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2746417 No.2746417 [Reply] [Original]

Phillipines atheists


>> No.2746422
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>> No.2746432

How many people in the Philippines even read English? How many can even read?

>> No.2746508

Just more proof of the influence of Satan, his reach extends far.

>> No.2746522

You're probably just trolling. But I'm mad as hell because that is exactly what a true christfag would say.

So much rage.

>> No.2746546

I have always wondered why the two greatest opponents of the church, that is to say Science and Satan, have not fully settled their differences.

captcha: daemons schroder

>> No.2746568

scumbag atheists

>> No.2746577

I've actually met Filipinos trying to convert me to catholicism on fucking Omegle.

There's trolling, and then there's being Filipino.

>> No.2746617


>> No.2746632

I still refuse to believe there's christfags on /sci/

only trolls

>> No.2746639


Eh, most Internet atheists are really agnostics who want to sound "tough".

>> No.2746645

That's because you're a 14 year old buttmad athiest

>> No.2746648


Acting dumb has got to be the lamest way to troll.

>> No.2746655


Proving my point exactly.

>> No.2746664


Damn straight. They're immature children who are butthurt that they were forced to go to church on Sunday.

>> No.2746667

Eh, most Internet agnostics are really atheists who are too uneducated to realise it.

>> No.2746671


Gee, I'm an agnostic and I've been persecuted and called names on the net by atheists before. And I don't even practice a religion.

>> No.2746673


are you butthurt there's a 666 in your post? Does that mean you got to teh hell?

>> No.2746674

I see atheists getting persecuted by agnostics more than any religious folk you can find on the internet.

>> No.2746675

Most agnostics are either closest theists, or atheists that don't want to be associated with atheists.

>> No.2746677


>> No.2746680

>third world country
>"Can they even read?"
Typical Americunt.

>> No.2746683


I've been called wishy-washy and spineless and a closet religious believer and all kinds of bullshit about Russell's Teapot. I may have different viewpoints than Christians, but I don't have any reason to hate them.

>> No.2746684

I'm actually interested to find out how christfags on /sci/ feel that their beloved science is slowely destroying religion.

You can't deny that religion has much less influence these days.

>> No.2746690

There aren't, just agnostics persecuting/trolling atheists on the internet (especially /sci/). That's how hated they are, where even the non-theists or non-religious are attacking them.

>> No.2746691


>You can't deny that religion has much less influence these days.

Seems to have about as much influence as it always did.

>> No.2746701

Conversation with an Agnostic (Ag).
i- Well do you believe in a god?
Ag- No I think that knowledge...
i- STOP right there. You are an Atheist.
Ag- No I am not.
i- So you lied and you do believe in a god.
Ag- No I don't believe in Gods. I think that...
i- STOP. Atheists do not believe in a god. You do not believe in a god. You are an Atheist. Don't worry I won't burn you alive.

>> No.2746720


I believe simply that any of the multitude of religions out there could be right, which is why I believe it safest to not side with one over the other.

>> No.2746729

Still doesn't believe in a god, so you're an (certain form of) atheist.

Atheism, by definition, isn't antireligion, that would be along the lines of sacrilegion.

>> No.2746736

soooooo, when exactly was the last time someone got burned for questioning the church.
For one, my country has an openly athiest Prime Minister.
Seriously Religious people here are mocked and rarely treated seriously.

>> No.2746737


Didn't say I don't believe there's a god, I don't know which one it is.

>> No.2746739


This, if Satan were real, i'd be down with that motherfucker so quick. Like be one of his generals or some shit.

Preferential treatment ftw dawg.

>> No.2746742

That isn't a belief in a god though.

>> No.2746744


Chances are that wherever you live, they won't say anything about Muslims.

>> No.2746754


Atheist: I am 99% convinced there isn't a God

Agnostic: How would you know? Have you ever died and come back to tell us?

