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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 581x305, Feels-Bad-Frog-207x120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2754068 No.2754068 [Reply] [Original]

how does this make you feel /sci/borgs?

>> No.2754074

feelings are weakness

>> No.2754087

steels my resolve as I work towards replacing humanity with unfeeling robots.

>> No.2754105

>Implying /sci/entists can't be Alpha.

>> No.2754111

Tell me again when I give a shit.

>> No.2754113

Your picture is wrong.

>> No.2754117

nah, I'm pretty chill, intelligent and good with people.

The only thing stopping me from auto-sex mode is being like 40 pounds overweight and having a beard; alpha mode would not be necessary (unless being chill, intelligent and good with people constitutes alpha mode).

>> No.2754121
File: 93 KB, 430x480, ny_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like nerdy guys would rather fuck that<<< than some nerdy hambeast.

>> No.2754123


So, basically, you'd be alpha if you weren't a fat neckbeard. Ok.

>> No.2754127


Never said that, guy

>> No.2754132

>pharm grad
>testosterone, growth hormone, ephedrine

>> No.2754134

>implying op isn't a retard

Alpha/Beta is a disgustingly stupid breakdown of human courtship/mating. Even the trolls who use this to spark anger don't fully understand how fucking mind-boggingly idiotic the things they're saying are.

If pick-up and the community behind it was dominated more by intelligent folks there could be real progress scientifically deducing how humans work. Instead, we get idiots like roissy and conspiracy nuts who think elite America is out to destroy it's people through emasculating men.

Fuck off.

>> No.2754144

why so butthurt?

>> No.2754154

Care to elaborate ?

>> No.2754175


Not true, not true.

>> No.2754197

The community of guys behind pick-up put hundreds of hours into deducing meaningless and pointless "signals" women give men in order to find ways to fuck them. If half that energy was put into improving themselves and their lives, they could use the other half to deduce why women have evolved to by hypergamous and the inherent differences between the genders.

Instead, we get anti-government assholes like roissy who embellish and write excellent fictional accounts and stories while banging drunk sluts on the side, a pickup industry that profits off teaching the same shit over and over to desperate men, and "leaders" who have nothing going for them in their lives aside from being idolized by the same lonely losers they teach while fucking bar skanks.

>> No.2754221


This, I'm a scientist to be and math/science women are the LAST women i'd want to date.

I go for the sexy doctors.


>> No.2754229


*P.As and Dentists but you know what I mean

The med students.

>> No.2754239

I studied a (little) bit their methods. IIRC, one of their first motivation was to be a better person, to improve their life, according naturally to their principles. I do think this way of thinking has lead to mehcanical and nonsensical strategy to get laid, but it has always seemed to me that the primary goal was to improve one self to be conherent with his expectations of life.

Did I miss something there ? I don't know the pickup community of united states, though.

>> No.2754244
File: 91 KB, 1296x752, alpha-tattoo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so alpha, I have an alpha tattoo

wutup grls?

>> No.2754334

I'm tired of these stupid cunts making up shit with thinly supported arguments and hordes of internet fatty nerds sucking their dicks everywhere.

>> No.2754356
File: 28 KB, 410x263, giant pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me sir, would this be the 'hambeast' to which you were referring?

>> No.2754430

yeah, you're not fooling anybody

>> No.2754438

Totally worth it

>> No.2754447
File: 42 KB, 600x400, 150_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> implying beards arent Alpha as fuck

>> No.2754460

Yeah until they become sophomores in college and realize that "alphas" are retarded

>> No.2754464

>implying those faggots get laid by non-gothic biker fatass bitches.

>> No.2754488
File: 19 KB, 449x336, nb0pw5n8yk-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh look, a manly man stole his girlfriend.

>> No.2754496

Indifferent. I've gave up the hope of having sex with a female a long time ago.

>> No.2754502

i know that feel bro, i know that feel

>> No.2754511

>manly man
>dress like you live in lord of the rings


>> No.2754532

Beards are okay, but if you think that disgusting metal look is alpha you are wrong and should honestly get the fuck off this board because I hate you.

>> No.2754542


Someone saw the wrong version of lord of the rings or is a complete retard.

probably both..

