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2760327 No.2760327 [Reply] [Original]

These logical questions are the most frequently asked.
So /sci/entists, lend me your academic mind for a sec.

1.Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
2.What is the speed of darkness?
3.What level of importance must a person have, before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered
4.Why do they use sterilised needles for death by lethal injection?
5.If it’s true that we are here to help others, what are the others doing here?
6.Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
7.Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?
8.If the "black box" survives every plane crash, why not make the entire plane out of that stuff?
9.If the universe is everything, and scientists say that the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?
10.Isn't it a little scary that a doctor's work is called practice..why do they call it that way?
11.Should crematoriums give discounts for burn victims?
12.What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free?
13.Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?
14.Why do they call them "apartments" when they are all stuck together?
15.Why do people without a watch look at their wrist when you ask them what time it is?
16.Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?
17.Why is it called "after dark", when it is really after light?
18.Does anybody ever vanish with a trace?
19.If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
20.How is it possible to have a civil war?
21.Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?
22.What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
23.Is there another word for synonym?
24.What if there were no hypothetical questions?
25.If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be

The last one it seems to be the hardest to answer.

>> No.2760351

25. -131.575 degrees Celsius

>> No.2760355

how did you calculate it?

>> No.2760356

/b/tard here visiting /sci/:

For the last one, it depends what the actual measurement is. If it's 0 degrees Fahrenheit, that's 17.8 degrees Celsius. 0 degrees Celcius is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Just multiply the converted number and then convert back to the original form of measurement.

>> No.2760365

Convert to kelvin, divide by 2, convert back to celsius

>> No.2760372

samefag actually trying to make the maths:

0 degrees Fahrenheit = 17.8 degrees Celsius
2(0 degrees Fahrenheit) = 35.6 degrees Celcius
35.6 degrees Celsius = 96.08

So if you're measuring in Fahrenheit, then 'twice as cold' as 0 degrees will be -96.08 degrees Fahrenheit outside the next day.


0 degrees Celsius = 32 degrees Fahrenheit
2(0 degrees Celsius) = 64 degrees Fahrenheit
64 degrees Fahrenheit = 17.8 degrees Celcius

So if it was 0 degrees Celsius and it was going to be twice as cold tomorrow, tomorrow it would be -17.8 degrees.

>> No.2760373

what if you dont have other measurement units?
Say you only have Celsius, what do you do?

>> No.2760374

I guess with from degrees celsius to kelvin and back

>> No.2760376

1. To protect them from AA fire while they're still making their approach.
8. The resilience of the black box is due not so much to the material it is made of as to its structure. Airplanes need to be aerodynamic and have airfoils.
3. Assassination/murder is determined by the motives behind the crime. If a person is killed for a personal or economic reason, it's murder. If they're killed for a political reason, it's assassination.
13. If a lot of parachutes are deployed close to each other, they'll end up eclipsing each other, causing those higher up to fail due to the low-pressure zones created above a deployed parachute. It takes extensive training to avoid this in a mass air drop.
15. Force of habit.

>> No.2760377

1. because the helmets hold mouth pieces and earphones for communication. and breathing tubes i think.
2. N/A
3. if the killer is payed or politically motivated
4. because there is no point deliberately dirtying a needle when it makes no difference. (the needles start out sterile)
5.it isnt true
6. fictional character, IDC
7. i dont. i change the batteries.
8. because the plane would not fly
9. the matter in the universe is expanding. it is expanding onto empty space...which is what most of the universe is anyway.
10. in that context it just means 'to do'
11. no, they offer the same service, and it is just as costly to them as normal
12. yes. its redundant (like calling someone a stupid idiot)
13. because parachuting only to land in water will kill all the passengers. better chance of survival to use flotation devices. also " If you jump out of a jetliner, you would die. The plane is going about 600 mph, it's minus 50 degrees, and you would have a great chance at hitting the tail fin when you jump"
14. heheh, dunno lol.
15. they usually dont...if they do, it may be because they didnt know they were not wearing a watch
16. haha! lol.
17. i never say 'after dark'
18. yes. if you go missing and leave a small amount of evidence behind regarding where you have gone
19. both
20. a war contained completely within 1 nation.
21. dunno
22. kill it with fire
23. no
24. what if your wife orbits my dick
25. 0X2 = 0

>> No.2760380

Or if you're in Fahrenheit convert to Rankine and divide by two.

