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2752335 No.2752335 [Reply] [Original]

According to a study of recent census data, religion in many secular nations is heading for extinction.

Here is the study:

The BBC wrote an article on this study:

Personally I am not religious, but I hate arrogant 'militant' atheists (ie Dawkins). I also think it is a shame that religion is dying since it is the foundation of western society (Christianity anyway).

pic unrelated

>> No.2752343


>> No.2752348

What? I thought about posting this on /int/, but knew that some cunt would report me for including a news article and calling me /newshit/.

>> No.2752360
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Oh, hey, this thread... again... twice in 20 minutes.


>> No.2752364

People are always describing Dawkins as 'militant' but he's such a nice guy and I've never seen him brandishing assault rifles or anything.

Christianity is in no way the foundation of western society. Christianity has been forced to conform with modern civilization such that the priesthood today condemns so many of their god's orders.

>> No.2752365

Oh, ok, so you bring it here, even though we are ALSO not /new/.


>> No.2752375

>mind boggling

Three words that come to mind

>> No.2752376

> Personally I am not religious, but I hate arrogant 'militant' atheists (ie Dawkins).
Does "militant" in your world just mean people who your disagree with, who know more than you, and who won't take your shit?
> I also think it is a shame that religion is dying
> since it is the foundation of western society

>> No.2752380

Do you faggots think there might be a reason that the Enlightenment occurred in the West rather than anywhere else?
Would you like to use that vaunted scientific method you are always talking about? Why don't you go read a fucking book so that, when you decide to talk about religion, you are actually informed.
OP is absolutely right when he says that Christianity is the foundation of Western Civilization.

>> No.2752387

> OP is absolutely right when he says that Christianity is the foundation of Western Civilization.

>> No.2752388

Militant meaning that one is not content to disagree, but believes that the other viewpoint must be aggressively combated and, if possible, eliminated.

>> No.2752392

Yep. Scholasticism and the Catholic Church, bud. Christianity has always thought of itself as the religion of the Logos. You can hate religion all you like, it doesn't bother me, but you are obliged to get your facts right.

>> No.2752396

> but believes that the other viewpoint must be aggressively combated and, if possible, eliminated.
But that's not what Dawkins believes.

>> No.2752397

quite a few greeks would disagree

as might averroes

>> No.2752398

If religion dies, people are just going to place their faith in something else. Like stupid expectations of scientists to solve all their problems with technology and decry them when they don't/can't.

>> No.2752399


Troll thread, sage and report for victory.

>> No.2752401

they stole a lot from classical antiquity though

>> No.2752402
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>> No.2752406
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Bitches don't know about my Atheist - Hypatias revenge cult.
That's right god fags. A few more years and we will be ready to skin you alive. Currently in the process of collecting scallop shells.
Fear us.

>> No.2752414

The Enlightenment happened in spite of christianity after roughly one and a half millennia of stagnant civilization. A steam engine was invented shortly before the dark ages began, think about it.

>> No.2752416

> Scholasticism
> and the Catholic Church, bud.
> Christianity has always thought of itself as the religion of the Logos.
And it has always been wrong.
> You can hate religion all you like, it doesn't bother me,
I don't.
> but you are obliged to get your facts right.
I am, yes. Why aren't you?

>> No.2752418

OP here.

Not trolling. Haven't posting anything since >>2752348

It's extremely annoying that there is nowhere to discuss interesting news stories such as this, then, if even MENTIONING the news is against the rules. That's a ridiculous rule but whatever.

>> No.2752419

But skinning alive is a christian thing. Hypatia was better then that kind of barbarism.

>> No.2752420

Religion teach people to have faith. Without religion, much less people would adopt such a stupid stance on their life.

>> No.2752423

Hah, really? What does Mr. Dawkins believe, then?
I'm not denying that the Greeks, Romans, et cetera were very important.
I don't think "stole" is the correct term. But yeah, they definitely built upon it.
Lolno, broseph Stalin, you want conch shells. CONCH SHELLS
This is a popular misconception. The Church saved what was left of the Roman Empire.
Firstly, Scholasticism and the Church are inextricably linked.
Secondly, you most obviously do not have your facts right.

>> No.2752430 [DELETED] 

Faith *is* stupid. : /

>> No.2752440

The church preserved a minuscule fraction of classical knowledge. There were so many greek scholars we'll never know more about then their names and no doubt more that have been utterly forgotten.

>> No.2752441

Read, for starters.


>> No.2752442

Yeah, that damn Church just didn't do enough! Don't give credit where due, blame them for not being able to do enough!

Damn those Irish monks, eh?

>> No.2752447

There's something very wrong with violently pursuing the end of Christianity. I can't quite put my finger on it.

>> No.2752449

No, I mean the church actively suppressed anything that they thought was too pagan or otherwise didn't agree with their dogma, not that they unfortunately failed to save much from the ashes.

>> No.2752453

>I'm not denying that the Greeks, Romans, et cetera were very important.
Since Greeks and Romans were influential before christianity, if they are important then they are the foundation (except if you find some earlier thing), and christianity and the church are not.