>> No.2746766

That's just because they are violent. It doesn't mean anyone takes them seriously.
Their prophet was still a pedofag

>> No.2746767

The agnostic is still not holding a belief in a god, just a consideration, therefore atheist.

>> No.2746778

You believe that the world may be 6000 years old?
You believe life may have stemmed from adam and eve and langauge stemmed from babel?
You believe scientology may be correct and we are souls from zenu?
You believe mythology may be true?
Have you studied Islam or Hindu enough to know anything about it?
You believe the Jesus might have been born in america and blacks are cursed humans who decided not to fight against satan?
Are you aware in Islam and Christianity being an agnostic does not spare you from going to hell? You better pick a god soon.

>> No.2746782

sounds like pussies to me

>> No.2746785

True for false.
Theists and other religious nuts: true
atheists: false
agnostics: or
stay classy agnostics

>> No.2746788

But they still don't have a belief in one, so logically they fall into the other.

>> No.2746789

believing in god and religon are not the same

>> No.2746791


Really, I was strictly talking about belief in God(s), not the surrounding mythology, which I believe is unimportant anyway.

>> No.2746792

That's the point i was getting across. Agnostics = atheists.

>> No.2746793

You either believe in god or you don't

There is no middle ground

>> No.2746801

Well in order for the "or" analogy to work, it needs to be completely different from both choices presented. But that doesn't work in the cases of beliefs: you either do or you don't, so whatever "or" you have is going to get drafted to the two choices presented.

>> No.2746804

You believe that the world may be 6000 years old?
>You believe life may have stemmed from adam and eve
No, human life maybe.
and langauge stemmed from babel?
>yes maybe
>You believe scientology may be correct and we are souls from zenu?
>You believe mythology may be true?
>Have you studied Islam or Hindu enough to know anything about it?
>You believe the Jesus might have been born in america and blacks are cursed humans who decided not to fight against satan?
No i don't believe that
>Are you aware in Islam and Christianity being an agnostic does not spare you from going to hell? You better pick a god soon.
Well thats their believe

not the one youre replying to thou'

>> No.2746812

see >>2746792

>> No.2746813


>Are you aware in Islam and Christianity being an agnostic does not spare you from going to hell?

I'm a nice guy who doesn't rape, murder, or pillage. I'm sure whatever God turns out to be, I'm good.

>> No.2746817

I see a "for" but not an "or."

>> No.2746819

>I'm a nice guy who doesn't rape, murder, or pillage.
i.e.: Beta male.

>> No.2746820
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Have fun burning for eternity.

>> No.2746827

Well you're definitely not going to heaven if thats what you are hoping for

>> No.2746828

ITT faggots who give a shit. Real men don't think about such petty things as whether a god exists or doesn't. Real men say fuck it do important things like cure cancer and discover safe and efficient ways to produce nuclear power. Call me an atheist if you will but I find the label trite and smacking of organized indoctrination, much like the philosophy it claims to abhor.

>> No.2746835

everything you do will be pointless in the end. just saying

>> No.2746836


Why would I go to Hell? Aside from the fact that there may not be one to begin with, why wouldn't a guy who does good in the world and doesn't try to harm others go to Heaven (assuming it exists)?

>> No.2746841

Because you don't believe it exist therefore you aren't going to heaven 'if it exist.'

>> No.2746846
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>> No.2746847


>> No.2746849

As an atheist, I lol'd.

>> No.2746851


You should be a christfag. You clearly have the aptitude for it.

>> No.2746852

How is that secular society treating your dogmas?

>> No.2746855


But if you did good in the world, you'd win either way.

>> No.2746858
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>element lyinglot

>> No.2746859

If you believe that then you do not know anything about Christianity or Islam. You must accept Allah into your life for Allah to accept you. A devoted Christian does not go into Islam heaven and neither does a law abiding agnostic. And vice versa. Plenty of lines in the bible and Koran stating this, (the world of God btw).

>> No.2746861

Sure, but don't expect to go to heaven for it.

