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2742130 No.2742130 [Reply] [Original]

Why do religions hate gay people and sex in general?

are they heavens for pedophiles?

>> No.2742134 [DELETED] 

all of them

>> No.2742137

you could've at least posted lesbians

>> No.2742143

Deistfag here. I really don't know as I haven't studied enough about different religions to give an educated opinion.

>> No.2742148

It seems to be because the propensity for religious behaviour is linked to irrational fears.

>> No.2742144

Non-conformity undermines the absolute authority of religious authorities.

>> No.2742150


deism is as retarded as theism since you are a credulous individual, you believe in something there are no evidences

>> No.2742153


Wait a minute? Didn't atheistic communist nations enforce rigid conformity and obedience to authority?

>> No.2742164


Well, I wouldn't be a deist if I saw any evidence that there's a god who cares about or interacts with us.

>> No.2742170

That had nothing to do with them being atheist and you are a troll for claiming it did.

Stalin and the like banned religion because it competed with him and the state for the peoples worship and obedience not because he was an atheist.

>> No.2742173


Then the Inquisition had nothing to do with religion and was simply about base political reasons. Ok, gotcha.

>> No.2742175

who kills in the name of there is no god?

whoever, muslims kill in the name of allah

>> No.2742179

Religious people are attention whores.
Militant atheists are attention whores.
Faggots are attention whores.

Let them battle it out with their self-important arguments.

>> No.2742182

Are you deliberately trolling? The fact the USSR was atheist had absolutely nothing to do with it being authoritarian. The inquisition on the other hand had a hell of a lot to do with religion.

>> No.2742186

double standards much?

>> No.2742187


Right. So every atrocity perpetrated by atheists was just for political reasons, but every atrocity perpetrated by Christians was for religious reasons.

Methinks there's a double-standard here.

>> No.2742189

It is not a double standard in any way whatsoever. Someone can be an atheist without it being a reason for him to do something as was the case with the USSR. This was not the case with the Inquisition and many other religion based murders/atrocities where their religious beliefs played a role. Or are you so stupid you think everything an atheist does is motivated by their atheism?

>> No.2742192


That's why I'm an agnostic. They can all jump in a lake for what I care.

>> No.2742193

See >>2742189

and stop making troll statements

>> No.2742197


Two points. Communists believed religion to be an outdated, unscientific relic of bourgeois society that had to be destroyed to build a new and better world. Also it proves that atheism does not make a person more moral or peace loving than a religious believer. In fact, quite the opposite.

>> No.2742201


Eh, a mix of religious and political motives. Keeping in mind that separation of church and state did not exist back then.

>> No.2742204


It doesnt "prove the opposite"
All that it shows is that both atheist and theist are fairly equal when it comes to morals. The end. Now can we have more science discussions.

>> No.2742207

It isn't about religion vs. atheism and never was.

It's about fanaticism vs. flexibility.

>"Doubt begets understanding, and understanding begets compassion. Verily, it is conviction that kills." R Scott Bakker

>> No.2742208

They believed that because of their communism. And that second point is just a plain lie when you consider how many wars and atrocities were started in the name of religion. And the fact that today its still religious people who murder others over their beliefs, try to take over countries, hold back science and progress and all those other fun things religions make people do.

>> No.2742215
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>> No.2742226


>They believed that because of their communism.

They used exactly the same arguments against religion that the Dawkins crew uses.

> And that second point is just a plain lie when you consider how many wars and atrocities were started in the name of religion.

Mostly hundreds of years ago. But to go back, it proves that a society with enforced atheism is not a better one, just a totalitarian gulag.

>And the fact that today its still religious people who murder others over their beliefs, try to take over countries

Yeah, Muslims are like that.

>hold back science and progress

Actually most of the things Christians are opposed to are practices like abortion that devalue and destroy human life. I don't think there were any Christians who said "Let's not discover a vaccine for polio because it would be a sin against God."

>> No.2742227


Inability to refute noted.

>> No.2742228
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>> No.2742230


>implying totalitarianism = atheism

>retard confirmed

>> No.2742240
File: 97 KB, 304x360, whydoesntheexist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have a background in social sciences, but you aren't clever enough to grasp that the universe dosen't give a shit about you... and you will die. Stop pretending the earth owes you something and god made you to live a happy life. Its bullshit made to make you feel better. Enjoy.

