sports car, and trophy wife at the top of the corporate ladder.

>> No.2766709
File: 8 KB, 294x400, freud2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freudian based penis-oral fixation

>> No.2766718
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>mfw psychology will be replaced entirely by neuroscience in a couple decades

>> No.2766731


>> No.2766737
File: 1.18 MB, 854x480, 1296852572506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks they aren't the same thing

>> No.2766882

Actually Jung disagreed with Freud and distanced himself from him in his later years due to Freuds emphasis on sex. Not that that has anything to do with the personality test..