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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2749707 No.2749707 [Reply] [Original]

god people can be convinced to believe some stupid shit

>> No.2749746

I feel bad about the kid.Probably will be exploited for sum easy moneys.

>> No.2749762
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OK, I myself am Christian, and I think the child's story is very touching and what not, but, would it make me a bad person if I said it as nicely as possible by saying, "I have my doubts" ?

My /sci/ self and religious self are at conflict! I mean, it is a child and I remember when I was a child my imagination would convince me of certain things, but at the same time.........I don't know :/

>> No.2749788


>My /sci/ self and religious self are at conflict!

You need to be able to reconcile the two and not let one overcome the other.

>> No.2749815
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It's tough trying to live in both worlds bro, you get hate from both sides.

>> No.2749828


If you have religion without science, then you believe the earth is 10,000 years old. If you have science without religion, you end up with the totalitarianisms of the 20th century.

>> No.2749830

>saw dead great grandfather in heaven
>describe him
>article doesn't give the parents shocked and amazed reaction to him being right like every other thing he "saw"

I'm guessing he got that part wrong and they don't wanna admit it.

>> No.2749832

I never get the logic behind these near death heaven encounter things.
Are they implying that God fucked up and accidentally showed him heaven? Or is it supposed to be GOd proving heaven is real? If it's the latter, why would he choose to do it through a vague story by a 4 year old?

arrrgggh this makes no sense

>> No.2749834

the parents had a miscarriage and the sister was a fully grown human being in heaven

does that mean every time i fap, every potential version of half of my child is fully grown in heaven?

>> No.2749842

>I myself am Christian

Bullshit, if you're serious, get the fuck out now before I bring the hammer down.

>> No.2749847

I fear my son maybe having a problem as this young lad is and I'm getting concerned that he may have a mental delusion. I just want my son to be healthy and happy.

>> No.2749851

I always wonder if Muslims or Jewfags ever get similar experiences like this

>> No.2749853


My /x/bros tell me that spirits can take any form they wish.

>> No.2749862

I wish Bullshit was still on the air so they could completely debunk this story.

>> No.2749863

quit bitching about abortions then and let them enjoy heaven.

>> No.2749873

Hello /sci/, today I would like to present to you some interesting information that I have gathered regarding ATHEISTS and THE AFTERLIFE. (I put them in caps to attract attention.)

For a few months now I have been studying many Near Death Experiences (NDE's for short). These experiences take place when an individual is dead (the heart stops beating, the brain ceases to receive oxygenated blood, biological functions stop). This state can only last for about 5 minutes before brain cells start to die and the individual becomes unsalvageable.

There are many things I have learned, but to keep thing short I will reduce it down to the most important thing thats on everyones minds: who goes to heaven and who goes to hell?

A basic trend found in all experiences is that God does not care what religion a person is in, an atheist can go to heaven and a christian can go to hell. It's a matter of the vibrational frequency of your soul (see quantum physics). theres a lot to explain here but I must move on as to keep this from not turning into a wall of text.

In addition, no one is condemned to any kind of hell, we choose a heaven or hell based on the emotional frequencies we entertain while alive. We also are not condemned to any heaven or hell for eternity; we can change our frequencies in the afterlife just like can change them here on earth. All one requires to enter a certain heaven is a change of heart, and the will power to WANT to change.

>> No.2749881
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Totally serious, brah.

>> No.2749885


The concepts of the afterlife is not a matter of magic, but a matter of extended science that is beyond our grasp (as of now). The big bang still did occur, but there is a plethora of other aspects about the big bang that we have yet to discover. There is much more to the origin of the universe that meets the eye, that all ties in with our consciousness.

There are many other things that I have learned here, but I figure this is the aspect that most people are interested in. The greatest thing that I love about all these discoveries is that I no longer have to worry about atheists. You can believe, or not believe, whatever you please. Atheism is a victimless crime that warrants no punishment, so you can go on in your life with the comforting knowledge that even if you are wrong about your non-belief in a God, it doesn't matter anyway because it won't affect you in the long run. So go ahead take a dump on everything I have said and call me retarded, I don't have to care any more because of these findings, I only wish to share this with people so that those who do believe can let their hearts rest easy knowing that there aren't billions of people burning in some kind of horrible hell because they didn't believe the right religion... No one has, and ever will, have a monopoly on God...

tl;dr Atheism =/= hell forever

Thank you for reading.

If you have any questions you would like to ask me, feel free and I will try to explain what I can. Criticism and skepticism is fine and to be expected, but please keep the questions rather modest.

>> No.2749888
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>I live there, but not in bumfuck Imperial redneck shithole area, I live in Omaha
>mfw I am atheist and this boy is retarded
>news media not realizing how this could all be made up by the parents telling their kid to be a cash cow

>> No.2749889

his grandfather was tall, skinny, with white curly hair and glasses

gl /x/

>> No.2749896


>> No.2749898


It's coming back in June I thought? But I doubt this will be popjlar enough then for a topic.

>> No.2749902

>The concepts of the afterlife is not a matter of magic, but a matter of extended science that is beyond our grasp (as of now)

stopped reading after this statement, go back to /b/, you are over your head in /sci/

>> No.2749903

brb making up story about me going to the moon using a dog as a stallion and making it into a non-fiction bestseller

>> No.2749918

Hey, are you by any chance an Air Force pilot? I am. And I have had a near death experience before. Wanna know a big secret? When pilots go into the centrifuge to train the body to stand massive g-forces, we always have experiences identical to what I know to be a near death experience. My conclusion: Near death experiences are a result of less blood flow to the brain. Don't believe me? stand up right now and blow on your thumb as hard as possible.

>> No.2749937


Not the same guy, but my bros on /x say that the soul escapes the body in those situations. If irreversible brain death occurs, it can't return.

>> No.2749939
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cool, so it doesn't matter as long as I change when I get to heaven lol

to be honest, if I saw God, I would probably believe in him

>> No.2749951

So... blowing on my thumb... forces my soul out of my body....? Sure. You win. Can't argue with that.

>> No.2749959


Well, no. You weren't clinically dead. You probably just had a hallucination. NDEs occur when all brain function has stopped. And if all brain function has stopped, you cannot into hallucinate.

I've also heard it claimed that when you sleep, the soul can temporarily leave the body and travel through time, which is why dreams sometimes predict the future.

>> No.2749960

i can't especially say that i give a crap what x says, nothing on x is based off of anything scientific

>> No.2749971
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/x/ and /sci/

>> No.2749977

If all brain activity has stopped, you've been dead probably upwards a day now. Don't see many people coming back after that long...
NDEs occur when the brain is working but the heart isn't. Hence, your dead but still thinking to an extent. Which, is essentially what happens in centrifuge, except the heart is beating the blood just isn't reaching the brain in sufficient quantity.

>> No.2749991


>NDE occurs when brain function has stopped
>in other words NEAR death experiences occur when dead

>> No.2749993


If brain function stops, the neurons start dying after a few minutes. The assumption is that when this point is reached, the soul can't return to the body.

>> No.2749999


If you have a beef with /x, go over there and challenge them.

>> No.2750015

dumb as a christian


>> No.2750019

>implying i have never been on /x/ before

>> No.2750038

Brain function will stop days, even weeks after the person is dead. External electrical or chemical stimulus can cause a stray potential even after the body begins to decompose. This constitutes brain activity. Learn2highschool biology.

>> No.2751011

Can he be falsified?