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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2749864 No.2749864 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, I was browsing over the shitty hipster board /mu/ and I'm wondering why these retarded hipsters are placing the same level of importance of science to art, if not more.

>yfw they think art is equally important to the advances the made by science


>> No.2749871

Because what you want to do with your life is subjective. Stop acting like progress should be the only goal for society. What's the point of progress if you're doing it just for the sake of progress?

>> No.2749878


>> No.2749900

Oh, OP!

It's been too long, but I think it'd be >>>/mu/16338429

To answer your question, opinions.

>> No.2749912
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I think that we, as humans, have established ourselves as a race that not only likes to progress our own society, but at the same time have fun while doing so, else life just becomes too dull and gray.

It's good to listen to some music while you research as well as put some color in your science. You know, make things interesting. No one wants a scientifically enhanced society that's boring right?

>> No.2749924

creativity is a large part of discovery!

>> No.2749933

Alright OP, the first thing you should know about /mu/ is that it's full of trolls, especially the (numerous) tripfags. Seriously, almost every single tripfag is a troll, a fag or both.

>> No.2749946

Art and design concepts actually are also very important for the development of future technologies. This is mainly applied through the concept of User Interface (UI).

I personally believe we should invest more into UI development in the future.

>> No.2749961

Holy shit! I never seen so many tripfags. How can this be? How hipsters lurk the same website I do? I must kill my self now.

>> No.2749966

If people on /sci/ can't *at least* appreciate the beauty of art then I feel sorry for them.

As someone else has said, there's no point of progress if it's just for progress' sake.

Literature can be just as intricate as the most complex scientific theory because it's only limited by the mind of the person viewing it.

>> No.2749970

Except the people that actually do the UIs themselves are the programmers. Being able to make it look pretty is not the same as actually making it work.

Sure is, pretty rageworthy trolls in here.

This still doesn't explain why art should be considered as something important. Entertaining and lively? Sure, but it shouldn't be placed over something higher that can advance our civilization.

>> No.2749986

While scientists are innovating and advancing technology, there are people who aren't scientists.

They need something to do while scientists push the big rock, you know?

>> No.2749998
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>> No.2750009

How is your child like understanding of the world going for you OP.

Art it important, and it is important to science.

You lack a sophisticated understanding of are and science so I will try to put this in a way your simple mind can understand.

Art can be used to show scientists where to go in their work. Take some art like Star Trek. It can show scientists why we might want to explore space, what we might need to do it, and how we might go about it. No, Star Trek isn't a template for human exploration of space. However, it is a source of inspiration for actual space travel.

Or take one of the many movies where someone clones a human and shit goes horribly wrong. Those can present a scenerio to explore the possible consequences of a path of discovery. Knowing this, the scientist can expand his considerations of how and why he does his work.

So stop being a tard who thinks science is some fucking alternative to everything else.

>> No.2750022

>implying art doesn't advance civilization

Art is a really broad field which covers complete abstraction to science fiction.If art inspires someone to better themselves , or make them feel less lonely when there depressed or even suicidal then I think it dose a pretty important job.

It's weird though only on /sci have I seen otherwise intelligent people be so opposed to artistic expression.Makes me think they raged when they were little kids thinking they were smarter then everyone else but couldn't even draw a stick man.

>> No.2750033

Hi /mu/

>You lack a sophisticated understanding of are and science so I will try to put this in a way your simple mind can understand.

Okay, enlighten me all knowing one.

>Take some art like Star Trek.

>> No.2750034


>> No.2750046

Taking a shot in the dark of which boards you go to. They'd like you back.


>> No.2750053 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 300x309, RageFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Art it important, and it is important to science.

