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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2757353 No.2757353 [Reply] [Original]

Srsly. I never get this kind of flak from Christfags. Why are atheists so intolerant of any dissenting view?

>> No.2757365

I've known a few people to think agnostics are actually a part of christianity. 'Agnostic Church, Agnostic Christianity'

Really strange.

Not science

>> No.2757366
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Cut it out.

>> No.2757367

Like we've never been persecuted by "LOL AGNOSTIC R SUPERIOR BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW IF GOD EXISTS."

>> No.2757368
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ill just leave this here.

>> No.2757378

I'm a pantheist and I can't say I've ever been attacked by atheists.

>> No.2757385


>> No.2757389

Why not?

>> No.2757391

Agnosticism is a religion


>> No.2757396


> If I post a chart about it that'll make it right.

Because you cannot reserve judgement, herp derp.

And what about people who simply don't get the question, people saying that they can't comprehend what God, if he exist, would really be like or what's at stake? If I asked you if you were an a-skrivanagor or skrivanagor, what would you say?

>> No.2757401

I think we've been through this about a million times.

Atheists are agnostic atheists.

What do you believe as an agnostic? That you don't whether there is a god or not? We don't either. We also don't know whether there is a flying spaghetti monster.

There is no point in having a belief in something that has no basis in reality -- hence, atheism.

>> No.2757410


>> No.2757417


>> No.2757420


But see, you don't know if God has no basis in reality. Plus there are mucho many gods and religions. The sheer odds of probability make it that one of them must be correct.

>> No.2757429


Actually we do know that there is no FSM because it was invented by atheists as a bad variation on Russell's Teapot. That is something the non-existence of can definitely be proven.

>> No.2757433

Atheist here, It might be because they view it as you not being able to choose a side. I'm personally not like that but it might be their reasonng.

>> No.2757438


There's got to be a first for everything. So lets get this started.


>> No.2757440

couldn't you say that about any made up concept? what makes religions so extra-special? out of an infinite number of made-up concepts some of which must be true -- how many of them have god(s) non-existent? answer: an infinite number

>> No.2757443

What's it called when you don't give a shit about anyones religious view, don't hold a view yourself, and insist on changing the subject when people around you start discussing religion?

Is that not agnostic? I don't even care. Everyone is retarded.

>> No.2757450

I always hated that analogy. The flying spaghetti monster is an absurd comparison. Here's a better one.

Does intelligent life exist on other planets? We have no evidence but some people may argue that the vastness of our universe and the presence of other earth-like planets make is probable. Others might express skepticism at the idea of alien intelligent life existing. Others still will just say "I don't know."

Now how about a god?
Thesists: no evidence but yes
Athesists: no evidence so no
Agnostics: no evidence so I don't know.

>> No.2757451


> We don't either. We also don't know whether there is a flying spaghetti monster.
Looks like
> We don't know X
This is cool. And then this.
> There is no point in having a belief in something that has no basis in reality hence, atheism.
Seems to me be just like
> There's no point in believing something that's false.
And if I know that -X is false, I must know X
> We don't know X, but we know X

Nice logic there, brah

>> No.2757453


And we also know that God doesn't exist since barbaric nomads and Constantine obviously made that shit up.

Why the hell do you think religion only travels in linguistic, historical, and geographical context?

If God really wanted to communicated to everyone, do you think that there would be 4 billion none Christians? He's either dumb, incapable, or man made

>> No.2757454

it's called being an idiot

>> No.2757457


note: you're still an atheist whether you like it or not

>> No.2757461

Retards everywhere.

Glad to see this posted,

>> No.2757462


We know that there is no demonstrable evidence for God. If there was, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

On the other hand though, I can't tell you that I know for sure that God isn't hiding on planet Xenu, smoking some pot. Maybe he's there. Who knows?

>> No.2757466

Dude. Being agnostic does not pardon you from being either theist or athiest. Agnostic simply means you do not believe we could have proof towards either viewpoint. Chances are, if you walk around thinking you're agnostic, you probably ATHEIST agnostic.

>> No.2757472


Seems logical.

>> No.2757473


>> No.2757477


People don't build great art and houses of worship to leprechauns. People aren't willing to kill or be killed in the name of leprechauns. People don't write holy books about leprechauns. People don't dedicate their lives to spreading the gospel of leprechauns. People haven't based whole civilizations around leprechauns. People don't perform elaborate rituals on behalf of leprechauns. People don't live an ascetic life of celibacy for the sake of leprechauns.

And finally, atheists don't spend all their time trying to discredit leprechauns.