Regardless, there's no problem with going beyond what the foundation of our civilization can offer. I for one am satisfied that the roman republic is no longer ruling europe.

>> No.2752454

Aside from >>2752406 (which I'm pretty sure isn't real) I don't think anyone has said anything about committing acts of violence. For me, at least, ends do not justify means.

>> No.2752459

The Church didn't actively suppress paganism, at least not in the "intellectual" context we are speaking in here. For God's sake, the Church adapted much of Aristotle's philosophy as Her own! Aquinas referred to Aristotle as simply "the Philosopher."
That's not exactly a valid reduction. If you'd like to say that, then, we can go back and take the Phoenicians or Sumerians as the "true" foundation. Or even further, if you like. When we speak of a foundation, we do not strictly speak of the bottom of the chain of civilisations. We are talking about what civilisation(s) in particular are key to the make-up and overall nature of our own society.

>> No.2752463

Are you talking about physical violence ? Then I am opposed to it, mostly because martyrdom is not an obstacle to religion.
But verbal violence is fine. Comfortable debates ensure intellectual stagnation.

>> No.2752466

>Aquinas referred to Aristotle as simply "the Philosopher."
Precisely. They treated him as if he was the only philosopher worth speaking of. An attitude that was crucial in the stagnation of civilization. There were so many roman and greek philosophers of note, and those that might have disagreed with Aristotle were deliberately forgotten.

>> No.2752469

It's a lot of bullshit. I live in Europe and American Christfags are increasingly trying to take over Europe.

>> No.2752471


I give up

>> No.2752474

At least then we'll get more money for science. The Science Tithe

>> No.2752479

>The Science Tithe
Tax deductible!

>> No.2752480

>For God's sake, the Church adapted much of Aristotle's philosophy as Her own!
Exactly. She did that "for God's sake", and didn't with a lot of other authors less open to christian interpretation. There's also the problem of restricting the access to that kind of knowledge to a clerical elite.
>We are talking about what civilisation(s) in particular are key to the make-up and overall nature of our own society.
No. We are not talking specifically about civilizations, and we are talking about the *first* thing that was key to the make-up etc. If you just want to say that X was important, they just say X was important.
Militant atheists wouldn't argue that christianity did not have a defining role in our civilization. But of course, we do not owe our civilization to it, and if you didn't try to play on words you'd have to accept it too.

>> No.2752494

Most of the young Scandinavians are religious in name only. They just get a church wedding and a cheap grave because that's how it's always been done. In Sweden 70% don't believe in an afterlife.

>> No.2752498

Fun fact:
A majority of the first Christians were Greeks. This had a strong impact on Christianity's self perception to the point that the idea of angels was copied directly from their mythology. And even the image of Elohim self was copied directly from Zeus.

Roman and Germanic mythology had afaik a rather minor impact upon the mythology, but rather influenced the practice of religion. The Roman Saturn festival was transformed into Christmas and formerly Germanic rituals were included into it.

Imo entire Christianity became a fraud after ~500 years of Yoshua's death.

My suggestion for anyone who wants to practice a religion closer to original Christianity: Become a Jew or Muslim, or establish your own branch of Christianity.

>> No.2752503

I'm willing to bet the UK is like that too. Only one in ten christians attend church for example. [anecdote] One of my friends said she was a christian simply because her mother is. She doesn't keep to any christian observances, and she doubts there's a god but she none the less identifies herself as a christian and will presumably say as much in the census.[/anecdote]

>> No.2752540

My mother, who is french, claims to be catholic for the same reason, and clearly do not believe in god.

>> No.2752841

I expect a good number of the younger generations will become only more religiously tied as they age.

They always do you know.

>> No.2752847



>> No.2752866


That article is very cute, because it overlooks the fact that most of those "secular" nations are being inundated with Muslim immigrants who are on pace to outbreed the dying native populations.

>> No.2752880

I guess that you didn't read the paper then. You should read it.

>> No.2752883


>It's a lot of bullshit. I live in Europe and American Christfags are increasingly trying to take over Europe.

Sorry, but we have to save you from yourselves and ragheads.

>> No.2752889

> implying second-generation muslims are not uneducated shit-tier slaves or converting to atheism through higher education

>> No.2752894

ITS ALL A FUCKING MYTH!! i really dont understand why we can get our heads around Greek gods and such being myth but god not a myth... wtf?! is that even sensible?

>> No.2752895


FWIW, angels are mentioned in the OT numerous times, so it was not an idea lifted from pagan cults.

>> No.2752899


Wouldn't make sense for Muslims to become atheists because you'd be branded an apostate and targeted for death. They view people who reject Islam as far worse than those who never practiced it in the first place.

>> No.2752904

>Published paper establishes that religiosity is decreasing.
>/sci/ retard "I saw a Christian/Muslem the other day so the paper is wrong".

>> No.2752910


Found this on the net.

90% of European growth comes from Islamic immigration.

In Southern France, there are more mosques than churches, that 30% of children under 20 are Muslim, in the larger cities, 45% of children under 20 are Muslim, and that by 2027 20% of the French will be Muslim.