Art can be used to show scientists where to go in their work. Take some art like Star Trek.
>Yes, lets have dumbass artists who don't know the laws of physics tell scientists to make faster than light travel and then bitch about why they haven't accomplished it yet.
It can show scientists why we might want to explore space, what we might need to do it, and how we might go about it.
>so we can hook up with green space mermaids? also:
No, Star Trek isn't a template for human exploration of space. However, it is a source of inspiration for actual space travel.
>the first relevent point you've made. Unfourtunetly, you fail, because the space program was launched before Star Trek, and look at all the fail it has led to lately.
Or take one of the many movies where someone clones a human and shit goes horribly wrong. Those can present a scenerio to explore the possible consequences of a path of discovery. Knowing this, the scientist can expand his considerations of how and why he does his work.
>implying scientists are so smart they can figure out how to clone humans, yet too stupid to project possible consequences.
>implying scientists who are smart enough to clone humans aren't smart enough to project the possible consequences
>implying bullshit scare stories by hollywood morons haven't directly led to the public saying "HURR DURR I DON'T WANT NO EVIL GMO FOOD" or "HURR DURR NUKULAR IS EVIL" or "HURR DURR WE DONT WANT NO CONSIOUS COMPUTER THAT WILL BE EVIL AND DESTROY US"

So stop being a tard who thinks science is some fucking alternative to everything else.

>> No.2750067




>> No.2750077
File: 20 KB, 155x160, th_RageFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art it important, and it is important to science.
>explain how picasso or other LSD hipster morons have helped science.
Art can be used to show scientists where to go in their work. Take some art like Star Trek.
>Yes, lets have dumbass artists who don't know the laws of physics tell scientists to make faster than light travel and then bitch about why they haven't accomplished it yet.
It can show scientists why we might want to explore space, what we might need to do it, and how we might go about it.
>so we can hook up with green space mermaids? also:
No, Star Trek isn't a template for human exploration of space. However, it is a source of inspiration for actual space travel.
>the first relevent point you've made. Unfourtunetly, you fail, because the space program was launched before Star Trek, and look at all the fail it has led to lately.
Or take one of the many movies where someone clones a human and shit goes horribly wrong. Those can present a scenerio to explore the possible consequences of a path of discovery. Knowing this, the scientist can expand his considerations of how and why he does his work.
>implying scientists are so smart they can figure out how to clone humans, yet too stupid to project possible consequences.
>implying bullshit scare stories by hollywood morons haven't directly led to the public saying "HURR DURR I DON'T WANT NO EVIL GMO FOOD" or "HURR DURR NUKULAR IS EVIL" or "HURR DURR WE DONT WANT NO CONSIOUS COMPUTER THAT WILL BE EVIL AND DESTROY US"

>your whole post implying that sci-fi art was not created IN RESPONSE to new developments by scientists NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.


>> No.2750079

Hum, no wonder you're such a twat, you visit /g/

>> No.2750081


>Sure, but it shouldn't be placed over something higher that can advance our civilization.

How can you think art doesn't advance civilization?

Importantly I think, art can transgress intelligence. Someone who has no grasp of the workings of quantum physics would be at a loss if a scientist attempted to explain complex concepts.

On the other hand, someone who's open and receptive can appreciate the most complex of literature, the most technical of art on some level - even beyond what they may realise.

Look at how important underground literature was in the spreading of ideas and revolution in the Eastern bloc after WWII, or in China after the cultural revolution. And even how much effort Mao and Stalin exerted in suppressing people like Ai Qing and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

And on the other side, Ai Qing was once an important writer for Mao before writing a polemic poem. Art has had, and will continue to have, a huge impact on civilization.

>> No.2750086


Was my explination too advanced for you?


Do they not have meds for the form of autism you have, or did you forget to take them?

>> No.2750093


>How can you think art doesn't advance civilization?

You need to understand that art is a form of communication, and autistics don't understand communication.

>> No.2750094

/mu/tant here, I've never seen anyone being down on science over there, or implying art is more important than science; OP is a fag once again

Perhaps he is mad because he posted his shitty taste and got insulted

What is it that /sci/entists listen to anyway? Progressive rock? Metal maybe?