>> No.2746866

If you believe that than you don't know anything about religon period.

>> No.2746869

If I take 71 jailbaits I'm okey with this.

>> No.2746883


He sounds a bit like a deist to me. Thinks theres some god but none of ours.

>> No.2746890

Speak for yourself. You're the one that's clueless.

>> No.2746895

Oh, thats cool. Your opinion means alot, even more since its coming from an atheist.

>> No.2746896


Well, I never studied them in depth. I just feel that the big things are to do good in life and respect the beliefs of others. Since you don't know which god is the right one, it's best to not insult any of them (which atheists seem to have a problem with doing)

>> No.2746902

Friggin agnostics should band together and promote the fact that nobody is a gnostic so they should shut the fuck up.

You cant know there is a god, and you cant know there isnt. It is purely a belief based on a lack of sufficient evidence. baaawww god exists because of the banana, baw god doesnt exist because of richard dawkins Shut the fuck up faggots!

None of you know anything until you admit you know nothing!

>> No.2746903

>which god is the right one
you obviously don't understand that believing in god has nothing to do with religion

>> No.2746910

You know you exist. Its safe to assume that youre god and created the world around you

>> No.2746920

>doesn't like the fact that the koran and bible say he's going to hell.
>get butthurt about atheist
hey here's an idea go talk to an imam and ask what will happen to you. Or maybe do some research yourself instead of blissfully thinking agnostics will get into whatever heaven is true.

And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers" [Aal 'Imraan 3:85]

>> No.2746928


Dont give me philosophy, give me raw hard facts. Just because I know I exist doesnt mean I created a world around me. we are observers that can interact with the apparent reality we are subject to.
This does not mean we know the origin of the universe and can disprove the existence of a supernatural being that created the universe nor prove it.
We seem to forget it is always going to be a subject of debate, and the only way to prove or disprove is to provide irrefutable evidence.

>> No.2746931


Islam gets a bad reputation for a reason. It's not their beliefs, it's the fact that they feel the need to kill people and blow stuff up in the name of them.

>> No.2746935

Prove to me that anything exist. And not just my imagination. With facts.

>> No.2746939

Dont lump everyone together, thats one reason why everyone's argument is invalid to the other party.

>> No.2746942


never assume, it only makes an ass-hole of yourself

>> No.2746943

Its funny because back in high school a friend of mine would say "when you die nothing happens" every time i sneezed

>> No.2746946
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No. You can't.

How can you be good without morality? You're fucking retarded.

It is Religion for me to force myself not to Sin, or something stupid like 'buy blue bowls'. I could call it the blue bowl Religion, a belief in never spending money on blue things.

So, how can you be 'Good', without a belief in morality? The concept of which the term 'Good' is born.

>> No.2746947

Its safe to assume 2 + 2 = 4. When it doesnt ill retract my statement

>> No.2746950

I exist because you cannot conjure up precisely what the entity who wrote this message was thinking at the time of this message.

>> No.2746952


i like ur thinking.

>> No.2746954

>respect the beliefs of others
Respect. Fucker you talk about respect.
My respect is earned.
This is the sort of statement that I hear from the whiny 16 year old Muslim bitches waving placards demanding respect for their beliefs. Fuck that jack.

>> No.2746959

>He thinks hes not part of my subconscious projections

>> No.2746960


its not an assumption, it was taught as fact in preschool u idiot!

>> No.2746963

>Talk about respect
>Use sweeping generalization based on negative stereotypes of atheists
>Atheists are the ones with respect issues

>> No.2746964

>he thinks he can prove to me what i am thinking

>> No.2746965

And why do you believe these fact. It seems you just assumed they were true

>> No.2746966

I do the right thing because it's the right thing.

But then, I'm not an arsehole, christfag.

>> No.2746972
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How do you understand it as the correct thing to do? Do you have any basis to what is considered 'Good' or are you a selfish prick who only considers the ratings given by peers as a valid determination of goodness?