In the urban centers, the proportion of Muslim youth is very high, going up to 40%-50%.

In the last 30 years, Muslim population in UK rose from 82,000 to 2.5 million.

In the Netherlands - 50% of all newborns are Muslim and by 2024 half the population will be Muslim..

In Russia, 20% of the population is Muslim, and 40% of the Russian army will soon be Muslim.

In Belgium 50% of newborns are Muslim, 25% of the population are Muslim also.

According to the Belgian government, a third of children born in the EU in 2025 will be Muslim and according to the German government, Germany will be a Muslim state in 2050. The German government expects there to be 104 million Muslims in Europe within the next 20 years.

>> No.2752916


*Buzz* If atheism is not a religion, you cannot into convert to it.

>> No.2752929

>mfw you think that myths being fulfilled in Christianity is somehow a strike against Christianity

I would be much more surprised if there were no myths of resurrection gods prior to Christianity.

And by the way, your opinion is retarded. Thanks though

>> No.2753002

>If atheism is a religion then bald is a hair colour!

Had to say it.

>> No.2753012

>Believing gods don't exist
>Zero evidence to support that belief
>Not a religion


>> No.2753016

a) who gives a fuck? this is /sci/ and this isn't science related.

b) who gives a fuck one way or the other?

>> No.2753018

unfounded statement =/= religion

>> No.2753023

To all of those defending religion even if you believe in God you shouldn't base what you consider to be true on a fairy tale
Also if God exists fuck him. He's an asshole

>> No.2753025

Athiest will be the terrorist of tommorow. They don't have any morality.

>> No.2753039

Atheism is no belief in gods not belief in no gods, if that's phrased properly. The difference is important.

>> No.2753046


Are you shitting me? Everyone who's religious is only nice to people because they know they will be beaten up unless they do what they're told.

>> No.2753048



From Merriam-Webster OnLine
atheist: one who believes that there is no deity

2 a : a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there is no deity
disbelief: the act of disbelieving : mental rejection of something as untrue

transitive senses : to hold not worthy of belief : not believe
intransitive senses : to withhold or reject belief

agnostic: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and prob. unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god

From the Cambridge Dictionary of American English

atheist: someone who believes that God does not exist

atheism: the belief that God does not exist

>> No.2753050
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>> No.2753058

Yeah well in the mean time religious people are the terrorist of today

>> No.2753066

It's not a religion either way, though. Hell, just the bare belief in a god alone doesn't constitute for a religion either. No belief all by itself is a religion.

>> No.2753069

I can quote dictionaries too. Oxford in this case.

disbelief in the existence of God or gods.

late 16th century: from French athéisme, from Greek atheos, from a- 'without' + theos 'god'

>> No.2753074
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>> No.2753078

Stupid Argument #1: The etymology of the word "atheism" means "a lack of belief".
A commonly repeated error is that the word "atheism" was derived from the prefix "a-", meaning "without", and the word "theism", meaning a belief in God. Therefore they claim that "atheism" means "without a belief in God". This is incorrect because the etymology of the word "atheism" derives from the Greek word "atheos" meaning "godless". The "-ism" suffix, which can be roughly mean "belief", was added later. The etymology of the word means "godless belief" not "without a belief in gods".
A couple of etymologies from respected dictionaries are shown below:
From Merriam-Webster Online:

Etymology of "atheism": Middle French athéisme, from athée atheist, from Greek atheos godless, from a- + theos god
From The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed.:

Etymology of "atheism": French athéisme, from athée, atheist, from Greek atheos, godless : a-, without; see a–1 + theos, god

>> No.2753083


Stupid Argument #6: The Phrase "Tom does not believe in the existence of God" does not mean "Tom believes that God does not exist."
This idiotic argument is sometimes presented by brain dead morons who don't understand basic English grammar. I really don't expect most people to know that "raising" is the technical name for the location of the negative in the first sentence, or that raising simply shifts the negative from the subordinate clause where it logically belongs to the main clause, especially when the main clause’s verb is suppose, think, believe, seem, or the like. (Here are two links from The Columbia Guide to Standard American English that explain it: Link 1, Link 2)
However, I find it impossible to believe that anyone with half a brain would use this argument. The English language is literally filled with many common examples of raising. I'll post a few for clarity:
A) "I don't believe the mail has arrived" means "I believe the mail has not arrived". It does not mean that I don't have any beliefs about the mail arriving.
B) "I do not believe we missed the last bus" means "I believe we did not miss the last bus". It does not mean that I don't have any beliefs about missing the last bus.
C) "I don't think the kicker can make a 55 yard field goal" means "I think that the kicker can not make a 55 yard field goal". It does not mean that I did not think about the kicker making a field goal.
D) "I don't believe in the existence of deities" means "I believe that deities do not exist". It does not mean that I don't have any beliefs about the existence of deities.

>> No.2753087
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Because of OP's pic.

>> No.2753099

You just regurgitated my post but with a wall of text that communicates nothing. : /

>> No.2753100

The atheists and antitheists of yesteryear were a whole lot more "militant" than the Dawkinses and Hitchenses of today. Read some Nietzsche, or Thomas Paine.