>> No.2742247


U nihilist?

>> No.2742252


>Actually most of the things Christians are opposed to are practices like abortion that devalue and destroy human life

And that is holding back progres. The idea that human life is somehow sacred and untouchable prevents us from experimenting and improving ourselves as effectively as we could.
The value of human life depends on it's ability to further the scientific and technologial progres of our species.

>> No.2742253


No... The purpose of your life is to reproduce. A meaningless existence is trivial.

>> No.2742255

>implying a guy didn't just get stabbed in florida for being a muslim

Honestly, I've never seen a muslim get up in arms over someone being a christian. Now a Jew... Seriously though, most ideas of Islam being "spread by the sword" come from outdated research.

>> No.2742262

You state reproducing is the only reason for existence, but the reproduction in itself is an act trying to further the human race. So if the human race can be furthered by more direct means, then these too are reasons to live.

>> No.2742266
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Ok, so you believe in human experimentation. Well, so did this guy.

>> No.2742268


How does this relate to god?

>> No.2742269


>Honestly, I've never seen a muslim get up in arms over someone being a christian. Now a Jew... Seriously though, most ideas of Islam being "spread by the sword" come from outdated research.

Ok, you are totally lost and hopeless. I can't even begin to explain what's wrong with this post.

>> No.2742275

You are good guy Mengele. Well done, well done mate. Don't let them drag you down.

>> No.2742276

I'd love to see some journals or books cited on your part stating otherwise. In actuality, Muhammad was a military commander, other leaders around him thought it might be a good idea to convert, so he'd be more likely to work with them, the population ruled by the leader thought they should convert too, since Muslims were given higher status in Muslim society.

>> No.2742277
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Atheists are living in a dream world. Getting rid of religion won't help mankind to progress one iota. Do you know what atheism leads to? This.

>> No.2742278

Why do you idiot persist, if you are going to troll at least make it subtle or original.

>> No.2742280

was addressing

>> No.2742281

That's not even atheism, that's just rationalism.

>> No.2742283
File: 120 KB, 512x402, holocaust 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let us remember what happened the last time anyone thought science could be used to make a new and improved race of men.

>> No.2742284


Not even at all.

Morals and empathy do not come from religion. One could argue that religion tends to preach quite a warped view of morals.

>> No.2742286


I agree with your contention. It is important to achieve progression with our species. However the central point for our existence is to pass the genes and further it. I was asking what does that have to do with god. Because if it doesnt then we're both on the same page.

>> No.2742287

I love how people cite the holocaust as eugenics, when in fact Hitler originally wanted to send them to Africa but it was just cheaper to kill them.

>> No.2742291

Well you don't need religion to have morals and all that.
But you almost always do need religion to have people murdered for being scientists or having different religious views.

Most of religions downsides only exist with religion while all of its real benefits do not require religion.

>> No.2742293


Godwin's law faggots, you lose.

>> No.2742294


>implying the end of religion affects social policy

nice try dude.

>> No.2742296

Oh it doesn't. I'm not saying God doesn't have anything to do with the meaning of life, just that the claim of reproduction being the only meaning of life by atheists is too narrow.

>> No.2742297

Well Madagascar was the original plan but the Royal navy would have stopped that so they wanted to use Siberia but the Russians did not lose.

>> No.2742299
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Pol Pot also thought that he had to abolish religion to build a better society.

>> No.2742305
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you lose.

>> No.2742301

Stop using Communist dictators to attack atheism, its way too obvious a troll tactic.

>> No.2742303


The holocaust wasnt about eugenics, but there was definitely a eugenics program in the Nazi party and involved the undesirables that the party distinguished.

>> No.2742304

Hitler's message of racial purity continues to be relevant and nutritious. We atheists miss you, Hitler. Transhumanism is only a plot to revive you.

>> No.2742307


Nazis were following a nutty pseudiscientific ideology, they were in no way trying to improve mankind.

Human experimentation could be done on criminals on death row for example. They are gonna die anyways, so what is the harm?