>> No.2754545
File: 171 KB, 385x314, Classy Bale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm /fit/ and /sci/
I realize /fit/ is the biggest homo board on 4chan other than a select few like /a/ or /soc/

>> No.2754548

This should answer your life's questions.
I Have A Big Penis
That is all, good day.

>> No.2754559

>(imagine) my face when you describe youreself as a board on 4chan and think youre going anywhere in life, especially with females

>> No.2754562
File: 24 KB, 150x190, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL'd so hard thank you!

>> No.2754564


The less time you spend caring about what you wear the less gay you are. It´s simple math

>> No.2754567
File: 47 KB, 420x324, neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw i'm not an "alpha" (although i would most definitely never act beta around my girl)
yfw my girl is into science
yfw my girl is pretty
yfw my girl is socially adept and not nerdy

<------------yes, this is you

>> No.2754568
File: 44 KB, 616x421, playboy1_260413s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<<what a real Alpha looks like

>> No.2754573

I do not disagree.

>> No.2754589
File: 121 KB, 299x391, fedor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someona say Alpha?

>> No.2754594

I know exactly where I stand
Come at me bro!

>> No.2754596

Made me feel bad, OP. So I became Alpha.

>> No.2754603

i never go why peopel refer to alpha in combination with females.
alpha means to be a certain way with other males and in general.
if you do that a woman will respect you.
all selveconfident strong males who i wouldrefer to as "alpha" are extremely nice and permissive to their girls or girls in general.
there is no (or should be no) fighting between the diffrent genders.
like no male gorilla will fight his females, he will show them how strong he is thus they chose him.
arg..english sucks. i hope you get my point.

>> No.2754639

NO, I read most of the 200 page Mystery Method pdf, and for a woman to respect you as an Alpha, you need to lead them. You can't bend to their whims, you must have complete confidence in your words and actions, to do otherwise is to demonstrate lower value, and they will quickly lose confidence in you, and when the time is right they will leave.

>> No.2754661

are there different types of alphas or do you just group them all together on some super sweaty team?

>> No.2754671

>uses gorillas to support his point of view
>doesn't use chimpanzees who routinely beat their women

>> No.2754694


>uses gorillas to support his point of view
>doesn't use niggers who routinely beat their women

>> No.2754722


>> No.2754725


You're confusing emotional alphaness with being a bossy prick/bitch. Just because somebody is submissive to you doesn't mean you have to be agressive towards them.

A man can be dominant over his woman on a physical/emotional level, but still be 100% equal on a rational/practical level....

>> No.2754743

Your right, OP, I'm throwing the books away and going to plough some chicks

>> No.2754745


ok, well physically is normal.
but what do you mean with emotional? not to show weakness? not to show you like her?

>> No.2754776

I´ve experimented a bit with this. When you show a woman that you might just be interessted a tiny bit, she instantly becomes interested in you but if you totally ignore her she will forget about you.

You should think about how old people carry a relationship (those not ruined by MTV and porn) they have a mutual respect and can give each other lots of space.

BTW thinking "what would grandpa do" is almost always a working concept in social situations (not even trolling)

>> No.2754787

uhhh he would get smashed off whiskey and fall down the stairs

probably not the best advice...

>> No.2754793
File: 31 KB, 382x322, gansupr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A man can be dominant over his woman on a physical/emotional level, but still be 100% equal on a rational/practical level

Oh please, tell us some more shit you believe.
Your mind is like an HR Puffnstuff cartoon.

>> No.2754801


you mean join the SS and kill a lot of jews?
dont know if that will help me to get girls but okay.

but yeah i get your point. thanks.

>> No.2754805


of course you show you like her (unless you're in a shit relationship).

I just meant that the physical dominance should manifest itself purely in emotions rather than having an effect on the practicalities of the relationship.
To an extent the guy would be fill the emotional role of a protector/provider, although this doesn't neccesarily mean that he should actually provide for her or that any protection will ever be neccesary in today's society (rational level).... and it definitely doesn't mean he should be controlling or "wearing the pants" or whatever.

I guess it's just sharing the body language/eye contact that will give you both the biggest buzz, but trying your best not to let this affect the equality of the relationship.

>> No.2754816

god damn you are some stupid fucks intelligent girls who are not sluts tend not to go for idiot catches because they have a choice, and if they dont go for you its because they are going for other intelligent people

assuming you aren't in high school or something where relationships are all very silly and so on