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2757595 No.2757595 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/
Recently, I've been wondering, why are people so opposed to other people working with Genetics?

Genetic engineers are just trying to make the world a better place, so what's the deal?
What's all the ethical issues about?

>> No.2757600
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>> No.2757605

Scientists are objective this is why there are genetic engineers, we are not concerned with ethics.
Go ask b

>> No.2757611

Engineering is not science.

>> No.2757613

You don't want to mess with the life force or the religious goons will come after you!

>> No.2757634

Eating a chicken that only took a month to full mature vs 3 months to full mature natural isn't making the world a better place. Its giving us diseases

>> No.2757653


Since when are scientists not concerned about ethics? Ethics is of greater concern to scientists than most other professions.

>> No.2757655


>citation needed

>> No.2757664

What if they fuck up, but only realize it 50 years later and now a billion people and their offspring die/become retarded/grow a penis arm?

You know in the 1950's people use to drink radioactive water for heath right? And you know in the 1800s people use to bleed themselves for broken legs right?

>> No.2757668

>Just google the damn thing

Seriously there's fucktons of research on this.

Protip: Natural "organic" chicken actually has a taste where as foster farms shit is basically meat with no taste.

>> No.2757680

playing god

fuck em. We are our own gods now

>> No.2757709


>implying you can taste the difference between chicken without antibiotics and such and with

hint pull you're head out of you ass most wine waiters and connoisseurs couldn't tell the difference between red wine and dyed white

food people don't know shit

>> No.2757718

Ok maybe I need to re-word it then.

Chicken that wasn't genetically modified vs genetically modified chicken.

There's a significant difference.

>> No.2757738


His point is:

We cant sacrifice long-term safety for short-term profits.

>> No.2757741

>couldn't tell the difference between red wine and dyed white

I don't believe it. Citation needed.

>> No.2757762

I bet he's drinking box wine.

>> No.2757775

Protip: there's no such thing as genetically modified chicken on the market. Unless you mean chicken modified by traditional breeding, in which case, you're an idiot anyway.

>> No.2757774

Pretty sure it was done on penn and teller's show. No actually it was done on some UK food programme about food colourings and additives.
Can't remember much about it though. However, you could run your own test if you wanted, it's not that hard to set up. Just need some wine and food dye.

And also- most of the fear comes from our natural instincts of essentialism. Basically, a rabbit is a rabbit. You mess with the rabbit and you break it from nature, and it is no longer a rabbit.
Genetic modification is just an extension of what we have been doing to food crops for hundreds and thousands of years. The banana was genetically modified by artificial selection, the carrot, maize, almost every crop we use.
And now we want to instil quick parameters such as disease, pest and drought resistance, so we can feed more people in the world. GM crops are put through many measures of safety, environmental and other testing before they're allowed to even touch soil outdoors, which is much more than all crops we eat as part of our lives anyway.
However, I respect that people may not want to eat them, and that's fine- but don't stop other people from eating them. Don't stop them from being developed to feed starving children.
The thing that pisses me off more than anything is anti-GM nuts stopping perfectly fine crops from being grown/sold and actually used because of wimpy scare stories in third world countries.
Those guys NEED the food. They need the GM to feed their children. While you're eating organic food off the shelf it's hard to realise that in some countries food is a privilege, not a right.
Don't stop other people from eating GM food, it's just selfish, ignorant and depressing.

>> No.2757778

That is a bad argument and you should feel bad.

>> No.2757785

People oppose genetically modified foods because there's no "satisfactory" testing to it, they don't feed GM foods to test subjects over multiple generations to test possible effects.

>> No.2757788

Not same anon but you must of not tried french rabbit.

>> No.2757795

People should seriously stop developing and growing GM food. It's bad for the environment and the world.

>> No.2757811

Regardless of the technicalities.

You can taste the difference from the mass-bred chickens to, for instance, small farm raised ones. The same can be said of everything else.

>> No.2757822

That's not genetic engineering, is it? It's just hormone injections, which I for one think are far worse as maybe (anyone who knows about food prep have any idea) they can end up in our meat and fucking around with our endocrine system. Of course, I don't know how heat stable hormones are, so it's no worry except with rare/blue/sashima beef.
Antibiotics as standard is pretty terrible though, and there ought to be either law against it. Even if you only use antibiotics not intended for human use (do any exist? It seems unlikely) you're going to make it harder to deal with actual infections that arise.

>> No.2757825

But can you tell the difference between tap water and natural spring water?

>> No.2757826

Not sure what you're getting at but I've eaten "french rabbits" before, along with a plethora of "exotic" animals. Although I wouldn't consider rabbit as exotic.

>> No.2757824

How is that a technicality? Either it's genetically modified or it's not.
>You can taste the difference from the mass-bred chickens to, for instance, small farm raised ones.
1. According to who?
2. What does this have to do with genetically modifying organisms?

>> No.2757837

Eugenics, now go fuck your self.

>> No.2757845


>> No.2757850


>> No.2757861

"What's he done to 'is rabbits bro?"
"They're not rabbits, bro, they're chickens"

>> No.2757875

I oppose GM foods because Monsanto are pretty shit in how they deal with farmers ie whenever their crop's pollen contaminates someone's field they go in and sue them for breach of patent. The technology itself is fine, it's just the legislation surrounding biotechnology has some massive problems.

>> No.2757880

Are you stupid or something? Is this your first time on the internet and have no idea how internet boards work? Did you even read the post I was quoting?

>> No.2757895

>I bet he's drinking box wine.
>Not same anon but you must of not tried french rabbit.