>> No.2750095

>enjoying life

we are robots we feel no emotion our only goal should be to contribute to society thats it. It's logical.

god you fags are pathetic

>> No.2750096

don't bother, bro, their brains have been fried by exhaustive hallucinogen-induced neuron deficits

>> No.2750097
File: 113 KB, 446x354, failedcat_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb as a christian

>> No.2750100


I'm not quite sure what you're getting it, but looks like some sort of snide comment that avoids any real discussion.

>> No.2750105

To completely and outright dismiss art is too dismiss half of the awesome of human experience.

It's only your loss, autistic /sci/ducks.

>> No.2750109

Art and science have the same goal - to improve humanity's quality of life. Science has been more successful, but I'm glad we have art too. My life would suck were in not for music, movies, visual art, &c.

>> No.2750116

sometimes i don't like sci because of the aspies and autistics who think the only goal in life is to contribute to society. Some of you are absolutely pathetic.

>> No.2750120

>ignore basic human biological functions like emotion


>> No.2750121

>implying bullshit scare stories by hollywood morons haven't directly led to the public saying "HURR DURR I DON'T WANT NO EVIL GMO FOOD" or "HURR DURR NUKULAR IS EVIL" or "HURR DURR WE DONT WANT NO CONSIOUS COMPUTER THAT WILL BE EVIL AND DESTROY US"

>> No.2750138

>implying it's not actually there
Learn to comprehend.

>My Bloody Vacuums


>> No.2750156

>sometimes i don't like sci because of the aspies and autistics who think the only goal in life is to contribute to society. Some of you are absolutely pathetic.

says this in a thread about whether or not art is important.
>implying "important" doesnt refer to contributions to socieity.
you fail at logic bro.

>> No.2750159
File: 2.02 MB, 800x533, dealwithit-larry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art contributes nothing to society.

Science advances our species. Art encourages our species to be lazy and do drugs.

>> No.2750160

>hurr durr i know everything and all these things are completely safe because i can predict the future and know every outcome, its science.

you sound like just as much of a retard.

>> No.2750165

>getting mad on the internet about people having opinions

sure is autistic aspergers in here

>> No.2750168


>I'm not quite sure what you're getting it, but looks like some sort of snide comment that avoids any real discussion.

Which goes to the point of you not communicating well, and communicating the poit of the topic is a wasted effort.

But let's do it anyways.

First thing you need to understand is that studying science and knowing science do not make you a scientist. So you first need to get the misconception out of your head that you are a scientist.

Now pretend, and this time realize you are pretending, that you are a scientist. What should you work on? This universe has a lot of shit to explore and discover. How do you choose?

Well, scientists have been getting their inspiration from all kinds of art ever since humans started doing science.

Art is a way to communicate to scientists and society the kinds of things that can be explored, the kinds of things that are important to humanity, the motivations of these things etc.

Art is a form of communication to scientists oh what they should be doing. This isn't arts only role, and this isn't the only inspiration for scientists. It is one of many.

This is how art and science can and do relate, and it is important.

>> No.2750169

True science has no practical application, no benefit to society. If it does than it is simply pandering to the masses like the art that you so abhor.

>> No.2750172


>Art contributes nothing to society.

No. Just no.

>> No.2750188

>they've never done acid and walked outside on a sunny day while listening to music

art rules. deal with it nerds

>> No.2750198

Science is not done by robots who know only what they can derive. If it were we would build a robot to do it, really we would. Arts provides the inspiration. Are we not trying to model our own distant future on what Cpt. Picard and P.K. Dick said it should look like?
Arts and sciences are not in fucking competition. This is the height of aspie insecurity. If you cannot appreciate the world's beauty, then why the fuck are you trying to be a scientist? Go be an accountant or something...

