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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2759483 No.2759483 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the smartest, /sci/? Is it Tesla? He seems to have made the most significant contributions to science. Sure, Einstein may have been pretty smart, but he also made a lot of mistakes too, so that rules him out.

What do you think, /sci/?

>> No.2759487

Telsa died a virgin, you're argument is invalid

>> No.2759490


I worship him for it, and I'm well on my way to do the same.

24 years old and counting.

>> No.2759492
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>> No.2759496

By that token, virtually everyone making a significant contribution to their respective field isn't smart.

>> No.2759498

ITT: fags who idolize people like Tesla and Newton because it makes them feel like they are somehow not worthless for being virgins

>> No.2759500

Tesla always makes me feel nostalgia. My dad was always sort of a crackpot, and I was taught that Edison was a no good scoundrel, while Tesla was a genius that never got the credit he deserved. As I grew up I learned to respect Tesla for what he was, but that respect never approached the reverence I held for him as a kid.

>> No.2759505
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ITT: Sweaty neckbeard virgins and the scientists they fap to.

>> No.2759508

>Sure, Einstein may have been pretty smart, but he also made a lot of mistakes too, so that rules him out.

This is the stupidest thing I've read here all day. And there are IQ threads on the front page.

EVERYONE makes mistakes. Even the world's best contemporary physicists make glaring errors with historical dates. Honestly, how did Penrose manage to confuse Gauss and Euler?

>> No.2759511

Edison, Tesla was intelligent but he never commercialized his findings for the masses, he never thought outside the box, essentially he was just a good computer that occured due to a freak mutation (incidentally a gene he never even attempted to pass on). Edison was truly smart, not in the sense that he can do mental arithmetic quickly but in the sense of innovation, creativity and inspiration and have the determination to discover more about the world itself rather than just it's laws, he was a free thinker.

>> No.2759520

Edison was a hack who took credit for all Tesla's ideas.

>> No.2759521

Edison was pretty damn talented, but don't emphasize that he could do mental arithmetic. Anyone worth their weight in cobalt can do that.

And let's not forget his most notable "inventions" were stolen.

>> No.2759527

i can do 2 digit x 2 digit multiplication in my head

>> No.2759528

I'd dispute that point. Just because Tesla wasn't interested in being an ultra-capitalist doesn't mean he was less creative or innovative than Edison. Some of the things he imagined doing with alternating current were very ahead of their time.

>> No.2759530 [DELETED] 

>>2759505 here, I apologize, I have to flip burgers while watching all the kids I thought I was superior to in high school go to university and afford to have a social life. No one gives a shit about me any more, back in school if I wanted attention all I had to do was act like an obnoxious idiot, if I do that now all I get is manhandled out the back door and told to fuck off or they'll break my teeth.

>> No.2759532
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>> No.2759538
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>> No.2759534

Try bragging when you can do 4x4

>> No.2759536

Instantly? I'm impressed.

>> No.2759540

Can't everyone?

>> No.2759547

>>2759505 here, I apologize, I have to flip burgers while watching all the kids I thought I was superior to in high school go to university and afford to have a social life. No one gives a shit what I do anymore, back in school if I wanted attention all I had to do was act like an obnoxious idiot, now if I do that all I get is manhandled out the back door and told to fuck off or have my teeth broken. I am a mentally sick failure and lashing out in jealousy on my parent's computer is all I have left.

>> No.2759556
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ITT: butthurt virgins


>> No.2759557

Not me anyways.

>> No.2759561

Poor guy. Not being able to is like driving a car with only on arm.

>> No.2759564


I'm a virgin and neither am I butthurt.

>> No.2759572

If you rule out Einstein then it's certainly not fucking Tesla you cockmongler.

>> No.2759575

Did you train yourself and memorize everything, or does it just come naturally to you?

>> No.2759576
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>> No.2759580

10 x 10 = 100
100 x 100 = 1 000
easy enough

>> No.2759585

I was assuming he meant that he could do any two digit number multiplied by any other two digit number, not just specific ones.

>> No.2759591


Confirmed for driving and automatic.

>> No.2759595

testa wasnt a virgin he was quoted saying sex distracted him so he stopped doing it

>> No.2759599

I'm sticking with Einstein
You try to make a 4 dimensional mindfuck out of classical physics and then tell me he wasn't a genius

>> No.2759605
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>testa wasnt a virgin he was quoted saying sex distracted him so he stopped doing it
>testa wasnt a virgin

>> No.2759607

>you are arguement is invalid

Well at least we know it's not you.

>> No.2759617

ITT: /b/tards proving why they are called /b/tards

>> No.2759625

>you are arguement is invalid

>> No.2759626


No one ever fucking mentions Niels Bohr, but he was quite one of the greatest minds of Science. In my opinion, he was the greatest Scientist. He completely revolutionized the field of Physics and made quantum mechanics a legitimate science. His work essentially established the foundation for what all of you learn in Chemistry I and II. It made it valid, finally. From an experimentalist perspective, Bohr has one of the highest degrees of accuracy from a theoretician. In other words, Bohr's theory was devastatingly accurate even before they did the actual experiment; that's an uncommon feat today. Normally, experiment precedes theory; it's almost never the other way around.

Seriously, look him up. The guy was so fucking brilliant. I don't know why people praise Einstein so much.

>> No.2759631

>No one ever fucking mentions Niels Bohr

>> No.2759647

>Niels Bohr
Then who is this Bohr Rutherford guy that I always heard about in science class who came up with the Bohr-Rutherford theory?

>> No.2759676


I have never seen Bohr mentioned in these threads, dude. Ever, ever, ever.