>> No.2757488


>And we also know that God doesn't exist since barbaric nomads and Constantine obviously made that shit up.


>Why the hell do you think religion only travels in linguistic, historical, and geographical context?

The major religions have adherents all over the world.

>If God really wanted to communicated to everyone, do you think that there would be 4 billion none Christians?

Different perceptions of God, same basic message. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

>> No.2757492
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This doesn't belong in /sci/

>> No.2757507
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>> No.2757515


I think it's totally ridiculous to think we're the only intelligent life in a universe this vast.

>> No.2757528


Have fun reading. I don't think that we disagree on the authors. I think the misunderstanding is that you are retarded enough to believe that a cosmic alien whispered into their ears. What's your evidence for assuming that?

Why is it that God can never speak for himself? Only man can speak on behalf of him?


>>The major religions have adherents all over the world.

Absolutely not. Be not mistaken. You are going to the Muslim hell. Ask any Muslim that you meet, and they will tell you that you are going to hell.

The similarities between the three abrahamic religions are due to historical, linguistic, and geographical context like I already told you.

Do not be fooled. Popularity most certainly does not determine truth. The Earth wasn't flat was it? Zeus didn't throw lightning bolts out of the sky, did he?

To get a realistic perspective of how insignificant your religion is, read about the thousands of gods that you neglect in your daily life:

>>Different perceptions of God, same basic message. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Purely your bullshit perspective. Each person seems to have a different version of God just like you've given me your own personal bullshit. What makes your opinion more valid than someone else's? For example, most Muslims and Christians would disagree with you and think that you are going to hell.

>> No.2757538


Militant Atheists:
Hipsters in coffee shops laughing at you

Militant Theists:
People that will kill you

Don't give me that bullshit. If the Ku Klux Klan is preaching racism, and I tell them that they are retarded, you expect me to feel guilty for being vocal?

Fuck you.

>> No.2757541

>"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Except Jesus never said that if he even existed, as the bible is randomly chosen books written and selected 1000s of years after the last time "god spoke to man".

Do you know how fucking stupid people in general are? You are taking advice about god from people who use to bleed themselves when they broke their leg, got a cold, or it was just tuesday to stay healthy.

Not to mention the whole WWF:the pope battles and the splintering of the church. Because it was god's will to fight over power and kill people for no reason!

Also the 4th crusade was pretty righteous, the way we destroyed that Christian city who was making more money than rome...

Believing in any major religion is the same as asking a 4 year old how to build a nuclear reactor.

>> No.2757562


>cosmic alien

/x is that way. ----->

>You are going to the Muslim hell. Ask any Muslim that you meet, and they will tell you that you are going to hell.

Islam is not exactly the most tolerant or peace-loving religion in the world.

>The Earth wasn't flat was it? Zeus didn't throw lightning bolts out of the sky, did he?

I'm sorry if you believe that.

>To get a realistic perspective of how insignificant your religion is, read about the thousands of gods that you neglect in your daily life

Which gods are those? IIRC, there are only five major religions in the world. Also how is a religion with millions of adherents "insignificant"? Further, if said religions are so unimportant, why do atheists waste so much energy trying to discredit them?

>For example, most Muslims and Christians would disagree with you and think that you are going to hell.

Why are atheists so obsessed with Hell? It's not something I ever give a lot of thought to.

>> No.2757563

Haha religious nuts are nuts who think that their lives have any context compared to the scope of the universe.

>Protip; your life, and the life of every person you know is worthless

Nihilism again!

>> No.2757565

>The Earth wasn't flat was it?
It's actually a myth that that was common belief a thousand years ago.

>> No.2757592


>Militant Atheists:


>Militant Muslims:


>Not to mention the whole WWF:the pope battles and the splintering of the church. Because it was god's will to fight over power and kill people for no reason!

That's why religion shouldn't be mixed up with politics. Because it ceases to be about God and turns into wealth and power.

>lso the 4th crusade was pretty righteous, the way we destroyed that Christian city who was making more money than rome

The sack of Constantinople? Wasn't a lot holy about the Crusades by that time and people were already losing interest in them.

BTW, the loss of that city to the Ottoman Turks in 1453 happened because the Popes were schmucks who refused to help them because they were in schism from Rome. "Ah, we'd like to help you, brothers of the faith, but you're not giving us any tithing, so you know..."

The Reformation happened for a reason, you know.

>> No.2757606


Why the hell are people like you even in /sci????