>> No.2750201

Art is a source of communication and inspiration for our species, and it is immensely important to our species. For one reason or another, humans have an innate urge to create, whether it is organizing the knickknacks on your desk or painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, we strive to make the world around us our own. And while the horse and buggy and the telegraph have receded are things of the past, art never becomes obsolete. A cave painting is just as powerful today as it was when it was painted ten thousand years ago. Art, as much as science, helps us understand ourselves, it shows us where we've been and where we are going, and I view it as being equally important as science.

>> No.2750206

Actually, it is.

Well, it depends on your definition of art, of course.

When it's summer and I'm out all day long it's getting dark and I lay back into the grass and watch as one star after another appears on the blue sky .. that, for me, is art. To let the mind wander off and become fascinated and inspired and to try to evoke these emotions in others, that is art.
And it is the origin of science.
What, you think those greek philosophers a few thousand years ago were all about math?

Without this kind of art, science means nothing.
Most of the people would blow their brains out if there was no art in their lives.
Without science there is no art. We'd be to busy fighting for survival.

On the other hand, today there is a whole shitload of 'art' that doesn't deserve that name. And a lot of the 'science' behind that art is also pretty redundant I guess.

>> No.2750213
File: 12 KB, 800x600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guise, check it out, I just made this<<<, its art.

>> No.2750214

Of the millions of Star Wars documentaries, I saw one where they asked actual scientists about the affect Star Wars has had on their work.

At one point they give a specific example. They were working on super hot plasma suspended by magnetic fields.

They saw the lightsabers, and it got them to consider real world needs and applications for such a thing.

After seeing Star Wars there were able to consider solutions that they otherwise would not have. And now we have this room sized machine that can suspend super hot plasma in a magnetic field, and it kind of looks like a fat lightsaber beam. The scientists fully expect to make this in to a portable device given more time and research.

Why is art important? Because it leads to real life fucking lightsabers is why.

If you cannot understand that, then enjoy having assburgers.

>> No.2750220


This man knows what he's talking about.

>> No.2750221

Any moron can to art, literally a retard who dunked his hand in paint is an artist.

Art has value in its skill to create and ability to convey concepts, but art its self, as in pretty pictures, is completely worthless as a whole.

>> No.2750226


I just contribooted to society like a motherfucker
so, wheres my motherfucking Nobel?

>> No.2750234

>Why is art important? Because it leads to real life fucking lightsabers is why.

Thats not art, thats just imagination. Art as in art galleries, not "holy shit tanks are beautiful"; otherwise where is the line?

Might as well call math art, because "X^2" is beautiful!

>> No.2750239

Seriously though, what would we lose if we got rid of all artists?

Plainer advertising? I don't see a downside.

>> No.2750248


>Any moron can to art, literally a retard who dunked his hand in paint is an artist.

That's the equivalent of me lumping all pseudo-science in with science and judging it as a whole.

>> No.2750254

When it's summer and I'm out all day long it's getting dark and I lay back into the grass and watch as one star after another appears on the blue sky .. that, for me, is art.

but that's NOT art.

i am defining art as it is actually is defined, and you are defining it with some idiotic self-made definition, and then YOU are getting pissed at ME, for saying "art is stupid".


>> No.2750256

Art and science are just extrapolations of the human desire to create and understand. They are equally necessary and important to society. To say otherwise is extremely foolish.

>> No.2750257


Are you a troll or is the extent of your exposure to art based on graphic design?

>> No.2750270


>Thats not art, thats just imagination. Art as in art galleries, not "holy shit tanks are beautiful"; otherwise where is the line?

Holy fuck, you may actually have a form of assburgers.

Movies like Star Wars is art. Art isn't just paintings, photos and sculptures you see in a gallery.

How can someone know so little about the basics of art?


>watch as one star after another appears on the blue sky .. that

This is slightly less retarded, but still retarded. Art needs to be arranged by a person to be art. Natural occurences can be as beautiful as art, but they are not art. And by "as beautiful as" I mean art can try to be as beautiful as nature.