>> No.2760387

1.: So they don´t hurt themselves _before_ their mission is accomplished.
2.: Darkness is not an entity, therefore it does not have a speed.
3.: It´s not the level of importance, it´s the plan and the intent of the murder.
4.: So if someone accidently wounds himself, nothing too bad happens.
5.: Helping others.
6.: because he´s fictional and more appealing to women.
7.: because sometimes it´s not the batteries, but the worn out capacitor, which will work with slightly more pressure.
8.: can´t be done on large scales.
9.: Into itself (seriously).
10.: because a doctor is not a magician that will instantly be able to do anything. He is human and does the best he can, errors cannot be avoided by mere experience.
11.: No, as burnn victims most of the time have not completely been burned and the time it takes to cremate them is not much different to that of usual corpses.
12.: That´s actually interesting, though i only heard this from dubious web pages trying to get your attention by using the word free. Soemtimes, in order to receive a gift, you have to do something and a lot of people associate "non-free" with money, nothing else.
13.: Because planes often land in water if there´s an emergency.
14.: Because of the walls between the apartments. A lot of people on one place, but separated by walls.
15.: habit.


>> No.2760385

Fuck off with your stoner-musing bullshit.

>> No.2760393

1) Maybe they didn't want to hurt themselves before they reached their final destination?
2) "Sensitivity to light is modulated by changes in intracellular calcium ions and cyclic guanosine monophosphate"

However long it takes your eyes to send a new signal to the brain.

Otherwise, darkness is the absence of light, so I guess it could travel as fast as light (assuming light has disappeared to create darkness)
3) I think this definition more accurately reflects the nature of an assassination:
"killing or murder for political reasons"

Anyone can get assassinated.

>> No.2760398

> the matter in the universe is expanding. it is expanding onto empty space...which is what most of the universe is anyway.

gtfo of my /sci/
You dont know the basics of expansion.
Matter AND space are expanding onto nothing.

Anyone who lurks /sci/ for at least a weak would know this.

>> No.2760400

empty space IS nothing

>> No.2760410



16.: he should be called a race carist, following your logic.
17.: "After the first appearance of any darkness"
18.: Sure. Just not obvious traces.
19: failed at the task you wanted to fail at, succeeded at the task of failing. Everything is relative.
20.: War done by civilians instead of military personnel.
21.: I only know gas station bathrooms that can be accessed from outside the store. They lock it so nobody can destroy them too easily, steal something etc.. Also, they mmostly take money for opening them, so they get paid for cleaning them after the mess you created there.
22.: make pics.
23.: I don´t know that one.
24.: We´d create them. You need to specify this further
25.: Depends on what scale you use and your understanding of coldness.

Easy as fuck.

>> No.2760411

>a war contained completely within 1 nation.

Nope, the question is "Civil" war, as in civilized.
Its not a literal question.

>> No.2760418



>> No.2760420


Matter and "empty space" as you call it are part of the universe.
Before big bang there was no time or matter or space.

>> No.2760437


you can´t say that, because we don´t know what happened before the big bang and no presumptions about it were made by big bang theory or anything else.

>> No.2760441

1. It's the law.
2. lol
3. Public official
4. In case the guy is innocent
5. To the others, WE are the others.
6. The same reason he can survive being shot in the head.
7. It's more likely that the button is used to being depressed than the batteries being dead.
8. Matter's totally indestructible. Why not just make everything out of matter?
9. It's not expanding into anything. They say the distance between things is getting bigger - that's the "expansion". Space itself isn't expanding - there's just more space now than there was before.
10. There's a difference between practice and practise.
11. No.
12. Yes.
13. There's lots more ocean, one, two, not everybody knows how to use a parachute.
14. Because they're apartments.
15. Force of habit.
16. Because he DRIVES for a living.
17. It gets dark, so anything you do is after it has become dark.
18. All the time.
19. You have failed.
20. If the country fights itself.
21. So that nobody gets raped in them, and so that people don't hang out in them.
22. Take a picture.
23. analogue, metonym, equivalent
24. Then physicists and philosophers would be out of jobs.
25. 32F / 2 = 16F = ~-9C

>> No.2760440

>yes. if you go missing and leave a small amount of evidence behind regarding where you have gone

No. because "vanish" by itself implies "without a trace".
So its paradoxical that something can "vanish without a trace".