All those hypersensitive, uber PC agnostics, who consider modern atheists to be particularly militant have simply no sense of historical perspective.

>> No.2753106

Thank you God for turning non living things into living things and making them struggle to survive and evolve through the process of natural and sexual selection so that they could evolve into humans that are intelligent enough to comprehend the futility of their existance and making some adhere to an irrational belief system to calm their fears and give themselves artificial motivation.

>> No.2753110

/b/tard does not know what a god is.

>> No.2753123

>This idiotic argument is sometimes presented by brain dead morons who don't understand basic English grammar.
So the argument remains valid for other languages? Fair enough.

"Ich glaube nicht an Gott" is not the same as "Ich glaube, dass Gott nicht existiert".

>> No.2753156

Actually the /b/tard does, you must not. Epicurus' logic only makes sense when you apply it to a god with specific attributes.

>> No.2753163

>A commonly repeated error is that the word "atheism" was derived from the prefix "a-", meaning "without", and the word "theism", meaning a belief in God. Therefore they claim that "atheism" means "without a belief in God". This is incorrect because the etymology of the word "atheism" derives from the Greek word "atheos" meaning "godless".
This is so fucking dumb. *Both* terms, theism and atheism, are derived from the same word "theos", simply meaining "God", and the "a" in "atheos" was indeed tacked on to indicate a lack of "theos". The terms would later develop into meaning "belief in God" and "lack of belief in God" respectively.

Stop quoting that retarded site as if it were a reliable source for anything.

>> No.2753167

Yep. Godly attributes.

>> No.2753175

I don't believe anything. At all. You should note that in common speech people often say 'belief' where 'think' would be more appropriate. To believe something means to accept as true. To think something allows room for uncertainty. I don't think there are any gods, but I do not believe that there are no gods.

>> No.2753177

The term atheism originated from the Greek ἄθεος (atheos), meaning "without god", which was applied with a negative connotation to those thought to reject the gods worshipped by the larger society
Good luck editing it.

>> No.2753179

>Epicurus' logic only makes sense when you apply it to a god with specific attributes.
Which, just to remind people, Abraham's god does.

>> No.2753185

What point are you trying to make?

>> No.2753192

Again, no.

Read the bible brah.

>> No.2753205

The Wikipedia definition differs from yours. Why don't you edit the wikipedia definition.
change wiki from
>meaning "without god"
to your
>the word means "godless belief"
You will FAIL

>> No.2753215

Have done, brah. The guy's a childish bloodthirsty pillock and he and his male representatives make all sort of unfounded claims which are apparently not true now and, I'm pretty sure, weren't true in the bronze age. Furthermore his followers are now expected to kill me because I'm a blaspheming apostate.

>> No.2753217

So you have a god with no godly powers?
Sound like a hard sell. I doubt he would get any followers.

>> No.2753218

ITT: retards who think atheism is a religion. By that logic I could call you a muslim, because you don't believe in Allah.

But alas, if religious people applied any logic, then there would be no religious people.

>> No.2753223


Which would make him malevolent, which Epicurus allows. Nowhere in the Bible does he claim to be omni- anything.

>> No.2753225

Everything you've just said has absolutely nothing to do with Epicurus's claims and honestly just sounds like some angsty teenage bullshit. Nice job.

>> No.2753230


Not being omnipotent =/= no godly powers. Read some mythology, its full of non omnipotent gods with cool powers.

>> No.2753241

Oh right, Epicurus. The malevolent god is one that watches but doesn't act even though it could remedy suffering and thus not worth worship or belief.

>> No.2753247

The guy was replying to someone who claimed that God had *no* attributes at all according to the Bible. Listing a whole bunch of attributes was a perfectly appropriate response to this claim, whether it sounded like teenage angst or not.

>> No.2753251

In any case, how many christians, do you think, would be able to say that the god they worship is a twat?

>> No.2753254

I guess you didn't read carefully enough.
Revelation 19:6
Jeremiah 32:27

>> No.2753257

Nobody made that claim you dipshit.

The god of the bible has a huge variety of attributes, all of which negate Epicurus' claim.

>> No.2753265
File: 67 KB, 700x437, land (6)-700x437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen people, there is no objective way to prove or disprove God's existence.

It is from a PERSONAL seeking of God that you find Him.

There ARE people who have genuinely never had any sort of religious experience, and view Christianity, and any religion, as foolishness.

And yes, there are those calling themselves Christians who, either willfully or unintentionally, misinterpret or confuse the scriptures. These are the people on the sidewalks screaming at people that they will burn in Hell. Those morons are what everyone sees, and thinks, "Whoa, THAT'S what a Christian is? There's no WAY I want to be like that guy."

Being a Christian simply means this: Christ-like. Being like Christ. Christ didn't rant and rave and yell at people, he healed them and ministered to them.

Try not to pay much attention to those false, so-called Christians who injure the name of Christ with their hateful actions. The Bible says to not associate with them or even eat with them.

