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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2762465 No.2762465 [Reply] [Original]

Something's been bugging me lately. It's been annoying me as I sit through my political science GE class:

WHY ON EARTH WOULD ANYONE STUDY LIBERAL ARTS (history, political science, english, etc)?

Job prospects aside (because it's not all that great with most non-engineering science fields either), it's just totally fucking mind-bogglingly boring. It's so fucking boring. I just can't pay attention to the professor yammering on about interest groups or whatever.

Then I feel my stomach turn as I imagine the poor fuck having to have gone to _graduate school_ to study this inane subject.

What compels one to study liberal arts?

>> No.2762476

ppl have different interests
end of story

>> No.2762475

different people find different things interesting, believe it or not

>> No.2762479

it's cuz they're retarded and can't math

>> No.2762492

The liberal arts students in highschool for me were everyone who tried and failed miserably at science. Half the classes I had were the bottom rung of people who I had taken science classes with previously.

Goddamnit, liberal arts classes in HS for me was ridiculous. I'm the only one answering teachers, I usually point out errors and fallacies in whatever teachers say something and the only person the teacher actually regarded as intelligent.

Also, everyone, I mean, everyone had a fucking Macbook. The science kids had regular PCs.

This was all in a magnet school were 80% of the people go to university.

>> No.2762494
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>tripfags on /sci/

time to update my filter

>> No.2762499

because I got a well-rounded education in undergrad, and now I can focus myself on the physical sciences with the knowledge of critical thinking most of you apsie fags lack, so I only have to study half as hard as you. Sure I my plan takes a bit longer, but it takes the least effort and gives me the most awesome experiences.

>> No.2762514

this is another thing i hear from liberal arts students
>"oh it's making me a better person yadayayadadayadada"
lol no it's not. if you want to be a "better person" volunteer to help the sick.

>> No.2762522

I did that too. Look, I will admit I was underselling myself a bit and taking the "easy way" getting my degrees in psych and film, but I am doing real science now. Remember 200 years ago it was perfectly acceptable to be a man of science and art and politics, etc. all at once.

>> No.2762526

>teaches critical thinking

Is this all that liberal arts has going for them? Shit son, I'm not even in physical science(inb4 cognitive science isn't a real science) and I can tell you that liberal arts faggots are the least critical thinkers I know compared to science kids.

My trivia teams throughout my school years were all science kids. They guessed and got right non-science questions just by logic.

>> No.2762536

>mfw the fags on /sci/ consider psychology (cognitive science is just a fancy word for that) a humanity.
Face it, you are what they are talking about, and what I was. It is a shit-ton more respectable than poly-sci or sociology, but on this board, you best stay away.

Hell even medicine is a bit soft for these guys.

>> No.2762539

Protip: Everything outside of math and physics is a liberal arts discipline.

Welcome to /sci/. No one is allowed to win.

>> No.2762556

mathfags unite!

>> No.2762571
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>It's so fucking boring.

grow up faggot

>> No.2762567

Face it, you science fags would get torn up in a law school curriculum. You lack the writing and personal skills. Also, look at biology degrees. I studied history, and I feel like bio and history are similar in that they involve memorizing a bunch of shit for a test and then forgetting it. What the hell?

Maybe I'm wrong, but bio seems like little more than memorization.

>> No.2762577

nigga, i am eloquent and personable as a motherfucker

>> No.2762580

Psychology is just a minor aspect, and I agree much of psychology is often hurr durr idiocy.

But there's a rising discipline within psychology that uses rigorous peer review methods and analyzing statistics now. They even go so far as to link psychology with biology.

CogSci is more than that though. Linguistics, programming and philosophy are parts of it.

>> No.2762585

I just wonder if you're an exception to the rule. Could you argue in front of hundreds of people? Maybe, but it feels like science majors are simply not apt for this. That doesn't mean they're inferior, just that some people are better suited to some tasks than others.

>> No.2762591

you just went full retard. Statistics and peer review in psychology has existed since 1900. Fuck you don't even know the history of your fucking field. You are a typical liberal arts student. Go back to your 30 rack of Natty Ice.

>> No.2762601

You do know math and physics majors dominate the LSAT, right? They're masters of logic. Also, I think a lot of science fields are excellent for pre-law. Aside, from math and physics, I think chemistry, neuroscience and computer science are great for law school. All of them involve the study of complexity, and that can go far in multiple fields, law included. Don't shit on science students because you live by stereotypes.

>> No.2762615

Math and Physics are in the Liberal Arts College at my University.

>> No.2762628

because the government guarantees them a cushiony high paying job for life (public school teacher), a job which contributes nothing to technology, economy, quality of life, or anything else.

this is one of the biggest problems with liberalism

>> No.2762636


OP is the a-typical engineer that everybody hates

>> No.2762637
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>mfw I would not be in science today if it wasn't for my very well paid public high school Chem teacher

>> No.2762650

>implying chemistry is liberal arts

i know youre desperate to defend liberalism, but try reading the thread youre in first

>> No.2762666

No, the person I was responded to said ALL public school teachers contribute nothing to society or the sciences. He was the one who generalized. I was pointing out his logical fallacy (oh wait I learned that word from a non-science class... I must be an idiot for saying anything about something out of astrophysics).

>> No.2762672

It contributes to economy because there's a demand for it (as little as it may be).
It contributes to the quality of life of those who value it, even if not to yours.