I always see Tesla/Fenyman/Einstein. Those three are constantly touted. Fenyman was great himself, but why doesn't anyone ever mention Schwinger either? Fuck.

Sometimes, it just feels like great scientists are constantly overlooked. Tesla was amazing in his own right, but you really have to bring everyone to the table.

>> No.2759691

Ironically Tesla has been gathering recognition because he had been largely forgotten

>> No.2759701


Really now? I didn't know that. I usually see his name mentioned alongside the other atypical two.

I've the same gripe with 'math listings.' Why is Laplace/Lagrange never listed? :(

>> No.2759712

lagrange? i love zz top! :D

>> No.2759719

Other than /sci/ he's not mentioned that much

>> No.2759729

he's mentioned on /b/ too sometimes

>> No.2759739

I don't want to be mean, I probably won't even match Tesla in accomplishments time lim time→∞ so I'm not in a position to hate. I'm just saying Edison was smarter because he had intelligence in areas Tesla did not.

Also Edison did not steal the inventions, he developed them, Edison invented modern industrial R&D, it was no longer about a bunch of fruity aristocrats attending a clubhouse every so often or some poor lone scientist working in an attic, it was about creating a skilled organized workforce of minds set to find solutions that people were willing to pay for.

Capitalism has walked hand in hand with science for 300 years, capitalism find utility for science and invests heavily in it, science would be nothing without capitalism. I don't understand why everyone here is a communist.

>> No.2759769

Because capitalism seems to want the money immediatly.

If the investment will take 50 years for areturn, they won't care about it. In addition, people nowadaysappear to be happy with minutely changed things every 2 years, rather than anything truly innovative.

>> No.2759792

Because capitalists would kill children for a few nickels a day. But seriously capitalist society is not fair to anyone, some shitty singer gets millions while a science professor can barely get by. Also people with social science degrees are allowed into politics, wth man, in the USSR almost all politicians had a degree in engineering/math.

>> No.2759803

A professor can make more money if he patents something or wins the Nobel prize too you know
It all has to do with achievements

>> No.2759826
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That achievement requires a lot of dedication and work for which most people can not even find the time in a capitalist society. In the USSR engineers were stars to the children while in hamburger-land some shitty autotune musicians are seen as idols.
Let us not forget that in a socialist society intellectual achievement is elevated on a national level of importance, while in a capitalist society its undermined and usually forgotten.

>> No.2759834

Well whatever man
I like science and all but if it were all science this world would be pretty boring

>> No.2759852
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Also free education, talented children are not left to rot just because their parents ''can not afford collage'', they get full support and encouragement from the state and its people.

>> No.2759862

> ''can not afford collage''
> collage

Or they were retarded, like you.

>> No.2759919

Christopher Langan, author of the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe.

>> No.2759954


How the fuck did this thread end up in a politics thread with a Communist guy worshipping the USSR?

A few notes for you:

>A "evil exploitative burgueoius capitalist durr hurr" makes more money in life than a professor due to the working of SUPPLY and fucking DEMAND, two economic Laws you can't change. I too dislike when people give money to a shitty musician over a Scientist, but if they are willing to do so, who the fuck are you to tell them they can't?

>Teenagers worshipping bad musicians and Soviets worshipping Scientists has everything to do with culture, nothing to do with the mode of production.

>Politicians shouldn't get degrees in Engineering. It's useless for them, and a waste of a good engineer. They should know Administration, Economics, History, Sociology, etc. Leave Engineering to the Engineers and Politics to the Politicians.

>Life in the Soviet Union was hell. People starved, the government was oppressive, Nationalist propaganda was everywhere, and the Commie countries to this day have lower life standards than the evil Capitalist ones.

>There is no such thing as "free education" because there is no such thing as "free" ANYTHING. It will always cost something to someone.

>> No.2759988

rapid mental arithmetic on that level is mostly useless. how often in a given day do you actually need to multiply two two-digit numbers together in your head? in how many of those instances does it benefit you greatly to do it instantly versus taking about five or ten seconds? driving a (manual) car with one arm is a horrible comparison.

>> No.2760024

mental calculations are easy is you just round one of the number up then subtract it back down like if it was 37 x 29, just do 37 x 30 - 37

>> No.2760088
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Not sure if that´s a troll post, i´ll reply anyway.

Tesla sure was a hell of a genius regarding electricity, but he instantly disqualifies because he called Einstein a faggot, jsut because he didn´t like his ideas.

Also, my vote goes without a doubt to Einstein. All you haters don´t even know the stuff he has accomplished.

Brownian motion? Explained by Einstein.
The strange effect that in rivers going from north to sout the right side always shows more erosion? Explained by Einstein.

I could go on with this list forever, i bet you didn´t even hear from most of the stuff he accomplished. I´ll give you that he was way too stubborn about his UFT, and his views about QM might have been way too harsh, but what he effectively did was critisize QM, attack it via thought experiments. QM wouldn´t be as nice as it is today weren´t it for these thought experiments, the QM guys had to solve.

Second would be Newton, no doubt about that either.

>> No.2760106


Sure, Bohr was awesome as well.

> I don't know why people praise Einstein so much.

Because he deserves it.

>> No.2760127

The reason Tesla never "commercialized" his inventions for the masses was because he wanted them to be available to everybody for free like the Wardenclyffe Tower, but nobody was willing to fund him if they couldn't turn a profit on it. Not only was Tesla a superior intellect but he was infinitely more generous.

>> No.2760143

and that's why he died a poor and lonely old man in a hotel room in new york


>> No.2760153

>superior intellect
Nope. He lacks financial sense.

>> No.2760690

I always thought Issac Newton was the person who made the largest contributions to useful science.

>> No.2760724


Except for that formula he stole from Raphson, that scallywag.