>> No.2750271

The ability to convey our emotions through an object or sound is what differentiates us from animals
Any monkey can do science

>> No.2750278


Basically all you retards who are aruguing for art are basically saying that art is good because it advertises science.

that means you actually DONT care about the art, you only care about the science.


>> No.2750275

Art is important because it promotes an observer practice abstract thinking.

However, critical thinking is still required. All science is just as retarded as all art. Too much of a good thing.

>> No.2750281

All I want tok now is the different world we'd live in if we didn't have the great artists secretly hold up society.

>> No.2750285


Not really, science implies a particular style of work based on confirming hypothesis. Pseudo-science is sketchy guesswork that sometimes turns out to be true at best.

art is hard to classify due to the individual differences between what people recognize as art. So, in order to perserve art, everything made with the intention of being art for that person is art to everyone, otherwise you could label anything 'not art'.

Science has a very rigorous definition of what is and isn't science, since that is it's core mechanism for dismissing false and untrue science.

>> No.2750295

Apples and oranges
There's no such thing as false or untrue art

>> No.2750299

>The ability to convey our emotions through an object or sound is what differentiates us from animals
>Any monkey can do science





>> No.2750301

Do you have any posters on your walls? Do you have a desktop background? Your favorite movie would not exist. Your favorite band would have never played a single song. Unless you listen to talk radio all of the time, your drive home from work would be very quiet. And you'd better get used to non-fiction, because there would be no more literature.

No downside my ass.

>> No.2750308

>Seriously though, what would we lose if we got rid of all artists?

Very little if you are just talking about "professional" artists. I am ok with say the people who make family guy since that is a product that increases the economy and serves a purpose. Shit like the monalisa is just pretentious bullshit.

>> No.2750312

So cavemen or pygmys aren't human?
Also, monkeys do science

>> No.2750320

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.2750322

If we had no art from the get-go that would be the norm. I don't read fiction anyway. Besides I'd be reading and learning a lot more if my favorite movies or tv shows were never created.

>> No.2750327

I never said that art is good because it advertises science. I said and will continue to say that art and science are equally important. You clearly do not know how to read.


>> No.2750330

Hey guise, check it out, i just made science.

>> No.2750333

>Movies like Star Wars is art. Art isn't just paintings, photos and sculptures you see in a gallery.

Then as I said where is the line? What is and isnt art?

If I take a big shit and take a picture of it, is that art?

If I write my name is that art?

Is "2+2=4" art?

You cant just pick and choose, or else everything is art, and this whole thread is pointless since

art = science

under your thought process.

This is a science board, sorry if I do not buy your argument because you "feel" star wars is art but "fee" that a tank isnt art.

>> No.2750335

Do you have any posters on your walls?
>I have a map
Do you have a desktop background?
A completely black screen, I don't like distractions.
Your favorite movie would not exist.
>OK, I do like Jurrassic Park.
>Your favorite band would have never played a single song.
I don't have a favorite band. I hate any music with vocals.

then again maybe im an aspie.

>> No.2750342

Doing something thats already been discovered isnt science, thats just math. Science is the pursuit of new understanding and ideas.

>> No.2750343


Monkeys do pattern testing. Similar to the fundamentals of science, but pretty primitive.

It's kind of brilliant actually, the minds desire to correlate things. But sadly, art is just a byproduct of this kicking into overdrive in humans, as well, our rigor in science is also a byproduct of this, since it's easy to do science, but hard to do good science.

I'll admit that art is as good as bad science, if that makes you feel better.

>> No.2750348
File: 27 KB, 389x388, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw when you realized OP was trying to start a shitstorm but then realized that he failed horribly


>Da Vinci

>> No.2750350

>Then as I said where is the line? What is and isnt art?
Art is what you made to express a feeling

>If I take a big shit and take a picture of it, is that art?
If you want to express something by doing this yes

>If I write my name is that art?