If you insult my religion, will I cut your head off like a Muslim? No. You can mock my faith and insult me for it, I will not harm you. That is Christ-like. He didn't smite his executioners or call down a curse upon him when they tortured him and nailed him to the cross. On the contrary, he prayed for them. He died for them.

So, a real Christian will not be full of vitriol and intolerance, but mercy, love, and grace.

You are to love your neighbor as yourself.

If you have any questions about Christianity or the Bible, I would recommend this site:

>> No.2753279

Dear God why are people starving in Africa?
>I have a better question for you. Why are they living in a place with no fertile soil?
Because they're niggers?
>That's right

>> No.2753295


I don't understand, if someone who disagrees with people and tries to explain to them why they are wrong is "militant", then what are the Taliban?

>> No.2753304

>Christ didn't rant and rave and yell at people

Have you even read the New Testament? Jesus had some serious anger management problems, bro.

>> No.2753319

Oh boy.

>Listen people, there is no objective way to prove or disprove God's existence.
If true then there is no reason to suppose a god in the first place.

>It is from a PERSONAL seeking of God that you find Him.

>There ARE people who have genuinely never had any sort of religious experience, and view Christianity, and any religion, as foolishness.
I was raised as a christian. I probably would never have read the bible if I hadn't been.

>And yes, there are those calling themselves Christians
A christian is someone who accepts the teachings of christ. No more, no less.

>Being a Christian simply means this: Christ-like. Being like Christ. Christ didn't rant and rave and yell at people, he healed them and ministered to them.
'Whosoever shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.' -Mark 3:29
'Ye serpents, ye generations of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?' -Matthew 23:33
Some of many.

>So, a real Christian will not be full of vitriol and intolerance, but mercy, love, and grace.
'But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.' -Luke 19:27

>You are to love your neighbor as yourself.
Yes. Love your neighbours, not everyone. He's saying only love other jews.

>> No.2753327


"Nope" is not a valid argument


Personally i shared OPs meaning. what is dangerous about religion is the extremists.

>> No.2753330

They are deeply spiritual holy warriors who are merely following the word of god.

>> No.2753335

OP, you are assuming that human behaviour can be predicted mathematically. This study shows a trend, it doesn'ot/cannot predict the future.

If you could predict (economic) behaviour we'd be fuckin rich.

>> No.2753342

And by following the word of God you mean beating their women, blowing themselves up and killing the infidels

>> No.2753362

The thing about extremists is that, these days, they are often following their holy book more closely then the moderates. The catholic church has condemned slavery but the bible still promotes it. When short-sighted moderates revere a a book, how can you be surprised when some people, taught that their god and this book is infallible, read it and get strange and immoral idead?

>> No.2753370

> implying the fucking rich organisations don't do just that

>> No.2753371
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>implying we didn't have to fight tooth and nail to get past religion for real progress

>> No.2753389

inb4 somebody claims that that graph shows the effect of the collapse of the empire rather then the rule of christianity.

>> No.2753399

Actually the the church was the keeper of knowledge
They were only concerned with it in an age were everyone was trying to survive the black plague and barbarian invasions

>> No.2753410

This kind of sucks IMO

in the land of SoCal where everybody is liberal and not religious... the women are fucking slutty to the max which is fine and all but if you want someone to confide in well you aren't gonna get it here unless you date a church going girl or are girl who moved here from somewhere else and retains her morals she learned

>> No.2753413

You mean the barbarians that they converted? In any case the church was very selective about what they preserved.

>> No.2753419

>Nobody made that claim you dipshit.

>Epicurus' logic only makes sense when you apply it to a god with specific attributes.
>Which, just to remind people, Abraham's god does.
>Again, no.

>Read the bible brah.

Learn to read before you whip out the kindergarten insults.

>> No.2753424

>In any case the church was very selective about what they preserved.
And who they allowed to receive this knowledge.

>> No.2753426
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>If true then there is no reason to suppose a god in the first place.
No, just because you cannot empirically show God's existence or nonexistence doesn't mean you should not seek to find out if there is a God.

You can only find Him if you seek Him with all your heart. Simply reading and quoting the Bible is meaningless. Even studying it is fruitless unless you truly want to gain understanding.

>I was raised as a christian. I probably would never have read the bible if I hadn't been.
As was I. I had a grandmother that was the "fire and brimstone" type and it really turned me off having the Bible beaten over my head. I rejected Christianity through my teens, but came to Christ on my own in my early twenties.

>A christian is someone who accepts the teachings of christ. No more, no less.
Yes, but there are many who profess Christ, but do nothing of the sort to actually live a Christ-like life. Christ himself said, "Not all who say to me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of God."

>'Whosoever shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.' -Mark 3:29
Yes, that is the one unforgivable sin, other than dying without accepting Christ's salvation. The accusation against Jesus (that He was demon-possessed after performing miracles) was the blasphemy that was unpardonable. This specific unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit cannot be duplicated today.

>'Ye serpents, ye generations of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?' -Matthew 23:33
He was exposing the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, how they said that if they were in their fathers' generations, they wouldn't have murdered God's prophets.