>> No.2762678

no, the person you responded to (me) was implying worthless jobs are created by the government, and worthless careers are paid handsomely by the government. a chemistry teacher would exist regardless of the government, because there are so many uses for chemistry in the real world where technology is valuable.

there is no demand for it. the demand is artificial. the government and schools force kids to take these worthless subject under the excuse "to be a well rounded individual"

no one in their right mind would waste money on this if they had a choice

>> No.2762680
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You female dog rapscallions do not understand the finesse of mastering multiple professions, including the physical sciences. Maybe that is why you can't pull in the fine French tail I can while also CAPTURING LIGHTING IN A FUCKING BOTTLE, both literally and figuratively. Good day men who partake in Greek-style sport.

>> No.2762694

So you don't understand different people have different tastes? You're to deny those who enjoy, and therefore value, liberal arts their right to demand said classes? I'm not saying they should be obligatory, but the mere fact that there's people that go to college for such fields proves there's a demand for it, whether it responds to your personal needs or not. It is not merely "artificial".
And as long as there's demand for it, it contributes to the economy. Even if said contribution is minimal.

>> No.2762703

sorry but you dont know what youre talking about which is why youre resorting to emotional arguments. again, the demand is artificial because the government forces these teachers to exist because liberals lobby and claim having kids learn it will make them "well rounded"

without this, the careers simply wouldnt exist because no one would pay for them because they produce absolutely nothing.

>> No.2762714
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WHY ON EARTH WOULD ANYONE ENJOY CULTURE (literature, film, music, etc)?

Relax, bro. Just because it's too deep for you doesn't mean you have to get all incensed

>> No.2762717

>Ignoring the renaissance man/Ben Franklin reference.

Then again this aspie faggot probably never passed history and thought "why did some anon post a pic of that beer label guy"

>> No.2762722

I only can do calc 101, I do not understand this. I am /sci/.

>> No.2762726

someone sounds a bit mad

>> No.2762737

Meh, you are are just one of those practical people who are quite unromantic. You are probably the type of guy who thinks museums are a waste of time. My guy is like that. He thinks there is no point in viewing a bunch of stuff people painted, sculpted etc.

I'm the opposite and, yes, I have a Bachelor's in the Liberal Arts and I do not regret it one bit.

A lot of the liberal arts teach you about humanity--the history, the pre-history, culture, what makes humans tick on a social large scale, or from a more individual perspective.

Humans are not just bones and muscle, or what you might call 'science' related matter. We are walking social constructs and we live in them and create them too.

We can be practical and plod along just putting our minds to practical matters but the fact is we are not just that, therefore it's all just as relevant in my eyes.

I can read about anthropological subjects all day long and I wouldn't be bored in the slightest.

>> No.2762752

Taking your thought to its extreme, then the only jobs that contribute are those that respond to non-cultural needs. Meaning we should never have stopped being hunter-gatherers in tribes.

It is a cultural need, yes. Whether it is created by the government (as you claim) or not is irrelevant. There is a demand for it. It moves money and contributes to the workings of an economy that values things through supply and demand. The artificial tag you apply to it does not change that fact. If government didn't push science classes, there would be no demand for them either. Are we to say then that it is artificial as well? Or the fact that it responds to biological needs sufficient to justify it's consideration into the category of that which is not artificial?
Now, I'm sure you know we, as humans, are capable of thoughts and have needs that go beyond the mere survival. I doubt you think entertainment, for example, is artificial and therefore should be eliminated. The problem lies in where you draw the line, and you're drawing it where you consider what's useful or not based on your personal preferences. You don't find a use for it, then call it artificial. It is no more so than anything else that does not respond directly to survival.

>> No.2762755

you can still appreciate art and not think the government and unionized worthless teachers should get be paid handsomely for teaching something that society doesnt value for "cultural" or "romantic" reasons

>> No.2762774

Uh ok, but just to be clear. Art is in the dreaded Liberal Arts department. Yeah, I know, you are probably shuddering in fear. Anyway, I'm off as I'm being called into the bedroom, right now. lol yeah he's a practical bastard but I suppose opposites do attract.


>> No.2762778
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>Why would anyone major in a liberal arts field?
Because they're a liberal.

>> No.2762788

Liberal arts degrees are usually a springboard towards law school or business school, not everyone wants to be a pathetic math/science aspie, nor does the world need everybody to be a mathematician/scientist.

Any asshole from podunk uni with an MBA in finance will have a much easier time getting a job and will have a much higher salary ceiling compared to engineering/science/math graduate.

You mad.

>> No.2762806

>opposites do attract.
If you seriously believe this, you're in for a ugly break-up.

>> No.2762809

>If government didn't push science classes, there would be no demand for them either.

yes there would, because thats what people spend their money on and thus there is demand for people who produce these things.

>> No.2762812

People also spend money on art, music, and movies. Is there no need for producers of the aforementioned aspects of culture?

>> No.2762827

You need to understand that the economy is hurting for engineers and scientists because they are the only natural stimulus. Seriously, there was a book review in the Wall Street Journal today that examined how a society devoid of researchers will inevitably face stagnation. We need to reign in our brightest talent and keep them from entering more lucrative fields like law and business, where they virtually cease innovating.

>> No.2762832

I see, point well made.

>> No.2762849

Don't worry a collapsed wall street did that for you... now we have post-bac med programs full of former frat boys who majored in Management but couldn't land that 6 figure job at Goldman they were promised, bro.

>> No.2762885

if youre so confident people are going to pay for art or for your knowledge in humanities, then why are you so afraid to let the markets own demand handle the payments as opposed to forcing the government to make us pay for it?

>> No.2762903

Yes, the government forces you to see movies.

>> No.2762908

no the government forces me to pay the salary of some teacher in a public school who talks about movies. learn to follow the discussion.