>> No.2757617
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>implying pol pot killed in the name of Atheism

>> No.2757621


I'll admit that atrocities have been committed in the name of religion, but atheists don't have the spines to fess up to what happened in Cambodia, Russia, and other fine countries that promoted state atheism.

>> No.2757627


Again, implying that people killed in the name of atheism.

>> No.2757643


Look, atheism itself can't inspire you to kill anyone because it's an empty negative. However, it doesn't exist in a vacuum and invariably comes wrapped in some ideology, particularly secular humanism and/or Marxism.

>> No.2757644

>Which gods are those? IIRC, there are only five major religions in the world.

Thats your problem, you are not thinking 4 dimensionally Martie!

Right how there might only be 5 or 2 or 18 or whatever, but IN THE PAST there were shit tons of religious that anyone would now think is silly to believe in.

So do you really think your religion is better than those 1000s of years ago? Before you answer know people died for there false religion.

But truth be told, no one should admit they are atheist, since more atheists are killed than any other religious group by religious nut cases in power.

>> No.2757646
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Youre so ignorant you cant tell when people have self inflated ego's or not....

Another dude made this point so well i laughed out loud.
Militant Atheists: "Cool kids with laptops at starbucks/barnes and noble/the mall laughing at Theists"

Militant Theists: "Nut job psychos out to kill people with propped up and ignorant views of society because Hurr the book told me too"

See the difference? Its not about having a spine or being "alpha killer in the name of hooplah". Its having the intellect and capability to reason. Something you are clearly lacking in.

>> No.2757652

>implying atheists are responsible for that in the same way christianity is responsible for the crusades

>> No.2757666

Why do atheists fixate on the Crusades anyway? They weren't any more or less brutal than any war back then, and they also ultimately led to the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.

Aside from which the Muslims were not innocent victims of Christian aggression either.

>> No.2757681


Its just a reference for an exaggerated war in the name of "holy spirits". No fixation really, just the one that stands out the most.

>> No.2757685


Eh, I'll concede your point about Stalin et al. They really shouldn't have abused atheism for their political purposes. Atheism is supposed to be about peace and love.

>> No.2757693
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So is christianity... We all know where that went.

>> No.2757694

I forget, were these atrocities committed in the name of atheism, or in the name of communism/anti-intellectualism?
Learn some history first.

>> No.2757698

>Atheism is supposed to be about peace and love.
Atheism is an empty negative, it's not about anything.

>> No.2757699


And as I said, the Renaissance came out of the Crusades because Europeans rediscovered the Greek writings that had been forgotten during the Dark Ages. Honestly I have never thought ill of Christianity for stuff that happened 700 years ago. I always figured "Eh, it was a different and less nice world back then and besides Christians today don't do that."

>> No.2757704

The Renaissance happened after Greek scholars fled west when Constantinople was captured by the Ottomans.

>> No.2757706


>implying Christianity didn't cause the gap for us to "rediscover" shit....

Please dude. Understand that we would be a much more technologically advanced society had it not been for Christianity in the dark ages...

Theres a graph peddling about and even though its exaggerated it makes a pretty good point.

>> No.2757714


And during that time the Muslims were carrying the light of knowledge.

>> No.2757717

>Why do atheists fixate on the Crusades anyway?

Because it was a holy war for a "peaceful" god, and by the forth one it was obviously just about the money and power, but still backed by the church.

Also you realize Christianity CAUSED the dark ages, how does the crusader bringing the world out of something it did in the first place a think to be rewarded? If it wasnt for Christianity imagine how much further along the world would be.

>> No.2757719


Not at all true. The Byzantine Empire's level of intellectual activity by that time was practically nil.

>> No.2757727

>carrying the light of knowledge.
>implying most of the world knowledge didnt happen with the industrial revolution.

>> No.2757731

And yet purely by retaining knowledge from the Roman and Greek empires it still exceeded the west.

>> No.2757734
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Sad but true... Iraq had all the scholars and invented Algebra and cataloged thousands of stars... Which is why so many of them have Arabic names.

>> No.2757735

Chemistry, maths, astronomy, medicine were all highly developed (relatively) by Muslims during the dark ages.

>> No.2757736


Proves that you're a sub-100 IQ troll. Do you not know how much of astronomy and mathematics came about during the Arab Golden Age?

>> No.2757740


Chemistry is an iffy point brosef... But no arguments with math/astro/medicine...

>> No.2757742


The baton ended up getting passed back to the Christian world after the Crusades while the Islamic world started to lapse into mental stagnation.

>> No.2757745

They managed to isolate some elements, don't remember which ones.