>> No.2753428


dude no disrespect, but you have never read the bible.

>> No.2753430

An irrational girl to confide in, that is.

>> No.2753431

>'But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.' -Luke 19:27
He is finishing the parable of money usage. Read it from verse 11 onward to get the full context. He means that these people rejected his salvation and CHOSE Hell, for Hell is not meant for humans, but for Satan and his angels. God is a just God, so he MUST judge the world. However, he is also a loving and gracious God, and endured the torture and execution to sacrifice Himself as a one, perfect, holy sacrifice for sins, unlike the animals that must be sacrificed before the altar of God every year.

>Yes. Love your neighbours, not everyone. He's saying only love other jews.
No, Christ is for everyone. Everyone is your neighbor. Read through Acts. It clearly shows that you are to bring the gospel to all corners of the world. God sent apostles all over the Mediterranean from modern day Turkey to Rome and elsewhere. There is neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, slave nor free man, for all are one in Christ.

>> No.2753433

Here's the real deal:
God is an "omni-semantic" word, meaning that any definition could be used to describe it. Therefore, in ancient times, lack of belief in a god/idol figure was a rude and backward lack of imagination. Then the cynical atheist Moses came along, and, tired of all the bullshit, wrote a story that would eventually be easily seen as unbelievable bullshit. This story grew to demand the conversion of all people to its tenants (Islam). When Islam has converted the whole world, and no one believes in anything except the Quran, it will be so obvious that deity was made-up from day one, that we will ignore the concept completely and be unafraid to study and do whatever we wish, without any supersition.

>> No.2753440

Dude, the abrahamic god does have attributes, bro. Dude.

>> No.2753443

>the women are fucking slutty to the max
I guess you have not met many atheist girls.
You know marriages between Atheists are more likely to succeed than between Christians.

>> No.2753448

Maybe he just assumes all "slutty girls" he encounters to be atheists.

>> No.2753453

lol no, I mean the cool liberal atheist chick who seems very interesting and down to earth... she may be your gal but shes everyones pal

Such is life in Socal

>> No.2753456


care to list them?
also I'm assuming when you are talking about abrahamic god that you are talking about the old testament god, i've got no clue what the fuck is going on in the new testament.
and again: you have never read the bible.

>> No.2753465

Also, it is extremely important to get the CONTEXT of the scripture you are quoting. Anyone can take a small snip of a verse here and there to try and back up their claim with the Bible, but it is essential that you know what is going on in that paragraph, chapter, and even book of the Bible.

What was the overall meaning of what is being said?

Another important concept to keep in mind is that the Bible teaches extensively in parable, so much of what you read is not meant to be taken at face value.

A good example: Noah's Ark.
The story of Noah is NOT about a man putting all ten billion species in a little boat and then after the flood distributing them around the world where they are meant to be, with the South American Tarantulas back in the Amazon, the Siberian polar bears in Siberia, the African crocodiles in Africa, etc.

The story of Noah's Ark is about corruption, redemption, salvation, and new beginnings. And, also, it is rather embarrassing to see Christians try to PROVE that this giant, world-engulfing flood happened.

>> No.2753470

For what a man would like to be true, that he more readily believes.

>> No.2753473

no man, I am speaking about:

-women I've dated
-friend's girlfriends
-some housewives who give it up to any guy who so much as looks at her

>> No.2753483

By the power of Anecdote!

>> No.2753485

What was the overall meaning of what is being said?
Old testament GOD
>Believe in be, do what I say, and give me burnt offerings or I will seriously fuck you and your family.
New testament Jesus
>Believe in me and do what I say or I will send you to be tortured for eternity.

>> No.2753492

29 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. 30 And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ 31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Go ahead, then, and complete what your ancestors started!

33 “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?

>> No.2753498

Good mercy there.

>> No.2753501

OP is retarded.

>> No.2753510

God does not change. Also, Christ and God are one and the same. In the old testament, God named the Jews as his "chosen people," and made a covenant with them, that as long as they obeyed Him, he would make them prosperous and wonderful. Long story, short: The Jews didn't keep their end of the deal.

God knew this, and throughout the books of the prophets, God speaks of a "Messiah" to come and fulfill the Mosaic covenant and bring a "new" covenant, one that fulfills the Law of Moses. Christ is the one who sealed this "new" covenant, making salvation and oneness with God possible.

Again, as I said, people CHOSE to reject Christ's salvation, and thereby choosing Hell. God could have just not cared and let us all to Satan, but he made a way for us to come to Him, to be His, and that is through Christ.

>> No.2753520

>The story of Noah's Ark is about corruption, redemption, salvation, and new beginnings.
>The story of Noah's Ark is about corruption, redemption, salvation, and the slaughter of 99.9% of the population for their sins.

>> No.2753529


>give me burnt offerings

fun fact: the offerings were basically a big barbecue, the preists (Cohanim) took the cow/sheep/whatever and roasted it and then had a big meal along with the person that brought the offering.

the logic behind this is that god doesn't need to eat anything from the earth and is happy enough with the smoke.

