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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2758061 No.2758061 [Reply] [Original]

Got in an argument with a girl in my study hall today. Somehow got onto religion and it basically went like this:
Her: I am a Christian.
Me: What do you believe? I personally think religion of all kind is a load of shit.
Her: I was baptised.
Me: How does dunking you in water and indoctrinating you make you Christian?
Her: I was brought up Christian.
Me: But what does that mean? How have you proven God to yourself?
Her: It is faith; there is no proof.
Me: Therefore, it is illogical to me.
Her: All you have is theories.
Me: Do you know what a theory is?
Her: Yes.
Me: Go test the theory of gravity and jump off a building.

She then called me a dick and got angry. What a Christian. Stories about trying to understand religious people. I sincerely want to understand, but I just do not seem to have the mind for it.

>> No.2758080

No you give atheists a bad name... but then again you are trolling, what gave it away was that the person you were talking to was a girl.

>> No.2758082


Because I do not tolerate bullshit? And you are hilarious, really.

>> No.2758085



She's an idiot; you're a tool.


>> No.2758087

You told her to jump of a building.
You'd have to be autistic to not realise that it's offensive- even if a religious idiot's blind fervent faith retardation is offensive to you.

>> No.2758090

Because you're an asshole.

>> No.2758094



>> No.2758099

Sick burn on the end. Not very believable though.

>> No.2758101


I do not care if I come off as an arse, I just have given up with people's bullshit. I am sick of going "Oh yeah, each to their own."

>> No.2758105


>I am a bastion of logic
>I refuse to accept anyone else can hold differing viewpoints


>> No.2758106

So you decided to be an insufferable asshole instead.

Well, more power to you.

>> No.2758109

protip: this makes you no better than them


>> No.2758116

Well done OP, world is a better place now.

>> No.2758123

Here's how it would have gone if I, a non-retard, had experienced the same conversation:

Her: I am a Christian.
Me: That's cool.

>> No.2758126


No, I refuse people telling me it is self-evident and indisputable that superstitious crap and religious virtue abounds. I have many other family members who I respect; they give me more detailed answers than "I have faith". She even admitted she has never read the bible and yet she is a "Christian". I then tried to tell her how Catholicism etcetera have committed atrocities and some of their beliefs such as the trinity (she had not idea about her own beliefs) and asked how she could possibly be Christian if she does not even know her own doctrine. All the way through this she was telling me how it does not matter that she has no idea about anything to do with the faith she supposedly subscribes to.

I think that is just pure stupidity; I will treat it as such. I got insufferable because of her stupidity.

>> No.2758129

>I got insufferable because of her stupidity.
You got insufferable because you are inherently an asshole.

>> No.2758137


Not cool dude.

>> No.2758136


Inherently an asshole? Oh you.

"You are an asshole because you are an asshole." Right back at you, m'dear.

>> No.2758134

"christians" are a fucking joke. Whenever someone tells me they're a christian I ask them what their favorite story in the bible is. 50% of them admit to never having read it. 25% say "I like them all". 15% start to vaguely explain using a short summary, eg- "the one with the ark and all the animals". The other 10% name a story and make me feel like a cynical bastard.

I haven't actually done a survey or anything Percentages are just estimates.

>> No.2758139


Then don't try to frame it as a Christian thing and stop trying to frame the thread as "omg religious people are so dumb" because seriously that's pretty illogical; you are angry because the person is stupid, not because the person is religious.

I mean do you want to bring up the shit atheist organizations have done throughout history? Better bone up on your history of Russia from 1917 to 1990.

>> No.2758141

Unlike you, I didn't make an ass of myself in public. There isn't a person out there who could listen to the conversation you described in the OP and not conclude that you are a massive douche.

>> No.2758142

ITT: butthurt christians
the revolution marches on you can't stop it nanananana

>> No.2758144

What makes you think that humanity won't regress into theocratic shitholes?

>> No.2758152


I thought it was just me commenting on this one individual by giving my anecdotal evidence. I do not think all religious people are idiots, in fact a few of my friends are devout and know their shit. I just do not get how this girl, and others like her, claim to be Christian and having not an iota of background knowledge about their faith and then imply I am ignorant about faith (I was brought up religious myself).

I was a prick to her, but I am honestly trying to fathom how this works in their minds. Yes, I have some degree of social problems and lack etiquette but I am naturally argumentative.

>> No.2758153
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what really happened

>> No.2758159

People who interrogate strangers about their religious beliefs in order to ridicule them tend to have no idea what the fuck they are doing. She made a (possibly) inappropriate generalization.

>> No.2758160


This does not worry me one little bit. You can think I am a douche and think my manner is rude, snide or obnoxious, but I tried reasoning with her (please read my other posts). OP was gist of it for the sake of brevity.

>> No.2758164

ITT: 15-year-old tries to be House irl but lacks Hugh Laurie's charisma or House's writing staff.

>> No.2758167

the raw data
all the commies are already atheist
religion is dying in western countries except the US is maybe 50 years behind
muslims are arranging free countries

>> No.2758168

This is the problem with /sci/. Piss off with your anti-religious, anti-atheist bullshit. It's not /philosophy/.

>> No.2758169


I was not interrogating her; it came up in discussion somehow and then she said she was Christian and I asked her how she proved her faith to herself, explicitly. She just told me it was faith and I asked how her faith in her concept of god is any greater than that of any other deity. She had no reasoning and just want to accuse me of having no proof for my 'theories' hence my, possibly crude, suggestion for her to go jump.

>> No.2758173


No, Muslims are arranging democracies, some of which will instate theocratic law. Also what about Hinduism/Buddhism? Or do they not count because they're not Judeo-Christian?

>> No.2758174

>muslims are arranging free countries