>> No.2760434

i like how everyone is trying to figure out what space is exanding into when we dont even know what space is

>> No.2760433

1. Do they?
2. C --- Darkness is simply the absence of light so therefore it is is C.
3. Iunno.
4. In case of a botched injection they don't want the convict to fall victim to a painful infection and then be able to cry "CRUEL AND UNUSUAL!!" in court.
5. .
6. He's a fictional character
7. Frustration? And attempt to coerce the battery? Or even, more logically, an attempt to complete a circuit in the hopes that the button is somehow damaged.
8. ..... It doesn't necessarily survive undamaged. Also it's extraordinarily heavy and wouldn't be a practical material to use in aircraft construction.
9. See: Theoretical Physics and String Theory.
I'd explain (Cause that's my field of study but it's for another time. Check out Brian Greene's books.)
10. Practice also means "to carry out"
11. Nope. Maybe they should give discounts for small people though.
12. You're right.
13. Good luck getting to the exit to parachute out. Not even pilots have parachutes in most circumstances. I'm a commercially rated pilot and I've almost never flown with one.
14. Latin most likely.
15. Habit? I dunno.
16. The English language is not a very logical one. Though you can say a "Racer..."
17. Most likely from "After night fall" but I don't know.
18. Nope. Not even if you vanished into a black hole. See: Hawking Radiation.
19. Example please.
20. Semantics.
21. loljunkiesandrape also a good incentive to get people to buy shit.
22. Shit.
23. A metonym, maybe? Eh.. On second thought, I don't know.
24. You couldn't be asking this one.
25. Let's use Celsius and Kelvin for this one.
If 0 C is equal to 273.13K, then half that would be equal to 136.575k which is -136.575 C ----- Kind of bullshit but the best answer I can give.

>> No.2760442


It expands into itself.

>> No.2760459

But all physicists actually say it.
That its expansion both matter and space.
Srsly are you trolling?

>> No.2760469


> But all physicists actually say it.

No. Maybe the dudes who write pop-sci-articles, but they are not scientists.

I was referring to the
>Before big bang there was no time or matter or space.
part, maybe you thought something else.

>> No.2760478


The point in time at which the person is considered "vanished" may be different then the point in time in which a "trace" is found.

In other words, "vanished" is only describing the "detective's" perspective at a particular point in time.

>> No.2760479


Matter is kept together by gravity.

>> No.2760489

in fact we can't answer the last question without having other measurement.

>> No.2760502

Type in google "antimatter from empty space" or smth.

Physicists actually created antimatter from empty space.
They put a hole in the so called 'space' with a laser.
Sounds stupid? I know but its there with links and everything.

>> No.2760529

2. ''Exactly'' same speed of light. Darkness is the lack of light, so darkness comes as fast as light leaves, thus appearing to have same speed as light.

>> No.2760538

Darkness or shadow its faster than light.
And it was demonstrated with maths here in /sci/ few days ago.
Since shadow its not a real thing but an after effect it is hypothetically >C

>> No.2760545

nothing could not contain a space

>> No.2760555

or matter for that matter lol.

Nothingness is a silly concept.
If it doesnt exist it can't have matter/space/whatever in it.

