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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2750375 No.2750375 [Reply] [Original]

I got an idea

Lets say we, as the earth, dedicate a massive amount of time and resources to devise a way to destroy the sun (the nemesis of the earth)

How plausible is it that we could destroy the sun?

>> No.2750379

4/10 made me laugh

>> No.2750418
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This isnt a laughing matter. This is very serious. Which is why I came to a serious place to discuss this.

>> No.2750433
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>> No.2750429

what sort of time frame are we talking about?

>> No.2750441


Unlimited I suppose.

Captcha: The Sun is Awesome

>> No.2750446
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>wait 50 billion years for the sun to explode

>> No.2750456
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Okay, how about, 1000 years. If we dont destroy the sun in 1000 years, the sun destroys US

>> No.2750462
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A few theories propose that the sun is actually driven by electrical properties/means, rather than the comical concept of a 'nuclear furnace'. We can run a 150 million mile long strand of 50AWG copper wire to it, connect it to the ground, and electrify our planet causing the sun to halt its ignition processes.

>> No.2750483

Actually this would work, If you had enough magnets you could just star lift till the sun went nova. You would need a lot of fucking magnets though......

>> No.2750484
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I got a question.

How large would a missile have to be...


>> No.2750491

This looks like an anus.

>> No.2750492
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Hey guis whats going on in here?

>> No.2750497

missles wont do shit, its like saying:
what will happen if i threw gasoline into a stove ?

>> No.2750502

What kind of explosives/armaments in said missile?

>> No.2750504


Oh I see what you are trying to say. So instead of shooting a missile at the sun, we would essentially have to shoot the sun at a pile of missiles.

>> No.2750508
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>> No.2750513

Take jupiter, turn as much of it's mass as is possible into trillions of umbrella shaped solar sails. They close to fall towards the sun, and open to fly away from it. Have them form a current around the sun which directs the energy from the radiation pressure into 1 direction. Steer the sun into another star.

>> No.2750522
File: 32 KB, 341x450, adolf-hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sun is a big ball of energy
>wants to destroy energy

THERMODYNAMICS: energy can neither be destroyed nor created

>> No.2750525

/sci/ - Ways to destroy the nemesis of earth

>> No.2750527
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we need the sun for like plants and shit, brah

>> No.2750528

throw a black hole towards it.

any other answer is troll.

>> No.2750533
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>implying that if we obliterated the sun we would be able to live
>implying Earth wouldn't freeze to nearly 10K

>> No.2750549


Listen, Im not saying life without the sun with be easy. If anything its about time the Earth toughened up and learned to live on its own. But life around the sun has been hell. We are constantly in the palm of the suns hand, where at any moment he could crush us in his fist.

Patrick Henry said it best when he said to the Brittish "Give me liberty or give me death!"

In conclusion Brittain is kind of like the sun.

>> No.2750564
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I agree with this man. Let's find a way to eradicate the British, and it should work on the sun, too!

>> No.2750567
File: 11 KB, 125x125, mario-sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sun is a star made of fire

what would happen if we fired a star made of ice at it

>> No.2750561
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>> No.2750571

1/10 because I smirked very slightly

>> No.2750576
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this is the shape of the current I am talking about.

>> No.2750579


>> No.2750581
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>ice vs. plasma

>> No.2750622

We have plenty of water here on earth. I say we fly a few unmanned spaceships full of ocean water to the sun. Problem fucking solved.

>> No.2750628

Whom does the sun love? Maybe we can destroy it emotionally.

>> No.2750636

you realize the entire earth is like 1/1000 the size of the sun. and since the ocean only makes up some of the crust.......

>> No.2750634

i loled

this is the best bet...

>> No.2750646

sun is 1.3 million times the size of the earth

>> No.2750658

The sun is one soulless bastard. It loves no one but itself, and hates US even more.

>> No.2750668

The one ACTUAL in this entire thread gets ignored...

>> No.2750699
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hw to threw black whole?

>> No.2750787


Yeah, but the oceans we do have can buy us sometime until the oceans refill.

To take down a slumbering beast you dont go full force all at once. You have to pester it slowly until it dies of exhaustion.