>Is "2+2=4" art?
No, but "2+2=5" is art

>You cant just pick and choose, or else everything is art, and this whole thread is pointless since
Yes you can

>> No.2750361

Really? So if discovered some new groundbreaking scientific fact and felt joy and happiness that is art?

>> No.2750367


>Your favorite movie would not exist. Your favorite band would have never played a single song. Unless you listen to talk radio all of the time, your drive home from work would be very quiet. And you'd better get used to non-fiction, because there would be no more literature.

Even people that are arguing in favour of art seem to only think of contemporary, popular examples of entertainment


>Look at how important underground literature was in the spreading of ideas and revolution in the Eastern bloc after WWII, or in China after the cultural revolution. And even how much effort Mao and Stalin exerted in suppressing people like Ai Qing and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

>> No.2750372

>No, but "2+2=5" is art

art confirmed for failure.

>> No.2750373

It's not about feeling, it's about expressing your feelings

>> No.2750377

So your whole argument is "I am right and you are wrong because I say so". Good argument, hard to beat it, since you know, its bullshit.

>If you want to express something by doing this yes
Everything ever created by a human expresses something. Name a single thing created by man that does not express something.

>> No.2750386


No. Because you did not make the discovery because you felt emotion, but you felt emotion because you made a discovery.

>> No.2750394

Your computer

>> No.2750397

you are a retard
knowledge goes in chain, all from mastering fire to nuclear fision is science.
as in art, where that shitty paint drawing is art, but is horrible and disgusting art. the "science" from catholic church is science, but is horrible science.
you getting it now?

>> No.2750399

You've never felt bad and listened to your favorite song? You've never watched a funny movie to cheer you up? You've never been inspired by a picture, comic, book, lyric, poem, etc... If you say yes, then you are a lying faggot. Art is very important to us, it is deeply ingrained in our very psychology. It is the same creative drive that inspires us discover the world around us using science. Science and art are just two expressions of the same phenomenon, and I sincerely believe that one cannot exist without the other.

>> No.2750405

>It's not about feeling, it's about expressing your feelings

Expressing your feelings?
WTF? what does that even mean? Feelings are random neurons firing in your brain, why do you NEED other people to hear it?

are you an attentionwhore?

>> No.2750415

>Your computer
No desire to express:
wanting to kill someone
an easier way to life
a better way of life
the power of man
ect ect...

>> No.2750416

So basically what you're saying is the way to cheer myself up and motivate myself is by distractions. Studying can do that. You can watch an experiment one day and say "hey that looks like something I want to do for the rest of my life!"

>> No.2750422

Well, I'm a street musician
When my neural connections cause a dopamine production I feel happy because dopamine is important for me
So I put this feeling into a song and I play music in the streets so the people get the same neural connection and produce dopamine because dopamine is also important for them

>> No.2750427

>knowledge goes in chain, all from mastering fire to nuclear fision is science

You sir are confused. To "do science" you must be discovering something new.

Saying 2+2=4 isnt science

Saying 2+2=4 on your way to figure out how big the turbines on the new dam need to be is science. The equations behind building the turbine are known, but not for this dam specifically.

>> No.2750439

We only have 5 major sense, is it really hard to understand that the best want to communicate might have a very high BER. Basically you are saying that art is nothing but an efficient method of communication, not information for communicating.

>> No.2750444
File: 20 KB, 800x600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that shitty paint drawing

I made a new one in Paint.net. Check it out, it only took 45 seconds. Its pretty good. I think I might be the next picasso.

>> No.2750450

I'm not saying you can't do that as well. But whether you like it or not, art is just something we do as a species. It comes to us as naturally as scratching our asses. It's a powerful way for us to communicate with one another. Art can comfort us when and art can be a great source of inspiration. If you don't appreciate that then you lead a very bleak life indeed.

>> No.2750453

>only five senses


>> No.2750455

not even with trips faggot

i can belive there's so many angsty teenagers who can't apreciate the human expressions, you'll grow up don't worry.