>> No.2753534


i might be wrong but i think there actually was a great flood at some point in the earths recent history (recent in geological terms), it may explain why everyfucking religion in the world has a flood story.

>> No.2753535

Christ is simply pointing out their hypocrisy as the Pharisees were the religious class, experts in the Law, basically the snooty academic elites of the time. They reviled Christ because he exposes them for the frauds and sinful charlatans that they were.

However, His salvation was always open to them as well. God is a holy God, so wherever He is, sin cannot be. If you have sin in your heart, then you are separated from God.

>> No.2753541

*exposed, past tense

>> No.2753544

Floods are common. That may be all there is to it. I think you're possibly refering to a tsunmi caused by a bolide striking the indian ocean though.

>> No.2753545

Yep you are wrong. There were/are local floods like happened in Japan recently but no global flood.

>> No.2753548

I've got one for /sci/
I dare anyone to post that they believe the following two statements, without changing the meanings of the words.

2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2

1. Twenty-two (2 Kings 8:26) - "Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Athaliah the granddaughter of Omri king of Israel," (NASB).
2. Forty-two (2 Chron. 22:2) - "Ahaziah was forty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Athaliah, the granddaughter of Omri,"

>> No.2753551

>i've got no clue what the fuck is going on in the new testament.
Guess it's time for you to stop claiming that others have never read the Bible in every damn post. You're obviously in no position to judge this.

>care to list them?
From the top of my head, the abrahamic god is:

... and on the more positive side:

You don't have to know shit about the NT to get any of these characteristics. Hell, most of them are revealed even as early as Genesis. God is clearly described as having specific attributes, and your baseless accusations of others not knowing what they're talking about doesn't refute this.

>> No.2753552


what the fuck does "have sin in you heart" even mean?

>> No.2753559
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>> No.2753561

The mythology of Jesus was forced by the storytellers to conform to old testament prophecy. His story would actualy be somewhat more credible without the whole prophecy thing.

>> No.2753571

The Jewish leaders were overconscientious about maintaining the traditions of their fathers. In an ironic tone, Jesus said they succeeded well at one point:killing God's messengers. Just as their ancestors ignored, persecuted, and killed prophets, so they were about to bring the tradition to its ultimate fulfillment by rejecting and killing Jesus, the anointed Messiah who came to fulfill prophecy and provide God's promised salvation. In their fanatic religious zeal for the tradition, the Pharisees and scribes proved how depraved they were. Jesus tore off their hypocritical masks of self-proclaimed faithfulness to tradition. These religious leaders were not the only or last religious zealots to elevate tradition to God's place and to substitute self-service for God's service.

>> No.2753572

>sin in you heart
means that you burn for eternity for sins that you have not committed but maybe you thought about them.

>> No.2753577

Like Minority Report, but without the stupid jetpack police force.

>> No.2753582

Sin can be boiled down to this: rebellion against God.

That's all. Doing what YOU want to do instead of what GOD wants you to do.

When you "have sin in your heart," it's a euphemism for doing your own thing instead of following and obeying God.

>> No.2753593

No. Sin of thought is just as bad as sin of deed as you well know.
If you think of sex outside marriage for example, or are a closet homosexual. You don't need to commit the sin of homosexuality to burn in hell you just need to think about it.

>> No.2753595
File: 73 KB, 700x525, 1268824032607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two news boards on 4chan!


Check them out! Use them! Don't put shit on /sci/ that isn't science related!

>> No.2753598

Some Septuagint manuscripts and Syriac say this; The Hebrew is forty-two

The Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Hebrew old testament.

>> No.2753603

>the church didn't actively suppress paganism

I dunno about paganism, but Galileo would like a word with you.

>> No.2753609

Thinking is an action.

However, "thinking about" it in this context means "desiring" to do it. There is a difference between casual thoughts and actually wanting to commit a sin in your heart.

>> No.2753611


>Guess it's time for you to stop claiming that others have never read the Bible in every damn post.

you haven't, i simply haven't read the new testament but i did read the old one.

anyway i'm talking about the old testament, if you have a problem with that stop calling your god an abrehimic god and call it a roman god instead.


no, there are instances of god talking to one guy in an entire country instead of simply talking to everyone.
there are also cases of him speaking to several people at the same time and all of them saying different things, apparently the dude has a speech impediment.


he made laws, true enough.
but most of them aren't very clear or instructive.


he commands people to obey him.
through one dude, never directly to them.


except for when he's not.


promising? good have a bright future you say? he's a real golden boy ha?
he made promises, he also broke them, he also made threats etc...
but "he" never did it, always through a mediator.


not really, people just say that when something good happens it's beacuse of god, when something bad happens it's beacuse the people were bad.
he never actually intervened directly accept for during the first five books (the torah) if someone stopped helping you 5000 years ago he isn't helpful.


exept for when he's not.
rain of fire isn't a very protective act.

that's one of the things about god, he's psychotic, he constantly contradicts himself, does horrible things and then pretends he is good.

for almost every act god has done in the bible you can an act that stands in direct opposite.

is someone kills you one day and then saves you the other he's probably a psychopath, or in gods case an idea with no real law of conduct that simply does whatever he fucking wants.

