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2747536 No.2747536 [Reply] [Original]

Is race a social construct? Does human variation only exist at an individual level? Is it unscientific to mention humans in different parts of the world having adaptations to suit their environment?

>> No.2747548

no less relevant than breed of dog, dog breeds are all closer to each other genetically than divergent human populations

>> No.2747549

Semi-social, racial differences are not large enough to be a driving factor.

>> No.2747553

You can say what you like but you probably don't want a fanbase of storm faggots.

>> No.2747554

There are a small group of people in this world who are naturally immune to AIDS due to a mutation in their immune system. These people have an evolutionary advantage, but you can't tell without a microscope, or years of exposing them to all kinds of HIV variants with no signs of infection. Are they the start of a new race, or just the best darn people to breed with ever?

>> No.2747556

As long as you imply that different doesn't mean bad.

>> No.2747557

humans have different genes, there aren't clear dividing lines between race, for instance if you took a trip down the Nile at the northern area they'd all look like greeks, as you go down they'd start to look like arabs and as you go further south they get swarthier, bigger lipped and wider nosed until you wake up one day and are suprised to find yourself amongst negros.

>> No.2747563

>Is race a social construct?

Yes, if by "race" you mean things like "white" and "black."

>Does human variation only exist at an individual level?

No. There are certainly recognizable patterns among loosely defined sub-populations.

>Is it unscientific to mention humans in different parts of the world having adaptations to suit their environment?

Not necessarily, but usually in practice. The signal to noise ratio of legitimate science to bullshit stormfront pseudoscience is very low, one effect of the latter being to discourage the former.

>> No.2747569

What about skull types?

>> No.2747583

Look up heart medication and race.

>> No.2747642

There are clear differences between "races". To not acknowledge this would be silly. The thing
that is not certain is what is good and what is bad. For example black people are generally
better at running than white people. It's up to the individual to decide if that is a good thing. If you
have a black and white man aplying to a job we can see all kinds of statistics about both, theres
nothing wrong here. But to make a decision based solely on race, not to consider each
individial, is the bad part.

>> No.2747664

>There are clear differences between "races". To not acknowledge this would be silly.

I disagree. There is clear variation, but whether the social convention of races (white, black, asian, etc.) corresponds to anything biological in particular is very doubtful. For example, there is more genetic variation in sub-Saharan Africa than the rest of the world combined, yet the social convention is to lump all natives to that region together as "black," along with people in America descended from both West Africans and Europeans. It's all bullshit.

>> No.2747696
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>It's all bullshit

>> No.2747782

people who deny race has any significance have no business discussing biological taxonomy

>> No.2747793

>implying the previous sentence showing clear example of arbitrary bullshit doesn't exist.

>> No.2747794

>Ad Hominem and Name-Calling on separate levels when they're THE SAME THING
>Separation of Refutation and Counterargument

Stop posting this shit.

>> No.2747800

>this shit


>> No.2747855

Human evolution seems to indicate that traits specific to geographical locations can evolve over a period of about 20,000 years or so. For instance, white skin in northern latitudes.
It also seems to indicate that at shorter timescales there is only very slow adaptive change. For instance, dark-skinned Dravidians are found at higher latitudes in India and Bangladesh than light-skinned Malays, even though they have been in those places for thousands of years.
Since all of human history is compressed into the last 6000 years or so, we would be very foolish to attribute current differences in economic/social status of different ethnic groups to evolution.
In 1500 BC, northern Europe was very primitive and Egypt was a dominant power (with significant representation of dark-skinned people, though probably not as much as "afrocentrics" would like to believe). In 1000 AD, the Middle East, India and China were much more advanced technologically than Europe. Today the situation is that Europe is on top and Africa is on the bottom. These kinds of changes of fortune are simply too rapid to attribute to evolutionary change.

>> No.2748278

There was a news report done by john stossel showing the effects that racial stereotypes have. When a black man was told that golf was about intelligence and concentration, due to always being told that black people arent smart, he did poorly. He was later told that recent studies have shown that its physical prowess, and not the mind. He did significantly better. When a caucasian was told it was about the mind, he did better then when he was told it was about the body. So, different races do have differences, but stereotypes have a larger effect. You guys should watch it, its quite interesting. Also, google nigger mania (forgive the racism) and it have sourced facts on differences between races. Although, one might say it is quite bias

>> No.2748283

Oh yeah, and they did a similar test with test taking, and one with childeren. All had similar results.

>> No.2748290

Race is real, just like breeds of dog.

Culture is something else, though, and a more important factor. You can tell some useful information about someone from their accent, but not the color of their skin or facial features.

The real poison is the attempt to link race with our in-group/out-group tribalism urges.

>> No.2748351

If it doesnt make a big difference, then why are black people breaking laws, making gangs, killing people, and such. And if you deny it then you obviously live in a rich boy neighborhood, because black people dont live there