>> No.2760562

1. For radio contact, and to protect them on their way to the target.
2. Darkness is an absence of light, not a thing in itself, and hence does not travel.
3. Not based on importance. Political motive = assassination.
4. As part of a charade to pretend the procedure is civilized.
5. It's not true.
6. Because he's more handsome shaven. (Bear in mind he's fictional.)
7. Frustration.
8. Because it would be too heavy to fly, and wouldn't survive anyway, since it needs the plane around it to protect it. Also, the humans inside wouldn't survive a crash, even if the plane was totally intact.
9. False assumption. It is not expanding into anything. The amount of space is simply increasing.
10. "Practice" means carrying out an action. The additional definition that includes "in order to get more proficient at it" is secondary.
11. No.
12. Yes.
13. Because your chances of survival are better with a crash landing than in a mass parachuting, and planes often fly over water.
14. Because the building is divided up.
15. Habit.
16. The racer races, but the pianist does not piano. They are not analogous.
17. It means after it has become dark.
18. Yes.
19. You have failed at the original task, and succeeded in the task of failing at the original task.
20. "Civil" in this case means pertaining to citizens.
21. For various reasons, for example to keep homeless people from sleeping in them.
22. Nothing.
23. Not exactly, but several words are close, depending on context.
24. Then civilization would not exist.
25. "Twice as cold" is meaningless, since you cannot have a quantity of cold.

9. It's not expanding "into" everything. The amount of space is increasing.

>> No.2760567

You're a fucking moron. I recommend against being a tripfag if you can't do physics.

>> No.2760578


How does that make any sense?

>> No.2760585

2) Darkness has no upper bound on speed. Imagine you rotate something around a light bulb at just below c. The shadow it casts will cover greater distance yet will complete a revolution in the same time. Greater distance per unit time = greater speed. It all depends on how far the wall is from the lightbulb.

25) "twice as cold" requires the temperature of the day before 0 degree day to answer, otherwise it is nonsense. "It's 100 degrees today, tomorrow it will be 0 degrees and the next day it will be twice as cold. Twice as cold = -100 degrees'.

>> No.2760587


What if light isn't the real thing?

Have you ever worked with P-N junctions? Your logic doesn't apply to transistors that we use everyday.

>> No.2760589

>If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

They you succeeded.
Because your original goal was failing.

Its about goals and achieving them.

>Why is it called "after dark", when it is really after light?
Because afterdark is after midnight.
So it is after dark.

>Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?

Because it costs too much.
Lets be real, it is possible to finance training and everything and people would actually survive the falling but it is not cost effective.

>Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?

it works with me.
When i press harder it changes the damn channel.

>Why do they use sterilised needles for death by lethal injection?
protocol, even when it doesnt make sense.

>> No.2760596


To educate this tripfag, I would recommend him to watch this enlightening speech.


>> No.2760606

redundant. not paradoxical

>> No.2760622

We only give a shit about how "cold" something is in relation to ourselves

I would say 98.6 - 32 = 66.6 degrees colder than ourselves. Twice that is 133.2. 98.6 - 133.2 = -34.6F

>> No.2760630

>1.Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
to write "FUK U! U GET BOMB!" on them
>2.What is the speed of darkness?
dark doesn't real
>3.What level of importance must a person have, before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered
when their killer has three names
>4.Why do they use sterilised needles for death by lethal injection?
so they don't get sued for malpractice
>5.If it’s true that we are here to help others, what are the others doing here?
they are here to help me
>6.Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
part azn
>7.Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?
because sometimes it works
>8.If the "black box" survives every plane crash, why not make the entire plane out of that stuff?
because it would be too heavy to fly
>9.If the universe is everything, and scientists say that the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?
the vast ignorance of modern science
>10.Isn't it a little scary that a doctor's work is called practice..why do they call it that way?
so they don't get sued for malpractice. see #4
?11.Should crematoriums give discounts for burn victims?
no; nigga's gotta eat too
>12.What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free?
a free gift is a gift with a pricetag on it

>> No.2760633

>13.Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?
there are neither
>14.Why do they call them "apartments" when they are all stuck together?
because they are filled with people Forever Alone
>15.Why do people without a watch look at their wrist when you ask them what time it is?
to see if a nigger is sneaking up on them while you are distracting them
>16.Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?
most of them are called a racist
>17.Why is it called "after dark", when it is really after light?
it's called for what it's after; people at night are not looking for the light
>18.Does anybody ever vanish with a trace?
>19.If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
set easy goals
>20.How is it possible to have a civil war?
celebrate the holidays together during a cease fire
>21.Why do they lock gas station bathrooms?
Are they afraid someone will clean them?
yes, because then more homeless people will use them
>22.What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
survival of the fittest
>23.Is there another word for synonym?
>24.What if there were no hypothetical questions?
what if there were?
>25.If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be
colder than a witch's tit

>> No.2760632
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what is the opposite of opposite?