A lot of it was crazy alchemy stuff but at least they weren't burning people alive for "witchcraft"

>> No.2757746

Do you not know most of mathematics and astronomy was invented in France, Germany and England in the 19th century?

>> No.2757750


It all came about piece-by-piece going back to ancient times.

>> No.2757752


The moral here is kids... History repeats itself in some ways.... lets just make sure Atheism doesn't let go of intellectualism.

>> No.2757753

Nice trolling bro

>> No.2757755

For a board about science, people sure do know almost nothing about the history of science.

>> No.2757757


Actually most witch burnings happened in the 16th-17th centuries right as modern science was beginning.

Fun little fact: There was a royal proclamation in medieval Hungary which decreed that there was no such thing as witches, and so persecution of them was unnecessary.

>> No.2757759

Fun little fact: nobody cares about medieval Hungary.

>> No.2757760

Readem and weep. Science was raised in islamic countries as a child.


>> No.2757761

>Proves that you're a sub-100 IQ troll. Do you not know how much of astronomy and mathematics came about during the Arab Golden Age?

Yea no.

What % of our current knowledge was contributed by them? 1%? 10%?

Before the industrial revolution all humans had was common sense(maybe we should wash the hospital every day!) and a couple of dudes who knew their architecture through empirical data.

Go look back at history, they just built shit, they didnt circle jerk planning like we do today and doing math. Thats why the romans could get a bridge build in a week and it takes us years.

Did they use huge fucking factors of safety? Yes. Did it work and still stands today? Yes.

>> No.2757763
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I know what you're referring to, but they didnt have a full concept realized with their chemistry. Their math and their Astronomy was impeccable though. Which is why you can make a point with chemistry but I dont think its fair to say they had a good foothold of it. We all know Chemistry started with my brosef Mendeleev.

>> No.2757767


Don't worry. It never had it in the first place. Seems that pantheism and deism are popular among men of science in recent times.

>> No.2757768

Because you're idiots.

>> No.2757769

Grand. Now read up and compare with developments in the 19th century.

>> No.2757770

Jābir ibn Hayyān (Geber) is considered a pioneer of chemistry,[114][115] as he was responsible for introducing an early experimental scientific method within the field, as well as the alembic, still, retort,[64] and the chemical processes of pure distillation, filtration, sublimation,[116] liquefaction, crystallisation, purification, oxidisation and evaporation.[64]
The alchemists' claims about the transmutation of metals were rejected by al-Kindi,[117] followed by Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī,[118] Avicenna,[119] and Ibn Khaldun. Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī stated a version of the law of conservation of mass, noting that a body of matter is able to change, but is not able to disappear.[120] Alexander von Humboldt and Will Durant consider medieval Muslim chemists to be founders of chemistry.[83][85]

>> No.2757771

>Go look back at history, they just built shit, they didnt circle jerk planning like we do today and doing math

I go to a ENG school. I attended a lecture given by some history buff(a "gift" from the hum department or something) about technology of the past and he said the same thing. I was amazed at how many professors he pissed off by saying math wasnt/theories werent important. That the ancients just winged it, and were smart enough to fix problems as they happened.

>> No.2757772


Thats fine honestly I dont care what you believe as long as its a personal thing and not something you're gonna prop up with your cronies after a few beers. Meanwhile next day your friend comes by with a couple of shotguns/rifles and says we're gonna go handle some business in the name of 'x'....

>> No.2757776

>the ancients just winged it
And thus we got things like the Leaning Tower of Pisa

>> No.2757779

I wansn't trying to start a pissing contest throughout the centuries. I was just saying while Europe was being a bunch of christian Tard-Farmers the people they were fighting against (the muslims) were more like us /sci/entists.

>> No.2757782


The point I was making went straight over your head. Witch burnings actually got worse following the Renaissance and that was partially due to Martin Luther's obsession with Satan. The guy did some good things, but he also caused a lot of damage with that, not to mention being an anti-Semitic douche.

>> No.2757784


You blind? I already said I know of the case you mentioned. And just because 2 dudes say "hurr look these guys are it" doesn't discredit mendeleevs groundbreaking achievements in Chemistry or the fact that he developed the table we still use today. They worked hard at Chemistry but like I said their models weren't as solid.

>> No.2757789

So religion made shit worse? What a shock!

>> No.2757791

Invention of algebra constitutes less than 1%?

That's a serious question. I don't know just how big mathematics is now.

>> No.2757794


FWIW, the Greeks didn't accomplish much either compared to the 19th century, but they also lived in a much more primitive world.