>> No.2750459

>only five senses

I said 5 MAJOR senses, we have more than 5.


>> No.2750460


I propose the hypothesis that the universe is made up of oscillating hula-hoops.

I call it the hula-hoop theory. It's one of the outsiders for the TOE.

can i into science?

>> No.2750467


Is balance not a major sense? Why aren't you including that in your definition?

>> No.2750476

Exactly, I've learned more about how was the life in ancient greece looking at paintings and sculptures from this period than I learned from history lessons or books about this period
And I spent like hundred times more hours in history class

>> No.2750477

Sure just fax over your 300 pages of evidence and experiments and well check it out.

Theres a reason its an exclusive club

>> No.2750478

Do you have any evidence to back up your theory?

>> No.2750506


Unfortunately, there's a huge number of hula-hoop vacua that prevent any meaningful experimentation into my theory.

Also, all experiments would require so much energy as to make them nonviable.

>> No.2750517

>Is balance not a major sense? Why aren't you including that in your definition?

Because if you ask a person they will say 5 and be able to name them; thats why those 5 are major and the others are minor.

Its a convention, not a measure of importance. Your argument is as strong as saying using "s" to represent the SI unit for time is bullshit, why not use "l" is "l" not important?!?!?!

> I've learned more about how was the life in ancient greece looking at paintings and sculptures from this period

So art is basically the human's .net framework.

>> No.2750526

Then I have some bad news for you...

>> No.2750535


Might want to tell all the proponents of the string theory too then.

>> No.2750542
File: 192 KB, 800x600, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is definetly art

>> No.2750565

The arts in all their forms are humanity's means of expressing and stimulating imagination - which, regardless of your particular level of autism and/or teenage angst, we all have. The human capacity to imagine is so immense that there are many imaginable things which could very well be scientifically impossible for several centuries. Art is, among other things, a means of preserving inspiration for such a powerful and groundbreaking (but "impossible") idea, in the hopes that it will one day inspire a more advanced humanity to pursue such incredible goals. Da Vinci's helicopter sketches come to mind.

>> No.2750568
File: 194 KB, 800x600, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, this.

>> No.2750591

Omg, we got a fucking Picasso put in this bitch!

>> No.2750592

I can't see your point?
Are you just being a retarded 14 years old asshole or are you trying to explain something?

>> No.2750594
File: 243 KB, 800x600, Untitled4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kick ass at art.

>> No.2750609
File: 111 KB, 468x600, picasso_selfport1907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now for some real Picasso.

Wow. Deep.

>> No.2750612

>fucking Picasso put in this bitch!

*up in this

>> No.2750615

Don't encourage him. Everyone here knows he's an asshole. Engaging him will only make you stink as well.

>> No.2750626

I guess my point, is that someone (me) who has little respect for art is better at it (imo) than the people who get paid millions for it.

>> No.2750633

what are you attempting to express in your work?

>> No.2750650
File: 905 KB, 800x600, 1300768206982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My influences are Monet and Picasso. I will be putting my work up for the highest bidder. 300k starting.

>> No.2750657

What about money?
Art isn't about money...
Also, I can't remember who said "An artist isn't a particular person, each person is a particular artist"

>> No.2750672

Trolling is a art.

>> No.2750673

The monotonous chore of that every middle-class citizen endures in their lives known as the daily grind with a vibrant mix of colors, saturation and hues.

>> No.2750693

Oh, look. More scientists reinforcing the false dichotomy between art and science.

It isn't an either/or problem, you pathetic autists.

>> No.2750818

>As someone else has said, there's no point of progress if it's just for progress' sake.
That's ridiculous you both deserve lashings.

>> No.2750855
File: 51 KB, 479x422, picasso-1897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you could even hope to become as good as Picasso.
At 17, Picasso painted this. On 14, you're trolling in an anonymous image board.

>> No.2750860

People from /mu/ place more importance on art, namely MUSIC, than science because it is a MUSIC thread.