>> No.2746974

Why would i. I dont know what anything of the projections in my dreams are thinking. What makes you think you are different. How do i even know that you are thinking.

>> No.2746976


>implying you wouldn't hit those Muslim bitches

>> No.2746978


No assumption, only open minded acceptance of that which has more evidence to prove existence than the latter.

>> No.2746980

Because I possess knowledge that you do not have. But you're just going to cop out behind 'if i don't know it, it's just in my subconscious'

>> No.2746981

more evidence does not make it true.

>> No.2746984

Prove you know something i dont

>> No.2746987

It is their beliefs. They have one massive old testament without the benefit of a new testament.

It's just violent and full of hate.

>> No.2746988
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>using the term "Good" without Religion
>thinks it is possible.

>> No.2746992

Im no conscious of how my heart id beating but my subconscious is. Just because im not aware of it on a conscious level doesnt mean im no aware of it. Ask a three year old how hes manipulating friction to walk.

>> No.2746993


Of course, Jews don't have the NT either, but you don't see them killing and bombing shit.

>> No.2746996

I have a third nipple.
I sweat profusely when I play assassin's creed brotherhood multiplayer.
Andromeda is on tv in a minute.

>> No.2746997

Good on a personal level.

While it's an invalid universal truth, it still directs people's lives.

>> No.2747001

Yeah, because youre not a computer simulation spamming an imageboard

>> No.2747002


>> No.2747005


>> No.2747007

Oh so now i'm a computer. Still not part of you.

>> No.2747008
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Then you are assuming that everyone considers themselves individuals rather than united. Which isn't true, there is no 'you' without 'us' and vice versa. You can deny this universal truth, but then you would be in denial - simply because it is valid. What is good for 'us' is not the same as what is good for 'you', personally, and thus, if you place your good over ours, you are not doing something truly good.

The original picture is invalid.

>> No.2747012


There is no assumption there is knowledge of that which is taught in developed society's schooling system is the norm from which is pulled from the wealth of knowledge society has built (or not).

To believe is to be stupid, to understand that everything you know is possibly retractable, is wiser.

The only way to prove a theory is to test it. It is hard to test potentially non existent supernatural deities, but I do think it is possible for those beliefs to be derived from some miss understood events. (perhaps some could be derived from fact)

However you can not prove nor disprove something that is not testable.

>> No.2747013

Implying i didnt make the computer with power of IMAGINATION

>> No.2747017

>He believes what people tell him to believe
>He believes that the test isnt assumed to be accurate
>He believes if a quarter falls on heads twice in a row its chances of landing on heads in 100 percent

>> No.2747020

If so, then you wouldn't mind imagining me with a larger penis please? It's far too small.

>> No.2747023

I am married, to an atheist, but even when I wasn't I never considered whiny bitches who were demanding respect for their silly beliefs worthy of anything other than contempt.
I do not respect people who believe it is OK to fuck children either BTW. I find their beliefs repugnant.

>> No.2747024

Shut the fuck up personality fragment #74.228643-Y

>> No.2747027

But then I would have to give a damn about you. If i wanted you to have a larger penis i would have given you want. Quit bitching and just be happy im even imagining you. if i were consciously aware youd have died by now.

>> No.2747028
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Your an idiot, the only assumption I can make is that you sir are indeed a troll.

>> No.2747031

You mad you assumed that the basic facts are true

>> No.2747040

I doubt you are so weak that you cannot exert your will over your universe. I denounce you as my god and creator.

>> No.2747044
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Lol I dont know where to go with you

>> No.2747048
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I'ma leave this thread, you guys are ruining my pelt.

>> No.2747051

>Yes because when im dreaming everything goes my way.
Its alright that you denounce me as your god. Its the same as someone in a dream telling me i didnt create them.

>> No.2747054

You mad you assumed

>> No.2747056

You didn't. Your subconscious did. That's not you. Its only a part of you. Outside of your control.