>> No.2760649


The original?

If P is original and ~P is the opposite, then ~(~P) will be P. By logic, that is.

If you mean metaphorically, then I don't know.

>> No.2760657

>what is the opposite of opposite?
for example you have a coin.
The opposite face of heads is tails its opposite is heads.
Its not even hard.

>> No.2760671
File: 121 KB, 240x249, Yall_niggas_postin_in_a_troll_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, let's play dumb and answer seriously to jokes.

0°C or 0°F aren't meaningful centers for homotheties.

In a thermodynamic context, you should consider the absolute zero, -273°C, in which case the answer is -273/2 = -136°C (but this is absurd).

When talking about the human sensation of cold, you should consider the temperature of the human body, 37°C, in which case the answer is (0-37)*2+37 = -37°C.

>> No.2760682

1, so they can actualy get to where they need to be
2, absence
3, it's about the money
4, because all needles are sterelised when they're made, and because it's cleaner
5, they're also helping others
6, He does
7, Because if you keep the button pressed down there's a chance a connection is made eventualy
8, because it's dense and only truly strong on a small scale
9, read a book
10, check the etymology- to practice is to do, but we changed the word over time
11, no, because they're not ashen just disfugured
12, yes, free gift is what's called a tautology
13, because the event of landing in water is much more likely than a situation wherby it would be possible for al passengers to parachute
14, check the etymology,
15, habit- it exists
16, "race carist" would make more sense, but is too long
17, because it's also after dark, it's now VERY dark; dark is that thing called twilight or dusk
18, yes
19, mucked up your life or evaded tax
20, etymology
21, things can always get worse, or broken, or stolen
22, nothing
23, look it up
24, we'd be roman
25, the same, but colder

>> No.2760688

itake room temperature of 25 degrees centigrade as normal. 0 degrees is cold, -25 degrees is twice as cold

>> No.2760708


> Physicists actually created antimatter from empty space.
>They put a hole in the so called 'space' with a laser.

>Sounds stupid?

Yes it does, because it´s bullshit.


Light is physical, darkness is not. Your question is invalid.


Best answer so far.


Funniest answer so far.
I proud.

>> No.2760728


Antimatter from vacuum.

>> No.2760743


That´s called pair-production. They only separated the particles through a magnetic field.

You said antimatter from nothing.

Also, this is pop-sci.

>> No.2760759


> implying conservation of matter and energy are wrong.

>> No.2760783

itt: /sci/ducks seriously answer retarded underageb& hipsters pseudo-intellectual questions

>> No.2760830

1. i guess incase they get shot down before reaching target
2. darkness doesnt travel, light travels away. the answer is c.
4. i dont know but i wouldnt do it any other way
5. its not true.
6. because its a cartoon
7. i dont
8. thats just retarded. who has ever asked this?
9. thats more of a philosophical question
10. just semantics
11. no
12. never heard the term free gift
13. because 100 people jumping out of a plane hurtling towards the ground isnt going to help anyway
14. i dont know why theyre called apartments but the rest of that sentence is retarded
15. ive never noticed this, answer must be either retardation or they usually have a watch/are used to having one
16. clever joke, not a question
17. after darkness comes
18. define vanish. from society, yeah probably. from earth, no
19. can you rephrase the question? have 'i' succeeded in failing, or succeeded at *something*? for the former that is a success, the latter a failure
20. haha, very punny
21. i dont know
22. i'd laugh, what would you do?
23. not that i know of
24. then you wouldn't have asked, its a moot point
25. depends on what youre comparing to/what your normal is. usually that is 0, so then the answer would be 0. but for example if it were 1, then today it is 1degree "colder", and tomorrow it will be 2 degrees "colder"