>> No.2750915

i'm quite amused by this thread

Why don't we just find a way to have earth leave the solar system? live and let die- we could find a sun that's not an evil british bastard

>> No.2750928

The Solarian threat is not so great a menace to us as is the Jovian threat. So, how shall we deal with those lanky gas-bags?

>> No.2750934

Blow up the moon and replace it with a Death Star...then we let the Sun witness the firepower of our fully armed and operational battle station.

>> No.2750955


Launch massive gobs of neutronium from multiple directions at center of the adversary, timed perfectly for simultaneous arrival. Bam, blow the shit out of adversary and create black hole. This might take a few hundreds of thousands of years and a lot of doing but it's pretty much foolproof.

I only concoct plans like this at night.

>> No.2750964

why to destroy sun??
soon it will run out of power anyway. I mean coal inside sun cant last forewer

>> No.2750962

Change the universal gravitational constant.
Lots of bigger stars become black holes

Now, the problem is reduced to how to change the gravitational constant....

>> No.2750971

lol'ing hard

>> No.2750999




>> No.2752685
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this is too epic of a thread to simply let die... we still need to destroy the sun

>> No.2752774

Find a way to make the star produce iron. Since seconds after a star starts to produce iron it nova's.

It has to do with the molecules of iron and how they cannot reproduce or something along that lines.

>> No.2752838
File: 69 KB, 800x600, hungry+pissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Load up all the earth's bears onto the moon, then wing the moon into the sun. I know it's pretty small but it's a good start!

>> No.2752954

First, on the planet we take every lemon from the planet. Moon lemons are ok, but not ideal. After lemons gathered, they need to be condensed.

Next, the lemons should be used to create a lemon that is larger then normal lemons. This large lemon is then used in the final step.

Finallly, the sun is then destroyed through the previous methods.

>> No.2752964

Don't you ever change, /sci/

>> No.2752968

I don't know what's going on in this thread but this thing in the OP pic looks like an anus.

>> No.2752977

Ok, yeah. I've got it. I've it. Yeah.
Now we live in a universe, right? That fuckass bastard sun also resides in this universe.
The solution is simple! Destroy the universe.
Now, you might be asking (you should be asking questions anyway, you dumb fuck) "If we destroy the universe, won't we be destroyed as well?"
Yeah, it's true. That's why we'll have to create a new universe. Only this time, Universe Deux cannot have the same sun that we live near.
So what I'm saying is, we create a new universe (Universe Deux) that doesn't have the Sun, move ourselves to it, then destroy the old universe.

>> No.2752996


But destroying the universe is actually harder than destroying the sun!

>> No.2753033

Hey. Yeah, you know what? Fuck you, that's what.
Are you a manly man or some bitch-ass pussy, you bitch-ass pussy? Go pussy around, you pussy.
Real men will go above and beyond the problem to create new problems, then solve them.
Fuck ya'll cheesedick motherfuckers who won't solve problems with larger problems.

>> No.2753057



>Solve a problem
>With a harder problem

>> No.2753075


You're a madman and your ways are illogical. May science have mercy on your soul.

>> No.2753084

Your universe is made of your perceptions and beliefs. Convince yourself that the sun doesn't exist, and for you, it won't.

>> No.2753104


You're retarded. That's like saying you can't destroy a house because a house has mass and a house therefore has energy, first law of thermodynamics means I can't destroy the house? Nah, fuck you. OP is proposing we put the Sun out, we end the nuclear fusion.

>> No.2753105



>> No.2753113

Just don't tell environmentalists. Those guys are a bunch of sun worshipping cultists.

>> No.2753120

This is easy. Launch a large amount of iron into the sun. No star can fuse iron, and because of this the inner pressure of the star would overcome gravity's crushing force and blow the star apart. Probably in seconds.

>> No.2753122


My ways may be illogical, but you cannot deny that it would be way cooler.

Why alter your universe when you could create an entirely new one?

I think that you guys are forgetting that by creating a new universe, you could have anything you want in it. Blackjack and hooker dens in every city in the universe! Hot women of every species that the Japs can punch out of their minds flying through space giving blowjobs to you! High-speed internet filling up your hard drives with porn!