>> No.2742311


>But you almost always do need religion to have people murdered for being scientists or having different religious views.

I dunno; communist governments persecuted any scientists who didn't conform to the state ideology.

>> No.2742313


its inhumane you fucktard.

>> No.2742319
File: 70 KB, 750x600, doublefacepalms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying communism = dictatorships

>> No.2742321
File: 320 KB, 854x1278, dapoopoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it makes us to animals and leads to worse perversions. Gays do nothing but being ass whores. Female sluts do the same thing. SOCIETY CAN'T FUCTION LIKE THAT. WE WOULD STILL LIFE IN CAVES WITHOUT SEXUAL RESTRICTIONS AND IT WILL LEAD TO DEGRADATION OF INTELLECT.

>> No.2742322
File: 26 KB, 460x344, hitler_mufti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You lose for pretending that Hitler wasn't a pagan who also admired Islam.

>> No.2742326

Pedophiles are not people, they deserve horrible torture

>> No.2742331


you lose for associating hitler + holocaust with atheism, fucking asshat.

>> No.2742333


>emotional apeals.

It's practical you asshead. If the criminals are going to be put to death like animals, why the hell should we waste a good opportunity to do experiments on them? If we get lucky, the experiments themselves might kill them, saving the state from the trouble of doing it themselves.

>> No.2742335


>implying 20+ hour solitary confinement isnt torture

fucking try that sometime. Im sure you'll love it after the first 10 years.

>> No.2742338

You say perversions like theu are a bad thing.

>> No.2742337



>> No.2742341

OP it is because the goal of Christianity(what i think you are talking about when you say religion) in marriage is to be fruitful and multiply, that is why Christians are Pro-Life and against gay marriage. Simple doctrine

>> No.2742339

>Nazis were following a nutty pseudiscientific ideology, they were in no way trying to improve mankind.

They thought they were anyway.

>Human experimentation could be done on criminals on death row for example.

Nothing new. Even in medieval/Renaissance times, the corpses of executed criminals were used as teaching tools for medical students. The Church approved it because they said that criminals were headed to Hell anyway, so it didn't matter what anyone did with their bodies.

>> No.2742342


Its not based on emotions. Plenty of people are tried and convicted wrongfully. How fucked up would it be if you got locked up for 15 yrs and to put sugar on it we're gonna run a series of potentially lethal tests on you. DESPITE YOU REALLY BEING INNOCENT =D.

Im sure thats the world you want to live in.

>> No.2742343

Human experimentation would be more horrible torture and thus more suitable.

>> No.2742352

If you ban legal human torture it's going to go underground. Anybody might get tortured. A typical fallacy of statists is that the government can protect them infinitely.

>> No.2742353


That is not an argument against human experimentation on death row inmates. That is an argument against a shitty justice system.
Besides, the chance getting in to prison, while being innocent is pretty low these days.

>> No.2742371


you willing to take that chance? killing an innocent person?

>> No.2742386

The chance of that happening to anyone, let alone to me in so slim that there is no need to be bothered with it.
And who gives a shit anyways. Oh no, one innocent guy got killed, boo fucking hoo.
I most likely didn't even know that person. And if he is experimented upon, his death is not in vain, as it fuels the growth of our knowledge as a species.

>> No.2742391

Wars aren't caused by religion, they're caused by agendas.
Back when tons of countries fought wars over religion, it was because the idea of a national identity wasn't invented yet.
Religion was simply one big old agenda that a wide range of houses from various Kingdoms could identify with.

Back then everyone believed that Kings carry out the will of God. So as a King, if you wanted to go around and conquer everything, calling it a "crusade" was an extremely convenient way to get the masses on your side.

>So, religion was the problem?
No, ambitious world leaders were the problem.

Nowadays we just declare wars for the good of the country, whether that be our country or their country.

>> No.2742408


Although you make a valid point - it dosent absolve religion of its anti progression stance. It needs to go.

>> No.2742420

>Huge, drawn out discussion of religion
>/sci/ - Science & Math
I am disappoint.

>> No.2742425


>implying science can't study religion as a human memetic phenomena

>> No.2742440


bump for simple answer.
