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File: 4 KB, 120x126, fffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2745080 No.2745080 [Reply] [Original]

>...an adolescent with an IQ of 100 was 1.5 to 5 times more likely to have had intercourse than a teen with a score of 120 or 130.
>Each additional point of IQ increased the odds of virginity by 2.7% for males and 1.7% for females.

>By the age of 19, 80% of US males and 75% of women have lost their virginity, and 87% of college students have had sex.
>According to the article, only 56% of Princeton undergraduates have had intercourse. At Harvard 59% of the undergraduates are non-virgins, and at MIT, only a slight majority, 51%, have had intercourse. Further, only 65% of MIT graduate students have had sex.

Virginity by major:
>studio art: 0%
>humanities: 20%
>biology: 72%
>biochem/math: 83% virgin


>> No.2745084


my liberal art IQ made me forget the link.

>> No.2745113

>83% virgin
groundbreaking surprise.

>> No.2745129

check your numbers, faggot.


>his ladvina

>> No.2745135
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>> No.2745169

I'm glad I beat the statistics, but then again I was a frat boy biochemist that's relatively sociable.

>Hours upon hours in labs for class or research
>Didn't go to frat's parties, just hung out and smoked weed or played enormous games of Illuminati, Axis and Allies, or Naval Plan Orange with my bros
>Worked my ass off for summer internships
Wait, I wore a suit (full windsor, tailored suit, slim fit Thomas Pink shirts, cufflinks), worked downtown, lived downtown, and partied downtown with my buddy from HS working at state republican HQ.
THAT'S how I ever got laid!

TL;DR: Thank goodness for gold-digging whores!

>> No.2745227
File: 61 KB, 500x488, huurgwarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat the statistics
like that's a hard class

>> No.2745242

Wow. Great troll, great pun.

10/10 sir

>> No.2745244
File: 78 KB, 360x340, Suck-My-Dick-Like-a-Boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw IQ of 148, deflowering at 14 and fucked regularly since this day

>> No.2745252

>gets fucked over regularly
regular ol' charlie brown right there

>> No.2745279

>regular ol' charlie brown right there
Quite the opposite, what I was trying to say is "bang chicks regularly" please excuse my english, it's not my native language

>> No.2745294

I am still in High School, but: I find that while I am relatively inept at attempting to attract mates, I rarely attempt to do so because I consider most people too stupid to be worth my time and I believe on philosophical grounds that sexual relations should be casual and between friends. However, I have come to think of Machiavellianism in the context of sexuality, which is an intellectual way of describing what many men are stereotyped to do: play women psychologically into having sexual relations with you. I think as intellectuals we could use our superior intellect to fuck all the women we want if we put our mind to it but may have moral objections to doing so or as I said before, they are too stupid to be worth our time.

>> No.2745295
File: 5 KB, 251x206, what (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a native?

>> No.2745301
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If that's a satire, it's god tier.

>> No.2745306

what's your secret?

>> No.2745309

>1.1% of people surveyed dont think vaginal sex is sex
>2% of people think "passionate kissing" is sex

>> No.2745315

Wait, why do you care if you don't want children?

>> No.2745324

If you had any morals, you would know women are not animals you fucktard. Good luck having a healthy relationship in your distant future.

>> No.2745330
File: 38 KB, 300x401, comeatme (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>donate sperm to ensure the propagation of my superior genes
>have sex for leisure
>be awesome all around

Come at me bro.

>> No.2745343

It's not guaranteed unless you have a child with a woman who does not die before (s)he can reproduce.

>> No.2745347

All people are animals
Women confirmed for alien status

>> No.2745348

Finally, op, a way to feel glad about your virginity.

>> No.2745354

Proof that intelligent men don't need sex to function properly

>> No.2745352

That may be the first positive response I remember ever getting on 4chan, but I was being serious. Fuckin' right, though, isn't it? Perhaps not so much after reading the article, but it seems to make sense in my own case.

>> No.2745360

When I was 13 someone set the school in fire
Since I was always distributing anarchist leaflets I was immediately suspected
During the trial I've been convicted because every teachers testified against me
1 year later I was the new kid of the school who was out of detention center, had tattoos and became violent against any form of authority so I had any chick I wanted
During high school I was the experienced guy so I had any chick I wanted
Now I'm the guy with a lot tattoos, funny stories about prison and lot of scars so I have any chick I want

>> No.2745368
File: 12 KB, 204x207, bwahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was serious

>> No.2745386

>>only 65% of MIT graduate students have had sex

holy shit

>> No.2745392

Engineering: 100% before, 50%during degree, 0% after.