>> No.2747059

>Part of me
>Not me
Someone's getting desperate

>> No.2747073

> religion thread on my /sci/
> Over 100 replies
> Idiots claiming to be agnostic but not atheist

Stay classy, /sci/

>> No.2747086


No not even mad, cause I used it as a word to emphasize the humor of the debate.

Assumptions are only made by those with a lack of education in the subject matter.

I however do not believe, I know I exist and modify the universe accordingly. The information that is fed to me are left as suggestions to make decisions in the path in which I mould my life. I dont assume I am right or wrong in my decision making, I just do whatever I wish based on the information provided.

>> No.2747090

Poking holes into your bubble of solipsism = desperate
>admitting your own arguments suck

>acknowledging i'm someone else

>> No.2747092

so you assume you know nothing and you assume nothing is fact

>> No.2747095

So if i stabbed you with my right hand you would blame my hand and not me.
>Cool fallacy bro

>> No.2747097

Prove to me that assumptions need to be made, and stop bothering with wild accusations about assumptions being made.

>> No.2747101

You should get that checked out bro. It's not normal for your right hand to be outside of your control.

>> No.2747114

>Eh, most Internet agnostics are really atheist who don't want to risk upseting others.

>> No.2747115

Yeah my heart also does this weird thing I've heard referred to as beating outside of my control. Should I get that checked out ad well.

>> No.2747118

Ah, but it's normal for your heart to beat outside of your control.
You sure like making simple arguments for you to shoot down.

>> No.2747121


Idiot, generalising peoples beliefs!

>> No.2747123

So you're assuming you're not assuming or are you assuming something else

>> No.2747125

That was the point, wasn't it.

>> No.2747135


Your assuming that I'm assuming about something I am not assuming, when all in all your still assuming that all people make assumptions.

you sound like someone who believes in only what he assumes.

>> No.2747137

So who defines normal. I thought it was normal that my arm does that

>> No.2747142

You do. Apparently part of your subconscious disagrees.

>> No.2747145


I fucking love trolls like this, he is a fine one!

>> No.2747158

That makes sense. Me and my subconscious don't seem to agree on a lot of things

>> No.2747169

Just doing my job

>> No.2747177

stfu and stop bothering me you subconscious projection

>> No.2747180


>> No.2747184

>most Internet atheists are really agnostics who want to sound "tough".
I feel the express need to point out that these two are not mutually exclusive. All rational people are agnostic. Most are more or less atheist too.

>> No.2747188

But by your logic you are my projection until proven otherwise

>> No.2747195

whose logic? you're MY projection. gtfo.

>> No.2747196
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>> No.2747203

Well its been a fun hour or so but it seems you understand my original so I'm going to end it this before you start back pedalling

>> No.2747211

you still couldn't prove that you were imagining me.

>> No.2747222

My point was that you couldnt prove anything. My failure only strengthens my original point.

>> No.2747242

The fact that you haven't flown and killed everything in sight proves that you're afraid your doubts are true. In fact you suspect them to be true.

>> No.2747262

Cool gibberish bro. I do that all the time

>> No.2747265

Prove it bro!

>> No.2747270

But then that would contradict my original point if that were possible.

>> No.2747272

So are you afraid of proving it or are you incapable? Because I doubt you incapable.

>> No.2747280

I've stated from the beginning that its an impossibility to do so.

>> No.2747287


i really don't think you understand how much influence it used to have.

>> No.2747294

Go to the middle east and burn a quran. Come back after the results

>> No.2747298

Don't think so. Surely you can bring yourself to me. Or me to you.

>> No.2747307

What's that have to do with anything. If I wanted to see another projection I would close my eyes

>> No.2747315

to prove that i am your projection or that you are my projection

>> No.2747325

And how would meeting you prove that. I wouldn't mine if it had a pointed

>> No.2747334

Because it would show that you or i are indeed the only actual thing in this word and that we can exert a degree of control over it. Course inception never actually does that so you can't think of how you'd do it lulz