I think the Arabs did all right for the time they lived in.

>> No.2757798

They had conservation of matter and basic transformation.

Thats a decent foothold in my books

>> No.2757800


No, you were saying things were worse in the Dark Ages when there was no science or learning. I proved that wrong.

>> No.2757812

Things were worse. Not every little thing, but overall? Definitely.

>> No.2757814


One dude cited Conservation of matter in water... and thats a good grasp? Seriously??? The Transformations part is the only thing that deserves applause and notice Im not refuting their accomplishments, Im stating that mendeleev did more on his ownl dont even mention the king of chemistry Max Planck :D lol /endjoke/

>> No.2757823


And then again, what was the alternative? The RCC by 1517 was pretty lame and barely believed in their own religion except as a political weapon.

So what do you do when you have a church run by guys who are atheists in action if not name?

>> No.2757828

>There is no point in having a belief in something that has no basis in reality -- hence, atheism.

Yes, precisely. There's more to it, though - there's no point in basing your beliefs on something that has no basis in reality, whether you ultimately believe it or not.

Theists' main existential claim is the existence of god.
Atheists' main existential claim is the non-existence of god.

Agnostics main existential claim is the lack of conviction about anything that can't be observed. This is similar, although wider in scope, to scientific skepticism. We are the voice of reason in a world divided between two camps quarreling over insignificant bullshit.

>> No.2757838


Actually the Church of the Dark Ages was a lot more honest and less corrupt than later in the 14th-16th centuries. For one thing, bad communications meant that Rome had little authority over anything and churches pretty much were left to their own devices.

>> No.2757842

Nihilism is the voice of reason. We say that everything is bullshit.

>> No.2757844


Yes, agnosticism is the only valid perspective in a positivist framework.

>> No.2757858

>And thus we got things like the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Yea but what about everything else? What about the 7 wonder of the world?

Industrial accidents still happen today, we still have roads and building that collapse and shit. No matter how much you plan, shit will break if for nothing else than for the fact that what you have on paper is never whats actually built.

>Invention of algebra constitutes less than 1%?
I think so. Algebra isnt really that complex, its something you can still physically see.

If were talking heavy calculus then well talk; but still compare what they had then, to what we have now. Not just in what they had, but if they did anything with it.

I am about 99.9999% sure we did more math and science between 1800-2000 than in all the years before that.

>> No.2757865

>churches pretty much were left to their own devices.

Indulgences happened.

>> No.2757869


We did more math... But I dont think Algebra is 1%.... Thats a very low percent.

>> No.2757874


Nihilism is the belief that God is dead and there's no moral law. When you let people make up their own morals, you soon find that you have no morals at all.

>> No.2757887

>When you let people make up their own morals, you soon find that you have no morals at all.
We already did make up our own morals...

>> No.2757889


Nah, the indulgence shit came about later. "Buy this saint's bone and automatically get to Heaven no matter how much of an asshole you are."

Indulgences make baby Jesus cry.

>> No.2757894
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>> No.2757897


Look, maybe you make up your own morals because you think they're relative and we're all just molecules with no soul, but any religious person will tell you that they're absolute.

>> No.2757899

>But I dont think Algebra is 1%.... Thats a very low percent.

Algebra is one of the building block, the cornerstone of everything else, but I think at the end of the day, its still only 1%.

Unless algebra is including things I am not giving it credit for.

>> No.2757900

And neither perspective is important.

Thats nihilism in a nutshell.

>> No.2757920

There is no such thing as "relative" morals. You're either a moral person or you're not. There's no either/or.

>> No.2757921

I agnostic to agnosticism.

I think that it's impossible to determine if the impossibility to determine the existence of a deity is the correct approach to the claim of the existence of a deity.


>> No.2757934

what the fuck... knowledge grows exponentially, just like human growth and human atrocity. You can double the worlds body of knowledge in a century, and still feel good about your past.

Same deal with the 100 million "atheist" deaths of yester-century. The absurd value is simply a consequence of our growth, not the inherent value of the system in play.

>> No.2757954

> knowledge grows exponentially
This isnt true, knowledge doesnt just happen. No physical rule or law or theory proves that we HAVE to get smarter.

>> No.2757975

It is not scientifically possible to disprove god. If we cannot reproduce what god has done then we cannot disprove him, If we can reproduce what he has done, then that means that we are simply becoming closer to having the power that god wields. If you were able to reproduce everything that god ever allegedly did, then you could claim to be god and troll the religious folks hard.

>> No.2757985

its as much of a law as moore's law.