>> No.2745396

Did anybody read TFA

Basically if you are really smart or really stupid you have low testosterone and you may have trouble procreating or being interested in procreation.

How long has it been since you masturbated? That is a good indicator of your testosterone. a long time = low testosterone, recently = high.

So if you have high testosterone then your intelligence is more likely to be average and perhaps you haven't scored because you are a geek, an average geek. But if you haven't masturbated recently and you are a virgin, congrats! Your IQ is probably higher than mine.

>> No.2745398

You've also been to prison, and it looks like they got the women they want.

>ie: you

>> No.2745410

I masturbate every day. Sometimes twice a day. I'm also a virgin nerd with an IQ of 132 on the Wechsler.

It's just some blogger's conclusion after skimming some statistics. Take it with a 15 mol solution of sodium.

>> No.2745416

Contrary to popular belief prison is really easy for a smart guy, the tip is to find the biggest smuggler and trade your brain against his protection
These guys are always searching new ways to introduce and hide prohibited goods inside the prison and jailers are very easy to fool
I spent 16 month in jail and I never had any problem with the prisoners (with the jailers it's another story but they never did more than breaking my bones)

>> No.2745424
File: 11 KB, 251x251, 45092348502349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when i have major in biology and im not a virgin

>> No.2745426

He has a paper to back it up (at least for teens).

>> No.2745430


The author of this story didn't explore one theme that much of the other research on this subject does. Logical and social intelligence often do not overlap. The stereotype of the shy akward professor exists for a reason; it is often true.

Doing well on an IQ test proves that you can see high order patterns, rearrange letters in sentences, and intuitively solve linear systems of equations

Empathetic intelligence means you can anticipate the feelings of others and you can quickly improvise a course of action that drives their emotions toward your goal.

Just like logical intelligence, you can learn empathetic intelligence but you will eventually hit an upper limit built into your genetics. You can't just think your way out of a deficiency as much as you may want to.

>> No.2745468

Regardless of whether its satire, I agree with all of what >>2745294 said. Lucky for me I won't have to worry to much about moral qualms, since im gay and my relations will likely be of a casual nature, with people I see eye to eye with. awwwright.

inb4 hurdurdur fagget

>> No.2745473
File: 164 KB, 654x598, UMADSAID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2745484


If you took the author's conclusion with a 15 mol NaCl solution you would be dead since that's like 900 g of salt.

You probably mean't to say molar, but a fucking 15 molar solution is above the solubility limit of just about everything (barring water and NaOH). Also if you could theoretically make and subsequently drink 15 molar NaCl, a fucking teaspoon would dehydrate the shit outa you.

Not to nitpick, but as a somewhat intelligent person (IQ ≅105) I doubt that such a blazing incongruity would make it past the proofing of a IQ =132 genius.

I guess the funniest thing of all is that in your attempt to sound like a genius you exposed yourself as a fairly average intelligence individual, perhaps a high-school student currently taking chemistry who is unfamiliar with the vocab.

>> No.2745487

hurdurdur engineer

>> No.2745511

I count myself as a virgin for practical purposes although it'll probably give me some flack here. I've kissed maybe three girls (turning 21 soon), and had one long term relation where we had a decent amount of sex. Personally though I don't think that counts as me suddenly being 'non-virgin'. To me 'non-virgin' signifies a semi-constant relationship with the opposite sex, but since that long term relationship I haven't had so much as a kiss.

Although, and rightfully I think, I'm more worried about the fact that I have pretty much no friends after three years at university - at least not good ones. I really need to figure out how to better relate to people. The thing is I always want to be getting something done, and on the rare occasion I go out it's always to drink or see a movie and the like. Does anyone have friends that actually want to do 'work' building something, writing something, running an experiment and so on)?

>> No.2745524

132 isn't genius. It's only about the top 1.5% or so.

>> No.2745540

>If you took the author's conclusion with a 15 mol NaCl solution you would be dead since that's like 900 g of salt.
I'm pretty sure I can drink it

>> No.2745543

IQ is 200, I'm a biochem major and I've gotten laid twice a day since I was 12

>> No.2745547

Future astrophysics major. Claiming math atm.
Not a virgin.
Feels tainted and badman. Regret my last relationship, especially the sex, everyday.
Want to return to innocence of my youth.
Still 18. Shitsux.
Don't worry bout "viriginity" status, it doesn't mean fucking anything guys.

>> No.2745546
File: 17 KB, 379x214, better than expected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ of 134
>lose virginity 3 months ago

>> No.2745574

>IQ of a million
>lost virginity when I was 2
OP is a faggot