>> No.2753613

For example, it is not a sin to admire an attractive woman walking along the sidewalk for her beauty. However, it IS a sin to desire to stick your penor inside her vagoo.

>> No.2753625

I sure am glad this god guy very almost certainly doesn't exist. If he did I'd be morally obliged to revolt against his totalitarian opression and I'm kind of lazy.

>he commands people to obey him. through one dude, never directly to them.
So basicly this god could have originally been made up by someone thirsty for power over his tribe and then it snowballed from there? Sounds like how I imagine it to be.

>> No.2753626


>see beautiful women
>don't want to fuck her.

so god wants us to be gay?

>> No.2753630

>it is not a sin to admire an attractive woman
you are going to burn extra hot for that one.

>> No.2753633

I'm starting to think maybe there is a god and he just really likes watching people stone each other to death.

>> No.2753636

WANTING to have sex with her would be a primal biological urge. Your flesh speaks to you in that way. However, you must have a spiritual mind, not a fleshly one. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

God wants you to enjoy sex, but he wants you to go about it His way, i.e. get married first.

>> No.2753643


not cool, it is said: "he who is without sin shall cast the first stone" and then the gays will all get an advantage.

>> No.2753644

Coveting is different. If I see my neighbor has a new Mercedes, and think, "Wow, I want a car like that!" then that is not coveting. However, if you see his car and think, "Wow, I want THAT car, my neighbor's exact car, the one he owns. Let me think of how to get it from him." THAT is coveting.

>> No.2753646

Whether she wants to or not.

>> No.2753657

The punishment for homosexuality is death by stoning. The punishment for just about anything god doesn't like is death by stoning. It's so very difficult not to break any of his rules.

>> No.2753662


o crap.
i am coveting my own penis.
now what do i do?

>> No.2753666

Stone him!

>> No.2753670


1. Invent imaginary all-powerful bro in the sky
2. Claim to absolutely know his desires
3. Use this to stop female promiscuity


>> No.2753679

Homosexuality is a sin, though it is not any more evil or deadly than heterosexual sex outside marriage.

Your quote is from John 8:1-11 (Gospel of John, not the letters) The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus into saying something that would incriminate Him by bringing an adulteress before Him and asking if she should be stoned.

>> No.2753686

1 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.

2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

11 “No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

>> No.2753706

>It's so very difficult not to break any of his rules.
It is impossible not to. That's why the Law does not bring salvation, but condemnation. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. You cannot get to Heaven by trying to follow the Law. The Gospel (which simply means "Good News") is that Christ has given us a way to God. Jesus himself said, "I am the life, the truth, and the way. None may come to the Father but through me."

>> No.2753711
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western morality is more based on greco-roman moral philosophy than anything in the bible.
Much as i hate the book, in dawkin's "god delusion" he goes to considerable effort to demonstrate how "christian morality" is actually not much to do with christianity at all, in fact they contradict each other quite a lot, with most "christians" siding with their own common sense rather than with the bible.

This study brings me much happiness. But it's not just religion that needs to be destroyed, but all irrationalism.

>mfw my parents get to fill out my census form (instead of it being personal and anonymous) so i'll be put down as an extra figure for the retard brigade rather than the enlightened rational elite.

>> No.2753732
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Been wanting to read his work for awhile, now. Though I have to admit, I sincerely enjoyed the documentary he made.

>> No.2753803
File: 3 KB, 300x57, lifesprocess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one find his writing enjoyable. The Extended Phenotype is my favourite.

Captcha related. Go biology!

>> No.2753871

Literally none of your points are actual refutations. Not a single one of them. And again, stop telling me that I haven't read the Bible *without actually presenting an argument for this claim*.

>no, there are instances of god talking to one guy in an entire country instead of simply talking to everyone.
>there are also cases of him speaking to several people at the same time
You accidentally said "no", when you really meant "yes, he is indeed communicative, but for some utterly retarded reason, my definition of 'communicative' excludes instances of communication, therefore, I'm still right".

>he made laws, true enough.
>but most of them aren't very clear or instructive.
No, he gave *very* specific instructions to individuals all the time, like when he told Abraham to take one of his sons to Morija and burn him there as a sacrifice. The Bible is full of such instructions. Stop disagreeing just for the sake of it.

>he commands people to obey him.
>through one dude, never directly to them.
He commands Abraham directly.

>except for when he's not.
Yeah, he sometimes displays this characteristic and sometimes he doesn't. That doesn't mean it's not one of his attributes.

>he made promises, he also broke them, he also made threats etc...
You could have stopped at "He made promises", because that already proved my point.

>but "he" never did it, always through a mediator.
Liar. He *personally* promises shit to Abraham on several occasions.

See "Demanding". "Except for when he's not" is not an argument. The fact that you're not displaying your lack of education *all* the time doesn't mean that you're not uneducated.

>for almost every act god has done in the bible you can an act that stands in direct opposite.
Which would make him hypocritical, or inconsistent, but not free of attributes.