>> No.2753121
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>> No.2753137
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Okay, I've got what I believe is a plausible plan of attack.
We determine exactly where the sun was being formed 4.5 billion years ago, and take a space shuttle to those precise coordinates. Once we're there, we go back in time and use a something as mechanically simplistic as the common leaf blower to prevent the convalesce of the gas molecules that would create the Solar Menace.

>> No.2753147


I like it.

Someone get Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd on the phone.

>> No.2753161 [DELETED] 

why haven't the daleks tried this yet lol

>> No.2753169
File: 56 KB, 640x387, david.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why haven't the daleks tried this yet lollll

>> No.2753174


>Use highly sophisticated time machine
>resort to using a leaf blower

Why can't we use something cooler to keep the molecules apart :<

>> No.2753184

A large scale molecular acceleration device..
I call it..
the leaf blower.

>> No.2753187
File: 39 KB, 211x312, JosephSmithUberTroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pray to the son

>> No.2753188


>> No.2753189

Death is inevitable, harness his power and accept him. All the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garish sun.

>> No.2753198

Beaf lover sounds better

>> No.2753203

Yeah, but it's still there. We can't leave that fucking sun conducting nuclear fusion in peace.

>> No.2753207

Mh, why don't we simply attack at night?
The Sun won't be expecting us and its defenses will be at their lowest.

On a more realistic note, how much energy would be needed (and how should it be applied) to disrupt the Sun's fusion reaction in a way such that it rapidly accelerates it, leading it to its unstoppable collapse.

>> No.2753243
File: 42 KB, 869x500, grazing_sunkiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Import several massive(jupiter-mass or more) nickel-iron(or heavier elements, if you can swing it) planets into the solar system.

2. Install bussard fusion ramjets on each, including steering systems(nuclear pulse for massive thrust).

3. Steer each planet into a sun-grazing elliptical orbit around the sun, with the bussards scooping up fuel and burn it to compensate for speed lost by friction.

4a. Have all the planets in the same orbit. This way, increase the spin of the sun enough to either drive down the fusion in the core, or alternatively, turn it into a torus for easy extraction of material.

4b. Have all the planets in orbits that cancel the speed imparted on the sun. This way, you can simply keep burning away the fuel scooped from the sun, until it's mass diminishes low enough for fusion to stop.

>> No.2753271

how about converting the inner planets into superconducting wire? We should get a few hundred million miles worth out of it. Drop one end in the sun, let the other end orbit stretched out. No stress on wire, and it'll bleed enough energy from the core you should get a collapse pretty quick

>> No.2753299

genetically engineer some sort of weird organism that absorbs hydrogen gas and grows

then just launch it into the sun and wait a bit

>> No.2753323

Unplug it?

>> No.2753345

Let's get back to OP's question: essentially, how plausible is it that the human race, through a concerted effort, could "destroy", which I take to mean 'disperse into small, distantly spaced parts' our Sun. The plausibility that this eventuality would arise is greater than that the Bible is literally true, but lesser than that there is a teacup circling Mars as we speak.

>> No.2753373


I believe a teacup circling around Mars to be more probable than the bible being literally true.

Wat now?

>> No.2753387

Yes, very doable. It's always easier to break something than make something. A simple ramjet type space ship on a long circular trip would do the trick. Picture 5000 tons moving .99c impacting on the sun.
Or, if you could get something big near the sun's core, some shaped nuclear charges to promote iron fusion would end trigger a mini nova/collapse in a few seconds. It's not as difficult as say, curing cancer.

>> No.2753432

Oh yeah, the whole iron thing. Iron gets mentioned a lot in this thread, but no one really says it. Stars run on fusion. Hydrogen into Helium, Helium into Lithium, then Boron etc. All these fusion actions release energy. Until you get to Iron. Fusing into Iron actually absorbs energy, instead of releasing it. So when a star starts making iron, it's a very very quick end to the thermal process. Gravity takes over, and suddenly you've got enough iron collapsing the core that the shock wave blows the skin off the sun. That's how you make novas and super novas.